Esempio n. 1
    def test_readwrite_tractor(self):
        tractorfile = io.list_tractorfiles(self.datadir)[0]
        sweepfile = io.list_sweepfiles(self.datadir)[0]
        data = io.read_tractor(sweepfile)
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 6)  #- test data has 6 objects per file
        data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile)
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 6)  #- test data has 6 objects per file
        data, hdr = io.read_tractor(tractorfile, header=True)
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 6)  #- test data has 6 objects per file

        #ADM check PHOTSYS got added in writing targets
        io.write_targets(self.testfile, data, indir=self.datadir)
        #ADM use fits read wrapper in io to correctly handle whitespace
        d2, h2 = io.whitespace_fits_read(self.testfile, header=True)
            list(data.dtype.names) + ["PHOTSYS"], list(d2.dtype.names))

        #ADM check PHOTSYS and HPXPIXEL got added writing targets with NSIDE request
        io.write_targets(self.testfile, data, nside=64, indir=self.datadir)
        #ADM use fits read wrapper in io to correctly handle whitespace
        d2, h2 = io.whitespace_fits_read(self.testfile, header=True)
            list(data.dtype.names) + ["HPXPIXEL", "PHOTSYS"],

        for column in data.dtype.names:
            self.assertTrue(np.all(data[column] == d2[column]))
Esempio n. 2
 def test_cuts_basic(self):
     #- Cuts work with either data or filenames
     desi, bgs, mws = cuts.apply_cuts(self.tractorfiles[0])
     desi, bgs, mws = cuts.apply_cuts(self.sweepfiles[0])
     data = io.read_tractor(self.tractorfiles[0])
     desi, bgs, mws = cuts.apply_cuts(data)
     data = io.read_tractor(self.sweepfiles[0])
     desi, bgs, mws = cuts.apply_cuts(data)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_tractor_columns(self):
     tscolumns = list(io.tsdatamodel.dtype.names) + [
     tractorfile = io.list_tractorfiles(self.datadir)[0]
     data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile)
     self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(tscolumns))
     #        columns = ['BX', 'BY']
     columns = ['RA', 'DEC']
     data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile, columns=columns)
     self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(columns))
     data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile, columns=tuple(columns))
     self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(columns))
Esempio n. 4
    def setUp(self):
        #ADM at this nskymin you always seem to get at least 1 bad position
        self.nskymin = 5000000
        self.navoid = 2.
        self.psfsize = psfsize

        #ADM location of input test file
        self.datadir = resource_filename('lvmtarget.test', 't')
        self.sweepfile = self.datadir + '/sweep-320m005-330p000.fits'

        #ADM read in the test sweeps file
        self.objs = io.read_tractor(self.sweepfile)

        #ADM need to ensure that one object has a large enough half-light radius
        #ADM to cover matching sky positions to larger objects
        self.objs['SHAPEDEV_R'][0] = (self.psfsize * self.navoid) + 1e-8
        self.objs['SHAPEDEV_E1'][0] = -0.22389728
        self.objs['SHAPEDEV_E2'][0] = 0.42635256

        #ADM create a "maximum" search distance that is as large as the
        #ADM diagonal across all objects in the test sweeps file
        #ADM note that this is only close to correct because the test
        #ADM file is near 0o Declination
        cmax = SkyCoord(
            max(self.objs["RA"]) *,
            max(self.objs["DEC"]) *
        cmin = SkyCoord(
            min(self.objs["RA"]) *,
            min(self.objs["DEC"]) *
        self.maxrad = cmax.separation(cmin).arcsec
Esempio n. 5
    def _select_sandbox_targets_file(filename):
        '''Returns targets in filename that pass the sandbox cuts'''
        from lvmtarget.sandbox.cuts import apply_sandbox_cuts
        objects = io.read_tractor(filename)
        desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = apply_sandbox_cuts(objects,FoMthresh,Method)

        return _finalize_targets(objects, desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target)
Esempio n. 6
 def _get_bright_stars(filename):
     '''Retrieves bright stars from a sweeps/Tractor file'''
     objs = io.read_tractor(filename)
     #ADM write the fluxes as an array instead of as named columns
     fluxes = objs[bandnames].view(
         objs[bandnames].dtype[0]).reshape(objs[bandnames].shape + (-1, ))
     #ADM Retain rows for which ANY band is brighter than maglim
     w = np.where(np.any(fluxes > fluxlim, axis=1))
     if len(w[0]) > 0:
         return objs[w]
Esempio n. 7
 def test_unextinct_fluxes(self):
     targets = io.read_tractor(self.tractorfiles[0])
     t1 = cuts.unextinct_fluxes(targets)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(t1, np.ndarray))
     t2 = cuts.unextinct_fluxes(Table(targets))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(t2, Table))
     for col in ['GFLUX', 'RFLUX', 'ZFLUX', 'W1FLUX', 'W2FLUX']:
         self.assertIn(col, t1.dtype.names)
         self.assertIn(col, t2.dtype.names)
         self.assertTrue(np.all(t1[col] == t2[col]))
Esempio n. 8
    def test_fix_dr1(self):
        '''test the DR1 TYPE dype fix (make everything S4)'''
        #- First, break it
        files = io.list_sweepfiles(self.datadir)
        objects = io.read_tractor(files[0])
        dt = objects.dtype.descr
        for i in range(len(dt)):
            if dt[i][0] == 'TYPE':
                dt[i] = ('TYPE', 'S10')
        badobjects = objects.astype(np.dtype(dt))

