Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, offline=False):
        """Instantiate DarkPrep object.

        offline : bool
            If True, the check for the existence of the MIRAGE_DATA
            directory is skipped. This is primarily for Travis testing
        self.offline = offline

        # Locate the module files, so that we know where to look
        # for config subdirectory
        self.modpath = pkg_resources.resource_filename('mirage', '')

        # Get the location of the MIRAGE_DATA environment
        # variable, so we know where to look for darks, CR,
        # PSF files, etc later
        self.env_var = 'MIRAGE_DATA'
        datadir = utils.expand_environment_variable(self.env_var,

        # Check that CRDS-related environment variables are set correctly
        self.crds_datadir = crds_tools.env_variables()
Esempio n. 2
def confirm_gridded_properties(filename,
    """Examine the header of the gridded PSF model file to confirm that
    the properties of the data match those expected.

    filename : str
        Base name of the PSF library file to be checked

    instrument : str
        Name of instrument the PSFs are from

    detector : str
        Name of the detector within ```instrument```

    filtername : str
        Name of filter used for PSF library creation

    pupilname : str
        Name of pupil wheel element used for PSF library creation

    wavefront_error_type : str
        Wavefront error. Can be 'predicted' or 'requirements'

    wavefront_error_group : int
        Wavefront error realization group. Must be an integer from 0 - 9.

    file_path : str
        Path pointing to the location of the PSF library

    extname : str
        Name of the extension within ``filename`` to check

    full_filename : str
        Full path and filename if the file properties are as expected.
        None if the properties do not match.

    # Determine if the PSF path is default or not
    mirage_dir = expand_environment_variable('MIRAGE_DATA')
    default_psf = file_path == os.path.join(
        mirage_dir, '{}/gridded_psf_library'.format(instrument.lower()))

    full_filename = os.path.join(file_path, filename)
    with as hdulist:
        header = hdulist[extname.upper()].header

    inst = header['INSTRUME']
        det = header['DETECTOR']
    except KeyError:
        det = header['DET_NAME']
    filt = header['FILTER']
        pupil = header['PUPIL']
    except KeyError:
        # If no pupil mask value is present, then assume the CLEAR is
        # being used
        if instrument.upper() == 'NIRCAM':
            pupil = 'CLEAR'
        elif instrument.upper() == 'NIRISS':
            pupil = 'CLEARP'

    # NIRISS has many filters in the pupil wheel. WebbPSF does
    # not make a distinction, but Mirage does. Adjust the info
    # to match Mirage's expectations
    if inst.upper() == 'NIRISS' and filt in NIRISS_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
        save_filt = copy(filt)
        if pupil == 'CLEARP':
            filt = 'CLEAR'
            raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                              'CLEARP, but the filter being used is '
                              'in the pupil wheel.'))
        pupil = save_filt

    # Same for NIRCam
    if inst.upper() == 'NIRCAM' and filt in NIRCAM_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
        save_filt = copy(filt)
        if pupil == 'CLEAR':
            if save_filt[0:2] == 'F4':
                filt = 'F444W'
            elif save_filt[0:2] == 'F3':
                filt = 'F322W2'
            elif save_filt[0:2] == 'F1':
                filt = 'F150W2'
            raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                              'CLEAR, but the filter being used is '
                              'in the pupil wheel.'))
        pupil = save_filt

    opd_file = header['OPD_FILE']
    if default_psf:
        if 'predicted' in opd_file:
            wfe_type = 'predicted'
        elif 'requirements' in opd_file:
            wfe_type = 'requirements'
        realization = header['OPDSLICE']

    # make the check below pass for FGS
    if instrument.lower() == 'fgs':
        pupil = 'N/A'
        pupilname = 'N/A'
        filt = 'N/A'
        filtername = 'N/A'

    match = inst.lower() == instrument.lower() and \
            det.lower() == detector.lower() and \
            filt.lower() == filtername.lower() and \
            pupil.lower() == pupilname.lower()
    if match and not default_psf:
        return full_filename
    elif match and wfe_type == wavefront_error_type.lower() and \
        realization == wavefront_error_group:
        return full_filename
        return None
Esempio n. 3
def get_library_file(instrument,
    """Given an instrument and filter name along with the path of
    the PSF library, find the appropriate library file to load.

    instrument : str
        Name of instrument the PSFs are from

    detector : str
        Name of the detector within ```instrument```

    filt : str
        Name of filter used for PSF library creation

    pupil : str
        Name of pupil wheel element used for PSF library creation

    wfe : str
        Wavefront error. Can be 'predicted' or 'requirements'

    wfe_group : int
        Wavefront error realization group. Must be an integer from 0 - 9.

    library_path : str
        Path pointing to the location of the PSF library

    wings : bool, optional
        Must the library file contain PSF wings or PSF cores? Default is False.

    segment_id : int or None, optional
        If specified, returns a segment PSF library file and denotes the ID
        of the mirror segment

    matches : str
        Name of the PSF library file for the instrument and filter name
    logger = logging.getLogger('mirage.psf.psf_selection.get_library_file')

    psf_files = glob(os.path.join(library_path, '*.fits'))

