Esempio n. 1
def _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir, options=None):
    """Start an instance of a server in read only mode

    This method is used to start the server in read only mode. It will launch
    the server with --skip-grant-tables and --read_only options set.

    Caller must stop the server with _stop_server().

    server_val[in]    dictionary of server connection values
    basedir[in]       the base directory for the server
    datadir[in]       the data directory for the server
    options[in]       dictionary of options (verbosity)
    if options is None:
        options = {}
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    start_timeout = options.get("start_timeout", 10)

    mysqld_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqld")

    print "# Server is offline."

    # Check server version
    print "# Checking server version ...",
    version = get_mysqld_version(mysqld_path)
    print "done."
    post_5_6 = version is not None and \
        int(version[0]) >= 5 and int(version[1]) >= 6

    # Start the instance
    print "# Starting read-only instance of the server ...",
    args = [
        "--port=%(port)s" % server_val,
        "--basedir=" + basedir,
        "--datadir=" + datadir,

    # It the server is 5.6 or later, we must use additional parameters
    if post_5_6:
        args_5_6 = [
    args.insert(0, mysqld_path)

    socket = server_val.get('unix_socket', None)
    if socket is not None:
        args.append("--socket=%(unix_socket)s" % server_val)
    if verbosity > 0:
        subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False)
        out = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=out, stderr=out)

    server_options = {
        'conn_info': server_val,
        'role': "read_only",
    server = Server(server_options)

    # Try to connect to the server, waiting for the server to become ready
    # (retry start_timeout times and wait 1 sec between each attempt).
    # Note: It can take up to 10 seconds for Windows machines.
    i = 0
    while i < start_timeout:
        # Reset error and wait 1 second.
        error = None
            break  # Server ready (connect succeed)! Exit the for loop.
        except UtilError as err:
            # Store exception to raise later (if needed).
            error = err
        i += 1
    # Raise last known exception (if unable to connect to the server)
    if error:
        raise error  # pylint: disable=E0702
                     # See:
    print "done."
    return server
Esempio n. 2
def clone_server(conn_val, options):
    """Clone an existing server

    This method creates a new instance of a running server using a datadir
    set to the new_data parametr, with a port set to new_port, server_id
    set to new_id and a root password of root_pass. You can also specify
    additional parameters for the mysqld command line as well as turn on
    verbosity mode to display more diagnostic information during the clone

    The method will build a new base database installation from the .sql
    files used to construct a new installation. Once the database is
    created, the server will be started.

    dest_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information
                        (user, password, host, port, socket)
    options[in]         dictionary of options:
      new_data[in]        An existing path to create the new database and use
                          as datadir for new instance
                          (default = None)
      new_port[in]        Port number for new instance
                          (default = 3307)
      new_id[in]          Server_id for new instance
                          (default = 2)
      root_pass[in]       Password for root user on new instance (optional)
      mysqld_options[in]  Additional command line options for mysqld
      verbosity[in]       Print additional information during operation
                          (default is 0)
      quiet[in]           If True, do not print messages.
                          (default is False)
      cmd_file[in]        file name to write startup command
      start_timeout[in]   Number of seconds to wait for server to start
    new_data = os.path.abspath(options.get('new_data', None))
    new_port = options.get('new_port', '3307')
    root_pass = options.get('root_pass', None)
    verbosity = options.get('verbosity', 0)
    user = options.get('user', 'root')
    quiet = options.get('quiet', False)
    cmd_file = options.get('cmd_file', None)
    start_timeout = int(options.get('start_timeout', 10))
    mysqld_options = options.get('mysqld_options', '')
    force = options.get('force', False)
    quote_char = "'" if == "posix" else '"'

    if not check_port_in_use('localhost', int(new_port)):
        raise UtilError("Port {0} in use. Please choose an "
                        "available port.".format(new_port))

    # Check if path to database files is greater than MAX_DIR_SIZE char,
    if len(new_data) > MAX_DATADIR_SIZE and not force:
        raise UtilError("The --new-data path '{0}' is too long "
                        "(> {1} characters). Please use a smaller one. "
                        "You can use the --force option to skip this "
                        "check".format(new_data, MAX_DATADIR_SIZE))

    # Clone running server
    if conn_val is not None:
        # Try to connect to the MySQL database server.
        server1_options = {
            'conn_info': conn_val,
            'role': "source",
        server1 = Server(server1_options)
        if not quiet:
            print "# Cloning the MySQL server running on %s." % \

        # Get basedir
        rows = server1.exec_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'basedir'")
        if not rows:
            raise UtilError("Unable to determine basedir of running server.")
        basedir = os.path.normpath(rows[0][1])

    # Cloning downed or offline server
        basedir = os.path.abspath(options.get("basedir", None))
        if not quiet:
            print "# Cloning the MySQL server located at %s." % basedir

    new_data_deleted = False
    # If datadir exists, has data, and user said it was Ok, delete it
    if os.path.exists(new_data) and options.get("delete", False) and \
        new_data_deleted = True
        shutil.rmtree(new_data, True)