        newobjects = io.fix_tractor_dr1_dtype(badobjects)
        self.assertEqual(newobjects['TYPE'].dtype, np.dtype('S4'))
Esempio n. 9
    def _check_input_files(filename):
        '''Check for corrupted values in a file'''
        from functools import partial
        from os.path import getsize

        #ADM read in Tractor or sweeps files
        objects = io.read_tractor(filename)
        #ADM if everything is OK the default meassage will be "OK"
        filemessageroot = 'OK'
        filemessageend = ''
        #ADM columns that shouldn't have zero values
        cols = [
#            'RA_IVAR', 'DEC_IVAR',
#            'WISE_FLUX',
        #ADM for each of these columnes that shouldn't have zero values,
        #ADM loop through and look for zero values
        for colname in cols:
            if np.min(objects[colname]) == 0:
                filemessageroot = "WARNING...some values are zero for"
                filemessageend += " "+colname

        #ADM now, loop through entries in the file and search for 4096-byte
        #ADM blocks that are all zeros (a sign of corruption in file-writing)
        #ADM Note that fits files are padded by 2880 bytes, so we only want to
        #ADM process the file length (in bytes) - 2880
        bytestop = getsize(filename) -2880

        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            for block_number, data in enumerate(iter(partial(, 4096), b'')):
                if not any(data):
                    if block_number*4096 < bytestop:
                        filemessageroot = "WARNING...some values are zero for"
                        filemessageend += ' 4096-byte-block-#{0}'.format(block_number)

        return [filename,filemessageroot+filemessageend]
Esempio n. 10
def calculate_separations(objs, navoid=2.):
    """Generate an array of separations (in arcseconds) for a set of objects

    objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        numpy structured array with UPPERCASE columns, OR a string
        tractor/sweep filename. Must contain at least the columns
        "RA", "DEC", "SHAPEDEV_R", "SHAPEEXP_R"
    navoid : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 2.
        the number of times the galaxy half-light radius (or seeing) to avoid
        objects out to when placing sky fibers

        an array of maximum separations (in arcseconds) based on
        de Vaucouleurs, Exponential or point-source half-light radii

    #ADM check if input objs is a filename or the actual data
    if isinstance(objs, str):
        objs = io.read_tractor(objs)
    nobjs = len(objs)

    #ADM possible choices for separation based on de Vaucouleurs and Exponential profiles
    #ADM or a minimum of psfsize arcseconds for point sources ("the seeing")
    #ADM the default psfsize is supplied at the top of this code
    sepchoices = np.vstack(
        [objs["SHAPEDEV_R"], objs["SHAPEEXP_R"],
         np.ones(nobjs) * psfsize]).T

    #ADM the maximum separation from de Vaucoulers/exponential/PSF choices
    sep = navoid * np.max(sepchoices, axis=1)

    return sep
Esempio n. 11
def make_sky_targets(objs, navoid=2., nskymin=None):
    """Generate sky targets and translate them into the typical format for DESI targets

    objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        numpy structured array with UPPERCASE columns, OR a string
        tractor/sweep filename. Must contain at least the columns
        "RA", "DEC", "SHAPEDEV_R", "SHAPEEXP_R"
    navoid : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 2.
        the number of times the galaxy half-light radius (or seeing) to avoid
        objects out to when placing sky fibers
    nskymin : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to reading from
        the minimum DENSITY of sky fibers to generate

        a structured array of good and bad sky positions in the DESI target format

    #ADM initialize the default logger
    from lvmutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
    log = get_logger(DEBUG)

    start = time()

    #ADM check if input objs is a filename or the actual data
    if isinstance(objs, str):
        objs = io.read_tractor(objs)'Generating sky positions...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))
    #ADM generate arrays of good and bad objects for this sweeps file (or set)
    ragood, decgood, rabad, decbad = generate_sky_positions(objs,
    ngood = len(ragood)
    nbad = len(rabad)
    nskies = ngood + nbad

    #ADM retrieve the standard DESI target array
    dt = io.tsdatamodel.dtype
    skies = np.zeros(nskies, dtype=dt)

    #ADM populate the output recarray with the RA/Dec of the good and bad sky locations
    skies["RA"][0:ngood], skies["DEC"][0:ngood] = ragood, decgood
    skies["RA"][ngood:nskies], skies["DEC"][ngood:nskies] = rabad, decbad

