Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, address, user, key_location):
        Remote class initialization function.

        @param  address: IP address or the remote host
        @type   address: C{str}

        @param  user: Username to be used for authentication
        @type   user: C{str}

        @param  key_location: Path of the private key_location
        @type   key_location: C{str}

        self.address = address
        self.user = user
        self.key = key_location
        self.logstream = LogStream()
Esempio n. 2
class Remote:
    A class to handle ssh communications with remote systems.
    def __init__(self, address, user, key_location):
        Remote class initialization function.

        @param  address: IP address or the remote host
        @type   address: C{str}

        @param  user: Username to be used for authentication
        @type   user: C{str}

        @param  key_location: Path of the private key_location
        @type   key_location: C{str}

        self.address = address
        self.user = user
        self.key = key_location
        self.logstream = LogStream()

    def run(self, command):
        Execute a command on the remote host as self.user

        @param  command: Command to be executed
        @type   command: C{str}
        env.host_string = self.address
        env.key_filename = self.key
        env.user = self.user
        env.disable_known_hosts = True
        env.connection_attempts = SSH_ATTEMPTS
        env.timeout = SSH_TIMEOUT

        return run(command, stdout=self.logstream, stderr=self.logstream)

    def sudo(self, command, user=None, pty=False):
        Executes command on the remote host using sudo as user

        @param  command: Command to be executed
        @type   command: C{str}

        @param  user: User on whose behalf the command will be executed
        @type   user: C{str}
        env.host_string = self.address
        env.key_filename = self.key
        env.user = self.user
        env.disable_known_hosts = True
        env.connection_attempts = SSH_ATTEMPTS
        env.timeout = SSH_TIMEOUT

        return sudo(command,