Esempio n. 1
def test_manual_standard_logistic_regression():
    X = np.array([[0, 4, 1],
                  [3, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 2]])
    y = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    Xsparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(X)

    for i in xrange(40):
        theta = logistic.logistic_gradient_descent(X, y, max_iter=i, eta0=0.1)
        thetaFast = logistic.fast_logistic_gradient_descent(X, y, max_iter=i, eta0=0.1)

        thetaM, b = logistic.modified_logistic_gradient_descent(X, y, max_iter=i, b=0.0, eta0=0.1)
        assert b == 0.0
        thetaMFast, b = logistic.fast_modified_logistic_gradient_descent(X, y, max_iter=i, b=0.0, eta0=0.1)
        assert b == 0.0

        thetaSparse = logistic.fast_logistic_gradient_descent(Xsparse, y, max_iter=i, eta0=0.1)
        thetaMSparse, b = logistic.fast_modified_logistic_gradient_descent(Xsparse, y, max_iter=i, b=0.0, eta0=0.1)
        assert b == 0.0

        close = partial(np.allclose, rtol=0.01, atol=0.0001)
        if i == 0:
            assert np.allclose(theta, [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
        elif i == 1:
            answer = [0.0095, 0.0105, 0.0095, 0.009]
            assert close(theta, answer)
            theta[2] += 0.0003
            assert not close(theta, answer)
            theta[2] -= 0.0003
        elif i == 2:
            answer = [0.009,  0.011,  0.009,  0.008]
            assert close(theta, answer)
            assert not close(theta * 0.8, answer)
        elif i == 3:
            answer = [0.0085,  0.0115,  0.0085,  0.007]
            assert close(theta, answer)
            assert not close(theta + 0.0003, answer)

        assert np.allclose(theta, thetaFast)
        # and make sure that the modified version is a superset of normal one
        assert np.allclose(theta, thetaM)
        assert np.allclose(theta, thetaMFast)
        assert np.allclose(theta, thetaSparse)
        assert np.allclose(theta, thetaMSparse)

    for i in xrange(40):
        # make sure C version is same as other version
        thetaM, bM = logistic.modified_logistic_gradient_descent(X, y, max_iter=i, b=1.0, eta0=0.01)
        thetaMFast, bMFast = logistic.fast_modified_logistic_gradient_descent(X, y, max_iter=i, b=1.0, eta0=0.01)
        thetaMSparse, bMSparse = logistic.fast_modified_logistic_gradient_descent(Xsparse, y, max_iter=i, b=1.0, eta0=0.01)

        assert np.allclose(thetaM, thetaMFast)
        assert np.allclose(thetaM, thetaMSparse)
        assert not np.allclose(thetaM + 0.001, thetaMFast)
        assert bM == bMFast == bMSparse
Esempio n. 2
 def fit(self, X, y):
     self.classes_, indices = unique(y, return_inverse=True)
     self.theta_, self.b_ = logistic.fast_modified_logistic_gradient_descent(X, y, max_iter=self.n_iter, eta0=self.eta0, b=self.b)
     return self