def __init__(self, dictionary):
        r""" Microstructure Fingerprinting model [1].

        dictionary : str or dict
            str must be the path to a Matlab mat file.
            Ask the author for help in generating a dictionary specific to
            your study.

        Currently only implemented for PGSE, HARDI-like acquisition schemes.
        Shells can have different timing (Delta, delta) parameters and echo
        times however.

        .. [1] Rensonnet, G., Scherrer, B., Girard, G., Jankovski, A.,
        Warfield, S.K., Macq, B., Thiran, J.P. and Taquet, M., 2019. Towards
        microstructure fingerprinting: Estimation of tissue properties from
        a dictionary of Monte Carlo diffusion MRI simulations. NeuroImage,
        184, pp.964-980.

        if isinstance(dictionary, str):
            self.dic = mfu.loadmat(dictionary)
        elif isinstance(dictionary, dict):
            self.dic = dictionary
            raise ValueError("Dictionary should either be a valid path to a"
                             " Matlab-like mat file or a Python dictionary.")
        # Compute multi-shell interpolator object
        # TODO: do upon dictionary creation, pickle/dill it and reuse...
        self.ms_interpolator = mfu.init_PGSE_multishell_interp(
            self.dic['dictionary'], self.dic['sch_mat'],
        print("Initiated model based on dictionary with %d single-fascicle"
              " fingerprint(s) and %d fingerprint(s) for the extra-axonal"
              " restricted (EAR) compartment." %
              (self.dic['num_atom'], self.dic['num_ear']))
# %% Load DW-MRI protocol from Human Connectome Project (HCP)
schemefile = os.path.join('real_data', 'hcp_mgh_1003.scheme1')
sch_mat = np.loadtxt(schemefile, skiprows=1)  # only DWI, no b0s
bvalfile = os.path.join('real_data', 'bvals.txt')
bvecfile = os.path.join('real_data', 'bvecs.txt')
bvals = np.loadtxt(bvalfile)  # NOT in SI units, in s/mm^2
ind_b0 = np.where(bvals <= 1e-16)[0]
ind_b = np.where(bvals > 1e-16)[0]
num_B0 = ind_b0.size
sch_mat_b0 = np.zeros((sch_mat.shape[0] + num_B0, sch_mat.shape[1]))
sch_mat_b0[ind_b0, 4:] = sch_mat[0, 4:]
sch_mat_b0[ind_b, :] = sch_mat
num_mris = sch_mat_b0.shape[0]

# %% Load single-fascicle canonical dictionary
ld_singfasc_dic = util.loadmat('MC_dictionary_hcp.mat')
# The single-fascicle dictionary stored in the matfile contains all the b0
# images first followed by the diffusion-weighted signals. We reorder the
# acquisitions to match the acquisition protocol. This is the canonical
# dictionary.
if not use_prerot:
    dic_sing_fasc = np.zeros(ld_singfasc_dic['dic_fascicle_refdir'].shape)
        ind_b0, :] = ld_singfasc_dic['dic_fascicle_refdir'][:num_B0, :]
    dic_sing_fasc[ind_b, :] = ld_singfasc_dic['dic_fascicle_refdir'][
        num_B0:, :]
    refdir = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

# Paramètres du protocole
num_atoms = ld_singfasc_dic['dic_fascicle_refdir'].shape[1]
WM_DIFF = ld_singfasc_dic['WM_DIFF']
Esempio n. 3
use_noise = True
use_NoNoise = True

if use_noise:
    filename = 'data_TEST2/DW_noisy_store_uniform_15000__lou_TEST2'
    y_data = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    y_data = y_data/M0
    print('ok noise')
if use_NoNoise:   
    filename = 'data_TEST2/DW_image_store_uniform_15000__lou_TEST2'
    y_data2 = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))    
    print('ok no noise')
target_data = util.loadmat(os.path.join('data_TEST2',

IDs = target_data['IDs'][0:num_sample, :]
nus = target_data['nus'][0:num_sample, :]
target_params_y = np.zeros((6, num_sample))

target_params_y[0,:] = nus[:,0]
target_params_y[1,:] = target_data['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:,0]]
target_params_y[2,:] = target_data['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:,0]]
target_params_y[3,:] = nus[:,1]
target_params_y[4,:] = target_data['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:,1]]
target_params_y[5,:] = target_data['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:,1]]

scaled = False
if scaled:
Esempio n. 4
    # small changes for nn
    y_data = np.transpose(y_data)
    y_data_n = torch.from_numpy(y_data)
    y_data_n = y_data_n.float()
    print('ok noise')

if use_NoNoise:
    filename = 'data_TEST2/DW_image_store_uniform_15000__lou_TEST2'
    y_data2 = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    # small changes for nn
    y_data2 = np.transpose(y_data2)
    y_data2_n = torch.from_numpy(y_data2)
    y_data2_n = y_data2_n.float()
    print('ok no noise')

target_data = util.loadmat(
    os.path.join('data_TEST2', "training_datauniform_15000_samples_lou_TEST2"))