    # Determine if the PSF path is default or not
    mirage_dir = expand_environment_variable('MIRAGE_DATA')
    gridded_dir = os.path.join(
        mirage_dir, '{}/gridded_psf_library'.format(instrument.lower()))
    if wings:
        gridded_dir = os.path.join(gridded_dir, 'psf_wings')
    default_psf = library_path == gridded_dir

    # Create a dictionary of header information for all PSF library files
    matches = []

    instrument = instrument.upper()
    detector = detector.upper()
    filt = filt.upper()
    pupil = pupil.upper()
    wfe = wfe.lower()

    # set default
    file_wfe = ''

    # handle the NIRISS NRM case
    if pupil == 'NRM':
        pupil = 'MASK_NRM'

    # Handle the DHS for Coarse Phasing - this is a workaround for webbpsf not
    # implementing this. We're going to load an ITM image in any case in this mode
    # so the PSF is entirely unused, but we need to load something or else MIRAGE errors.
    if pupil == 'GDHS0' or pupil == 'GDHS60':
        pupil = 'CLEAR'

    for filename in psf_files:
            header = fits.getheader(filename)

            # Determine if it is an ITM file
            itm_sim = header.get('ORIGIN', '') == 'ITM'

            # Compare the header entries to the user input
            file_inst = header['INSTRUME'].upper()
                file_det = header['DETECTOR'].upper()
            except KeyError:
                file_det = header['DET_NAME'].upper()
            file_filt = header['FILTER'].upper()

                file_pupil = header['PUPIL'].upper()
            except KeyError:
                # If no pupil mask value is present, then assume the CLEAR is
                # being used
                if file_inst.upper() == 'NIRCAM':
                    file_pupil = 'CLEAR'
                elif file_inst.upper() == 'NIRISS':
                        file_pupil = header['PUPIL'].upper(
                        )  # can be 'MASK_NRM'
                    except KeyError:
                        file_pupil = 'CLEARP'

            # NIRISS has many filters in the pupil wheel. WebbPSF does
            # not make a distinction, but Mirage does. Adjust the info
            # to match Mirage's expectations
            if file_inst.upper(
            ) == 'NIRISS' and file_filt in NIRISS_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
                save_filt = copy(file_filt)
                if file_pupil == 'CLEARP':
                    file_filt = 'CLEAR'
                    raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                                      'CLEARP, but the filter being used is '
                                      'in the pupil wheel.'))
                file_pupil = save_filt

            # Same for NIRCam
            if file_inst.upper(
            ) == 'NIRCAM' and file_filt in NIRCAM_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
                save_filt = copy(file_filt)
                if file_pupil == 'CLEAR':
                    if save_filt[0:2] == 'F4':
                        file_filt = 'F444W'
                    elif save_filt[0:2] == 'F3':
                        file_filt = 'F322W2'
                    elif save_filt[0:2] == 'F1':
                        file_filt = 'F150W2'
                    raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                                      'CLEAR, but the filter being used is '
                                      'in the pupil wheel.'))
                file_pupil = save_filt

            if segment_id is None and not itm_sim:
                opd = header['OPD_FILE']
                if 'requirements' in opd:
                    file_wfe = 'requirements'
                elif 'predicted' in opd:
                    file_wfe = 'predicted'

                file_wfe_grp = header['OPDSLICE']

            if segment_id is not None:
                segment_id = int(segment_id)
                file_segment_id = int(header['SEGID'])

            if segment_id is None and itm_sim:
                # If we have an ITM library, then wfe is
                # meaningless, so force it to match
                file_wfe = 'predicted'
                wfe = 'predicted'

            # allow check below to pass for FGS
            if instrument.lower() == 'fgs':
                file_filt = 'N/A'
                filt = 'N/A'
                file_pupil = 'N/A'
                pupil = 'N/A'

            # Evaluate if the file matches the given parameters
            match = (file_inst == instrument and file_det == detector
                     and file_filt == filt and file_pupil == pupil
                     and file_wfe == wfe)

            if not wings and segment_id is None and not itm_sim and default_psf:
                match = match and file_wfe_grp == wfe_group
            if segment_id is not None:
                match = match and file_segment_id == segment_id
            elif not itm_sim and default_psf:
                match = match and file_wfe == wfe

            # If so, add to the list of all matches
            if match:
        except KeyError as e:
                'While searching for PSF file, error raised when examining {}:\n{}\nContinuing.'
                .format(os.path.basename(filename), e))

    # Find files matching the requested inputs
    if len(matches) == 1:
        return matches[0]
    elif len(matches) == 0:
            'Requested parameters:\ninstrument {}\ndetector {}\nfilt {}\npupil {}\nwfe {}\n'
            'wfe_group {}\nlibrary_path {}\n'.format(instrument, detector,
                                                     filt, pupil, wfe,
                                                     wfe_group, library_path))
        raise ValueError(
            "No PSF library file found matching requested parameters.")
    elif len(matches) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "More than one PSF library file matches requested parameters: {}".
Esempio n. 4
#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Create test RA, Dec data to be used in Travis does
not have access to the reference files, so this must be done manually, and
the results placed into
import asdf
import glob
import os
import numpy as np
import pysiaf

from mirage.seed_image import catalog_seed_image
from mirage.utils import siaf_interface
from mirage.utils.utils import expand_environment_variable

data_dir = expand_environment_variable('MIRAGE_DATA', offline=False)
instruments = ['nircam', 'niriss', 'fgs']
xyvals = {}

