Esempio n. 1
    def update_subscriptions(self, user, device, add, remove):

        conflicts = intersect(add, remove)
        if conflicts:
            msg = "can not add and remove '{}' at the same time".format(
            raise RequestException(msg)

        add_s = list(map(normalize_feed_url, add))
        rem_s = list(map(normalize_feed_url, remove))

        assert len(add) == len(add_s) and len(remove) == len(rem_s)

        pairs = zip(add + remove, add_s + rem_s)
        updated_urls = list(filter(lambda pair: pair[0] != pair[1], pairs))

        add_s = filter(None, add_s)
        rem_s = filter(None, rem_s)

        # If two different URLs (in add and remove) have
        # been sanitized to the same, we ignore the removal
        rem_s = filter(lambda x: x not in add_s, rem_s)

        for add_url in add_s:
            podcast = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(add_url).object
            subscribe(podcast, user, device, add_url)

        remove_podcasts = Podcast.objects.filter(urls__url__in=rem_s)
        for podcast in remove_podcasts:
            unsubscribe(podcast, user, device)

        return updated_urls
Esempio n. 2
    def update_subscriptions(self, user, device, add, remove):

        conflicts = intersect(add, remove)
        if conflicts:
            msg = "can not add and remove '{}' at the same time".format(
            raise RequestException(msg)

        add_s = list(map(normalize_feed_url, add))
        rem_s = list(map(normalize_feed_url, remove))

        assert len(add) == len(add_s) and len(remove) == len(rem_s)

        pairs = zip(add + remove, add_s + rem_s)
        updated_urls = list(filter(lambda pair: pair[0] != pair[1], pairs))

        add_s = filter(None, add_s)
        rem_s = filter(None, rem_s)

        # If two different URLs (in add and remove) have
        # been sanitized to the same, we ignore the removal
        rem_s = filter(lambda x: x not in add_s, rem_s)

        for add_url in add_s:
            podcast = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(add_url)
            subscribe(podcast, user, device, add_url)

        remove_podcasts = Podcast.objects.filter(urls__url__in=rem_s)
        for podcast in remove_podcasts:
            unsubscribe(podcast, user, device)

        return updated_urls
Esempio n. 3
    def sync(self):
        """ Sync the group, ie bring all members up-to-date """
        from mygpo.subscriptions import subscribe

        # get all subscribed podcasts
        podcasts = set(self.get_subscribed_podcasts())

        # bring each client up to date, it it is subscribed to all podcasts
        for client in self.client_set.all():
            missing_podcasts = self.get_missing_podcasts(client, podcasts)
            for podcast in missing_podcasts:
                subscribe(podcast, self.user, client)
Esempio n. 4
    def sync(self):
        """ Sync the group, ie bring all members up-to-date """
        from mygpo.subscriptions import subscribe

        # get all subscribed podcasts
        podcasts = set(self.get_subscribed_podcasts())

        # bring each client up to date, it it is subscribed to all podcasts
        for client in self.client_set.all():
            missing_podcasts = self.get_missing_podcasts(client, podcasts)
            for podcast in missing_podcasts:
                subscribe(podcast, self.user, client)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_merge_podcasts(self):
        subscribe(self.podcast2, self.user, self.device)

        # merge podcast2 into podcast1
        pm = PodcastMerger([self.podcast1, self.podcast2], Counter(), [])

        # get podcast for URL of podcast2 and unsubscribe from it
        p = Podcast.objects.get(urls__url=self.P2_URL)
        unsubscribe(p, self.user, self.device)

        subscriptions = Podcast.objects.filter(subscription__user=self.user)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(subscriptions))
Esempio n. 6
    def test_merge_podcasts(self):
        subscribe(self.podcast2, self.user, self.device)

