Esempio n. 1
def plt_gains(vis, nu, img_name='out.png', bad_chans=[]):
    """ Plot grid of transit phases to check if both 
    fringestop and the calibration worked. If most
    antennas end up with zero phase, then the calibration worked.

    vis : np.ndarray[nfreq, ncorr, ntimes]
        Visibility array 
    nu  : int
        Frequency index to plot up
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))

    # Plot up 128 feeds correlated with antenna "ant"
    ant = 1

    # Try and estimate the residual phase error
    # after calibration. Zero would be a perfect calibration.
    angle_err = 0

    # Go through 128 feeds plotting up their phase during transit
    for i in range(32):
        fig.add_subplot(16, 2, i + 1)
        antj = 4 * i + 1
        if i == ant:
            # For autocorrelation plot the visibility rather
            # than the phase. This gives a sense for when
            # the source actually transits.
            plt.plot(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, antj + 1, 128)])
            plt.xlim(0, len(vis[nu, 0]))
            angle_err += np.mean(
                                 misc.feed_map(ant, antj + 1, 128)]))) / 127.0
            plt.plot((np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, antj + 1, 128)])))
            plt.axhline(0.0, color='black')

            oo = np.round(
                    np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, antj + 1, 128)]) *
                    180 / np.pi))
            plt.title(np.str(oo) + ',' + np.str(antj))

            if i in bad_chans:
                                      misc.feed_map(ant, antj + 1, 128)]),
            plt.ylim(-np.pi, np.pi)

    plt.title(np.str(180 / np.pi * angle_err))

    del vis

    print "\n Wrote to %s \n" % img_name


    del fig
Esempio n. 2
def remove_fpga_gains(vis, gains, nfeed=128, triu=False):
    """ Remove fpga phases

    print "............ Removing FPGA gains, triu is %r ............ \n" % triu

    # Get gain matrix for visibilites g_i \times g_j^*
    #gains_corr = gains[:, :, np.newaxis] * np.conj(gains[:, np.newaxis])

    # Take only upper triangle of gain matrix
    #ind = np.triu_indices(nfeed)

    #gains_mat = np.zeros([vis.shape[0], len(ind[0])], dtype=gains.dtype)

    for nu in range(vis.shape[0]):
        for i in range(nfeed):
            for j in range(i, nfeed):
                phi = np.angle(gains[nu, i] * np.conj(gains[nu, j]))

                # CHIME seems to have a lowertriangle X-engine, should
                # in general use Vij = np.conj(xi) * xj
                if triu == True:
                    vis[nu, misc.feed_map(i, j, nfeed)] *= np.exp(-1j * phi)

                elif triu == False:
                    vis[nu, misc.feed_map(i, j, nfeed)] *= np.exp(1j * phi)

    return vis
def remove_fpga_gains(vis, gains, nfeed=128, triu=False):
    """ Remove fpga phases

    print "............ Removing FPGA gains, triu is %r ............ \n" % triu

    # Get gain matrix for visibilites g_i \times g_j^*
    #gains_corr = gains[:, :, np.newaxis] * np.conj(gains[:, np.newaxis])
    # Take only upper triangle of gain matrix
    #ind = np.triu_indices(nfeed)
    #gains_mat = np.zeros([vis.shape[0], len(ind[0])], dtype=gains.dtype)

    for nu in range(vis.shape[0]):
        for i in range(nfeed):
            for j in range(i, nfeed):
                phi = np.angle(gains[nu, i] * np.conj(gains[nu, j]))

                # CHIME seems to have a lowertriangle X-engine, should
                # in general use Vij = np.conj(xi) * xj
                if triu==True:
                    vis[nu, misc.feed_map(i, j, nfeed)] *= np.exp(-1j * phi)

                elif triu==False:
                    vis[nu, misc.feed_map(i, j, nfeed)] *= np.exp(1j * phi)
    return vis
def plt_gains(vis, nu, img_name='out.png', bad_chans=[]):
    """ Plot grid of transit phases to check if both 
    fringestop and the calibration worked. If most
    antennas end up with zero phase, then the calibration worked.

