Esempio n. 1
    def forward(self, outputs, targets_inds, targets_center, targets_2d_wh,
                targets_2d_offset, targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_poserel,
                targets_poserel_mask, targets_posemap, targets_posemap_offset,
                targets_posemap_ind, targets_posemap_mask):
        opt = self.opt
        hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0, 0
        hp_loss, off_loss, hm_hp_loss, hp_offset_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0

        for s in range(opt.num_stacks):
            if opt.num_stacks == 1:
                output = outputs  # In symbolic mode, while loading json file, outputs = [a] will become outputs = a
                output = outputs[s]
            # 0: hm, 1: wh, 2: hps, 3: reg, 4: hm_hp, 5:hp_offset
            output[0] = _sigmoid(output[0])

            if opt.hm_hp and not opt.mse_loss:
                output[4] = _sigmoid(output[4])

            hm_loss = hm_loss + self.crit(output[0],
                                          targets_center) / opt.num_stacks
            hp_loss = hp_loss + self.crit_kp(output[2], targets_poserel_mask,
                                             targets_poserel) / opt.num_stacks

            if opt.wh_weight > 0:
                wh_loss = wh_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output[1], targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_2d_wh) / opt.num_stacks

            if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0:
                off_loss = off_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output[3], targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_2d_offset) / opt.num_stacks

            if opt.reg_hp_offset and opt.off_weight > 0:
                hp_offset_loss = hp_offset_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output[5], targets_posemap_mask, targets_posemap_ind,
                    targets_posemap_offset) / opt.num_stacks

            if opt.hm_hp and opt.hm_hp_weight > 0:
                hm_hp_loss = hm_hp_loss + self.crit_hm_hp(
                    output[4], targets_posemap) / opt.num_stacks

        loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + \
               opt.off_weight * off_loss + opt.hp_weight * hp_loss + \
               opt.hm_hp_weight * hm_hp_loss + opt.off_weight * hp_offset_loss

        #loss_stats = {'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'hp_loss': hp_loss,
        #'hm_hp_loss': hm_hp_loss, 'hp_offset_loss': hp_offset_loss,
        #'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss}
        return loss
Esempio n. 2
    def forward(self, outputs, targets_inds, targets_center, targets_2d_wh,
                targets_2d_offset, targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_poserel,
                targets_poserel_mask, targets_posemap, targets_posemap_offset,
                targets_posemap_ind, targets_posemap_mask):
        opt = self.opt
        hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0, 0
        hp_loss, off_loss, hm_hp_loss, hp_offset_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0

        for s in range(opt.num_stacks):
            output = outputs[s]
            output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm'])

            if opt.hm_hp and not opt.mse_loss:
                output['hm_hp'] = _sigmoid(output['hm_hp'])

            hm_loss = hm_loss + self.crit(output['hm'],
                                          targets_center) / opt.num_stacks
            hp_loss = hp_loss + self.crit_kp(
                output['hps'], targets_poserel_mask, targets_inds,
                targets_poserel) / opt.num_stacks

            if opt.wh_weight > 0:
                wh_loss = wh_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['wh'], targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_2d_wh) / opt.num_stacks

            if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0:
                off_loss = off_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['reg'], targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_2d_offset) / opt.num_stacks

            if opt.reg_hp_offset and opt.off_weight > 0:
                hp_offset_loss = hp_offset_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['hp_offset'], targets_posemap_mask,
                    targets_posemap_offset) / opt.num_stacks

            if opt.hm_hp and opt.hm_hp_weight > 0:
                hm_hp_loss = hm_hp_loss + self.crit_hm_hp(
                    output['hm_hp'], targets_posemap) / opt.num_stacks

        loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + \
               opt.off_weight * off_loss + opt.hp_weight * hp_loss + \
               opt.hm_hp_weight * hm_hp_loss + opt.off_weight * hp_offset_loss

        #loss_stats = {'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'hp_loss': hp_loss,
        #'hm_hp_loss': hm_hp_loss, 'hp_offset_loss': hp_offset_loss,
        #'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss}
        return loss
Esempio n. 3
    def forward(self, outputs, \
                targets_center, targets_2d_wh, targets_2d_offset, \
                targets_3d_depth, targets_3d_dim, targets_3d_rotbin, targets_3d_rotres, \
                targets_inds, targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_3d_rot_mask):
        opt = self.opt

        hm_loss, dep_loss, rot_loss, dim_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0
        wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0

        for s in range(opt.num_stacks):
            output = outputs[s]
            output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm'])
            output['dep'] = 1. / (output['dep'].sigmoid() + 1e-6) - 1.

            if opt.eval_oracle_dep:
                output['dep'] = nd.array(
                                   targets_inds.asnumpy(), opt.output_w,

            hm_loss = hm_loss + self.crit(output['hm'],
                                          targets_center) / opt.num_stacks
            if opt.dep_weight > 0:
                dep_loss = dep_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['dep'], targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_3d_depth) / opt.num_stacks
            if opt.dim_weight > 0:
                dim_loss = dim_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['dim'], targets_2d_wh_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_3d_dim) / opt.num_stacks
            if opt.rot_weight > 0:
                rot_loss = rot_loss + self.crit_rot(
                    output['rot'], targets_3d_rot_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_3d_rotbin, targets_3d_rotres) / opt.num_stacks
            if opt.reg_bbox and opt.wh_weight > 0:
                wh_loss = wh_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['wh'], targets_3d_rot_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_2d_wh) / opt.num_stacks
            if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0:
                off_loss = off_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['reg'], targets_3d_rot_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_2d_offset) / opt.num_stacks

        loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.dep_weight * dep_loss + \
               opt.dim_weight * dim_loss + opt.rot_weight * rot_loss + \
               opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss

        #print("hm_loss: {}, dep_loss: {}, dim_loss: {}, rot_loss: {}, wh_loss: {}, off_loss: {}".format(hm_loss, dep_loss, dim_loss, rot_loss, wh_loss, off_loss))

        #loss_stats = {'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'dep_loss': dep_loss,
        #              'dim_loss': dim_loss, 'rot_loss': rot_loss,
        #              'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss}
        return loss
Esempio n. 4
    def forward(self, outputs, targets_heatmaps, targets_scale, targets_offset,
                targets_inds, targets_reg_mask):
        opt = self.opt
        hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0, 0
        for s in range(opt.num_stacks):
            output = outputs[s]
            if not opt.mse_loss:
                output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm'])

            # Optional: Use ground truth for validation
            if opt.eval_oracle_hm:
                output['hm'] = targets_heatmaps
            if opt.eval_oracle_wh:
                output['wh'] = nd.from_numpy(
            if opt.eval_oracle_offset:
                output['reg'] = nd.from_numpy(

            # 1. heatmap loss
            hm_loss = hm_loss + self.crit(output['hm'],
                                          targets_heatmaps) / opt.num_stacks

            # 2. scale loss
            if opt.wh_weight > 0:
                wh_loss = wh_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['wh'], targets_reg_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_scale) / opt.num_stacks

            # 3. offset loss
            if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0:
                off_loss = off_loss + self.crit_reg(
                    output['reg'], targets_reg_mask, targets_inds,
                    targets_offset) / opt.num_stacks

        # total loss
        loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + \
               opt.off_weight * off_loss
        loss_stats = {
            'loss': loss,
            'hm_loss': hm_loss,
            'wh_loss': wh_loss,
            'off_loss': off_loss
        return loss