def get_projects(token_info, include_stats, is_active=None):

    with Transaction() as t:
        admin_repo = AdminRepo(t)
        projects_list = admin_repo.get_projects(include_stats, is_active)
        result = [x.to_api() for x in projects_list]
        return jsonify(result), 200
Esempio n. 2
    def _set_up_and_query_projects(self, t, include_stats, is_active_val):
        updated_dict = self._FULL_PROJECT_DICT.copy()
        updated_dict[p.PROJ_NAME_KEY] = 'test_proj'
        input = p.Project.from_dict(updated_dict)

        admin_repo = AdminRepo(t)
        # existing project 8 in test db
        admin_repo.update_project(8, input)

        set_up_sql = """
            -- add some additional scans to project 8 so can test that
            -- computed statistics based on latest scans are choosing all
            -- (and only) the scans that they should:
            -- add a scan w an earlier timestamp (though added into db
            -- later) than existing one showing that this barcode USED TO
            -- have a problem but no longer does.
            insert into barcodes.barcode_scans
            (barcode, scan_timestamp, sample_status)
            VALUES ('000007640', '2012-11-01', 'no-registered-account');

            -- add a second *sample-is-valid* scan for the same barcode
            -- so can ensure that sample status count are distinct
            insert into barcodes.barcode_scans
            (barcode, scan_timestamp, sample_status)
            VALUES ('000007640', '2012-12-01', 'sample-is-valid');

            -- add two additional scans for a different barcode: a valid
            -- scan followed by a problem scan, thus indicting this sample
            -- currently has a problem.
            insert into barcodes.barcode_scans
            (barcode, scan_timestamp, sample_status)
            VALUES ('000070796', '2020-07-01', 'sample-is-valid');

            insert into barcodes.barcode_scans
            (barcode, scan_timestamp, sample_status)
            VALUES ('000070796', '2020-09-01', 'no-registered-account');

            UPDATE barcodes.project SET is_active = FALSE
            WHERE project_id = 2;
        with t.cursor() as cur:

        output = admin_repo.get_projects(include_stats, is_active_val)

        updated_dict["project_id"] = 8
        computed_stats = \
            {p.NUM_FULLY_RETURNED_KITS_KEY: 1,
             p.NUM_KITS_KEY: 5,
             p.NUM_KITS_W_PROBLEMS_KEY: 1,
             'num_no_associated_source': 0,
             'num_no_collection_info': 0,
             'num_no_registered_account': 1,
             'num_received_unknown_validity': 0,
             'num_sample_is_valid': 4,
             p.NUM_SAMPLES_KEY: 20,
             p.NUM_SAMPLES_RECEIVED_KEY: 5,
             p.NUM_UNIQUE_SOURCES_KEY: 4}

        updated_dict[p.COMPUTED_STATS_KEY] = \
            computed_stats if include_stats else {}

        return updated_dict, output
def list_barcode_query_fields(token_info):

    # Generates a json array declaring the filters
    # that can be used for barcode queries
    # Will be parseable by jQuery QueryBuilder
    # to allow a user to modify queries.

    # Barcode queries can filter on:
    #   - project (categorical, any project in our db)
    #   - sample_status (categorical, fixed list)
    #   - sample_type (categorical, fixed list)

    # See examples

    with Transaction() as t:
        admin_repo = AdminRepo(t)
        projects_list = admin_repo.get_projects(False)

    projects_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.project_name)
    filter_fields = []
            'id': 'project_id',
            'label': 'Project',
            'type': 'integer',
            'input': 'select',
            'values': {
                x.project_id: x.project_name for x in projects_list
            'operators': ['equal', 'not_equal']
            'id': 'sample_status',
            'label': 'Sample Status',
            'type': 'string',
            'input': 'select',
            'values': {
                "sample-is-valid": "Sample Is Valid",
                "no-associated-source": "No Associated Source",
                "no-registered-account": "No Registered Account",
                "no-collection-info": "No Collection Info",
                "sample-has-inconsistencies": "Sample Has Inconsistencies",
                "received-unknown-validity": "Received Unknown Validity"
            'operators': ['equal', 'not_equal', 'is_null', 'is_not_null']
            'id': 'site_sampled',
            'label': 'Sample Site',
            'type': 'string',
            'input': 'select',
            'values': {
                "Blood (skin prick)": "Blood (skin prick)",
                "Saliva": "Saliva",
                "Ear wax": "Ear wax",
                "Forehead": "Forehead",
                "Fur": "Fur",
                "Hair": "Hair",
                "Left hand": "Left hand",
                "Left leg": "Left leg",
                "Mouth": "Mouth",
                "Nares": "Nares",
                "Nasal mucus": "Nasal mucus",
                "Right hand": "Right hand",
                "Right leg": "Right leg",
                "Stool": "Stool",
                "Tears": "Tears",
                "Torso": "Torso",
                "Vaginal mucus": "Vaginal mucus"
            'operators': ['equal', 'not_equal', 'is_null', 'is_not_null']
            # Note that this id string must match the
            # latest scan timestamp in the exact
            # barcode search query.
            'id': 'scan_timestamp_latest',
            'label': 'Last Scanned',
            'type': 'date',
            'description': "YYYY/MM/DD",
            'default_value': "YYYY/MM/DD",
            'validation': {
                "format": "YYYY/MM/DD"
            'operators': ['less_or_equal',

    return jsonify(filter_fields), 200