Esempio n. 1
    class Permute(Circuit):
        name = na
        IO = ["I", In(Bits(n)), "O", Out(Bits(n))]

        def definition(io):
            [wire(io.I[permutation[i]], io.O[i]) for i in range(len(io.I))]
Esempio n. 2
def DefineDualRAM(height, width):
    n = 1 << height
    TADDR = Bits(height)
    TDATA = Bits(width)

    class _DualRAM(Circuit):
        name = 'DualRAM{}x{}'.format(n, width)
        IO = [
            In(TADDR), 'RDATA0',
            Out(TDATA), 'RADDR1',
            In(TADDR), 'RDATA1',
            Out(TDATA), 'WADDR',
            In(TADDR), 'WDATA',
            In(TDATA), 'WE',
            In(Bit), 'CLK',

        def definition(io):
            regs = REGs(n, width, has_ce=True)
            writeport(height, width, regs, io.WADDR, io.WDATA, io.WE)
            wire(readport(height, width, regs, io.RADDR0), io.RDATA0)
            wire(readport(height, width, regs, io.RADDR1), io.RDATA1)

    return _DualRAM
Esempio n. 3
class Swap(Circuit):
    IO = ['I', In(Bits(2)), "O", Out(Bits(2))]

    def definition(io):
        swap = uncurry(fork(And(2), Or(2)), prefix="I")
        #swap = uncurry( fork( And(2), Or(2) ) , prefix="in")
        wire(swap(io.I), io.O)
Esempio n. 4
    class Swaps(Circuit):
        name = 'Swap{}'.format(n)
        IO = ['I', In(Bits(n)), "O", Out(Bits(n))]

        def definition(io):
            s = flat(join(map_(Swap, n // 2)), flatargs=['I', 'O'])
            wire(s(io.I), io.O)
Esempio n. 5
    class _PopCount(Circuit):
        name = 'PopCount{}'.format(n)
        IO = ['I', In(Bits(n)), 'O', Out(Bits(log2(n) + 1))]

        def definition(io):
            r = compressor([io.I.as_list()])
            wire(bits(r), io.O)
Esempio n. 6
    class EvenOddSwaps(Circuit):
        name = 'EvenOddSwap{}'.format(n)
        IO = ['I', In(Bits(n)), "O", Out(Bits(n))]

        def definition(io):
            s = flat(join(map_(Swap, n // 2 - 1)), flatargs=['I', 'O'])
            wire(io.I[0], io.O[0])
            wire(s(io.I[1:-1]), io.O[1:-1])
            wire(io.I[-1], io.O[-1])
Esempio n. 7
def DefineRotateK(n, k, op):
    assert k < n
    T = Bits(n)

    class _RotateK(Circuit):
        name = f'Rotate{n}_{k}'
        IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bit), "O", Out(T)]

        def definition(io):
            Is = [io.I[i] for i in range(n)]
            muxes = map_(Mux2, n)
            for i in range(n):
                if op == 'rol':
                    shifti = (i - k + n) % n
                    I = bits([Is[i], Is[shifti]])
                elif op == 'ror':
                    shifti = (i + k) % n
                    I = bits([Is[i], Is[shifti]])
                    assert False
                muxes[i](I, io.S)
            for i in range(n):
                Is[i] = muxes[i].O
            wire(bits(Is), io.O)

    return _RotateK
Esempio n. 8
def DefineShiftK(n, k, op):
    assert k < n
    T = Bits(n)

    class _ShiftK(Circuit):
        name = f'Shift{n}_{k}'
        IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bit), 'SI', In(Bit), "O", Out(T)]

        def definition(io):
            Is = [io.I[i] for i in range(n)]
            muxes = map_(Mux2, n)
            for i in range(n):
                if op == 'lsl':
                    shifti = i - k
                    I = bits([Is[i], Is[shifti] if shifti >= 0 else io.SI])
                elif op == 'lsr' or op == 'asr':
                    shifti = i + k
                    I = bits([Is[i], Is[shifti] if shifti < n else io.SI])
                    assert False
                muxes[i](I, io.S)
            for i in range(n):
                Is[i] = muxes[i].O
            wire(bits(Is), io.O)

    return _ShiftK
Esempio n. 9
def DefineSequencer(n):
    T = Bits(n)