# Create list of points at which to calculate x, y
pointing_ra = 12.0
pointing_dec = 12.0
rotation = 0.0
ra_list = []
dec_list = []
delta_pix = np.array([0, 10, 20, 40, 75, 180, 500, 1000])
delta_deg = delta_pix * 0.031 / 3600.
for delta in delta_deg:
    ra_entry = pointing_ra + delta
    dec_entry = pointing_dec + delta
Esempio n. 5
def get_library_file(instrument,
    """Given an instrument and filter name along with the path of
    the PSF library, find the appropriate library file to load.

    instrument : str
        Name of instrument the PSFs are from

    detector : str
        Name of the detector within ```instrument```

    filt : str
        Name of filter used for PSF library creation

    pupil : str
        Name of pupil wheel element used for PSF library creation

    wfe : str
        Wavefront error. Can be 'predicted' or 'requirements'

    wfe_group : int
        Wavefront error realization group. Must be an integer from 0 - 9.

    library_path : str
        Path pointing to the location of the PSF library

    wings : bool, optional
        Must the library file contain PSF wings or PSF cores? Default is False.

    segment_id : int or None, optional
        If specified, returns a segment PSF library file and denotes the ID
        of the mirror segment

    matches : str
        Name of the PSF library file for the instrument and filter name
    psf_files = glob(os.path.join(library_path, '*.fits'))

    # Determine if the PSF path is default or not
    mirage_dir = expand_environment_variable('MIRAGE_DATA')
    default_psf = library_path == os.path.join(
        mirage_dir, '{}/gridded_psf_library'.format(instrument.lower()))

    # Create a dictionary of header information for all PSF library files
    matches = []

    instrument = instrument.upper()
    detector = detector.upper()
    filt = filt.upper()
    pupil = pupil.upper()
    wfe = wfe.lower()

    # handle the NIRISS NRM case
    if pupil == 'NRM':
        pupil = 'MASK_NRM'

    for filename in psf_files:
            header = fits.getheader(filename)

            # Determine if it is an ITM file
            itm_sim = header.get('ORIGIN', '') == 'ITM'

            # Compare the header entries to the user input
            file_inst = header['INSTRUME'].upper()
            file_det = header['DETECTOR'].upper()
            file_filt = header['FILTER'].upper()

                file_pupil = header['PUPIL_MASK'].upper()
            except KeyError:
                # If no pupil mask value is present, then assume the CLEAR is
                # being used
                if file_inst.upper() == 'NIRCAM':
                    file_pupil = 'CLEAR'
                elif file_inst.upper() == 'NIRISS':
                        file_pupil = header['PUPIL'].upper(
                        )  # can be 'MASK_NRM'
                    except KeyError:
                        file_pupil = 'CLEARP'

            # NIRISS has many filters in the pupil wheel. WebbPSF does
            # not make a distinction, but Mirage does. Adjust the info
            # to match Mirage's expectations
            if file_inst.upper(
            ) == 'NIRISS' and file_filt in NIRISS_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
                save_filt = copy(file_filt)
                if file_pupil == 'CLEARP':
                    file_filt = 'CLEAR'
                    raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                                      'CLEARP, but the filter being used is '
                                      'in the pupil wheel.'))
                file_pupil = save_filt

            if segment_id is None and not itm_sim:
                opd = header['OPD_FILE']
                if 'requirements' in opd:
                    file_wfe = 'requirements'
                elif 'predicted' in opd:
                    file_wfe = 'predicted'

                file_wfe_grp = header['OPDSLICE']

            if segment_id is not None:
                segment_id = int(segment_id)
                file_segment_id = int(header['SEGID'])

            # allow check below to pass for FGS
            if instrument.lower() == 'fgs':
                file_filt = 'N/A'
                filt = 'N/A'
                file_pupil = 'N/A'
                pupil = 'N/A'

            # Evaluate if the file matches the given parameters
            match = (file_inst == instrument and file_det == detector
                     and file_filt == filt and file_pupil == pupil)
            if not wings and segment_id is None and not itm_sim and default_psf:
                match = match and file_wfe_grp == wfe_group
            if segment_id is not None:
                match = match and file_segment_id == segment_id
            elif not itm_sim and default_psf:
                match = match and file_wfe == wfe

            # If so, add to the list of all matches
            if match:
        except KeyError:

    # Find files matching the requested inputs
    if len(matches) == 1:
        return matches[0]
    elif len(matches) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "No PSF library file found matching requested parameters.")
    elif len(matches) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "More than one PSF library file matches requested parameters: {}".