        # merge podcast2 into podcast1
        pm = PodcastMerger([self.podcast1, self.podcast2], Counter(), [])

        # get podcast for URL of podcast2 and unsubscribe from it
        p = Podcast.objects.get(urls__url=self.P2_URL)
        unsubscribe(p, self.user, self.device)

        subscriptions = Podcast.objects.filter(subscription__user=self.user)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(subscriptions))
Esempio n. 7
def set_subscriptions(urls, user, device_uid, user_agent):

    device = get_device(user, device_uid, user_agent, undelete=True)

    subscriptions = dict( (p.url, p) for p in device.get_subscribed_podcasts())
    new = [p for p in urls if p not in subscriptions.keys()]
    rem = [p for p in subscriptions.keys() if p not in urls]

    remove_podcasts = Podcast.objects.filter(urls__url__in=rem)
    for podcast in remove_podcasts:
        unsubscribe(podcast, user, device)

    for url in new:
        podcast = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(url)
        subscribe(podcast, user, device, url)

    # Only an empty response is a successful response
    return HttpResponse('', content_type='text/plain')
Esempio n. 8
def upload(request):
        emailaddr = request.POST['username']
        password  = request.POST['password']
        action    = request.POST['action']
        protocol  = request.POST['protocol']
        opml      = request.FILES['opml'].read()
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return HttpResponse("@PROTOERROR", content_type='text/plain')

    user = auth(emailaddr, password)
    if (not user):
        return HttpResponse('@AUTHFAIL', content_type='text/plain')

    dev = get_device(user, LEGACY_DEVICE_UID,
            request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', ''))

    existing_urls = [x.url for x in dev.get_subscribed_podcasts()]

    i = Importer(opml)

    podcast_urls = [p['url'] for p in i.items]
    podcast_urls = map(normalize_feed_url, podcast_urls)
    podcast_urls = list(filter(None, podcast_urls))

    new = [u for u in podcast_urls if u not in existing_urls]
    rem = [u for u in existing_urls if u not in podcast_urls]

    #remove duplicates
    new = list(set(new))
    rem = list(set(rem))

    for n in new:
        p = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(n)
        subscribe(p, user, dev)

    for r in rem:
        p = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(r)
        unsubscribe(p, user, dev)

    return HttpResponse('@SUCCESS', content_type='text/plain')
Esempio n. 9
def upload(request):
        emailaddr = request.POST['username']
        password = request.POST['password']
        action = request.POST['action']
        protocol = request.POST['protocol']
        opml = request.FILES['opml'].read()
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return HttpResponse("@PROTOERROR", content_type='text/plain')

    user = auth(emailaddr, password)
    if (not user):
        return HttpResponse('@AUTHFAIL', content_type='text/plain')

    dev = get_device(user, LEGACY_DEVICE_UID,
                     request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', ''))

    existing_urls = [x.url for x in dev.get_subscribed_podcasts()]

    i = Importer(opml)

    podcast_urls = [p['url'] for p in i.items]
    podcast_urls = map(normalize_feed_url, podcast_urls)
    podcast_urls = list(filter(None, podcast_urls))

    new = [u for u in podcast_urls if u not in existing_urls]
    rem = [u for u in existing_urls if u not in podcast_urls]

    #remove duplicates
    new = list(set(new))
    rem = list(set(rem))

    for n in new:
        p = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(n).object
        subscribe(p, user, dev)

    for r in rem:
        p = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(r).object
        unsubscribe(p, user, dev)

    return HttpResponse('@SUCCESS', content_type='text/plain')
Esempio n. 10
def set_subscriptions(urls, user, device_uid, user_agent):

    # remove empty urls
    urls = list(filter(None, (u.strip() for u in urls)))

    device = get_device(user, device_uid, user_agent, undelete=True)

    subscriptions = dict( (p.url, p) for p in device.get_subscribed_podcasts())
    new = [p for p in urls if p not in subscriptions.keys()]
    rem = [p for p in subscriptions.keys() if p not in urls]

    remove_podcasts = Podcast.objects.filter(urls__url__in=rem)
    for podcast in remove_podcasts:
        unsubscribe(podcast, user, device)

    for url in new:
        podcast = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(url).object
        subscribe(podcast, user, device, url)