IDs = target_data['IDs'][0:num_sample, :]
nus = target_data['nus'][0:num_sample, :]

target_params_y = np.zeros((6, num_sample))

target_params_y[0, :] = nus[:, 0]
target_params_y[1, :] = target_data['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:, 0]]
target_params_y[2, :] = target_data['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:, 0]]
target_params_y[3, :] = nus[:, 1]
target_params_y[4, :] = target_data['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:, 1]]
target_params_y[5, :] = target_data['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:, 1]]

load_scaler1 = True
if load_scaler1:
def MCF_DDE(domain, L, diff, scheme,
            envdir=np.array([0, 0, 1]),
    ''' Thu Apr 16 20:04:39 2020
    sch_mat = import_DDE_scheme(scheme)  # always 2D
    n_seq = sch_mat.shape[0]
    gdirall1 = sch_mat[:, :3]
    Gall1 = sch_mat[:, 3]
    Delall1 = sch_mat[:, 4]
    delall1 = sch_mat[:, 5]
    tauall = sch_mat[:, 6]

    gdirall2 = sch_mat[:, 7:10]
    Gall2 = sch_mat[:, 10]
    Delall2 = sch_mat[:, 11]
    delall2 = sch_mat[:, 12]

    Tall = Delall1 + delall1 + tauall + Delall2 + delall2
    Tmax = np.max(Tall)  # just for scaling

    # Normalize environment's direction
    dir_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(envdir**2))
    if dir_norm == 0:
        raise ValueError('Direction (orientation) of environment cannot'
                         ' be a zero vector.')
        envdir = envdir/dir_norm

    # Number of eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator in the geometry used
    # for the decomposition of the macroscopic magnetization
    M = np.min([M, 60])

    # Load pre-computed MCF vectors and matrices
    if domain in ['c', 'cylinder']:  # TODO: 'fc', 'fincyl'
        DOMTYPE = 'cylinder'
        fname = 'MCF_Bcl.mat'
    elif domain in ['s', 'sphere']:
        DOMTYPE = 'sphere'
        fname = 'MCF_Bsl.mat'
    elif domain in ['p', 'planes']:
        DOMTYPE = 'interval'
        fname = 'MCF_Bpl.mat'
        raise ValueError('Unknown domain %s.' % (domain,))

    # 'B' matrix, perturbing interaction due to the externally-applied
    # magnetic field (via gradients) in the eigenbasis of the Laplace
    # operator. Eq. [22] in [1].
    script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    MCF_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, 'MCF_data')
    path_B = os.path.join(MCF_dir, fname)
    B = mfu.loadmat(path_B)['B'][0:M, 0:M]

    # Eigenvalues of the Laplace operator, which are always real and
    # positive and strictly increasing (lam_1<lam_2<...<lam_M<...). Eq. [14a]
    # in [1].
    fname = list(fname)  # convert to list for modification of a character
    fname[4] = 'L'
    path_L = os.path.join(MCF_dir, "".join(fname))
    Lamvec = mfu.loadmat(path_L)['L'].squeeze()[0:M]
    Lam = np.diag(Lamvec)

