Esempio n. 1
class FittingDataModel(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._log_workspaces = None
        self._log_values = dict()  # {ws_name: {log_name: [avg, er]} }
        self._loaded_workspaces = {}  # Map stores using {WorkspaceName: Workspace}
        self._background_workspaces = {}
        self._last_added = []  # List of workspace names loaded in the last load action.
        self._bg_params = dict()  # {ws_name: [isSub, niter, xwindow, doSG]}

    def load_files(self, filenames_string, xunit):
        self._last_added = []
        filenames = [name.strip() for name in filenames_string.split(",")]
        for filename in filenames:
            ws_name = self._generate_workspace_name(filename, xunit)
            if ws_name not in self._loaded_workspaces:
                    if not ADS.doesExist(ws_name):
                        ws = Load(filename, OutputWorkspace=ws_name)
                        if xunit != "TOF":
                            ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=ws, OutputWorkspace=ws_name, Target=xunit)
                        ws = ADS.retrieve(ws_name)
                    if ws.getNumberHistograms() == 1:
                        self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name] = ws
                        if ws_name not in self._background_workspaces:
                            self._background_workspaces[ws_name] = None
                        self.add_log_to_table(ws_name, ws)
                            f"Invalid number of spectra in workspace {ws_name}. Skipping loading of file.")
                except RuntimeError as e:
                        f"Failed to load file: {filename}. Error: {e}. \n Continuing loading of other files.")
                logger.warning(f"File {ws_name} has already been loaded")

    def create_log_table(self):
        # run information table
        run_info = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace()
        run_info.addColumn(type="str", name="Instrument")
        run_info.addColumn(type="int", name="Run")
        run_info.addColumn(type="int", name="Bank")
        run_info.addColumn(type="float", name="uAmps")
        run_info.addColumn(type="str", name="Title")
        self._log_workspaces = GroupWorkspaces([run_info], OutputWorkspace='logs')
        # a table per logs
        logs = get_setting(path_handling.INTERFACES_SETTINGS_GROUP, path_handling.ENGINEERING_PREFIX, "logs")
        if logs:
            for log in logs.split(','):
                ws = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=log)
                ws.addColumn(type="float", name="avg")
                ws.addColumn(type="float", name="stdev")

    def add_log_to_table(self, ws_name, ws):
        # both ws and name needed in event a ws is renamed and is no longer correct
        if not self._log_workspaces:
        # make dict for run if doesn't exist
        if ws_name not in self._log_values:
            self._log_values[ws_name] = dict()
        # add run info
        run = ws.getRun()
            [ws.getInstrument().getFullName(), ws.getRunNumber(), run.getProperty('bankid').value,
             run.getProtonCharge(), ws.getTitle()])
        # add log data - loop over existing log workspaces not logs in settings as these might have changed
        for ilog in range(1, len(self._log_workspaces)):
            log_name = self._log_workspaces[ilog].name()
            if log_name in self._log_values[ws_name]:
                avg, stdev = self._log_values[ws_name][log_name]
                    avg, stdev = AverageLogData(ws_name, LogName=log_name, FixZero=False)
                    self._log_values[ws_name][log_name] = [avg, stdev]
                except RuntimeError:
                    avg, stdev = full(2, nan)
                        f"File {} does not contain log {self._log_workspaces[ilog].name()}")
            self._log_workspaces[ilog].addRow([avg, stdev])

    def remove_log_rows(self, row_numbers):
        DeleteTableRows(TableWorkspace=self._log_workspaces, Rows=list(row_numbers))

    def clear_logs(self):
        if self._log_workspaces:
            ws_name =
            self._log_workspaces = None

    def repopulate_logs(self):
        for ws_name, ws in self._loaded_workspaces.items():
            self.add_log_to_table(ws_name, ws)