    # Create new data directory if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(new_data):
        if not quiet:
            print "# Creating new data directory..."
        except OSError as err:
            raise UtilError("Unable to create directory '{0}', reason: {1}"
                            "".format(new_data, err.strerror))

    # After create the new data directory, check for free space, so the errors
    # regarding invalid or inaccessible path had been dismissed already.
    # If not force specified verify and stop if there is not enough free space
    if not force and os.path.exists(new_data) and \
       estimate_free_space(new_data) < REQ_FREE_SPACE:
        # Don't leave empty folders, delete new_data if was previously deleted
        if os.path.exists(new_data) and new_data_deleted:
            shutil.rmtree(new_data, True)
        raise UtilError(

    # Check for warning of using --skip-innodb
    mysqld_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqld")
    version_str = get_mysqld_version(mysqld_path)
    # convert version_str from str tuple to integer tuple if possible
    if version_str is not None:
        version = tuple([int(digit) for digit in version_str])
        version = None
    if mysqld_options is not None and ("--skip-innodb" in mysqld_options or
       "--innodb" in mysqld_options) and version is not None and \
       version >= (5, 7, 5):
        print("# WARNING: {0}".format(WARN_OPT_SKIP_INNODB))

    if not quiet:
        print "# Configuring new instance..."
        print "# Locating mysql tools..."

    mysqladmin_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqladmin")

    mysql_basedir = basedir
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, "local/mysql/share/")):
        mysql_basedir = os.path.join(mysql_basedir, "local/mysql/")
    # for source trees
    elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, "/sql/share/english/")):
        mysql_basedir = os.path.join(mysql_basedir, "/sql/")

    locations = [
        ("mysqld", mysqld_path),
        ("mysqladmin", mysqladmin_path),
    # From 5.7.6 version onwards, bootstrap is done via mysqld with the
    # --initialize-insecure option, so no need to get information about the
    # sql system tables that need to be loaded.
    if version < (5, 7, 6):
        system_tables = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysql_system_tables.sql",
        system_tables_data = get_tool_path(basedir,
        test_data_timezone = get_tool_path(basedir,
        help_data = get_tool_path(basedir, "fill_help_tables.sql", False)
            ("mysql_system_tables.sql", system_tables),
            ("mysql_system_tables_data.sql", system_tables_data),
            ("mysql_test_data_timezone.sql", test_data_timezone),
            ("fill_help_tables.sql", help_data),

    if verbosity >= 3 and not quiet:
        print "# Location of files:"
        if cmd_file is not None:
            locations.append(("write startup command to", cmd_file))

        for location in locations:
            print "# % 28s: %s" % location

    # Create the new mysql data with mysql_import_db-like process
    if not quiet:
        print "# Setting up empty database and mysql tables..."

    fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')

    # For MySQL versions before 5.7.6, use regular bootstrap procedure.
    if version < (5, 7, 6):
        # Get bootstrap SQL statements
        sql = list()
        sql.append("CREATE DATABASE mysql;")
        sql.append("USE mysql;")
        innodb_disabled = False
        if mysqld_options:
            innodb_disabled = '--innodb=OFF' in mysqld_options
        for sqlfile in [
                system_tables, system_tables_data, test_data_timezone,
            lines = open(sqlfile, 'r').readlines()
            # On MySQL 5.7.5, the root@localhost account creation was
            # moved from the system_tables_data sql file into the
            # mysql_install_db binary. Since we don't use mysql_install_db
            # directly we need to create the root user account ourselves.
            if (version is not None and version == (5, 7, 5)
                    and sqlfile == system_tables_data):
            for line in lines:
                line = line.strip()
                # Don't fail when InnoDB is turned off (Bug#16369955)
                # (Ugly hack)
                if (sqlfile == system_tables
                        and "SET @sql_mode_orig==@@SES" in line
                        and innodb_disabled):
                    for line in lines:
                        if 'SET SESSION sql_mode=@@sql' in line:

        # Bootstap to setup mysql tables
        cmd = [

        if verbosity >= 1 and not quiet:
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,

    # From 5.7.6 onwards, mysql_install_db has been replaced by mysqld and
    # the --initialize option
        cmd = [
            mysqld_path, "--initialize-insecure=on",
        if verbosity >= 1 and not quiet:
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
    # Wait for subprocess to finish
    res = proc.wait()
    # Kill subprocess just in case it didn't finish - Ok if proc doesn't exist
    if int(res) != 0:
        if == "posix":
                os.kill(, subprocess.signal.SIGTERM)
            except OSError:
                raise UtilError("Failed to kill process with pid '{0}'"
            ret_code ="taskkill /F /T /PID "

            # return code 0 means it was successful and 128 means it tried
            # to kill a process that doesn't exist
            if ret_code not in (0, 128):
                raise UtilError("Failed to kill process with pid '{0}'. "
                                "Return code {1}".format(, ret_code))