    #ADM create an array of target bits with the SKY information set
    desi_target = np.zeros(nskies, dtype='>i8')
    desi_target[0:ngood] |= desi_mask.SKY
    desi_target[ngood:nskies] |= desi_mask.BADSKY'Looking up brick information...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() -
    #ADM add the brick information for the sky targets
    b = brick.Bricks(bricksize=0.25)
    skies["BRICKID"] = b.brickid(skies["RA"], skies["DEC"])
    skies["BRICKNAME"] = b.brickname(skies["RA"], skies["DEC"])

    #ADM set the data release from the passed sweeps objects
    dr = np.max(objs['RELEASE'])
    #ADM check the passed sweeps objects have the same release
    checker = np.min(objs['RELEASE'])
    if dr != checker:
        raise IOError(
            'Multiple data releases present in same input sweeps objects?!')
    skies["RELEASE"] = dr

    #ADM set the objid (just use a sequential number as setting skies
    #ADM to 1 in the TARGETID will make these unique
    skies["OBJID"] = np.arange(nskies)'Finalizing target bits...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))
    #ADM add target bit columns to the output array, note that mws_target
    #ADM and bgs_target should be zeros for all sky objects
    dum = np.zeros_like(desi_target)
    skies = finalize(skies, desi_target, dum, dum, sky=1)'Done...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

    return skies
Esempio n. 12
def plot_sky_positions(ragood,
    """plot an example set of sky positions to check if they avoid real objects

    ragood : :class:`~numpy.array`
        array of RA coordinates for good sky positions
    decgood : :class:`~numpy.array`
        array of Dec coordinates for good sky positions
    rabad : :class:`~numpy.array`
        array of RA coordinates for bad sky positions, i.e. positions that
        ARE within the avoidance zones of the "objs"
    decbad : :class:`~numpy.array`
        array of Dec coordinates for bad sky positions, i.e. positions that
        ARE within the avoidance zones of the "objs"
    objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        numpy structured array with UPPERCASE columns, OR a string
        tractor/sweep filename. Must contain at least the columns
        "RA", "DEC", "SHAPEDEV_R", "SHAPEEXP_R"
    navoid : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 2.
        the number of times the galaxy half-light radius (or seeing) that
        objects (objs) were avoided out to when generating sky positions
    limits : :class:`~numpy.array`, optional, defaults to None
        plot limits in the form [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] if None
        is passed, then the entire area is plotted
    plotname : :class:`str`, defaults to None
        If a name is passed use matplotlib's savefig command to save the
        plot to that file name. Otherwise, display the plot


    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from lvmtarget.brightstar import ellipses
    from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
    from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection

    #ADM initialize the default logger
    from lvmutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
    log = get_logger(DEBUG)

    start = time()

    #ADM set up the figure and the axis labels
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax.set_xlabel('RA (o)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Dec (o)')

    #ADM check if input objs is a filename or the actual data
    if isinstance(objs, str):
        objs = io.read_tractor(objs)

    #ADM coordinate limits for the passed objs
    ramin, ramax = np.min(objs["RA"]), np.max(objs["RA"])
    decmin, decmax = np.min(objs["DEC"]), np.max(objs["DEC"])
    #ADM guard against wraparound bug (which should never be an issue for the sweeps, anyway)
    if ramax - ramin > 180.:
        ramax -= 360.

    #ADM the avoidance separation (in arcseconds) for each object based on
    #ADM its half-light radius/profile
    sep = calculate_separations(objs, navoid)
    #ADM the maximum such separation for any object in the passed set IN DEGREES
    maxrad = max(sep) / 3600.

    #ADM limit the figure range based on the passed objs
    if limits is None:
        ralo, rahi = ramin, ramax
        declo, dechi = decmin, decmax
        ralo, rahi, declo, dechi = limits

    dum = plt.axis([ralo, rahi, declo, dechi])

    #ADM plot good and bad sky positions
    ax.scatter(ragood, decgood, marker='.', facecolors='none', edgecolors='k')
    ax.scatter(rabad, decbad, marker='.', facecolors='r')

    #ADM the size that defines a PSF versus an elliptical avoidance zone
    sepsplit = (psfsize * navoid) + 1e-8
    smallsepw = np.where(sep <= sepsplit)[0]
    bigsepw = np.where(sep > sepsplit)[0]

    #ADM first the PSF or "small separation objects"...
    #ADM set up the ellipse shapes based on sizes of the past avoidance zones
    #ADM remembering to stretch by the COS term to de-project the sky
    minoraxis = sep / 3600.
    majoraxis = minoraxis / np.cos(np.radians(objs["DEC"]))'Plotting avoidance zones...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))
    #ADM plot the avoidance zones as circles, stretched by their DEC position
    out = ellipses(objs[smallsepw]["RA"],
                   2 * majoraxis[smallsepw],
                   2 * minoraxis[smallsepw],