    vis : np.ndarray[nfreq, ncorr, ntimes]
        Visibility array 
    nu  : int
        Frequency index to plot up
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
    # Plot up 128 feeds correlated with antenna "ant"

    ant = 1

    # Try and estimate the residual phase error 
    # after calibration. Zero would be a perfect calibration.
    angle_err = 0

    # Go through 128 feeds plotting up their phase during transit
    for i in range(128):
        fig.add_subplot(32, 4, i+1)

        if i==ant:
            # For autocorrelation plot the visibility rather 
            # than the phase. This gives a sense for when 
            # the source actually transits. 
            plt.plot(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)])
            plt.xlim(0, len(vis[nu, 0]))
            angle_err += np.mean(abs(np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)]))) / 127.0
            plt.plot((np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)])))
            plt.axhline(0.0, color='black')

            oo = np.round(np.std(np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)]) * 180 / np.pi))
            plt.title(np.str(oo) + ',' + np.str(i))

            if i in bad_chans:
                plt.plot(np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)]), color='red')
            plt.ylim(-np.pi, np.pi)

    plt.title(np.str(180 / np.pi * angle_err))
    del vis

    print "\n Wrote to %s \n" % img_name


    del fig
def auto_corrs(nfeed):
    autos = []

    for ii in range(nfeed):
        autos.append(misc.feed_map(ii, ii, nfeed))

    return autos
Esempio n. 6
def auto_corrs(nfeed):
    autos = []

    for ii in range(nfeed):
        autos.append(misc.feed_map(ii, ii, nfeed))

    return autos
Esempio n. 7
def gen_inp(nfeed=256):
    """ Generate input information for feeds

    feeds : list
         Feeds whose input info is needed
    nfeeds : int
         Number of feeds in total

    corrinput_real : 
         All 256 inputs
    inpx : 
         Only x feeds
    inpy : 
         Only y feeds

    # Assumes a standard layout for 128 feeds on each cyl
    xfeeds = range(nfeed / 4) + range(2 * nfeed / 4, 3 * nfeed / 4)
    yfeeds = range(nfeed / 4, 2 * nfeed / 4) + range(3 * nfeed / 4,
                                                     4 * nfeed / 4)

    xcorrs = []
    ycorrs = []

    for ii in range(nfeed / 2):
        for jj in range(ii, nfeed / 2):
            xcorrs.append(misc.feed_map(xfeeds[ii], xfeeds[jj], nfeed))
            ycorrs.append(misc.feed_map(yfeeds[ii], yfeeds[jj], nfeed))

    corrinputs = tools.get_correlator_inputs(\
        datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0), correlator='K7BP16-0004')

    # Need to rearrange to match order in the correlated data
    corrinput_real = rearrange_list(corrinputs, nfeeds=256)

    inpx = []
    inpy = []

    for i in range(nfeed / 2):

    return corrinput_real, inpx, inpy, xcorrs, ycorrs, xfeeds, yfeeds
Esempio n. 8
def apply_pkl_gain(data, gain_pkl, nfeeds=256):

     for ii in range(nfeeds):
          for jj in range(ii, nfeeds):
                      data[:, misc.feed_map(ii, jj, nfeeds)] \
                   *= (gain_pkl[:, ii] * np.conj(gain_pkl[:, jj]))[..., np.newaxis]

     return data
def gen_inp(nfeed=256):
    """ Generate input information for feeds

    feeds : list
         Feeds whose input info is needed
    nfeeds : int
         Number of feeds in total

    corrinput_real : 
         All 256 inputs
    inpx : 
         Only x feeds
    inpy : 
         Only y feeds

    # Assumes a standard layout for 128 feeds on each cyl
    xfeeds = range(nfeed/4) + range(2 * nfeed/4, 3 * nfeed/4)
    yfeeds = range(nfeed/4, 2 * nfeed/4) + range(3 * nfeed/4, 4 * nfeed/4)

    xcorrs = []
    ycorrs = []

    for ii in range(nfeed/2):
        for jj in range(ii, nfeed/2):
            xcorrs.append(misc.feed_map(xfeeds[ii], xfeeds[jj], nfeed))
            ycorrs.append(misc.feed_map(yfeeds[ii], yfeeds[jj], nfeed))

    corrinputs = tools.get_correlator_inputs(\
        datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0), correlator='K7BP16-0004')

