Esempio n. 1
def set_cert_generation_enabled(course_key, is_enabled):
    """Enable or disable self-generated certificates for a course.

    There are two "switches" that control whether self-generated certificates
    are enabled for a course:

    1) Whether the self-generated certificates feature is enabled.
    2) Whether self-generated certificates have been enabled for this particular course.

    The second flag should be enabled *only* when someone has successfully
    generated example certificates for the course.  This helps avoid
    configuration errors (for example, not having a template configured
    for the course installed on the workers).  The UI for the instructor
    dashboard enforces this constraint.

        course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier.

    Keyword Arguments:
        is_enabled (boolean): If provided, enable/disable self-generated
            certificates for this course.

    CertificateGenerationCourseSetting.set_self_generatation_enabled_for_course(course_key, is_enabled)
    cert_event_type = 'enabled' if is_enabled else 'disabled'
    event_name = '.'.join(['edx', 'certificate', 'generation', cert_event_type])
    tracker.emit(event_name, {
        'course_id': unicode(course_key),
    if is_enabled:"Enabled self-generated certificates for course '%s'.", unicode(course_key))
    else:"Disabled self-generated certificates for course '%s'.", unicode(course_key))
Esempio n. 2
def set_cert_generation_enabled(course_key, is_enabled):
    """Enable or disable self-generated certificates for a course.

    There are two "switches" that control whether self-generated certificates
    are enabled for a course:

    1) Whether the self-generated certificates feature is enabled.
    2) Whether self-generated certificates have been enabled for this particular course.

    The second flag should be enabled *only* when someone has successfully
    generated example certificates for the course.  This helps avoid
    configuration errors (for example, not having a template configured
    for the course installed on the workers).  The UI for the instructor
    dashboard enforces this constraint.

        course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier.

    Keyword Arguments:
        is_enabled (boolean): If provided, enable/disable self-generated
            certificates for this course.

    CertificateGenerationCourseSetting.set_self_generatation_enabled_for_course(course_key, is_enabled)
    cert_event_type = 'enabled' if is_enabled else 'disabled'
    event_name = '.'.join(['edx', 'certificate', 'generation', cert_event_type])
    tracker.emit(event_name, {
        'course_id': six.text_type(course_key),
    if is_enabled:"Enabled self-generated certificates for course '%s'.", six.text_type(course_key))
    else:"Disabled self-generated certificates for course '%s'.", six.text_type(course_key))
Esempio n. 3
def _update_cert_settings_on_pacing_change(sender, updated_course_overview, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Catches the signal that course pacing has changed and enable/disable
    the self-generated certificates according to course-pacing.
    )'Certificate Generation Setting Toggled for {course_id} via pacing change'.format(