Esempio n. 1
def to_digits_exp(s, dps):
    """Helper function for representing the floating-point number s as
    a decimal with dps digits. Returns (sign, string, exponent) where
    sign is '' or '-', string is the digit string, and exponent is
    the decimal exponent as an int.

    If inexact, the decimal representation is rounded toward zero."""

    # Extract sign first so it doesn't mess up the string digit count
    if s[0]:
        sign = '-'
        s = mpf_neg(s)
        sign = ''
    _sign, man, exp, bc = s

    if not man:
        return '', '0', 0

    bitprec = int(dps * math.log(10,2)) + 10

    # Cut down to size
    # TODO: account for precision when doing this
    exp_from_1 = exp + bc
    if abs(exp_from_1) > 3500:
        from libelefun import mpf_ln2, mpf_ln10
        # Set b = int(exp * log(2)/log(10))
        # If exp is huge, we must use high-precision arithmetic to
        # find the nearest power of ten
        expprec = bitcount(abs(exp)) + 5
        tmp = from_int(exp)
        tmp = mpf_mul(tmp, mpf_ln2(expprec))
        tmp = mpf_div(tmp, mpf_ln10(expprec), expprec)
        b = to_int(tmp)
        s = mpf_div(s, mpf_pow_int(ften, b, bitprec), bitprec)
        _sign, man, exp, bc = s
        exponent = b
        exponent = 0

    # First, calculate mantissa digits by converting to a binary
    # fixed-point number and then converting that number to
    # a decimal fixed-point number.
    fixprec = max(bitprec - exp - bc, 0)
    fixdps = int(fixprec / math.log(10,2) + 0.5)
    sf = to_fixed(s, fixprec)
    sd = bin_to_radix(sf, fixprec, 10, fixdps)
    digits = numeral(sd, base=10, size=dps)

    exponent += len(digits) - fixdps - 1
    return sign, digits, exponent
Esempio n. 2
def to_digits_exp(s, dps):
    """Helper function for representing the floating-point number s as
    a decimal with dps digits. Returns (sign, string, exponent) where
    sign is '' or '-', string is the digit string, and exponent is
    the decimal exponent as an int.

    If inexact, the decimal representation is rounded toward zero."""

    # Extract sign first so it doesn't mess up the string digit count
    if s[0]:
        sign = '-'
        s = mpf_neg(s)
        sign = ''
    _sign, man, exp, bc = s

    if not man:
        return '', '0', 0

    bitprec = int(dps * math.log(10,2)) + 10

    # Cut down to size
    # TODO: account for precision when doing this
    exp_from_1 = exp + bc
    if abs(exp_from_1) > 3500:
        from libelefun import mpf_ln2, mpf_ln10
        # Set b = int(exp * log(2)/log(10))
        # If exp is huge, we must use high-precision arithmetic to
        # find the nearest power of ten
        expprec = bitcount(abs(exp)) + 5
        tmp = from_int(exp)
        tmp = mpf_mul(tmp, mpf_ln2(expprec))
        tmp = mpf_div(tmp, mpf_ln10(expprec), expprec)
        b = to_int(tmp)
        s = mpf_div(s, mpf_pow_int(ften, b, bitprec), bitprec)
        _sign, man, exp, bc = s
        exponent = b
        exponent = 0

    # First, calculate mantissa digits by converting to a binary
    # fixed-point number and then converting that number to
    # a decimal fixed-point number.
    fixprec = max(bitprec - exp - bc, 0)
    fixdps = int(fixprec / math.log(10,2) + 0.5)
    sf = to_fixed(s, fixprec)
    sd = bin_to_radix(sf, fixprec, 10, fixdps)
    digits = numeral(sd, base=10, size=dps)

    exponent += len(digits) - fixdps - 1
    return sign, digits, exponent
Esempio n. 3
def to_bstr(x):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    return ['','-'][sign] + numeral(man, size=bitcount(man), base=2) + ("e%i" % exp)
Esempio n. 4
def to_bstr(x):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    return ['','-'][sign] + numeral(man, size=bitcount(man), base=2) + ("e%i" % exp)