Esempio n. 1
    def test_auto_page_inbox(self):
        If a "message=%d" parameter is passed on an inbox view, we should
        detect which page that message appears on and select it.
        infos = MessageInfoFactory.create_batch(11, user=self.user)
        request = self.client.get(reverse('inbox'))
        self.assertTrue('Page 1 of 2' in request.content)

        # Messages are displayed in reverse creation order, so the first item
        # in the list is the last item on the last page.
        request = self.client.get(reverse('inbox') +
                                  '?message=%s' % infos[0]
        self.assertTrue('Page 2 of 2' in request.content)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_auto_page_inbox(self):
        If a "message=%d" parameter is passed on an inbox view, we should
        detect which page that message appears on and select it.
        infos = MessageInfoFactory.create_batch(11, user=self.user)
        request = self.client.get(reverse('inbox'))
        self.assertTrue('Page 1 of 2' in request.content)

        # Messages are displayed in reverse creation order, so the first item
        # in the list is the last item on the last page.
        request = self.client.get(
            reverse('inbox') + '?message=%s' % infos[0]
        self.assertTrue('Page 2 of 2' in request.content)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_messages_in_topbar(self):
        for num_messages in range(1, 5):
            # The indicator in the topbar will display a max of three messages.
            # Test that the correct number of messages is displayed for all
            # possible counts.
            infos = MessageInfoFactory.create_batch(size=num_messages,
            # Mark the first message as read to show that read messages are
            # not shown.

            response = self.client.get(reverse('home'))
            self.assertTrue('id="menu-inbox">%s<' % (num_messages-1, )
                            in response.content)
            if num_messages == 1:
                # The only message has been read in this instance; it should
                # not have been displayed.
                self.assertTrue('No new unread messages' in response.content,
                                'Iteration %s' % num_messages)
            for info in infos[1:4]:
                # Ensure that the 1-3 messages we expect are appearing on
                # the page.
                self.assertTrue('message=%s' %
                                in response.content,
                                'Iteration %s, %s not found' % (
                                    'message=%s' %
            for info in infos[4:]:
                # Ensure that any additional unread messages beyond 3 are not
                # displayed.
                self.assertFalse('message=%s' %
                                 in response.content,
                                 "Iteration %s, %s exists but shouldn't" % (
                                     'message=%s' %