    # Need to rearrange to match order in the correlated data
    corrinput_real = rearrange_list(corrinputs, nfeeds=256)

    inpx = []
    inpy = []
    for i in range(nfeed/2):

    return corrinput_real, inpx, inpy, xcorrs, ycorrs, xfeeds, yfeeds
Esempio n. 10
def apply_pkl_gain(data, gain_pkl, nfeeds=256):

     for ii in range(nfeeds):
          for jj in range(ii, nfeeds):
                      data[:, misc.feed_map(ii, jj, nfeeds)] \
                   *= (gain_pkl[:, ii] * np.conj(gain_pkl[:, jj]))[..., np.newaxis]

     return data
Esempio n. 11
def select_corrs(feeds, nfeed=256, feeds_cross=None):
    autos = []
    corrs = []
    xycorrs = []

    for ii, feedi in enumerate(feeds):

        for jj, feedj in enumerate(feeds):

            if ii==jj:

                autos.append(misc.feed_map(feedi, feedj, nfeed))

            if jj>ii:
                corrs.append(misc.feed_map(feedi, feedj, nfeed))

            if feeds_cross != None:
                assert len(feeds) <= len(feeds_cross)
                xycorrs.append(misc.feed_map(feedi, feeds_cross[jj], nfeed))

    return autos, corrs, xycorrs
Esempio n. 12
def select_corrs(feeds, nfeed=256, feeds_cross=None):
    autos = []
    corrs = []
    xycorrs = []

    for ii, feedi in enumerate(feeds):

        for jj, feedj in enumerate(feeds):

            if ii == jj:

                autos.append(misc.feed_map(feedi, feedj, nfeed))

            if jj > ii:
                corrs.append(misc.feed_map(feedi, feedj, nfeed))

            if feeds_cross != None:
                assert len(feeds) <= len(feeds_cross)
                xycorrs.append(misc.feed_map(feedi, feeds_cross[jj], nfeed))

    return autos, corrs, xycorrs
Esempio n. 13
def correct_dfs(dfs, Gains, nfeed=256):
    """ Corrects fringestopped visibilities

    dfs_corrm = dfs.copy()

    for i in range(nfeed):
        for j in range(i, nfeed):
            #dfs_corrm[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 128)] *= np.conj(Gains[:, i] * np.conj(Gains[:, j]))
            dfs_corrm[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 128)] *= np.exp(-1j * (Gains[:, i] - Gains[:, j])) 
    return dfs_corrm
Esempio n. 14
def correct_dfs(dfs, Gains, nfeed=256):
    """ Corrects fringestopped visibilities

    dfs_corrm = dfs.copy()

    for i in range(nfeed):
        for j in range(i, nfeed):
            #dfs_corrm[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 128)] *= np.conj(Gains[:, i] * np.conj(Gains[:, j]))
            dfs_corrm[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 128)] *= np.exp(
                -1j * (Gains[:, i] - Gains[:, j]))

    return dfs_corrm
Esempio n. 15
def fs_and_correct_gains(fn_h5, fn_gain, src, freq=305, \
                              del_t = 900, transposed=True,\
                              remove_fpga_phase=True, remove_instr=True,

    dfs = pc.fs_from_file(fn_h5, freq, src,
             del_t=1800, transposed=transposed)

    ntimes = dfs.shape[0]

    fg = h5py.File(fn_gain, 'r')

    gx = fg['gainsx']
    gy = fg['gainsy']

    gain_mat = construct_gain_mat(gx, gy, 64)[freq]

    f = h5py.File(fn_h5, 'r')
    feeds = range(256)

    # Skip loading the gains and applying them if both are False
    if (remove_fpga is False) and \
         (remove_instr is False) and (remove_fpga_phase is False):
         return dfs

    if transposed is True:
         g = f['gain_coeff'][freq, :, 0]
         Gh5 = g['r'] + 1j * g['i']
         g = f['gain_coeff'][0, freq]
         Gh5 = g['r'] + 1j * g['i']

    print np.isnan(Gh5).sum() / np.float(len(Gh5.flatten()))
    print "doing the big loop"
    print gain_mat.sum()

    for fi, nu in enumerate(freq):

         for i in range(len(feeds)):

              for j in range(i, len(feeds)):