    # ! Check accuracy of truncation of B matrix and Lambda vector as per
    # Eq. [36] in [1]. TODO: double-check for double-diffusion encoding
    # dimensionless number, pure diffusion, 'damping' real factor in matrix
    # exponential:
    p = diff*Tall/L**2
    # dimensionless number, effect of gradient encoding, 'oscillating'
    # imaginary factor in matrix exponential:
    Gallmax = np.maximum(Gall1, Gall2)  # element-wise maximum
    q = gamma * Tall * L * Gallmax
    # ratio, operations reordered for numerical stability:
    q_over_p = (gamma*L)*(L**2/diff)*Gallmax
    idx_bad = np.where(q_over_p >= Lamvec[-1])[0]
    n_bad = idx_bad.size
    if n_bad > 0:
        badlist = " ".join("%d" % (idx,) for idx in idx_bad)
        bad1 = idx_bad[0]
        # p*Lam = damping factor, which must exceed oscillating component q
        msg = ('Number of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions M=%d too small'
               ' to ensure accuracy of final DW-MRI signal for the'
               ' physical parameters provided in the following %d '
               'In seq. %d for instance, detected lambda_M=%g <'
               ' q/p=%g, with p=D*T/L^2=%g and q=gam*T*L*G=%g.'
               'This code is only reliable for a smaller L, a smaller G '
               'or a higher diff. Otherwise you may want to try to '
               'approximate the DW-MRI signal with a formula based '
               'on the Gaussian phase distribution (GPD) for instance.' %
               (M, n_bad, badlist, bad1, Lamvec[-1],
                q_over_p[bad1], p[bad1], q[bad1]))
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Precompute component associated to pure diffusion (just needs to be
    # scaled accordingly for each sequence afterwards)
    Epurediff = np.exp(-Lamvec*diff*Tmax/L**2)

    # Compute normalized signal attenuation for all sequences
    E = np.zeros(n_seq)
    for i in range(n_seq):
        G1 = Gall1[i]
        G2 = Gall2[i]
        gdir1 = gdirall1[i, :]
        gdir2 = gdirall2[i, :]
        Del1 = Delall1[i]
        del1 = delall1[i]
        Del2 = Delall2[i]
        del2 = delall2[i]
        tau = tauall[i]
        T_i = Del1 + del1 + tau + Del2 + del2
        if G1 == 0 and G2 == 0:
            E[i] = 1

        if DOMTYPE == 'cylinder':
            gpar1 =, envdir) * envdir
            gperp1 = gdir1 - gpar1
            Gpar1 = G1 * np.sqrt(np.sum(gpar1**2))
            Gperp1 = G1 * np.sqrt(np.sum(gperp1**2))

            gpar2 =, envdir) * envdir
            gperp2 = gdir2 - gpar2
            Gpar2 = G2 * np.sqrt(np.sum(gpar2**2))
            Gperp2 = G2 * np.sqrt(np.sum(gperp2**2))

            # Signal due to component of gradient perpendicular to cylinder
            p = diff * T_i / L**2
            qperp1 = gamma * T_i * L * Gperp1
            qperp2 = gamma * T_i * L * Gperp2
            # TODO: shortcut if G1=0 => R1=Identity, same for G2 and R2
            R1 = (expm(-(p*Lam - (1j)*qperp1*B)*(del1/T_i)) @
                  np.diag(Epurediff**((Del1-del1)/Tmax)) @
                  expm(-(p*Lam + (1j)*qperp1*B)*(del1/T_i)))
            Rmix = np.diag(Epurediff**(tau/Tmax))
            R2 = (expm(-(p*Lam - (1j)*qperp2*B)*(del2/T_i)) @
                  np.diag(Epurediff**((Del2-del2)/Tmax)) @
                  expm(-(p*Lam + (1j)*qperp2*B)*(del2/T_i)))
            R = R2 @ Rmix @ R1
            Eperp = R[0, 0]
            # Signal due to component of gradient parallel to cylinder
            bpar1 = (gamma * del1 * Gpar1)**2 * (Del1 - del1/3)
            bpar2 = (gamma * del2 * Gpar2)**2 * (Del2 - del2/3)
            Epar = np.exp(-(bpar1+bpar2) * diff)

            # Total signal for applied gradient profile i:
            E[i] = np.abs(Eperp) * Epar
            raise NotImplementedError()
    return E
def MCF_PGSE(domain, L, diff, *,  # all subsequent args must be named
             scheme=None, envdir=np.array([0, 0, 1]),
             G=None, Delta=None, delta=None,
             gamma=mfu.get_gyromagnetic_ratio('hydrogen'), M=60):
    '''Intracellular PGSE signal attenuation using the MCF approach.

