Esempio n. 1
def step3():
    put aligned & relaxed 2d materials in all possible ways on the
    aligned & relaxed slab,
    relax interface ionic positions(ISIF=2)

    - uses info from step2_sub.json and step2_2d.json
    - creates required input files and submits the jobs to the que
    - 8(pairs) * 2(atoms in graphene basis) = 16 jobs
    - returns: step3.json     
    seperation = 3 # in angstroms
    nlayers_2d = 1
    nlayers_sub = 2
    hkl_sub = [1,1,1]
    hkl_2d = [0,0,1]
    #job directory for the runs
    name = 'step3'    
    job_dir = 'step3'
    # incar
    incar = Incar.from_dict(incar_dict)
    incar['ISMEAR'] = 1
    incar['ISIF'] = 2
    # kpoints
    kpoints = Kpoints.monkhorst_automatic(kpts=(18, 18, 1))
    # load in previous jobs
    relaxed_sub_jobs = Calibrate.jobs_from_file('step2_sub.json')
    relaxed_2d_jobs = Calibrate.jobs_from_file('step2_2d.json')
    # create list of all substrate poscars
    all_poscars = []
    # loop over aligned & relaxed substrates and 2d
    for jsub, j2d in zip(relaxed_sub_jobs,relaxed_2d_jobs):
        # substrate
        job_dir_sub = os.path.join(jsub.parent_job_dir, jsub.job_dir)
        contcar_file = os.path.join(job_dir_sub, 'CONTCAR')
        # read in as structure object
        substrate_slab_aligned = Structure.from_file(contcar_file)
        species_sub = ''.join([tos.symbol for tos in substrate_slab_aligned.types_of_specie])
        # 2d
        job_dir_2d = os.path.join(j2d.parent_job_dir, j2d.job_dir)
        contcar_file = os.path.join(job_dir_2d, 'CONTCAR')
        # read in as structure object        
        mat2d_slab_aligned = Structure.from_file(contcar_file)
        species_2d = ''.join([tos.symbol for tos in mat2d_slab_aligned.types_of_specie])
        # position the aligned materials in all possible ways
        hetero_interfaces = generate_all_configs(mat2d_slab_aligned,
                                                 seperation )
        # loop over all hetero-interfaces
        for i, iface in enumerate(hetero_interfaces):
            sd_flags = CalibrateSlab.set_sd_flags(interface=iface,
                                                  top=True, bottom=False)
            poscar = Poscar(iface, selective_dynamics=sd_flags)
            poscar.comment = '_'.join([species_sub,species_2d,str(i)])
    # setup calibrate and run'em
    turn_knobs = OrderedDict(
            ('POSCAR', all_poscars)
    qadapter, job_cmd = get_run_cmmnd(nnodes=nnodes, nprocs=nprocs,
                                      job_bin=bin_sub, mem=mem)
    run_cal(turn_knobs, qadapter, job_cmd, job_dir,
            name, incar=incar, kpoints=kpoints)
    return [name+'.json']
Esempio n. 2
def step2():
    read in the realxed bulk substrates and relaxed 2d,
    create substrate slab,
    get aligned substrates and 2d,
    relax the aligned structures seperatly(only ionic positions, ISIF=2)

    - input from step1_sub.json and step1_2d.json
    - 8(pairs) * 2 = 16 jobs
    - returns step2.json
    nlayers_2d = 1
    nlayers_sub = 2
    hkl_sub = [1,1,1]
    min_thick = 10.0
    min_vac = 18.0
    hkl_2d = [0,0,1]
    #job directory for the runs
    job_dir_sub = 'step2_sub'
    job_dir_2d = 'step2_2d'
    # isif = 2
    incar_sub['ISIF'] = 2
    incar_2d['ISIF'] = 2
    # kpoints
    kpoints_sub = Kpoints.monkhorst_automatic(kpts=(18, 18, 1))
    kpoints_2d = Kpoints.monkhorst_automatic(kpts=(18, 18, 1))    
    # CSL settings for each substrate
    alignment_settings = { 'Pt': [120, 0.10, 1, 0.5],
                        'Ag': [120, 0.10, 1, 0.5],
                        'Al': [120, 0.10, 1, 0.5],
                        'Au': [120, 0.10, 1, 0.5],
                        'Pd': [120, 0.10, 1, 0.5],
                        'Ir': [120, 0.10, 1, 0.5],
                        'Cu': [50, 0.06, 1, 0.5],
                        'Ni': [50, 0.06, 1, 0.5] }
    # load in previous jobs
    relaxed_sub_jobs = Calibrate.jobs_from_file('step1_sub.json')
    relaxed_2d_jobs = Calibrate.jobs_from_file('step1_2d.json')
    poscars_sub = []
    poscars_2d = []
    # create list of all aligned substrate and 2d slabs
    for jsub in relaxed_sub_jobs:
        jdir = os.path.join(jsub.parent_job_dir, jsub.job_dir)
        contcar_file = os.path.join(jdir, 'CONTCAR')
        relaxed_struct_sub = Structure.from_file(contcar_file)
        # create slab
        slab_sub = Interface(relaxed_struct_sub,  hkl = hkl_sub,
                             min_thick = min_thick, min_vac = min_vac,
                             primitive = False, from_ase = True)
        species_sub = ''.join([tos.symbol for tos in slab_sub.types_of_specie])
        # loop over 2d
        for j2d in relaxed_2d_jobs:    
            jdir = os.path.join(j2d.parent_job_dir, j2d.job_dir)
            contcar_file = os.path.join(jdir, 'CONTCAR')
            slab_2d = slab_from_file(hkl_2d, contcar_file)
            species_2d = ''.join([tos.symbol for tos in slab_2d.types_of_specie])
            # align
            slab_sub_aligned, slab_2d_aligned = get_aligned_lattices(
            # aligned sub poscar
            sd_flags = CalibrateSlab.set_sd_flags(interface=slab_sub_aligned,
            poscar = Poscar(slab_sub_aligned, selective_dynamics=sd_flags)
            poscar.comment = '_'.join([species_sub,species_2d,'sub'])            
            # aligned 2d slab
            sd_flags = CalibrateSlab.set_sd_flags(interface=slab_2d_aligned,
            poscar = Poscar(slab_2d_aligned, selective_dynamics=sd_flags)
            poscar.comment = '_'.join([species_sub,species_2d,'2d'])
    # setup calibrate and run'em
    turn_knobs_sub = OrderedDict(
            ('POSCAR', poscars_sub)
    turn_knobs_2d = OrderedDict(
            ('POSCAR', poscars_2d)
    qadapter, job_cmd = get_run_cmmnd(nnodes=nnodes, nprocs=nprocs,
                                            job_bin=bin_sub, mem=mem)
    run_cal(turn_knobs_sub, qadapter, job_cmd, job_dir_sub,
            'step2_sub', incar=incar_sub, kpoints=kpoints_sub)
    run_cal(turn_knobs_2d, qadapter, job_cmd, job_dir_2d,
            'step2_2d', incar=incar_2d, kpoints=kpoints_2d)
    return ['step2_sub.json', 'step2_2d.json']