    # Drop the bootstrap file
    if os.path.isfile("bootstrap.sql"):

    # Start the instance
    if not quiet:
        print "# Starting new instance of the server..."

    # If the user is not the same as the user running the script...
    # and this is a Posix system... and we are running as root
    if user_change_as_root(options):['chown', '-R', user, new_data])['chgrp', '-R', user, new_data])

    socket_path = os.path.join(new_data, 'mysql.sock')
    # If socket path is too long, use mkdtemp to create a tmp dir and
    # use it instead to store the socket
    if == 'posix' and len(socket_path) > MAX_SOCKET_PATH_SIZE:
        socket_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'mysql.sock')
        if not quiet:
                "# WARNING: The socket file path '{0}' is too long (>{1}), "
                "using '{2}' instead".format(
                    os.path.join(new_data, 'mysql.sock'), MAX_SOCKET_PATH_SIZE,

    cmd = {
        'datadir': '--datadir={0}'.format(new_data),
        'tmpdir': '--tmpdir={0}'.format(new_data),
        '--pid-file={0}'.format(os.path.join(new_data, "")),
        'port': '--port={0}'.format(new_port),
        'server': '--server-id={0}'.format(options.get('new_id', 2)),
        'basedir': '--basedir={0}'.format(mysql_basedir),
        'socket': '--socket={0}'.format(socket_path),
    if user:
        cmd.update({'user': '******'.format(user)})
    if mysqld_options:
        if isinstance(mysqld_options, (list, tuple)):
            cmd.update(dict(zip(mysqld_options, mysqld_options)))
            new_opts = mysqld_options.strip(" ")
            # Drop the --mysqld=
            if new_opts.startswith("--mysqld="):
                new_opts = new_opts[9:]
            if new_opts.startswith('"') and new_opts.endswith('"'):
                list_ = shlex.split(new_opts.strip('"'))
                cmd.update(dict(zip(list_, list_)))
            elif new_opts.startswith("'") and new_opts.endswith("'"):
                list_ = shlex.split(new_opts.strip("'"))
                cmd.update(dict(zip(list_, list_)))
            # Special case where there is only 1 option
            elif len(new_opts.split("--")) == 1:
                cmd.update({mysqld_options: mysqld_options})
                list_ = shlex.split(new_opts)
                cmd.update(dict(zip(list_, list_)))

    # set of options that must be surrounded with quotes
    options_to_quote = set(
        ["datadir", "tmpdir", "basedir", "socket", "pid-file"])

    # Strip spaces from each option
    for key in cmd:
        cmd[key] = cmd[key].strip(' ')

    # Write startup command if specified
    if cmd_file is not None:
        if verbosity >= 0 and not quiet:
            print "# Writing startup command to file."
        cfile = open(cmd_file, 'w')
        comment = " Startup command generated by mysqlserverclone.\n"
        if == 'posix' and cmd_file.endswith('.sh'):
        elif == 'nt' and cmd_file.endswith('.bat'):

        start_cmd_lst = [
            "{0}{1}{0} --no-defaults".format(quote_char, mysqld_path)

        # build start command
        for key, val in cmd.iteritems():
            if key in options_to_quote:
                val = "{0}{1}{0}".format(quote_char, val)
        cfile.write("{0}\n".format(" ".join(start_cmd_lst)))

    if == "nt" and verbosity >= 1:
        cmd.update({"console": "--console"})

    start_cmd_lst = [mysqld_path, "--no-defaults"]
    sorted_keys = sorted(cmd.keys())
    start_cmd_lst.extend([cmd[val] for val in sorted_keys])
    if verbosity >= 1 and not quiet:
        if verbosity >= 2:
            print("# Startup command for new server:\n"
                  "{0}".format(" ".join(start_cmd_lst)))
        proc = subprocess.Popen(start_cmd_lst, shell=False)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(start_cmd_lst,

    # Try to connect to the new MySQL instance
    if not quiet:
        print "# Testing connection to new instance..."
    new_sock = None

    if == "posix":
        new_sock = socket_path
    port_int = int(new_port)

    conn = {
        "user": "******",
        "passwd": "",
        "host": conn_val["host"] if conn_val is not None else "localhost",
        "port": port_int,
        "unix_socket": new_sock

    server2_options = {
        'conn_info': conn,
        'role': "clone",
    server2 = Server(server2_options)

    i = 0
    while i < start_timeout:
        i += 1
            i = start_timeout + 1
            if verbosity >= 1 and not quiet:
                print "# trying again..."

    if i == start_timeout:
        raise UtilError("Unable to communicate with new instance. "
                        "Process id = {0}.".format(
    elif not quiet:
        print "# Success!"