                   # If solved with triu=False then 
                   # remove_fpga should be +1j and instr should be -1j
                   if remove_fpga is True:
                        dfs[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 256)] \
                             /= np.conj((Gh5[fi, i]) * np.conj(Gh5[fi, j]))

                   if remove_fpga_phase is True:
                        # Remove fpga phases written in .h5 file
                        dfs[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 256)] *= \
                            np.exp(+1j * np.angle(Gh5[fi, i] * np.conj(Gh5[fi, j])))

                   if remove_instr is True:
                        # Apply gains solved for 
                        dfs[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 256)] \
                            *= np.exp(-1j * np.angle(gain_mat[fi, i]\
                                       * np.conj(gain_mat[fi, j])))
    print "Summed h5 gains: ", Gh5.sum()

    return dfs
Esempio n. 16
nchunks = len(list) / file_chunk

print "Total of %i files" % len(list)

jj = comm.rank

print "Starting chunk %i of %i" % (jj+1, nchunks)
print "Getting", file_chunk*jj, ":", file_chunk*(jj+1)


feeds = np.arange(nfeeds)
nfeeds = len(feeds)
feeds = [3, 7]
corrs = [misc.feed_map(i, x, nfeeds) for i in feeds] + [misc.feed_map(i, y, nfeeds) for i in feeds] 

corrs_auto = [misc.feed_map(i, i, nfeeds) for i in feeds]
corrs = range(nfeeds * (nfeeds+1)/2)

ncorr = len(corrs)   

if args.use_chime_autos:
    feeds = np.arange(nfeeds)
    corrs = corrs_auto
    ncorr = len(corrs)
if jj==0:
    print "RA, dec, DM, period:", RA_src, dec, DM, p1
    print "Using correlations", corrs
    print "with autos:", corrs_auto    
dat_name = args.data_dir[-16:]

list = glob.glob(args.data_dir + '/*h5*')
list = list[0:0 + file_chunk * nnodes]

nchunks = len(list) / file_chunk

print "Total of %i files" % len(list)

jj = comm.rank

print "Starting chunk %i of %i" % (jj+1, nchunks)
print "Getting", file_chunk*jj, ":", file_chunk*(jj+1)

corrs = [misc.feed_map(i, i, 16) for i in range(16)] #+ [misc.feed_map(i, 3, 16) for i in range(16)] 

data_arr, time_full, RA, fpga_count = misc.get_data(list[file_chunk*jj:file_chunk*(jj+1)])[1:]
data_arr = data_arr[:, corrs, :]

ntimes = len(time_full)
time  = time_full

time_int = args.time_int
freq_int = args.freq_int 

fpga_tag = ''

if args.use_fpga==1:
    time = (fpga_count - fpga_count[0]) * (np.diff(time_full)[0]) / np.diff(fpga_count)[0]
    print "We're going with the fpga counts:", np.median(np.diff(fpga_count))
    file_list[ii] = args.data_dir + file_list[ii]

print ""
print "Reading in Data:", file_list
print ""

dataobj = ch_util.andata.Reader(file_list)
X =
vis, times, nprod = X.vis, X.timestamp, X.nprod
RA = ch_util.ephemeris.transit_RA(times)
nant = int((-1 + (1 + 4 * 2 * nprod)**0.5) / 2)

m = 3
if args.product_set=='autos':
    corrs = [misc.feed_map(i, i, nant) for i in range(nant)]
elif args.product_set=='26m':
    corrs = [misc.feed_map(i, m, nant) for i in range(nant)]
    corrs = [0]

print "RA range of data:", RA.min(),":",RA.max()
print "for correlations", corrs

beam_params = fm.beam_fit(vis, RA, dec = celestial_object[src][2], correlations=corrs) # This is where the actual fit is done.