    def update_log_group_name(self):
        run_info = ADS.retrieve('run_info')
        if run_info.rowCount() > 0:
            runs = run_info.column('Run')
            name = f"{run_info.row(0)['Instrument']}_{min(runs)}-{max(runs)}_logs"
            if not name ==
                RenameWorkspace(, OutputWorkspace=name)

    def update_workspace_name(self, old_name, new_name):
        if new_name not in self._loaded_workspaces:
            self._loaded_workspaces[new_name] = self._loaded_workspaces.pop(old_name)
            if old_name in self._background_workspaces:
                self._background_workspaces[new_name] = self._background_workspaces.pop(old_name)
            if old_name in self._bg_params:
                self._bg_params[new_name] = self._bg_params.pop(old_name)
            if old_name in self._log_values:
                self._log_values[new_name] = self._log_values.pop(old_name)
            logger.warning(f"There already exists a workspace with name {new_name}.")

    def get_loaded_workspaces(self):
        return self._loaded_workspaces

    def get_log_workspaces_name(self):
        return [ for ws in self._log_workspaces] if self._log_workspaces else ''

    def get_background_workspaces(self):
        return self._background_workspaces

    def get_bg_params(self):
        return self._bg_params

    def do_background_subtraction(self, ws_name, bg_params):
        ws = self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name]
        ws_bg = self._background_workspaces[ws_name]
        bg_changed = False
        if ws_bg and bg_params[1:] != self._bg_params[ws_name][1:]:
            # add bg back on to data (but don't change bgsub status)
            self.undo_background_subtraction(ws_name, isBGsub=bg_params[0])
            bg_changed = True
        if bg_changed or not ws_bg:
            # re-evaluate background (or evaluate for first time)
            self._bg_params[ws_name] = bg_params
            ws_bg = self.estimate_background(ws_name, *bg_params[1:])
        # update bg sub status before Minus (updates plot which repopulates table)
        self._bg_params[ws_name][0] = bg_params[0]
        Minus(LHSWorkspace=ws, RHSWorkspace=ws_bg, OutputWorkspace=ws_name)

    def undo_background_subtraction(self, ws_name, isBGsub=False):
        self._bg_params[ws_name][0] = isBGsub  # must do this before plotting which refreshes table
        Plus(LHSWorkspace=ws_name, RHSWorkspace=self.get_background_workspaces()[ws_name],

    def estimate_background(self, ws_name, niter, xwindow, doSGfilter):
        ws_bg = EnggEstimateFocussedBackground(InputWorkspace=ws_name, OutputWorkspace=ws_name + "_bg",
                                               NIterations=niter, XWindow=xwindow, ApplyFilterSG=doSGfilter)
        self._background_workspaces[ws_name] = ws_bg
        return ws_bg

    def plot_background_figure(self, ws_name):
        ws = self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name]
        ws_bg = self._background_workspaces[ws_name]
        if ws_bg:
            fig, ax = subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [2, 1]},
                               subplot_kw={'projection': 'mantid'})
            tmp = Plus(LHSWorkspace=ws_name, RHSWorkspace=ws_bg, StoreInADS=False)
            ax[0].plot(tmp, 'x')
            ax[0].plot(ws_bg, '-r')
            ax[1].plot(ws, 'x')

    def get_last_added(self):
        return self._last_added

    def get_sample_log_from_ws(self, ws_name, log_name):
        return self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name].getSampleDetails().getLogData(log_name).value

    def _generate_workspace_name(filepath, xunit):
        return path.splitext(path.split(filepath)[1])[0] + '_' + xunit
Esempio n. 2
class FittingDataModel(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._log_names = []
        self._log_workspaces = None
        self._log_values = dict()  # {ws_name: {log_name: [avg, er]} }
        self._loaded_workspaces = {}  # Map stores using {WorkspaceName: Workspace}
        self._bg_sub_workspaces = {}  # Map as above, this contains the workspaces with the background sub applied
        self._fit_results = {}  # {WorkspaceName: fit_result_dict}
        self._fit_workspaces = None
        self._last_added = []  # List of workspace names loaded in the last load action.
        self._bg_params = dict()  # {ws_name: [isSub, niter, xwindow, doSG]}