    # Set the root password
    if root_pass:
        if not quiet:
            print "# Setting the root password..."
        cmd = [mysqladmin_path, '--no-defaults', '-v', '-uroot']
        if == "posix":
        cmd.extend(["password", root_pass])
        if verbosity > 0 and not quiet:
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False)
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,

        # Wait for subprocess to finish
        res = proc.wait()

    if not quiet:
        conn_str = "# Connection Information:\n"
        conn_str += "#  -uroot"
        if root_pass:
            conn_str += " -p%s" % root_pass
        if == "posix":
            conn_str += " --socket=%s" % new_sock
            conn_str += " --port=%s" % new_port
        print conn_str
        print "#...done."

Esempio n. 3
def _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir, options=None):
    """Start an instance of a server in read only mode

    This method is used to start the server in read only mode. It will launch
    the server with --skip-grant-tables and --read_only options set.

    Caller must stop the server with _stop_server().

    server_val[in]    dictionary of server connection values
    basedir[in]       the base directory for the server
    datadir[in]       the data directory for the server
    options[in]       dictionary of options (verbosity)
    if options is None:
        options = {}
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    start_timeout = options.get("start_timeout", 10)

    mysqld_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqld", quote=True)

    print "# Server is offline."

    # Check server version
    print "# Checking server version ...",
    version = get_mysqld_version(mysqld_path)
    print "done."
    if version is not None and int(version[0]) >= 5:
        post_5_5 = int(version[1]) >= 5
        post_5_6 = int(version[1]) >= 6
        post_5_7_4 = int(version[1]) >= 7 and int(version[2]) > 4
        print("# Warning: cannot get server version.")
        post_5_5 = False
        post_5_6 = False
        post_5_7_4 = False

    # Get the user executing the utility to use in the mysqld options.
    # Note: the option --user=user_name is mandatory to start mysqld as root.
    user_name = getpass.getuser()

    # Start the instance
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# Starting read-only instance of the server ..."
        print "# --- BEGIN (server output) ---"
        print "# Starting read-only instance of the server ...",
    args = shlex.split(mysqld_path)
        "--port=%(port)s" % server_val,
        "--basedir=" + basedir,
        "--datadir=" + datadir,

    # It the server is 5.6 or later, we must use additional parameters
    if post_5_5:
        server_args = [
        if post_5_6:
        if not post_5_7_4:

    socket = server_val.get('unix_socket', None)
    if socket is not None:
        args.append("--socket=%(unix_socket)s" % server_val)
    if verbosity > 0:
        subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False)
        out = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=out, stderr=out)

    server_options = {
        'conn_info': server_val,
        'role': "read_only",
    server = Server(server_options)

    # Try to connect to the server, waiting for the server to become ready
    # (retry start_timeout times and wait 1 sec between each attempt).
    # Note: It can take up to 10 seconds for Windows machines.
    i = 0
    while i < start_timeout:
        # Reset error and wait 1 second.
        error = None
            break  # Server ready (connect succeed)! Exit the for loop.
        except UtilError as err:
            # Store exception to raise later (if needed).
            error = err
        i += 1

    # Indicate end of the server output.
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# --- END (server output) ---"

    # Raise last known exception (if unable to connect to the server)
    if error:
        raise error  # pylint: disable=E0702
        # See:

    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# done (server started)."
        print "done."

    return server
def clone_server(conn_val, options):
    """Clone an existing server

    This method creates a new instance of a running server using a datadir
    set to the new_data parametr, with a port set to new_port, server_id
    set to new_id and a root password of root_pass. You can also specify
    additional parameters for the mysqld command line as well as turn on
    verbosity mode to display more diagnostic information during the clone

    The method will build a new base database installation from the .sql
    files used to construct a new installation. Once the database is
    created, the server will be started.

    dest_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information
                        (user, password, host, port, socket)
    options[in]         dictionary of options:
      new_data[in]        An existing path to create the new database and use
                          as datadir for new instance
                          (default = None)
      new_port[in]        Port number for new instance
                          (default = 3307)
      new_id[in]          Server_id for new instance
                          (default = 2)
      root_pass[in]       Password for root user on new instance (optional)
      mysqld_options[in]  Additional command line options for mysqld
      verbosity[in]       Print additional information during operation
                          (default is 0)
      quiet[in]           If True, do not print messages.
                          (default is False)
      cmd_file[in]        file name to write startup command
      start_timeout[in]   Number of seconds to wait for server to start
    new_data = os.path.abspath(options.get('new_data', None))
    new_port = options.get('new_port', '3307')
    root_pass = options.get('root_pass', None)
    verbosity = options.get('verbosity', 0)
    user = options.get('user', 'root')
    quiet = options.get('quiet', False)
    cmd_file = options.get('cmd_file', None)
    start_timeout = int(options.get('start_timeout', 10))
    mysqld_options = options.get('mysqld_options', '')
    force = options.get('force', False)
    quote_char = "'" if == "posix" else '"'

    if not check_port_in_use('localhost', int(new_port)):
        raise UtilError("Port {0} in use. Please choose an "
                        "available port.".format(new_port))