    class _Sequencer(Circuit):
        name = 'Sequencer{}'.format(n)
        IO = [
            In(T), "jump",
            In(Bit), "we",
            In(Bit), "O",
            Out(T), "CLK",

        def definition(io):
            pc = Register(n, has_ce=True)
            add = Add(n)
            mux = Mux(2, n)

            add(pc, bits(1, n=n))

            wire(add.O, mux.I0)
            wire(io.addr, mux.I1)
            wire(io.jump, mux.S)

            wire(io.CLK, pc.CLK)
            wire(io.we, pc.CE)
            wire(pc.O, io.O)

    return _Sequencer
Esempio n. 10
    class CoreirConst(Circuit):
        name = f"coreir_const{width}{value}"
        IO = ["out", Out(Bits(width))]

        def definition(io):
            wire(io.out, bits(value, width))
Esempio n. 11
def DefineCoreirConst(width, value):
    def simulate_coreir_const(self, value_store, state_store):
        value_store.set_value(self.O, value)
    return DeclareCoreirCircuit(f"coreir_const{width}{value}", "O", Out(Bits(width)),
            coreir_name="const", coreir_lib="coreir",
            coreir_genargs={"width": width},
            coreir_configargs={"value": BitVector(value, width)},
Esempio n. 12
 class _Barrel(Circuit):
     name = 'Barrel{}'.format(n)
     IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bits(logn)), 'SI', In(Bit), "O", Out(T)]
     def definition(io):
         I = io.I
         for k in range(logn):
              I = BarrelShift(n, 1<<k)(I, io.S[k], io.SI)
         wire(I, io.O)
Esempio n. 13
    class _Shift(Circuit):
        name = f'Shift{n}'
        IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bits(logn)), 'SI', In(Bit), "O", Out(T)]

        def definition(io):
            I = io.I
            for k in range(logn):
                I = ShiftK(n, 1 << k, op)(I, io.S[k], io.SI)
            wire(I, io.O)
Esempio n. 14
    class _Rotate(Circuit):
        name = f'Rotate{n}'
        IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bits(logn)), "O", Out(T)]

        def definition(io):
            I = io.I
            for k in range(logn):
                I = RotateK(n, 1 << k, op)(I, io.S[k])
            wire(I, io.O)
Esempio n. 15
def DefineROM(height, width, data):
    assert height >= 4
    n = 1 << height

    data = interleave16(data, width)

    TADDR = Bits(height)
    TDATA = Bits(width)

    class _ROM(Circuit):
        name = f'ROM{n}x{width}'
        IO = ['RADDR', In(TADDR), 'RDATA', Out(TDATA)]

        def definition(io):
            roms = ROM4s(n, width, data)
            [roms[i](io.RADDR[0:4]) for i in range(n // 16)]
            wire(readport(height - 4, width, roms, io.RADDR[4:]), io.RDATA)

    return _ROM
Esempio n. 16
def DefineBarrel(n):
    assert n in [2, 4, 8, 16]
    logn = log2(n)
    T = Bits(n)
    class _Barrel(Circuit):
        name = 'Barrel{}'.format(n)
        IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bits(logn)), 'SI', In(Bit), "O", Out(T)]
        def definition(io):
            I = io.I
            for k in range(logn):
                 I = BarrelShift(n, 1<<k)(I, io.S[k], io.SI)
            wire(I, io.O)
    return _Barrel
Esempio n. 17
    def DefineMain(self):
        arrays = {}
        # form arrays
        for p in self.pins:
            if p.used:
                # find names of the form %s[%d]
                #  these are considered arrays
                match = re.findall('(.*)\[(\d+)\]',
                if match:
                    name, i = match[0]
                    i = int(i)
                    # keep track of the indices
                    if name in arrays:
                        arrays[name] = [i]

        # collect top level module arguments
        args = []
        for p in self.pins:
            if p.used:
                match = re.findall('(.*)\[(\d+)\]',
                if match:
                    name, i = match[0]
                    assert name in arrays
                    if len(arrays[name]) == 1:
                        args.append(In(Bit) if p.direction == INPUT else Out(Bit))
                        i = int(i)
                        if i == max(arrays[name]):
                            T = Bits(i+1)
                            args.append(In(T) if p.direction == INPUT else Out(T))
                    if == 'CLKIN':
                        assert p.direction == INPUT
                        args.append(In(Bit) if p.direction == INPUT else Out(Bit))