    The multiple correlation function (MCF) formalism [1] provides a very
    accurate value for the DW-MRI signal inside simple geometries in which
    the Laplace eigenvalue problem has a known solution, for gradient profiles
    that are piecewise constant. Multiple boundary conditions can be handled
    (Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin) but only the Neumann condition representing
    perfectly-reflecting membranes is implemented here. The accuracy of the
    solution is determined by the number of Laplace eigenfunctions used to
    represent the solution, which is limited to 60 in the current
    implementation. If gamma*G*L^3/Diff is too large, the validity of the
    current implementation breaks and an error message is displayed.

      domain: (str) 'c', 'cylinder' for infinite cylinder; 'fc' or 'fincyl'
        for finite cylinders (L2 required); 's' or 'sphere' for sphere;
        'p' or 'planes' for a 1D interval or, equivalently, the space between
        two infinite 2D planes or slabs.
      L: (scalar) size of geometrical pore ('characteristic length' in MCF
        theory), namely radius for cylinder, length for the finite cylinder,
        radius for the sphere and length of interval for plane
      (required: specificy either scheme or all of G, Delta, delta)
      scheme: path to scheme file or NumPy array containing 7 entries per
        row: [gx, gy, gz, G, Delta, delta, TE]. If set, G, Delta and delta
        are ignored.
      G: scalar or 1D NumPy array. Same shape as Delta and delta. Ignored if
        scheme is set.
      Delta: scalar or 1D NumPy array. Same shape as G and delta.
      delta: scalar or 1D NumPy array. Same shape as G and Delta.

      [1] Grebenkov, D.S., 2008. Laplacian eigenfunctions in NMR. I. A
      numerical tool. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: An Educational
      Journal, 32(4), pp.277-301.
    if scheme is not None:
        sch_mat = mfu.import_PGSE_scheme(scheme)  # always 2D
        n_seq = sch_mat.shape[0]
        gdirall = sch_mat[:, :3]
        Gall = sch_mat[:, 3]
        Delall = sch_mat[:, 4]
        delall = sch_mat[:, 5]
        Tmax = np.max(Delall + delall)
        all_missing = ((G is None) and (Delta is None) and (delta is None))
        if all_missing:
            raise ValueError('Either provide a scheme matrix or specify'
                             ' G, Delta and delta.')
        missing = ((G is None) or (Delta is None) or (delta is None))
        if missing:
            raise ValueError('Without a scheme matrix provided (non-scheme'
                             ' mode), G, Delta and delta are all required.')
        Gall = np.atleast_1d(G)
        Delall = np.atleast_1d(Delta)
        delall = np.atleast_1d(delta)
        samesize = (Gall.size == Delall.size) and (Delall.size == delall.size)
        if not samesize:
            raise ValueError('G, Delta and delta should contain the same'
                             ' number of elements. Detected %d, %d and '
                             '%d, respectively.' %
                             (Gall.size, Delall.size, delall.size))
        n_seq = Gall.size
        Tmax = np.max(Delall + delall)
        # In non-scheme mode, environment assumed oriented along z axis and
        # gradient assumed along x-axis if none is provided
        ref_gdir = np.array([1, 0, 0])
        gdirall = np.tile(ref_gdir, (n_seq, 1))  # make 2D
    Tall = Delall + delall
    n_bad_del = np.sum(Delall < delall)
    if n_bad_del > 0:
        # TODO: transfer this repsonsibility to importation script
        raise ValueError('Detected %d sequence(s) with big Delta smaller'
                         ' than small delta. In a PGSE sequence, Delta>=delta'
                         ' should always be enforced.' % (n_bad_del,))
    # Normalize environment's direction
    dir_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(envdir**2))
    if dir_norm == 0:
        raise ValueError('Direction (orientation) of environment cannot'
                         ' be a zero vector.')
        envdir = envdir/dir_norm

    # Number of eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator in the geometry used
    # for the decomposition of the macroscopic magnetization
    M = np.min([M, 60])

    # Load pre-computed MCF vectors and matrices
    if domain in ['c', 'cylinder']:  # TODO: 'fc', 'fincyl'
        DOMTYPE = 'cylinder'
        fname = 'MCF_Bcl.mat'
    elif domain in ['s', 'sphere']:
        DOMTYPE = 'sphere'
        fname = 'MCF_Bsl.mat'
    elif domain in ['p', 'planes']:
        DOMTYPE = 'interval'
        fname = 'MCF_Bpl.mat'
        raise ValueError('Unknown domain %s.' % (domain,))

    # 'B' matrix, perturbing interaction due to the externally-applied
    # magnetic field (via gradients) in the eigenbasis of the Laplace
    # operator. Eq. [22] in [1].
    script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    MCF_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, 'MCF_data')
    path_B = os.path.join(MCF_dir, fname)
    B = mfu.loadmat(path_B)['B'][0:M, 0:M]