    # Only an empty response is a successful response
    return HttpResponse('', content_type='text/plain')
Esempio n. 11
    def test_merge(self):

        p1 = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
        p2 = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(

        e1 = Episode.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
            p1, '').object
        e1.title = 'Episode 1'

        e2 = Episode.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
            p2, '').object
        e2.title = 'Episode 2'

        e3 = Episode.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
            p2, '').object
        e3.title = 'Episode 3'

        e4 = Episode.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
            p2, '').object
        e4.title = 'Episode 4'

        User = get_user_model()
        user = User()
        user.username = '******' = '*****@*****.**'

        device1 = Client.objects.create(user=user, uid='dev1', id=uuid.uuid1())
        device2 = Client.objects.create(user=user, uid='dev2', id=uuid.uuid1())

        subscribe(p1, user, device1)
        unsubscribe(p1, user, device1)
        subscribe(p1, user, device1)
        subscribe(p2, user, device2)

        action1 = EpisodeHistoryEntry.create_entry(user, e1,
        action3 = EpisodeHistoryEntry.create_entry(user, e3,

        # we need that for later
        e3_id =

        actions = Counter()

        # decide which episodes to merge
        groups = [(0, [e1]), (1, [e2, e3]), (2, [e4])]

        # carry out the merge
        pm = PodcastMerger([p1, p2], actions, groups)

        e1 = Episode.objects.get(
        history1 = EpisodeHistoryEntry.objects.filter(episode=e1, user=user)
        self.assertEqual(len(history1), 1)

        # check if merged episode's id can still be accessed
        e3 = Episode.objects.filter(podcast=p1).get_by_any_id(e3_id)
        history3 = EpisodeHistoryEntry.objects.filter(episode=e3, user=user)
        self.assertEqual(len(history3), 1)

        p1 = Podcast.objects.get(pk=p1.get_id())
        subscribed_clients = Client.objects.filter(subscription__podcast=p1)
        self.assertEqual(len(subscribed_clients), 2)

        episodes = p1.episode_set.all()
        self.assertEqual(len(episodes), 3)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_merge(self):

        p1 = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
        p2 = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(

        e1 = Episode.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
            p1, ''
        e1.title = 'Episode 1'

        e2 = Episode.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
            p2, ''
        e2.title = 'Episode 2'

        e3 = Episode.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
            p2, ''
        e3.title = 'Episode 3'

        e4 = Episode.objects.get_or_create_for_url(
            p2, ''
        e4.title = 'Episode 4'

        User = get_user_model()
        user = User()
        user.username = '******' = '*****@*****.**'

        device1 = Client.objects.create(user=user, uid='dev1', id=uuid.uuid1())
        device2 = Client.objects.create(user=user, uid='dev2', id=uuid.uuid1())

        subscribe(p1, user, device1)
        unsubscribe(p1, user, device1)
        subscribe(p1, user, device1)
        subscribe(p2, user, device2)

        action1 = EpisodeHistoryEntry.create_entry(user, e1, EpisodeHistoryEntry.PLAY)
        action3 = EpisodeHistoryEntry.create_entry(user, e3, EpisodeHistoryEntry.PLAY)

        # we need that for later
        e3_id =

        actions = Counter()

        # decide which episodes to merge
        groups = [(0, [e1]), (1, [e2, e3]), (2, [e4])]

        # carry out the merge
        pm = PodcastMerger([p1, p2], actions, groups)

        e1 = Episode.objects.get(
        history1 = EpisodeHistoryEntry.objects.filter(episode=e1, user=user)
        self.assertEqual(len(history1), 1)

        # check if merged episode's id can still be accessed
        e3 = Episode.objects.filter(podcast=p1).get_by_any_id(e3_id)
        history3 = EpisodeHistoryEntry.objects.filter(episode=e3, user=user)
        self.assertEqual(len(history3), 1)

        p1 = Podcast.objects.get(pk=p1.get_id())
        subscribed_clients = Client.objects.filter(subscription__podcast=p1)
        self.assertEqual(len(subscribed_clients), 2)

        episodes = p1.episode_set.all()
        self.assertEqual(len(episodes), 3)