    def restore_files(self, ws_names):
        for ws_name in ws_names:
                ws = ADS.retrieve(ws_name)
                if ws.getNumberHistograms() == 1:
                    self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name] = ws
                    if self._bg_params[ws_name]:
                        self._bg_sub_workspaces[ws_name] = ADS.retrieve(ws_name + "_bgsub")
                        self._bg_sub_workspaces[ws_name] = None
                    if ws_name not in self._bg_params:
                        self._bg_params[ws_name] = []
                        f"Invalid number of spectra in workspace {ws_name}. Skipping restoration of workspace.")
            except RuntimeError as e:
                    f"Failed to restore workspace: {ws_name}. Error: {e}. \n Continuing loading of other files.")

    def load_files(self, filenames_string):
        self._last_added = []
        filenames = [name.strip() for name in filenames_string.split(",")]
        for filename in filenames:
            ws_name = self._generate_workspace_name(filename)
            if ws_name not in self._loaded_workspaces:
                    if not ADS.doesExist(ws_name):
                        ws = Load(filename, OutputWorkspace=ws_name)
                        ws = ADS.retrieve(ws_name)
                    if ws.getNumberHistograms() == 1:
                        self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name] = ws
                        if ws_name not in self._bg_sub_workspaces:
                            self._bg_sub_workspaces[ws_name] = None
                        if ws_name not in self._bg_params:
                            self._bg_params[ws_name] = []
                            f"Invalid number of spectra in workspace {ws_name}. Skipping loading of file.")
                except RuntimeError as e:
                        f"Failed to load file: {filename}. Error: {e}. \n Continuing loading of other files.")
                logger.warning(f"File {ws_name} has already been loaded")

    def create_log_workspace_group(self):
        # run information table
        run_info = self.make_runinfo_table()
        self._log_workspaces = GroupWorkspaces([run_info], OutputWorkspace='logs')
        # a table per logs
        logs = get_setting(output_settings.INTERFACES_SETTINGS_GROUP, output_settings.ENGINEERING_PREFIX, "logs")
        if logs:
            self._log_names = logs.split(',')
            for log in self._log_names:

    def make_log_table(self, log):
        ws_log = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=log)
        ws_log.addColumn(type="float", name="avg")
        ws_log.addColumn(type="float", name="stdev")
        return ws_log

    def make_runinfo_table(self):
        run_info = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace()
        run_info.addColumn(type="str", name="Instrument")
        run_info.addColumn(type="int", name="Run")
        run_info.addColumn(type="int", name="Bank")
        run_info.addColumn(type="float", name="uAmps")
        run_info.addColumn(type="str", name="Title")
        return run_info

    def update_log_workspace_group(self):
        # both ws and name needed in event a ws is renamed and is no longer correct
        if not self._log_workspaces:
            for log in self._log_names:
                if not ADS.doesExist(log):
            if not ADS.doesExist("run_info"):
        # update log tables
        for irow, (ws_name, ws) in enumerate(self._loaded_workspaces.items()):
            self.add_log_to_table(ws_name, ws, irow)  # rename write_log_row