    #ADM now the elliptical or "large separation objects"...
    #ADM loop through the DEV and EXP shapes, and create polygons
    #ADM of them to plot (where they're defined)
    patches = []
    for i, valobj in enumerate(bigsepw):
        if objs[valobj]["SHAPEEXP_R"] > 0:
            #ADM points on the ellipse boundary for EXP objects
            ras, decs = ellipse_boundary(objs[valobj]["RA"],
                                         objs[valobj]["SHAPEEXP_R"] * navoid,
            polygon = Polygon(np.array(list(zip(ras, decs))), True)
        if objs[valobj]["SHAPEDEV_R"] > 0:
            #ADM points on the ellipse boundary for DEV objects
            ras, decs = ellipse_boundary(objs[valobj]["RA"],
                                         objs[valobj]["SHAPEDEV_R"] * navoid,
            polygon = Polygon(np.array(list(zip(ras, decs))), True)

    p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.4, facecolors='b', edgecolors='b')

    #ADM display the plot, if requested
    if plotname is None:'Displaying plot...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))
        plt.savefig(plotname)'Done...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

Esempio n. 13
def generate_sky_positions(objs, navoid=2., nskymin=None):
    """Use a basic avoidance-of-other-objects approach to generate sky positions

    objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        numpy structured array with UPPERCASE columns, OR a string
        tractor/sweep filename. Must contain at least the columns
        "RA", "DEC", "SHAPEDEV_R", "SHAPEEXP_R"
    navoid : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 2.
        the number of times the galaxy half-light radius (or seeing) to avoid
        objects out to when placing sky fibers
    nskymin : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to reading from
        the minimum DENSITY of sky fibers to generate

    ragood : :class:`~numpy.array`
        array of RA coordinates for good sky positions
    decgood : :class:`~numpy.array`
        array of Dec coordinates for good sky positions
    rabad : :class:`~numpy.array`
        array of RA coordinates for bad sky positions, i.e. positions that
        ARE within navoid half-light radii of a galaxy (or navoid*psfsize
        arcseconds for a PSF object)
    decbad : :class:`~numpy.array`
        array of Dec coordinates for bad sky positions, i.e. positions that
        ARE within navoid half-light radii of a galaxy (or navoid*psfsize
        arcseconds for a PSF object)
    #ADM set up the default log
    from lvmutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
    log = get_logger(DEBUG)

    start = time()

    #ADM if needed, determine the minimum density of sky fibers to generate
    if nskymin is None:
        nskymin = density_of_sky_fibers()
        'Generating sky positions at a density of {} per sq. deg....t = {:.1f}s'
                time() - start))

    #ADM check if input objs is a filename or the actual data
    if isinstance(objs, str):
        objs = io.read_tractor(objs)
    nobjs = len(objs)

    #ADM an avoidance separation (in arcseconds) for each
    #ADM object based on its half-light radius/profile'Calculating avoidance zones...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() -
    sep = calculate_separations(objs, navoid)
    #ADM the maximum such separation for any object in the passed set in arcsec
    maxrad = max(sep)

    #ADM the coordinate limits and corresponding area of the passed objs
    ramin, ramax = np.min(objs["RA"]), np.max(objs["RA"])
    #ADM guard against the wraparound bug (should never be an issue for the sweeps, anyway)
    if ramax - ramin > 180.:
        ramax -= 360.
    decmin, decmax = np.min(objs["DEC"]), np.max(objs["DEC"])
    sindecmin, sindecmax = np.sin(np.radians(decmin)), np.sin(
    spharea = (ramax - ramin) * np.degrees(sindecmax - sindecmin)'Area covered by passed objects is {:.3f} sq. deg....t = {:.1f}s'.
                    time() - start))

    #ADM how many sky positions we need to generate to meet the minimum density requirements
    nskies = int(spharea * nskymin)
    #ADM how many sky positions to generate, given that we'll reject objects close to bad
    #ADM sources. The factor of 1.2 was derived by trial-and-error...but this doesn't need
    #ADM to be optimal as this algorithm should become more sophisticated
    nchunk = int(nskies * 1.2)

    #ADM arrays of GOOD sky positions to populate with coordinates
    ragood, decgood = np.empty(nskies), np.empty(nskies)
    #ADM lists of BAD sky positions to populate with coordinates
    rabad, decbad = [], []

    #ADM ngenerate will become zero when we generate enough GOOD sky positions
    ngenerate = nskies

    while ngenerate:

        #ADM generate random points in RA and Dec (correctly distributed on the sphere)'Generated {} test positions...t = {:.1f}s'.format(
            time() - start))
        ra = np.random.uniform(ramin, ramax, nchunk)
        dec = np.degrees(
            np.arcsin(1. -
                      np.random.uniform(1 - sindecmax, 1 - sindecmin, nchunk)))

        #ADM set up the coordinate objects
        cskies = SkyCoord(ra *, dec *
        cobjs = SkyCoord(objs["RA"] *, objs["DEC"] *

        #ADM split the objects up using a separation of just larger than psfsize*navoid
        #ADM arcseconds in order to speed up the coordinate matching when we have some
        #ADM objects with large radii
        sepsplit = (psfsize * navoid) + 1e-8
        bigsepw = np.where(sep > sepsplit)[0]
        smallsepw = np.where(sep <= sepsplit)[0]