    # Eigenvalues of the Laplace operator, which are always real and
    # positive and strictly increasing (lam_1<lam_2<...<lam_M<...). Eq. [14a]
    # in [1].
    fname = list(fname)  # convert to list for modification of a character
    fname[4] = 'L'
    path_L = os.path.join(MCF_dir, "".join(fname))
    Lamvec = mfu.loadmat(path_L)['L'].squeeze()[0:M]
    Lam = np.diag(Lamvec)

    # ! Check accuracy of truncation of B matrix and Lambda vector as per
    # Eq. [36] in [1].
    # dimensionless number, pure diffusion, 'damping' real factor in matrix
    # exponential:
    p = diff*Tall/L**2
    # dimensionless number, effect of gradient encoding, 'oscillating'
    # imaginary factor in matrix exponential:
    q = gamma * Tall * L * Gall
    # ratio, operations reordered for numerical stability:
    q_over_p = (gamma*L)*(L**2/diff)*Gall
    idx_bad = np.where(q_over_p >= Lamvec[-1])[0]
    n_bad = idx_bad.size
    if n_bad > 0:
        badlist = " ".join("%d" % (idx,) for idx in idx_bad)
        bad1 = idx_bad[0]
        # p*Lam = damping factor, which must exceed oscillating component q
        msg = ('Number of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions M=%d too small'
               ' to ensure accuracy of final DW-MRI signal for the'
               ' physical parameters provided in the following %d '
               'In seq. %d for instance, detected lambda_M=%g <'
               ' q/p=%g, with p=D*T/L^2=%g and q=gam*T*L*G=%g.'
               'This code is only reliable for a smaller L, a smaller G '
               'or a higher diff. Otherwise you may want to try to '
               'approximate the DW-MRI signal with a formula based '
               'on the Gaussian phase distribution (GPD) for instance.' %
               (M, n_bad, badlist, bad1, Lamvec[-1],
                q_over_p[bad1], p[bad1], q[bad1]))
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Precompute component associated to pure diffusion (just needs to be
    # scaled accordingly for each sequence afterwards)
    Epurediff = np.exp(-Lamvec*diff*Tmax/L**2)

    # Compute normalized signal attenuation for all sequences
    E = np.zeros(n_seq)
    for i in range(n_seq):
        G = Gall[i]
        if G == 0:
            E[i] = 1
        gdir = gdirall[i, :]
        gdirnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(gdir**2))
        if np.abs(1-gdirnorm) > 1e-4:
            raise ValueError('Sequence %d: gradient direction not normalized'
                             ' (found %g)' % (i, gdirnorm))
        Del_i = Delall[i]
        del_i = delall[i]
        T_i = Del_i + del_i

        if DOMTYPE == 'cylinder':
            gpar =, envdir) * envdir
            gperp = gdir - gpar
            Gpar = G * np.sqrt(np.sum(gpar**2))
            Gperp = G * np.sqrt(np.sum(gperp**2))
            # Signal due to component of gradient perpendicular to cylinder
            p = diff * T_i / L**2
            qperp = gamma * T_i * L * Gperp
            R = (expm(-(p*Lam - (1j)*qperp*B)*(del_i/T_i)) @
                 np.diag(Epurediff**((Del_i-del_i)/Tmax)) @
                 expm(-(p*Lam + (1j)*qperp*B)*(del_i/T_i)))
            Eperp = R[0, 0]
            # Signal due to component of gradient parallel to cylinder
            bpar = (gamma * del_i * Gpar)**2 * (Del_i - del_i/3)
            Epar = np.exp(-bpar * diff)
            E[i] = np.abs(Eperp) * Epar
            raise NotImplementedError()
    return E
Esempio n. 7
#quelques modifs pour le modele neuronal
x_train = x_train.float()
x_train = torch.transpose(x_train, 0, 1)
x_test = x_test.float()
x_test = torch.transpose(x_test, 0, 1)
x_valid = x_valid.float()
x_valid = torch.transpose(x_valid, 0, 1)

# %% Target data

print("--- Taking microstructural properties of fascicles ---")

data_dir = 'synthetic_data'

target_data = util.loadmat(
    os.path.join('synthetic_data', "training_data_"