transit_time = ch_util.ephemeris.datetime.fromtimestamp(times[0])
date_str = transit_time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d')
filename = args.outdir + src + date_str + '.hdf5'

print "Writing beam parameters file to %s" % filename
psr_arr = []

psr_arrx = []
psr_arr26 = []
psr_auto_i = []
psr_auto_j = []

nfeed = 16
corrs = range(nfeed*(nfeed+1)/2)

autos_i = []
autos_j = []

for i in range(nfeed):
    for j in range(i, nfeed):
        autos_i.append(misc.feed_map(i, i, 16))
        autos_j.append(misc.feed_map(j, j, 16))

for nu in range(nfreq):

    if nu % 128 == 0: 
        print "Freq %d" % nu

    f = h5py.File(args.data_file + np.str(nu) + '.hdf5', 'r')

    datax = f['folded_arr'][corrs[rank], 2000:9000]
    data_auto_i = f['folded_arr'][[autos_i[rank]], 2000:9000]
    data_auto_j = f['folded_arr'][[autos_j[rank]], 2000:9000]
    data26m = f['folded_arr'][autos, 2000:9000]

Esempio n. 20
def fs_and_correct_gains(fn_h5, fn_gain, src, freq=305, \
                              del_t = 900, transposed=True,\
                              remove_fpga_phase=True, remove_instr=True,

    dfs = pc.fs_from_file(fn_h5, freq, src,
             del_t=1800, transposed=transposed)

    ntimes = dfs.shape[0]

    fg = h5py.File(fn_gain, 'r')

    gx = fg['gainsx']
    gy = fg['gainsy']

    gain_mat = construct_gain_mat(gx, gy, 64)[freq]

    f = h5py.File(fn_h5, 'r')
    feeds = range(256)

    # Skip loading the gains and applying them if both are False
    if (remove_fpga is False) and \
         (remove_instr is False) and (remove_fpga_phase is False):
         return dfs

    if transposed is True:
         g = f['gain_coeff'][freq, :, 0]
         Gh5 = g['r'] + 1j * g['i']
         g = f['gain_coeff'][0, freq]
         Gh5 = g['r'] + 1j * g['i']

    print np.isnan(Gh5).sum() / np.float(len(Gh5.flatten()))
    print "doing the big loop"
    print gain_mat.sum()

    for fi, nu in enumerate(freq):

         for i in range(len(feeds)):

              for j in range(i, len(feeds)):

                   # If solved with triu=False then 
                   # remove_fpga should be +1j and instr should be -1j
                   if remove_fpga is True:
                        dfs[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 256)] \
                             /= np.conj((Gh5[fi, i]) * np.conj(Gh5[fi, j]))

                   if remove_fpga_phase is True:
                        # Remove fpga phases written in .h5 file
                        dfs[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 256)] *= \
                            np.exp(+1j * np.angle(Gh5[fi, i] * np.conj(Gh5[fi, j])))

                   if remove_instr is True:
                        # Apply gains solved for 
                        dfs[:, misc.feed_map(i, j, 256)] \
                            *= np.exp(-1j * np.angle(gain_mat[fi, i]\
                                       * np.conj(gain_mat[fi, j])))
    print "Summed h5 gains: ", Gh5.sum()

    return dfs
nchunks = len(list) / file_chunk

print "Total of %i files" % len(list)

jj = comm.rank

print "Starting chunk %i of %i" % (jj+1, nchunks)
print "Getting", file_chunk*jj, ":", file_chunk*(jj+1)

x = 1
y = 0

feeds = np.arange(1, nfeeds)

# The following chooses only correlations between feed i and the 26m feeds
corrs_x = [misc.feed_map(i, x, nfeeds) for i in feeds if i!=x] \
#              + [misc.feed_map(i, y, nfeeds) for i in feeds if i!=x] 

corrs_auto = [misc.feed_map(i, i, nfeeds) for i in feeds]

# Or you can just select random correlation products
corrs = corrs_x + corrs_auto

ncorr = len(corrs)   
if jj == 0:
    print "RA, dec, DM, period:", RA_src, dec, DM, p1
    print "Using correlations", corrs

data_reader_obj = ch_util.andata.Reader(list[file_chunk*jj:file_chunk*(jj+1)])