    def add_log_to_table(self, ws_name, ws, irow):
        # both ws and name needed in event a ws is renamed and is no longer correct
        # make dict for run if doesn't exist
        if ws_name not in self._log_values:
            self._log_values[ws_name] = dict()
        # add run info
        run = ws.getRun()
        row = [ws.getInstrument().getFullName(), ws.getRunNumber(), run.getProperty('bankid').value,
               run.getProtonCharge(), ws.getTitle()]
        self.write_table_row(ADS.retrieve("run_info"), row, irow)
        # add log data - loop over existing log workspaces not logs in settings as these might have changed
        currentRunLogs = [ for l in run.getLogData()]
        nullLogValue = full(2, nan)  # default nan if can't read/average log data
        if run.getProtonCharge() > 0 and "proton_charge" in currentRunLogs:
            for log in self._log_names:
                if log in self._log_values[ws_name]:
                    avg, stdev = self._log_values[ws_name][log]  # already averaged
                elif log in currentRunLogs:
                    avg, stdev = AverageLogData(ws_name, LogName=log, FixZero=False)
                    avg, stdev = nullLogValue
                self._log_values[ws_name][log] = [avg, stdev]  # update model dict (even if nan)
            self._log_values[ws_name] = {log: nullLogValue for log in self._log_names}
            logger.warning(f"{} does not contain a proton charge log - log values cannot be averaged.")

        # write log values to table (nan if log could not be averaged)
        for log, avg_and_stdev in self._log_values[ws_name].items():
            self.write_table_row(ADS.retrieve(log), avg_and_stdev, irow)

    def remove_log_rows(self, row_numbers):
        DeleteTableRows(TableWorkspace=self._log_workspaces, Rows=list(row_numbers))

    def clear_logs(self):
        if self._log_workspaces:
            ws_name =
            self._log_workspaces = None

    def update_log_group_name(self):
        run_info = ADS.retrieve('run_info')
        if run_info.rowCount() > 0:
            runs = run_info.column('Run')
            name = f"{run_info.row(0)['Instrument']}_{min(runs)}-{max(runs)}_logs"
            if not name ==
                RenameWorkspace(, OutputWorkspace=name)

    def get_ws_list(self):
        return list(self._loaded_workspaces.keys())

    def get_ws_sorted_by_primary_log(self):
        ws_list = self.get_ws_list()
        tof_ws_inds = [ind for ind, ws in enumerate(ws_list) if
                       self._loaded_workspaces[ws].getAxis(0).getUnit().caption() == 'Time-of-flight']
        primary_log = get_setting(output_settings.INTERFACES_SETTINGS_GROUP, output_settings.ENGINEERING_PREFIX,
        sort_ascending = get_setting(output_settings.INTERFACES_SETTINGS_GROUP, output_settings.ENGINEERING_PREFIX,
        if primary_log:
            log_table = ADS.retrieve(primary_log)
            isort = argsort(array(log_table.column('avg')))
            ws_list_tof = [ws_list[iws] for iws in isort if iws in tof_ws_inds]
            ws_list_tof = ws_list
        if sort_ascending == 'false':
            # settings can only be saved as text
            ws_list_tof = ws_list_tof[::-1]
        return ws_list_tof

    def update_fit(self, fit_props):
        for fit_prop in fit_props:
            wsname = fit_prop['properties']['InputWorkspace']
            self._fit_results[wsname] = {'model': fit_prop['properties']['Function'],
                                         'status': fit_prop['status']}
            self._fit_results[wsname]['results'] = defaultdict(list)  # {function_param: [[Y1, E1], [Y2,E2],...] }
            fnames = [x.split('=')[-1] for x in findall('name=[^,]*', fit_prop['properties']['Function'])]
            # get num params for each function (first elem empty as str begins with 'name=')
            # need to remove ties and constraints which are enclosed in ()
            nparams = [s.count('=') for s in
                       sub(r'=\([^)]*\)', '', fit_prop['properties']['Function']).split('name=')[1:]]
            params_dict = ADS.retrieve(fit_prop['properties']['Output'] + '_Parameters').toDict()
            # loop over rows in output workspace to get value and error for each parameter
            istart = 0
            for ifunc, fname in enumerate(fnames):
                for iparam in range(0, nparams[ifunc]):
                    irow = istart + iparam
                    key = '_'.join([fname, params_dict['Name'][irow].split('.')[-1]])  # funcname_param
                        params_dict['Value'][irow], params_dict['Error'][irow]])
                    if key in fit_prop['peak_centre_params']:
                        # param corresponds to a peak centre in TOF which we also need in dspacing
                        # add another entry into the results dictionary
                        key_d = key + "_dSpacing"
                        dcen = self._convert_TOF_to_d(params_dict['Value'][irow], wsname)
                        dcen_er = self._convert_TOFerror_to_derror(params_dict['Error'][irow], dcen, wsname)
                        self._fit_results[wsname]['results'][key_d].append([dcen, dcen_er])
                istart += nparams[ifunc]
            # append the cost function value (in this case always chisq/DOF) as don't let user change cost func
            # always last row in parameters table
            self._fit_results[wsname]['costFunction'] = params_dict['Value'][-1]