# Substrate (=fingerprint) properties
IDs = target_data['IDs'][0:num_sample, :]
nus = target_data['nus'][0:num_sample, :]

target_params = np.zeros((6, num_sample))

target_params[0, :] = nus[:, 0]
target_params[1, :] = target_data['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:, 0]]
target_params[2, :] = target_data['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:, 0]]
target_params[3, :] = nus[:, 1]
target_params[4, :] = target_data['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:, 1]]
target_params[5, :] = target_data['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:, 1]]
Esempio n. 8
save_boost = False
save_rf = False

if big_set:
    if use_noise:
        filename = 'synthetic_data/DW_noisy_store_uniform_600000__lou_version8'
        data = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
        data = data / M0
        filename = 'synthetic_data/DW_image_store_uniform_600000__lou_version8'
        data = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))

    parameters = util.loadmat(
    IDs = parameters['IDs'][0:num_sample, :]
    nus = parameters['nus'][0:num_sample, :]

if small_set:
    filename = 'data/ID_noisy_data_lownoise'
    IDs_2 = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    filename = 'data/nus_data_lownoise'
    nus_2 = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))

    IDs = IDs_2[0:num_sample, :]
    nus = nus_2[0:num_sample, :]

    if use_noise:
ind_b0 = np.where(bvals <= 1e-16)[0]
ind_b = np.where(bvals > 1e-16)[0]
num_B0 = ind_b0.size
sch_mat_b0 = np.zeros((sch_mat.shape[0] + num_B0, sch_mat.shape[1]))
sch_mat_b0[ind_b0, 4:] = sch_mat[0, 4:]
sch_mat_b0[ind_b, :] = sch_mat
num_mris = sch_mat_b0.shape[0]

print('ind_b0', ind_b0)
print('ind_b', ind_b)
print('num_B0', num_B0)
print('sch_mat_b0', sch_mat_b0)
print('num_mris', num_mris)

# %% Load single-fascicle canonical dictionary
ld_singfasc_dic = util.loadmat('MC_dictionary_hcp.mat')
# The single-fascicle dictionary stored in the matfile contains all the b0
# images first followed by the diffusion-weighted signals. We reorder the
# acquisitions to match the acquisition protocol.
if not use_prerot:
    dic_sing_fasc = np.zeros(ld_singfasc_dic['dic_fascicle_refdir'].shape)
                  :] = ld_singfasc_dic['dic_fascicle_refdir'][:num_B0, :]
                  :] = ld_singfasc_dic['dic_fascicle_refdir'][num_B0:, :]
    refdir = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

# Paramètres du protocole
num_atoms = ld_singfasc_dic['dic_fascicle_refdir'].shape[1]
WM_DIFF = ld_singfasc_dic['WM_DIFF']
S0_fasc = ld_singfasc_dic['S0_fascicle']
Esempio n. 10
x_test = x_test.float()
x_test = torch.transpose(x_test, 0, 1)
x_valid = x_valid.float()
x_valid = torch.transpose(x_valid, 0, 1)

# %% Target data

print("--- Taking microstructural properties of fascicles ---")

data_dir = 'synthetic_data'
use_dictionary = True

if use_dictionary:
    if use_noise:
        parameters = util.loadmat(
            os.path.join(data_dir, "training_data_triangSNR_"
        parameters = util.loadmat(
            os.path.join(data_dir, "training_data_"
    filename = 'NW1targets'
    parameters = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))

target_params = np.zeros((6, num_sample))

target_params[0, :] = nus[:, 0]
target_params[1, :] = parameters['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:, 0]]
target_params[2, :] = parameters['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:, 0]]
target_params[3, :] = nus[:, 1]
x_valid = torch.from_numpy(x_valid)

# modifications for neural network
x_train = x_train.float()
x_train = torch.transpose(x_train, 0, 1) 
x_test = x_test.float()
x_test = torch.transpose(x_test, 0, 1) 
x_valid = x_valid.float()
x_valid = torch.transpose(x_valid, 0, 1) 

# %% Loading and scaling target data

print("--- Taking microstructural properties of fascicles ---")

target_data = util.loadmat(os.path.join('synthetic_data',

# Substrate (=fingerprint) properties
IDs = target_data['IDs'][0:num_sample, :]
nus = target_data['nus'][0:num_sample, :]
target_params = np.zeros((6, num_sample))

target_params[0,:] = nus[:,0]
target_params[1,:] = target_data['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:,0]]
target_params[2,:] = target_data['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:,0]]
target_params[3,:] = nus[:,1]
target_params[4,:] = target_data['subinfo']['rad'][IDs[:,1]]
target_params[5,:] = target_data['subinfo']['fin'][IDs[:,1]]

# Scaling: Standardisation of microstructural properties
scaler1 = StandardScaler()