        #ADM set up a list of skies that don't match an object
        goodskies = np.ones(len(cskies), dtype=bool)

        #ADM guard against the case where there are no objects with small radii
        if len(smallsepw) > 0:
            #ADM match the small-separation objects and flag any skies that match such an object
                'Match positions out to {:.1f} arcsec...t = {:.1f}s'.format(
                    time() - start))
            idskies, idobjs, d2d, _ = cobjs[smallsepw].search_around_sky(
                cskies, sepsplit * u.arcsec)
            w = np.where(d2d.arcsec < sep[smallsepw[idobjs]])
            #ADM remember to guard against the case with no bad positions
            if len(w[0]) > 0:
                goodskies[idskies[w]] = False

        #ADM guard against the case where there are no objects with large radii
        if len(bigsepw) > 0:
            #ADM match the large-separation objects and flag any skies that match such an object
                '(Elliptically) Match additional positions out to {:.1f} arcsec...t = {:.1f}s'
                        time() - start))
            #ADM the transformation matrixes (shapes) for DEV and EXP objects
            #ADM with a factor of navoid in the half-light-radius
            TDEV = ellipse_matrix(objs[bigsepw]["SHAPEDEV_R"] * navoid,
            TEXP = ellipse_matrix(objs[bigsepw]["SHAPEEXP_R"] * navoid,
            #ADM loop through the DEV and EXP shapes, and where they are defined
            #ADM (radius > tiny), determine if any sky positions occupy them
            for i, valobj in enumerate(bigsepw):
                if i % 1000 == 999:
          'Done {}/{}...t = {:.1f}s'.format(
                        i, len(bigsepw),
                        time() - start))
                is_in = np.array(np.zeros(nchunk), dtype='bool')
                if objs[valobj]["SHAPEEXP_R"] > 1e-16:
                    is_in += is_in_ellipse_matrix(cskies.ra.deg,
                                                  TEXP[..., i])
                if objs[valobj]["SHAPEDEV_R"] > 1e-16:
                    is_in += is_in_ellipse_matrix(cskies.ra.deg,
                                                  TDEV[..., i])
                w = np.where(is_in)
                if len(w[0]) > 0:
                    goodskies[w] = False

        #ADM good sky positions we found
        wgood = np.where(goodskies)[0]
        n1 = nskies - ngenerate
        ngenerate = max(0, ngenerate - len(wgood))
        n2 = nskies - ngenerate
        ragood[n1:n2] = ra[wgood[:n2 - n1]]
        decgood[n1:n2] = dec[wgood[:n2 - n1]]
            'Need to generate a further {} positions...t = {:.1f}s'.format(
                time() - start))

        #ADM bad sky positions we found
        wbad = np.where(~goodskies)[0]

    #ADM we potentially created nested lists for the bad skies, so need to flatten
    #ADM also we can't need more bad sky positions than total sky positions
    rabad = np.array([item for sublist in rabad for item in sublist])[:nskies]
    decbad = np.array([item for sublist in decbad
                       for item in sublist])[:nskies]'Done...t = {:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

    return ragood, decgood, rabad, decbad
Esempio n. 14
def apply_sandbox_cuts(objects, FoMthresh=None, MethodELG='XD'):
    """Perform target selection on objects, returning target mask arrays

        objects: numpy structured array with UPPERCASE columns needed for
            target selection, OR a string tractor/sweep filename
        FoMthresh: If this is passed, then run apply_XD_globalerror and
            return the Figure of Merits calculated for the ELGs in a file
            "FoM.fits" in the current working directory.
        MethodELG: Three methods available for ELGs
            XD: Extreme deconvolution
            RF_spectro: Random Forest trained with spectro z (VIPERS and DEEP2)
            RF_photo: Random Forest trained with photo z (HSC)

        (desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) where each element is
        an ndarray of target selection bitmask flags for each object
        If FoMthresh is passed
        where FoM are the Figure of Merit values calculated by apply_XD_globalerror

        If objects is a astropy Table with lowercase column names, this
        converts them to UPPERCASE in-place, thus modifying the input table.
        To avoid this, pass in objects.copy() instead.

    See lvmtarget.targetmask for the definition of each bit


    #- Check if objects is a filename instead of the actual data
    if isinstance(objects, str):
        from lvmtarget import io
        objects = io.read_tractor(objects)

    #- ensure uppercase column names if astropy Table
    if isinstance(objects, (Table, Row)):
        for col in list(objects.columns.values()):
            if not

    #- undo Milky Way extinction
    flux = unextinct_fluxes(objects)
    gflux = flux['GFLUX']
    rflux = flux['RFLUX']
    zflux = flux['ZFLUX']

    w1flux = flux['W1FLUX']
    w2flux = flux['W2FLUX']

    objtype = objects['TYPE']

    gflux_ivar = objects['FLUX_IVAR_G']
    rflux_ivar = objects['FLUX_IVAR_R']
    zflux_ivar = objects['FLUX_IVAR_Z']

    gflux_snr = objects['FLUX_G'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_G'])
    rflux_snr = objects['FLUX_R'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_R'])
    zflux_snr = objects['FLUX_Z'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_Z'])

    w1flux_snr = objects['FLUX_W1'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_W1'])

