Esempio n. 1
    def packet_in(self, packet):
        self.exception = None
        self.is_success = False
        if self.condition[HC.GUID] in packet.match_sets:
            matchSet = packet.match_sets[self.condition[HC.GUID]]
            matchSet = MatchSet()

        # Find the matches
            i = 1
            if i <= self.max:
                for mapping in self._match(packet.graph, packet.global_pivots):
                    # Convert the mapping to a Match object
                    match = Match()
                    match.from_mapping(mapping, packet.graph, self.condition)
                    i += 1
                    if i > self.max:
                        # We don't need any more matches
        except Exception, e:
            self.is_success = False
            self.exception = TransformationException(e)
            self.exception.packet = packet
            self.exception.transformation_unit = self
            return packet
Esempio n. 2
 def packet_in(self, packet):
     self.exception = None
     self.is_success = False
     if self.condition[HC.GUID] in packet.match_sets:
         matchSet = packet.match_sets[self.condition[HC.GUID]]
         matchSet = MatchSet()
     # Find the matches
         i = 1
         if i <= self.max:
             for mapping in self._match(packet.graph, packet.global_pivots):
                 # Convert the mapping to a Match object
                 match = Match()
                 match.from_mapping(mapping, packet.graph, self.condition)
                 i += 1
                 if i > self.max:
                     # We don't need any more matches
     except Exception, e:
         self.is_success = False
         self.exception = TransformationException(e)
         self.exception.packet = packet
         self.exception.transformation_unit = self
         return packet
Esempio n. 3
    def _match(self, graph, pivots):
        def getSourceNodeFromLabel(label, mapping, pattern_graph):
            vs = pattern_graph.vs(MT_label__=label)
            if len(vs) == 0:
                #TODO: This should be a TransformationLanguageSpecificException
                raise Exception('Label %d does not exist in the pattern' %
            elif len(vs) > 1:
                #TODO: This should be a TransformationLanguageSpecificException
                raise Exception('Duplicate label %d in the pattern' % label)
            elif not vs[0].index in mapping:
                #TODO: This should be a TransformationLanguageSpecificException
                raise Exception('Node with label %d was not matched' % label)
                return graph.vs[mapping[vs[0].index]]

            Matcher with pivots and (possibly) multiple NACs
            1. Verify that no unbound NAC has a match
            2. Let the "bridge" denote the biggest graph that is the intersection of the LHS and a NAC, among all NACs
            3. Match the common part between the LHS & the NAC, i.e., the "bridge"
            3.1 Continue the matching ensuring no occurrence of the NAC
            3.2. If a NAC is found, ignore the current bridge mapping
            3.3. Continue to find complete matches of the LHS,
                 given each partial match found in 3.1.
            3.4. For each valid match, verify that no occurrence of any remaining bound NAC is found,
                 given the mapping found in 3.3.
        bound_NACs = [
        ]  # Keep track of which NACs to look for after the LHS matching
        pred1 = {
        }  # To optimize the matcher, since otherwise matcher will compute the predecessors of the source graph many times
        succ1 = {
        }  # To optimize the matcher, since otherwise matcher will compute the successors of the source graph many times

        # Cache the pivot nodes of the source graph
        pivots = deepcopy(pivots)

        for NAC in self.condition.NACs:
            # Delay the case where the NAC has some nodes bound to the LHS
            if NAC.bridge.vcount() > 0:

            # First process the NACs that are not bound to the LHS
                # Look for a NAC match
                nacMatcher = HimesisMatcher(source_graph=graph,
                # Convert the pivots
                nac_pivots = pivots.to_mapping(graph, NAC)
                    for mapping in nacMatcher.match_iter(context=nac_pivots):
                        if NAC.constraint(
                                lambda i: getSourceNodeFromLabel(
                                    i, mapping, self.condition), graph):
                            # An unbound NAC has been found: this pattern can never match
                # For further matching optimizations
                pred1 = nacMatcher.pred1
                succ1 = nacMatcher.succ1

        # Either there are no NACs, or there were only unbound NACs that do not match, so match the LHS now
        bound_NACs.sort(key=lambda nac: nac.bridge.vcount(), reverse=True)
        if not bound_NACs:
            lhsMatcher = HimesisMatcher(source_graph=graph,
            # Convert the pivots
            lhs_pivots = pivots.to_mapping(graph, self.condition)
                for mapping in lhsMatcher.match_iter(context=lhs_pivots):
                    if self.condition.constraint(
                            lambda i: getSourceNodeFromLabel(
                                i, mapping, self.condition), graph):
                        yield mapping

            # The matching is complete

        # Now process the NACs that have some nodes bound to the LHS

        # Continue the matching looking for the LHS now
        lhsMatcher = HimesisMatcher(source_graph=graph,
        # Augment the bridge mapping with the pivot mappings
        lhs_pivots = pivots.to_mapping(graph, self.condition)

            for mapping in lhsMatcher.match_iter(context=lhs_pivots):
                if self.condition.constraint(
                        lambda i: getSourceNodeFromLabel(
                            i, mapping, self.condition), graph):
                    # A match of the LHS is found: ensure that no remaining NAC do match
                    invalid = False
                    for NAC in bound_NACs:
                        # This mapping represents the mapping of the bridge of this NAC with the LHS
                        match = Match()
                        match.from_mapping(mapping, graph, self.condition)
                        bridgeMapping = match.to_mapping(graph, NAC)