        D = DefineCircuit('main',*args)
        D.fpga = self
        for p in self.peripherals:
            if p.used:
        return D
Esempio n. 18
def DefineRAM(height, width):
    n = 1 << height
    TADDR = Bits(height)
    TDATA = Bits(width)

    class _RAM(Circuit):
        name = f'RAM{n}x{width}'
        IO = [
            In(TADDR), 'RDATA',
            Out(TDATA), 'WADDR',
            In(TADDR), 'WDATA',
            In(TDATA), 'WE',
            In(Bit), 'CLK',

        def definition(io):
            regs = REGs(n, width, has_ce=True)
            writeport(height, width, regs, io.WADDR, io.WDATA, io.WE)
            wire(readport(height, width, regs, io.RADDR), io.RDATA)

    return _RAM
Esempio n. 19
    class _Switches(Part):

        name = 'switch' + str(n)
        IO = ["O", Out(Bits(n))]

        def __init__(self):
            super(_Switches, self).__init__(name, board)
            self.n = n

        def on(self, n):
            assert n <= self.n
            for i in range(n):
                gpio = self.O[i].getgpio()
            return self
Esempio n. 20
def DefineShift(n, op):
    assert n in [2, 4, 8, 16]
    logn = log2(n)
    T = Bits(n)

    class _Shift(Circuit):
        name = f'Shift{n}'
        IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bits(logn)), 'SI', In(Bit), "O", Out(T)]

        def definition(io):
            I = io.I
            for k in range(logn):
                I = ShiftK(n, 1 << k, op)(I, io.S[k], io.SI)
            wire(I, io.O)

    return _Shift
Esempio n. 21
def DefineRotate(n, op):
    assert n in [2, 4, 8, 16]
    logn = log2(n)
    T = Bits(n)

    class _Rotate(Circuit):
        name = f'Rotate{n}'
        IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bits(logn)), "O", Out(T)]

        def definition(io):
            I = io.I
            for k in range(logn):
                I = RotateK(n, 1 << k, op)(I, io.S[k])
            wire(I, io.O)

    return _Rotate
Esempio n. 22
def DefineBarrelShift(n, k):
    assert k < n
    T = Bits(n)
    class _BarrelShift(Circuit):
        name = 'BarrelShift{}_{}'.format(n, k)
        IO = ['I', In(T), 'S', In(Bit), 'SI', In(Bit), "O", Out(T)]
        def definition(io):
            Is = [io.I[i] for i in range(n)]
            muxes = map_(Mux(2), n)
            for i in range(n):
                shifti = i - k
                I = bits([Is[i], Is[shifti] if shifti >= 0 else io.SI])
                muxes[i]( I, io.S )
            for i in range(n):
                Is[i] = muxes[i].O
            wire(bits(Is), io.O)
    return _BarrelShift
Esempio n. 23
def DefineBuf(width=1):
    Generate Buf module

    I : In(Bits(width)), O : Out(Bits(width))
    T = Bits(width)
    class BufN(Circuit):

        name = 'Buf{}'.format(width)
        IO  = ['I', In(T), 'O', Out(T)]

        def definition(def_):
            def buf(y):
                return Buf(loc=(0,y//8, y%8))
            buffer = join(col(buf, width))
            wire(def_.I, buffer.I0)
            wire(buffer.O, def_.O)

    return BufN
Esempio n. 24
def Decode(i, n, invert=False, **kwargs):
    Decode the n-bit number i.

    @return: 1 if the n-bit input equals i

    assert n <= 8

    if os.environ["MANTLE"] == "coreir":
        from mantle import eq
        from magma import Bits, In, Bit, DefineCircuit, EndDefine, wire, bits, Out
        circ = DefineCircuit(f"Decode{i}{n}", "I", In(Bits(n)), "O", Out(Bit))
        wire(circ.O, eq(circ.I, bits(i, n)))
        return circ()
    i = 1 << i
    if invert:
        m = 1 << n
        mask = (1 << m) - 1
        i = mask & (~i)
    return uncurry(LUT(i, n, **kwargs))