    #- DR1 has targets off the edge of the brick; trim to just this brick
        primary = objects['BRICK_PRIMARY']
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
        if _is_row(objects):
            primary = True
            primary = np.ones_like(objects, dtype=bool)

    lrg = isLRG_2016v3(gflux=gflux,

    if FoMthresh is not None:
        if (MethodELG == 'XD'):
            elg, FoM = apply_XD_globalerror(
                reg_r=1e-4 / (0.025**2 * 0.05),
                f_i=[1., 1., 0., 0.25, 0., 0.25, 0.],
        elif (MethodELG == 'RF_photo'):
            elg, FoM = isELG_randomforest(pcut=abs(FoMthresh),
        elif (MethodELG == 'RF_spectro'):
            elg, FoM = isELG_randomforest(pcut=abs(FoMthresh),

    #- construct the targetflag bits
    #- Currently our only cuts are DECam based (i.e. South)
    desi_target = lrg * desi_mask.LRG_SOUTH
    #desi_target |= elg * desi_mask.ELG_SOUTH
    #desi_target |= qso * desi_mask.QSO_SOUTH

    desi_target |= lrg * desi_mask.LRG
    if FoMthresh is not None:
        desi_target |= elg * desi_mask.ELG
    #desi_target |= qso * desi_mask.QSO

    #desi_target |= fstd * desi_mask.STD_FSTAR

    bgs_target = np.zeros_like(desi_target)
    #bgs_target = bgs_bright * bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT
    #bgs_target |= bgs_bright * bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT_SOUTH
    #bgs_target |= bgs_faint * bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT
    #bgs_target |= bgs_faint * bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT_SOUTH

    #- nothing for MWS yet; will be GAIA-based
    #if isinstance(bgs_target, numbers.Integral):
    #    mws_target = 0
    #    mws_target = np.zeros_like(bgs_target)
    mws_target = np.zeros_like(desi_target)

    #- Are any BGS or MWS bit set?  Tell desi_target too.
    desi_target |= (bgs_target != 0) * desi_mask.BGS_ANY
    desi_target |= (mws_target != 0) * desi_mask.MWS_ANY

    if FoMthresh is not None:
        keep = (desi_target != 0)
        write_fom_targets(objects[keep], FoM[keep], desi_target[keep],
                          bgs_target[keep], mws_target[keep])

    return desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target
Esempio n. 15
    def _select_targets_file(filename):
        '''Returns targets in filename that pass the cuts'''
        objects = io.read_tractor(filename)
        desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = apply_cuts(objects, qso_selection)

        return _finalize_targets(objects, desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target)
Esempio n. 16
def apply_cuts(objects, qso_selection='randomforest'):
    """Perform target selection on objects, returning target mask arrays

        objects: numpy structured array with UPPERCASE columns needed for
            target selection, OR a string tractor/sweep filename

        qso_selection : algorithm to use for QSO selection; valid options
            are 'colorcuts' and 'randomforest'

        (desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) where each element is
        an ndarray of target selection bitmask flags for each object

        If objects is a astropy Table with lowercase column names, this
        converts them to UPPERCASE in-place, thus modifying the input table.
        To avoid this, pass in objects.copy() instead.

    See lvmtarget.targetmask for the definition of each bit
    #- Check if objects is a filename instead of the actual data
    if isinstance(objects, str):
        objects = io.read_tractor(objects)

    #- ensure uppercase column names if astropy Table
    if isinstance(objects, (Table, Row)):
        for col in list(objects.columns.values()):
            if not

    obs_rflux = objects['FLUX_R'] # observed r-band flux (used for F standards, below)

    #- undo Milky Way extinction
    flux = unextinct_fluxes(objects)

    gflux = flux['GFLUX']
    rflux = flux['RFLUX']
    zflux = flux['ZFLUX']
    w1flux = flux['W1FLUX']
    w2flux = flux['W2FLUX']
    objtype = objects['TYPE']
    release = objects['RELEASE']

    gfluxivar = objects['FLUX_IVAR_G']

    gfracflux = objects['FRACFLUX_G'].T # note transpose
    rfracflux = objects['FRACFLUX_R'].T # note transpose
    zfracflux = objects['FRACFLUX_Z'].T # note transpose

    gsnr = objects['FLUX_G'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_G'])
    rsnr = objects['FLUX_R'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_R'])
    zsnr = objects['FLUX_Z'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_Z'])
    w1snr = objects['FLUX_W1'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_W1'])
    w2snr = objects['FLUX_W2'] * np.sqrt(objects['FLUX_IVAR_W2'])

    # Delta chi2 between PSF and SIMP morphologies; note the sign....
    dchisq = objects['DCHISQ']
    deltaChi2 = dchisq[...,0] - dchisq[...,1]