    def create_fit_tables(self):
        wslist = []  # ws to be grouped
        # extract fit parameters and errors
        nruns = len(self._loaded_workspaces.keys())  # num of rows of output workspace
        # get unique set of function parameters across all workspaces
        func_params = set(chain(*[list(d['results'].keys()) for d in self._fit_results.values()]))
        for param in func_params:
            # get max number of repeated func in a model (num columns of output workspace)
            nfuncs = max([len(d['results'][param]) for d in self._fit_results.values() if param in d['results']])
            # make output workspace
            ipeak = list(range(1, nfuncs + 1)) * nruns
            ws = CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=param, DataX=ipeak, DataY=ipeak, NSpec=nruns)
            # axis for labels in workspace
            axis = TextAxis.create(nruns)
            for iws, wsname in enumerate(self._loaded_workspaces.keys()):
                wsname_bgsub = wsname + "_bgsub"
                if wsname_bgsub in self._fit_results:
                    wsname = wsname_bgsub
                if wsname in self._fit_results and param in self._fit_results[wsname]['results']:
                    fitvals = array(self._fit_results[wsname]['results'][param])
                    data = vstack((fitvals, full((nfuncs - fitvals.shape[0], 2), nan)))
                    data = full((nfuncs, 2), nan)
                ws.setY(iws, data[:, 0])
                ws.setE(iws, data[:, 1])
                # label row
                axis.setLabel(iws, wsname)
            ws.replaceAxis(1, axis)
            wslist += [ws]
        # table for model summary/info
        model = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='model')
        model.addColumn(type="str", name="Workspace")
        model.addColumn(type="float", name="chisq/DOF")  # always is for LM minimiser (users can't change)
        model.addColumn(type="str", name="status")
        model.addColumn(type="str", name="Model")
        for iws, wsname in enumerate(self._loaded_workspaces.keys()):
            if wsname in self._fit_results:
                row = [wsname, self._fit_results[wsname]['costFunction'],
                       self._fit_results[wsname]['status'], self._fit_results[wsname]['model']]
                self.write_table_row(model, row, iws)
                self.write_table_row(model, ['', nan, ''], iws)
        wslist += [model]
        group_name ='_log')[0] + '_fits'
        self._fit_workspaces = GroupWorkspaces(wslist, OutputWorkspace=group_name)

    def update_workspace_name(self, old_name, new_name):
        if new_name not in self._loaded_workspaces:
            self._loaded_workspaces[new_name] = self._loaded_workspaces.pop(old_name)
            if old_name in self._bg_sub_workspaces:
                self._bg_sub_workspaces[new_name] = self._bg_sub_workspaces.pop(old_name)
            if old_name in self._bg_params:
                self._bg_params[new_name] = self._bg_params.pop(old_name)
            if old_name in self._log_values:
                self._log_values[new_name] = self._log_values.pop(old_name)
            logger.warning(f"There already exists a workspace with name {new_name}.")