    # Check if path to database files is greater than MAX_DIR_SIZE char,
    if len(new_data) > MAX_DATADIR_SIZE and not force:
        raise UtilError("The --new-data path '{0}' is too long "
                        "(> {1} characters). Please use a smaller one. "
                        "You can use the --force option to skip this "
                        "check".format(new_data, MAX_DATADIR_SIZE))

    # Clone running server
    if conn_val is not None:
        # Try to connect to the MySQL database server.
        server1_options = {
            'conn_info': conn_val,
            'role': "source",
        server1 = Server(server1_options)
        if not quiet:
            print "# Cloning the MySQL server running on %s." % \

        # Get basedir
        rows = server1.exec_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'basedir'")
        if not rows:
            raise UtilError("Unable to determine basedir of running server.")
        basedir = os.path.normpath(rows[0][1])

    # Cloning downed or offline server
        basedir = os.path.abspath(options.get("basedir", None))
        if not quiet:
            print "# Cloning the MySQL server located at %s." % basedir

    new_data_deleted = False
    # If datadir exists, has data, and user said it was Ok, delete it
    if os.path.exists(new_data) and options.get("delete", False) and \
        new_data_deleted = True
        shutil.rmtree(new_data, True)

    # Create new data directory if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(new_data):
        if not quiet:
            print "# Creating new data directory..."
        except OSError as err:
            raise UtilError("Unable to create directory '{0}', reason: {1}"
                            "".format(new_data, err.strerror))

    # After create the new data directory, check for free space, so the errors
    # regarding invalid or inaccessible path had been dismissed already.
    # If not force specified verify and stop if there is not enough free space
    if not force and os.path.exists(new_data) and \
       estimate_free_space(new_data) < REQ_FREE_SPACE:
        # Don't leave empty folders, delete new_data if was previously deleted
        if os.path.exists(new_data) and new_data_deleted:
            shutil.rmtree(new_data, True)
        raise UtilError(LOW_SPACE_ERRR_MSG.format(directory=new_data,

    # Check for warning of using --skip-innodb
    mysqld_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqld")
    version_str = get_mysqld_version(mysqld_path)
    # convert version_str from str tuple to integer tuple if possible
    if version_str is not None:
        version = tuple([int(digit) for digit in version_str])
        version = None
    if mysqld_options is not None and ("--skip-innodb" in mysqld_options or
       "--innodb" in mysqld_options) and version is not None and \
       version >= (5, 7, 5):
        print("# WARNING: {0}".format(WARN_OPT_SKIP_INNODB))

    if not quiet:
        print "# Configuring new instance..."
        print "# Locating mysql tools..."

    mysqladmin_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqladmin")

    mysql_basedir = basedir
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, "local/mysql/share/")):
        mysql_basedir = os.path.join(mysql_basedir, "local/mysql/")
    # for source trees
    elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, "/sql/share/english/")):
        mysql_basedir = os.path.join(mysql_basedir, "/sql/")

    locations = [
        ("mysqld", mysqld_path),
        ("mysqladmin", mysqladmin_path),
    # From 5.7.6 version onwards, bootstrap is done via mysqld with the
    # --initialize-insecure option, so no need to get information about the
    # sql system tables that need to be loaded.
    if version < (5, 7, 6):
        system_tables = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysql_system_tables.sql",
        system_tables_data = get_tool_path(basedir,
        test_data_timezone = get_tool_path(basedir,
        help_data = get_tool_path(basedir, "fill_help_tables.sql", False)
        locations.extend([("mysql_system_tables.sql", system_tables),
                          ("mysql_system_tables_data.sql", system_tables_data),
                          ("mysql_test_data_timezone.sql", test_data_timezone),
                          ("fill_help_tables.sql", help_data),

    if verbosity >= 3 and not quiet:
        print "# Location of files:"
        if cmd_file is not None:
            locations.append(("write startup command to", cmd_file))

        for location in locations:
            print "# % 28s: %s" % location

    # Create the new mysql data with mysql_import_db-like process
    if not quiet:
        print "# Setting up empty database and mysql tables..."

    fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')

    # For MySQL versions before 5.7.6, use regular bootstrap procedure.
    if version < (5, 7, 6):
        # Get bootstrap SQL statements
        sql = list()
        sql.append("CREATE DATABASE mysql;")
        sql.append("USE mysql;")
        innodb_disabled = False
        if mysqld_options:
            innodb_disabled = '--innodb=OFF' in mysqld_options
        for sqlfile in [system_tables, system_tables_data, test_data_timezone,
            lines = open(sqlfile, 'r').readlines()
            # On MySQL 5.7.5, the root@localhost account creation was
            # moved from the system_tables_data sql file into the
            # mysql_install_db binary. Since we don't use mysql_install_db
            # directly we need to create the root user account ourselves.
            if (version is not None and version == (5, 7, 5) and
                    sqlfile == system_tables_data):
            for line in lines:
                line = line.strip()
                # Don't fail when InnoDB is turned off (Bug#16369955)
                # (Ugly hack)
                if (sqlfile == system_tables and
                   "SET @sql_mode_orig==@@SES" in line and innodb_disabled):
                    for line in lines:
                        if 'SET SESSION sql_mode=@@sql' in line:

        # Bootstap to setup mysql tables
        cmd = [

        if verbosity >= 1 and not quiet:
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
                                    stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull)

    # From 5.7.6 onwards, mysql_install_db has been replaced by mysqld and
    # the --initialize option
        cmd = [
        if verbosity >= 1 and not quiet:
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
                                    stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull)
    # Wait for subprocess to finish
    res = proc.wait()
    # Kill subprocess just in case it didn't finish - Ok if proc doesn't exist
    if int(res) != 0:
        if == "posix":
                os.kill(, subprocess.signal.SIGTERM)
            except OSError:
                raise UtilError("Failed to kill process with pid '{0}'"
            ret_code ="taskkill /F /T /PID "
                                       "{0}".format(, shell=True)

            # return code 0 means it was successful and 128 means it tried
            # to kill a process that doesn't exist
            if ret_code not in (0, 128):
                raise UtilError("Failed to kill process with pid '{0}'. "
                                "Return code {1}".format(,

    # Drop the bootstrap file
    if os.path.isfile("bootstrap.sql"):

    # Start the instance
    if not quiet:
        print "# Starting new instance of the server..."

    # If the user is not the same as the user running the script...
    # and this is a Posix system... and we are running as root
    if user_change_as_root(options):['chown', '-R', user, new_data])['chgrp', '-R', user, new_data])

    socket_path = os.path.join(new_data, 'mysql.sock')
    # If socket path is too long, use mkdtemp to create a tmp dir and
    # use it instead to store the socket
    if == 'posix' and len(socket_path) > MAX_SOCKET_PATH_SIZE:
        socket_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'mysql.sock')
        if not quiet:
            print("# WARNING: The socket file path '{0}' is too long (>{1}), "
                  "using '{2}' instead".format(
                      os.path.join(new_data, 'mysql.sock'),
                      MAX_SOCKET_PATH_SIZE, socket_path))

    cmd = {
        'datadir': '--datadir={0}'.format(new_data),
        'tmpdir': '--tmpdir={0}'.format(new_data),
        'pid-file': '--pid-file={0}'.format(
            os.path.join(new_data, "")),
        'port': '--port={0}'.format(new_port),
        'server': '--server-id={0}'.format(options.get('new_id', 2)),
        'basedir': '--basedir={0}'.format(mysql_basedir),
        'socket': '--socket={0}'.format(socket_path),
    if user:
        cmd.update({'user': '******'.format(user)})
    if mysqld_options:
        if isinstance(mysqld_options, (list, tuple)):
            cmd.update(dict(zip(mysqld_options, mysqld_options)))
            new_opts = mysqld_options.strip(" ")
            # Drop the --mysqld=
            if new_opts.startswith("--mysqld="):
                new_opts = new_opts[9:]
            if new_opts.startswith('"') and new_opts.endswith('"'):
                list_ = shlex.split(new_opts.strip('"'))
                cmd.update(dict(zip(list_, list_)))
            elif new_opts.startswith("'") and new_opts.endswith("'"):
                list_ = shlex.split(new_opts.strip("'"))
                cmd.update(dict(zip(list_, list_)))
            # Special case where there is only 1 option
            elif len(new_opts.split("--")) == 1:
                cmd.update({mysqld_options: mysqld_options})
                list_ = shlex.split(new_opts)
                cmd.update(dict(zip(list_, list_)))

    # set of options that must be surrounded with quotes
    options_to_quote = set(["datadir", "tmpdir", "basedir", "socket",

    # Strip spaces from each option
    for key in cmd:
        cmd[key] = cmd[key].strip(' ')

    # Write startup command if specified
    if cmd_file is not None:
        if verbosity >= 0 and not quiet:
            print "# Writing startup command to file."
        cfile = open(cmd_file, 'w')
        comment = " Startup command generated by mysqlserverclone.\n"
        if == 'posix' and cmd_file.endswith('.sh'):
        elif == 'nt' and cmd_file.endswith('.bat'):

        start_cmd_lst = ["{0}{1}{0} --no-defaults".format(quote_char,

        # build start command
        for key, val in cmd.iteritems():
            if key in options_to_quote:
                val = "{0}{1}{0}".format(quote_char, val)
        cfile.write("{0}\n".format(" ".join(start_cmd_lst)))

    if == "nt" and verbosity >= 1:
        cmd.update({"console": "--console"})

    start_cmd_lst = [mysqld_path, "--no-defaults"]
    sorted_keys = sorted(cmd.keys())
    start_cmd_lst.extend([cmd[val] for val in sorted_keys])
    if verbosity >= 1 and not quiet:
        if verbosity >= 2:
            print("# Startup command for new server:\n"
                  "{0}".format(" ".join(start_cmd_lst)))
        proc = subprocess.Popen(start_cmd_lst, shell=False)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(start_cmd_lst, shell=False, stdout=fnull,