    #ADM remove handful of NaN values from DCHISQ values and make them unselectable
    w = np.where(deltaChi2 != deltaChi2)
    #ADM this is to catch the single-object case for unit tests
    if len(w[0]) > 0:
        deltaChi2[w] = -1e6

    #- DR1 has targets off the edge of the brick; trim to just this brick
        primary = objects['BRICK_PRIMARY']
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
        if _is_row(objects):
            primary = True
            primary = np.ones_like(objects, dtype=bool)

    lrg, lrg1pass, lrg2pass = isLRGpass(primary=primary, gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux,
                                        zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, gflux_ivar=gfluxivar,
                                        rflux_snr=rsnr, zflux_snr=zsnr, w1flux_snr=w1snr)

    elg = isELG(primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux)

    bgs_bright = isBGS_bright(primary=primary, rflux=rflux, objtype=objtype)
    bgs_faint  = isBGS_faint(primary=primary, rflux=rflux, objtype=objtype)

    if qso_selection=='colorcuts' :
        qso = isQSO_cuts(primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux,
                         w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, deltaChi2=deltaChi2, objtype=objtype,
                         w1snr=w1snr, w2snr=w2snr, release=release)
    elif qso_selection == 'randomforest':
        qso = isQSO_randomforest(primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux,
                                 w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, deltaChi2=deltaChi2, objtype=objtype, release=release)
        raise ValueError('Unknown qso_selection {}; valid options are {}'.format(qso_selection,
    #ADM Make sure to pass all of the needed columns! At one point we stopped
    #ADM passing objtype, which meant no standards were being returned.
    fstd = isFSTD(primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux,
                  gfracflux=gfracflux, rfracflux=rfracflux, zfracflux=zfracflux,
                  gsnr=gsnr, rsnr=rsnr, zsnr=zsnr,
                  obs_rflux=obs_rflux, objtype=objtype)
    fstd_bright = isFSTD(primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux,
                  gfracflux=gfracflux, rfracflux=rfracflux, zfracflux=zfracflux,
                  gsnr=gsnr, rsnr=rsnr, zsnr=zsnr,
                  obs_rflux=obs_rflux, objtype=objtype, bright=True)

    # Construct the targetflag bits; currently our only cuts are DECam based
    # (i.e. South).  This should really be refactored into a dedicated function.
    desi_target  = lrg * desi_mask.LRG_SOUTH
    desi_target |= elg * desi_mask.ELG_SOUTH
    desi_target |= qso * desi_mask.QSO_SOUTH

    desi_target |= lrg * desi_mask.LRG
    desi_target |= elg * desi_mask.ELG
    desi_target |= qso * desi_mask.QSO

    #ADM add the per-pass information
    desi_target |= lrg1pass * desi_mask.LRG_1PASS
    desi_target |= lrg2pass * desi_mask.LRG_2PASS

    # Standards; still need to set STD_WD
    desi_target |= fstd * desi_mask.STD_FSTAR
    desi_target |= fstd_bright * desi_mask.STD_BRIGHT

    # BGS, bright and faint
    bgs_target = bgs_bright * bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT
    bgs_target |= bgs_bright * bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT_SOUTH
    bgs_target |= bgs_faint * bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT
    bgs_target |= bgs_faint * bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT_SOUTH

    # Nothing for MWS yet; will be GAIA-based.
    if isinstance(bgs_target, numbers.Integral):
        mws_target = 0
        mws_target = np.zeros_like(bgs_target)

    # Are any BGS or MWS bit set?  Tell desi_target too.
    desi_target |= (bgs_target != 0) * desi_mask.BGS_ANY
    desi_target |= (mws_target != 0) * desi_mask.MWS_ANY

    return desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target
Esempio n. 17
#from import fits
from lvmtarget.cuts import apply_cuts
from import read_tractor
import fitsio

tractordir = '/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr3.1/tractor/330'
#tractordir = '/data/legacysurvey/dr3.1/tractor/330/'
for brick in ['3301m002', '3301m007', '3303p000']:
    filepath = '{}/tractor-{}.fits'.format(tractordir, brick)
    desi_target = apply_cuts(filepath)[0]
    yes = np.where(desi_target != 0)[0]
    no = np.where(desi_target == 0)[0]
    keep = np.concatenate([yes[0:3], no[0:3]])
    #    data, hdr = fits.getdata(filepath, header=True)
    #    fits.writeto('t/'+basename(filepath), data[keep], header=hdr)
    data, hdr = read_tractor(filepath, header=True)
    fitsio.write('t/' + basename(filepath), data[keep], header=hdr)