    def get_loaded_workspaces(self):
        return self._loaded_workspaces

    def get_log_workspaces_name(self):
        return [ for ws in self._log_workspaces] if self._log_workspaces else ''

    def get_bgsub_workspaces(self):
        return self._bg_sub_workspaces

    def get_bg_params(self):
        return self._bg_params

    def get_fit_results(self):
        return self._fit_results

    def create_or_update_bgsub_ws(self, ws_name, bg_params):
        ws = self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name]
        ws_bg = self._bg_sub_workspaces[ws_name]
        if not ws_bg or self._bg_params[ws_name] == [] or bg_params[1:] != self._bg_params[ws_name][1:]:
            background = self.estimate_background(ws_name, *bg_params[1:])
            self._bg_params[ws_name] = bg_params
            bgsub_ws_name = ws_name + "_bgsub"
            bgsub_ws = Minus(LHSWorkspace=ws, RHSWorkspace=background, OutputWorkspace=bgsub_ws_name)
            self._bg_sub_workspaces[ws_name] = bgsub_ws
            logger.notice("Background workspace already calculated")

    def update_bgsub_status(self, ws_name, status):
        if self._bg_params[ws_name]:
            self._bg_params[ws_name][0] = status

    def estimate_background(self, ws_name, niter, xwindow, doSGfilter):
            ws_bg = EnggEstimateFocussedBackground(InputWorkspace=ws_name, OutputWorkspace=ws_name + "_bg",
                                                   NIterations=niter, XWindow=xwindow, ApplyFilterSG=doSGfilter)
        except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
            # ValueError when Niter not positive integer, RuntimeError when Window too small
            logger.error("Error on arguments supplied to EnggEstimateFocusedBackground: " + str(e))
            ws_bg = SetUncertainties(InputWorkspace=ws_name)  # copy data and zero errors
            ws_bg = Minus(LHSWorkspace=ws_bg, RHSWorkspace=ws_bg)  # workspace of zeros with same num spectra
        return ws_bg

    def plot_background_figure(self, ws_name):
        ws = self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name]
        ws_bgsub = self._bg_sub_workspaces[ws_name]
        if ws_bgsub:
            fig, ax = subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [2, 1]},
                               subplot_kw={'projection': 'mantid'})
            bg = Minus(LHSWorkspace=ws_name, RHSWorkspace=ws_bgsub, StoreInADS=False)
            ax[0].plot(ws, 'x')
            ax[1].plot(ws_bgsub, 'x')
            ax[0].plot(bg, '-r')

    def get_last_added(self):
        return self._last_added

    def get_sample_log_from_ws(self, ws_name, log_name):
        return self._loaded_workspaces[ws_name].getSampleDetails().getLogData(log_name).value

    def set_log_workspaces_none(self):
        # to be used in the event of Ads clear, as trying to reference the deleted grp ws results in an error
        self._log_workspaces = None

    def _convert_TOF_to_d(self, tof, ws_name):
        diff_consts = self._get_diff_constants(ws_name)
        return"TOF", "dSpacing", tof, 0, DeltaEModeType.Elastic, diff_consts)  # L1=0 (ignored)

    def _convert_TOFerror_to_derror(self, tof_error, d, ws_name):
        diff_consts = self._get_diff_constants(ws_name)
        difc = diff_consts[UnitParams.difc]
        difa = diff_consts[UnitParams.difa] if UnitParams.difa in diff_consts else 0
        return tof_error / (2 * difa * d + difc)

    def _get_diff_constants(self, ws_name):
        Get diffractometer constants from workspace
        TOF = difc*d + difa*(d^2) + tzero
        ws = ADS.retrieve(ws_name)
        si = ws.spectrumInfo()
        diff_consts = si.diffractometerConstants(0)  # output is a UnitParametersMap
        return diff_consts

    def write_table_row(ws_table, row, irow):
        if irow > ws_table.rowCount() - 1:
            ws_table.setRowCount(irow + 1)
        [ws_table.setCell(irow, icol, row[icol]) for icol in range(0, len(row))]

    def _generate_workspace_name(filepath):
        wsname = path.splitext(path.split(filepath)[1])[0]
        return wsname