                        # Now continue the matching looking for a match of the corresponding NAC
                        nacMatcher = HimesisMatcher(source_graph=graph,
                        for nac_mapping in nacMatcher.match_iter(
                            if NAC.constraint(
                                    lambda i: getSourceNodeFromLabel(
                                        i, nac_mapping, NAC), graph):
                                # An occurrence of the NAC is found: current mapping is not valid
                                invalid = True
                        if invalid:
                            # An occurrence of the NAC was found: current mapping is not valid
                        # Either there are no bound NACs or no occurrence of any bound NAC was found: current mapping is valid
                        yield mapping
Esempio n. 4
 def _match(self, graph, pivots) :
     def getSourceNodeFromLabel(label, mapping, pattern_graph):
         vs = pattern_graph.vs(MT_label__ = label)
         if len(vs) == 0:
             #TODO: This should be a TransformationLanguageSpecificException
             raise Exception('Label %d does not exist in the pattern' % label)
         elif len(vs) > 1:
             #TODO: This should be a TransformationLanguageSpecificException
             raise Exception('Duplicate label %d in the pattern' % label)
         elif not vs[0].index in mapping:
             #TODO: This should be a TransformationLanguageSpecificException
             raise Exception('Node with label %d was not matched' % label)
             return graph.vs[mapping[vs[0].index]]
         Matcher with pivots and (possibly) multiple NACs
         1. Verify that no unbound NAC has a match
         2. Let the "bridge" denote the biggest graph that is the intersection of the LHS and a NAC, among all NACs
         3. Match the common part between the LHS & the NAC, i.e., the "bridge"
         3.1 Continue the matching ensuring no occurrence of the NAC
         3.2. If a NAC is found, ignore the current bridge mapping
         3.3. Continue to find complete matches of the LHS,
              given each partial match found in 3.1.
         3.4. For each valid match, verify that no occurrence of any remaining bound NAC is found,
              given the mapping found in 3.3.
     bound_NACs = []          # Keep track of which NACs to look for after the LHS matching
     pred1 = {}              # To optimize the matcher, since otherwise matcher will compute the predecessors of the source graph many times
     succ1 = {}              # To optimize the matcher, since otherwise matcher will compute the successors of the source graph many times
     # Cache the pivot nodes of the source graph
     pivots = deepcopy(pivots)
     for NAC in self.condition.NACs:
         # Delay the case where the NAC has some nodes bound to the LHS
         if NAC.bridge.vcount() > 0:
         # First process the NACs that are not bound to the LHS
             # Look for a NAC match
             nacMatcher = HimesisMatcher(source_graph=graph, pattern_graph=NAC)
             # Convert the pivots
             nac_pivots = pivots.to_mapping(graph, NAC)
                 for mapping in nacMatcher.match_iter(context=nac_pivots):
                     if NAC.constraint(lambda i: getSourceNodeFromLabel(i, mapping, self.condition), graph):
                         # An unbound NAC has been found: this pattern can never match
             except: raise
             finally: nacMatcher.reset_recursion_limit()
             # For further matching optimizations
             pred1 = nacMatcher.pred1
             succ1 = nacMatcher.succ1
     # Either there are no NACs, or there were only unbound NACs that do not match, so match the LHS now
     bound_NACs.sort(key=lambda nac: nac.bridge.vcount(), reverse=True)
     if not bound_NACs:
         lhsMatcher = HimesisMatcher(source_graph=graph, pattern_graph=self.condition, pred1=pred1, succ1=succ1)
         # Convert the pivots
         lhs_pivots = pivots.to_mapping(graph, self.condition)
             for mapping in lhsMatcher.match_iter(context=lhs_pivots):
                 if self.condition.constraint(lambda i: getSourceNodeFromLabel(i, mapping, self.condition), graph):
                     yield mapping
         except: raise
         finally: lhsMatcher.reset_recursion_limit()
         # The matching is complete
     # Now process the NACs that have some nodes bound to the LHS
     # Continue the matching looking for the LHS now
     lhsMatcher = HimesisMatcher(source_graph=graph, pattern_graph=self.condition, pred1=pred1, succ1=succ1)
     # Augment the bridge mapping with the pivot mappings
     lhs_pivots = pivots.to_mapping(graph, self.condition)
         for mapping in lhsMatcher.match_iter(context=lhs_pivots):
             if self.condition.constraint(lambda i: getSourceNodeFromLabel(i, mapping, self.condition), graph):
                 # A match of the LHS is found: ensure that no remaining NAC do match
                 invalid = False
                 for NAC in bound_NACs:
                     # This mapping represents the mapping of the bridge of this NAC with the LHS
                     match = Match()
                     match.from_mapping(mapping, graph, self.condition)
                     bridgeMapping = match.to_mapping(graph, NAC)
                     # Now continue the matching looking for a match of the corresponding NAC
                     nacMatcher = HimesisMatcher(source_graph=graph, pattern_graph=NAC, pred1=pred1, succ1=succ1)
                     for nac_mapping in nacMatcher.match_iter(context=bridgeMapping):
                         if NAC.constraint(lambda i: getSourceNodeFromLabel(i, nac_mapping, NAC), graph):
                             # An occurrence of the NAC is found: current mapping is not valid
                             invalid = True
                     if invalid:
                         # An occurrence of the NAC was found: current mapping is not valid
                     # Either there are no bound NACs or no occurrence of any bound NAC was found: current mapping is valid
                     yield mapping
     except: raise
     finally: lhsMatcher.reset_recursion_limit()