    # Try to connect to the new MySQL instance
    if not quiet:
        print "# Testing connection to new instance..."
    new_sock = None

    if == "posix":
        new_sock = socket_path
    port_int = int(new_port)

    conn = {
        "user": "******",
        "passwd": "",
        "host": conn_val["host"] if conn_val is not None else "localhost",
        "port": port_int,
        "unix_socket": new_sock

    server2_options = {
        'conn_info': conn,
        'role': "clone",
    server2 = Server(server2_options)

    i = 0
    while i < start_timeout:
        i += 1
            i = start_timeout + 1
            if verbosity >= 1 and not quiet:
                print "# trying again..."

    if i == start_timeout:
        raise UtilError("Unable to communicate with new instance. "
                        "Process id = {0}.".format(
    elif not quiet:
        print "# Success!"

    # Set the root password
    if root_pass:
        if not quiet:
            print "# Setting the root password..."
        cmd = [mysqladmin_path, '--no-defaults', '-v', '-uroot']
        if == "posix":
        cmd.extend(["password", root_pass])
        if verbosity > 0 and not quiet:
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False)
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False,
                                    stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull)

        # Wait for subprocess to finish
        res = proc.wait()

    if not quiet:
        conn_str = "# Connection Information:\n"
        conn_str += "#  -uroot"
        if root_pass:
            conn_str += " -p%s" % root_pass
        if == "posix":
            conn_str += " --socket=%s" % new_sock
            conn_str += " --port=%s" % new_port
        print conn_str
        print "#...done."

Esempio n. 5
def _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir, options=None):
    """Start an instance of a server in read only mode

    This method is used to start the server in read only mode. It will launch
    the server with --skip-grant-tables and --read_only options set.

    Caller must stop the server with _stop_server().

    server_val[in]    dictionary of server connection values
    basedir[in]       the base directory for the server
    datadir[in]       the data directory for the server
    options[in]       dictionary of options (verbosity)
    if options is None:
        options = {}
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    start_timeout = options.get("start_timeout", 10)

    mysqld_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqld", quote=True)

    print "# Server is offline."

    # Check server version
    print "# Checking server version ...",
    version = get_mysqld_version(mysqld_path)
    print "done."
    if version is not None and int(version[0]) >= 5:
        post_5_5 = int(version[1]) >= 5
        post_5_6 = int(version[1]) >= 6
        post_5_7_4 = int(version[1]) >= 7 and int(version[2]) > 4
        print("# Warning: cannot get server version.")
        post_5_5 = False
        post_5_6 = False
        post_5_7_4 = False

    # Get the user executing the utility to use in the mysqld options.
    # Note: the option --user=user_name is mandatory to start mysqld as root.
    user_name = getpass.getuser()

    # Start the instance
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# Starting read-only instance of the server ..."
        print "# --- BEGIN (server output) ---"
        print "# Starting read-only instance of the server ...",
    args = shlex.split(mysqld_path)
        "--port=%(port)s" % server_val,
        "--basedir=" + basedir,
        "--datadir=" + datadir,

    # It the server is 5.6 or later, we must use additional parameters
    if post_5_5:
        server_args = [
        if post_5_6:
        if not post_5_7_4:

    socket = server_val.get('unix_socket', None)
    if socket is not None:
        args.append("--socket=%(unix_socket)s" % server_val)
    if verbosity > 0:
        subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False)
        out = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=out, stderr=out)

    server_options = {
        'conn_info': server_val,
        'role': "read_only",
    server = Server(server_options)

    # Try to connect to the server, waiting for the server to become ready
    # (retry start_timeout times and wait 1 sec between each attempt).
    # Note: It can take up to 10 seconds for Windows machines.
    i = 0
    while i < start_timeout:
        # Reset error and wait 1 second.
        error = None
            break  # Server ready (connect succeed)! Exit the for loop.
        except UtilError as err:
            # Store exception to raise later (if needed).
            error = err
        i += 1

    # Indicate end of the server output.
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# --- END (server output) ---"

    # Raise last known exception (if unable to connect to the server)
    if error:
        # See:
        # pylint: disable=E0702
        raise error

    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# done (server started)."
        print "done."

    return server
Esempio n. 6
def _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir, options={}):
    """Start an instance of a server in read only mode
    This method is used to start the server in read only mode. It will launch
    the server with --skip-grant-tables and --read_only options set.
    Caller must stop the server with _stop_server().
    server_val[in]    dictionary of server connection values
    basedir[in]       the base directory for the server
    datadir[in]       the data directory for the server
    options[in]       dictionary of options (verbosity)
    from import get_tool_path, get_mysqld_version
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import Server
    import time
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    mysqld_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqld")
    print "# Server is offline."