sweepdir = '/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr3.1/sweep/3.1'
#sweepdir = '/data/legacysurvey/dr2p/sweep/'
for radec in ['310m005-320p000', '320m005-330p000', '330m005-340p000']:
    filepath = '{}/sweep-{}.fits'.format(sweepdir, radec)
    desi_target = apply_cuts(filepath)[0]
    yes = np.where(desi_target != 0)[0]
    no = np.where(desi_target == 0)[0]
    keep = np.concatenate([yes[0:3], no[0:3]])
    #    data, hdr = fits.getdata(filepath, header=True)
    #    fits.writeto('t/'+basename(filepath), data[keep], header=hdr)
    data, hdr = read_tractor(filepath, header=True)
    fitsio.write('t/' + basename(filepath), data[keep], header=hdr)
Esempio n. 18
def make_bright_star_mask(
    """Make a bright star mask from a structure of bright stars drawn from the sweeps

    bands : :class:`str`
        A magnitude band from the sweeps, e.g., "G", "R", "Z".
        Can pass multiple bands as string, e.g. "GRZ", in which case maglim has to be a
        list of the same length as the string
    maglim : :class:`float`
        The upper limit in that magnitude band for which to assemble a list of bright stars.
        Can pass a list of magnitude limits, in which case bands has to be a string of the
        same length (e.g., "GRZ" for [12.3,12.7,12.6]
    numproc : :class:`int`, optional
        Number of processes over which to parallelize
    rootdirname : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to dr3
        Root directory containing either sweeps or tractor files...e.g. for dr3 this might be
    infilename : :class:`str`, optional,
        if this exists, then the list of bright stars is read in from the file of this name
        if this is not passed, then code defaults to deriving the recarray of bright stars
        via a call to collect_bright_stars
    outfilename : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to not writing anything to file
        (FITS) File name to which to write the output bright star mask

        The bright star mask in the form RA, DEC, TARGETID, IN_RADIUS, NEAR_RADIUS (may also be written to file
        if "outfilename" is passed)
        The radii are in ARCMINUTES
        TARGETID is as calculated in :mod:`lvmtarget.targets.encode_targetid`

        - IN_RADIUS is a smaller radius that corresponds to the IN_BRIGHT_OBJECT bit in data/targetmask.yaml
        - NEAR_RADIUS is a radius that corresponds to the NEAR_BRIGHT_OBJECT bit in data/targetmask.yaml
        - Currently uses the radius-as-a-function-of-B-mag for Tycho stars from the BOSS mask (in every band) to set
          the NEAR_RADIUS:
          R = (0.0802B*B - 1.860B + 11.625) (see Eqn. 9 of
          and half that radius to set the IN_RADIUS.
        - It's an open question as to what the correct radii are for DESI observations


    #ADM set bands to uppercase if passed as lower case
    bands = bands.upper()
    #ADM the band names and nobs columns as arrays instead of strings
    bandnames = np.array(["FLUX_" + band for band in bands])
    nobsnames = np.array(["NOBS_" + band for band in bands])

    #ADM force the input maglim to be a list (in case a single value was passed)
    if type(maglim) == type(16) or type(maglim) == type(16.):
        maglim = [maglim]

    if len(bandnames) != len(maglim):
        raise IOError(
            'bands has to be the same length as maglim and {} does not equal {}'
            .format(len(bandnames), len(maglim)))

    #ADM change input magnitude(s) to a flux to test against
    fluxlim = 10.**((22.5 - np.array(maglim)) / 2.5)

    if infilename is not None:
        objs = io.read_tractor(infilename)
        objs = collect_bright_stars(bands, maglim, numproc, rootdirname,

    #ADM write the fluxes and bands as arrays instead of named columns
    fluxes = objs[bandnames].view(
        objs[bandnames].dtype[0]).reshape(objs[bandnames].shape + (-1, ))
    nobs = objs[nobsnames].view(
        objs[nobsnames].dtype[0]).reshape(objs[nobsnames].shape + (-1, ))

    #ADM set any observations with NOBS = 0 to have small flux so glitches don't end up as bright star masks.
    w = np.where(nobs == 0)
    if len(w[0]) > 0:
        fluxes[w] = 0.

    #ADM limit to the passed faint limit
    w = np.where(np.any(fluxes > fluxlim, axis=1))
    fluxes = fluxes[w]
    objs = objs[w]

    #ADM grab the (GRZ) magnitudes for observations
    #ADM and record only the largest flux (smallest magnitude)
    fluxmax = np.max(fluxes, axis=1)
    mags = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(fluxmax)

    #ADM convert the largest magnitude into radii for "in" and "near" bright objects. This will require
    #ADM more consideration to determine the truly correct numbers for DESI
    near_radius = (0.0802 * mags * mags - 1.860 * mags + 11.625)
    in_radius = 0.5 * (0.0802 * mags * mags - 1.860 * mags + 11.625)

    #ADM calculate the TARGETID
    targetid = encode_targetid(objid=objs['OBJID'],

    #ADM create an output recarray that is just RA, Dec, TARGETID and the radius
    done = objs[['RA', 'DEC']].copy()
    done = rfn.append_fields(done, ["TARGETID", "IN_RADIUS", "NEAR_RADIUS"],
                             [targetid, in_radius, near_radius],
                             dtypes=['>i8', '<f8', '<f8'])

    if outfilename is not None:
        fitsio.write(outfilename, done, clobber=True)

    return done