    # Check server version
    print "# Checking server version ...",
    version = get_mysqld_version(mysqld_path)
    print "done."
    post_5_6 = version is not None and \
               int(version[0]) >= 5 and int(version[1]) >= 6
    # Start the instance
    print "# Starting read-only instance of the server ...",
    args = [
        " -uroot",
        "--port=%(port)s" % server_val,
        "--basedir=" + basedir,
        "--datadir=" + datadir,
    # It the server is 5.6 or later, we must use additional parameters
    if post_5_6:
        args_5_6 = [

    socket = server_val.get('unix_socket', None)
    if socket is not None:
        args.append("--socket=%(unix_socket)s" % server_val)
    if verbosity > 0:
        proc = subprocess.Popen(args, executable=mysqld_path)
        out = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        proc = subprocess.Popen(args, executable=mysqld_path,
                                stdout=out, stderr=out)

    server_options = {
        'conn_info' : server_val,
        'role'      : "read_only",
    server = Server(server_options)
    # Now wait for the server to become ready - could be up to 10 seconds
    # for Windows machines.
    if == "nt":
    print "done."
Esempio n. 7
def _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir, options={}):
    """Start an instance of a server in read only mode
    This method is used to start the server in read only mode. It will launch
    the server with --skip-grant-tables and --read_only options set.
    Caller must stop the server with _stop_server().
    server_val[in]    dictionary of server connection values
    basedir[in]       the base directory for the server
    datadir[in]       the data directory for the server
    options[in]       dictionary of options (verbosity)
    from import get_tool_path, get_mysqld_version
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import Server
    import time
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    mysqld_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqld")
    print "# Server is offline."

    # Check server version
    print "# Checking server version ...",
    version = get_mysqld_version(mysqld_path)
    print "done."
    post_5_6 = version is not None and \
               int(version[0]) >= 5 and int(version[1]) >= 6
    # Start the instance
    print "# Starting read-only instance of the server ...",
    args = [
        " -uroot",
        "--port=%(port)s" % server_val,
        "--basedir=" + basedir,
        "--datadir=" + datadir,
    # It the server is 5.6 or later, we must use additional parameters
    if post_5_6:
        args_5_6 = [

    socket = server_val.get('unix_socket', None)
    if socket is not None:
        args.append("--socket=%(unix_socket)s" % server_val)
    if verbosity > 0:
        proc = subprocess.Popen(args, executable=mysqld_path)
        out = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        proc = subprocess.Popen(args, executable=mysqld_path,
                                stdout=out, stderr=out)

    server_options = {
        'conn_info' : server_val,
        'role'      : "read_only",
    server = Server(server_options)
    # Now wait for the server to become ready - could be up to 10 seconds
    # for Windows machines.
    if == "nt":
    print "done."
    return server
Esempio n. 8
def _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir, options=None):
    """Start an instance of a server in read only mode

    This method is used to start the server in read only mode. It will launch
    the server with --skip-grant-tables and --read_only options set.

    Caller must stop the server with _stop_server().

    server_val[in]    dictionary of server connection values
    basedir[in]       the base directory for the server
    datadir[in]       the data directory for the server
    options[in]       dictionary of options (verbosity)
    if options is None:
        options = {}
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    start_timeout = options.get("start_timeout", 10)

    mysqld_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "mysqld")

    print "# Server is offline."

    # Check server version
    print "# Checking server version ...",
    version = get_mysqld_version(mysqld_path)
    print "done."
    post_5_6 = version is not None and \
        int(version[0]) >= 5 and int(version[1]) >= 6

    # Start the instance
    print "# Starting read-only instance of the server ...",
    args = [
        "--port=%(port)s" % server_val,
        "--basedir=" + basedir,
        "--datadir=" + datadir,

    # It the server is 5.6 or later, we must use additional parameters
    if post_5_6:
        args_5_6 = [
    args.insert(0, mysqld_path)

    socket = server_val.get('unix_socket', None)
    if socket is not None:
        args.append("--socket=%(unix_socket)s" % server_val)
    if verbosity > 0:
        subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False)
        out = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=out, stderr=out)

    server_options = {
        'conn_info': server_val,
        'role': "read_only",
    server = Server(server_options)

    # Try to connect to the server, waiting for the server to become ready
    # (retry start_timeout times and wait 1 sec between each attempt).
    # Note: It can take up to 10 seconds for Windows machines.
    i = 0
    while i < start_timeout:
        # Reset error and wait 1 second.
        error = None
            break  # Server ready (connect succeed)! Exit the for loop.
        except UtilError as err:
            # Store exception to raise later (if needed).
            error = err
        i += 1
    # Raise last known exception (if unable to connect to the server)
    if error:
        raise error  # pylint: disable=E0702
        # See:
    print "done."
    return server