Esempio n. 1
def crawl_bucket(bucket, path, group=False):
    Gets subject list for a given S3 bucket and path
    if group:
        cmd = 'aws s3 ls s3://{}/{}/graphs/'.format(bucket, path)
        out, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd)
        atlases = re.findall('PRE (.+)/', out)
        print("Atlas IDs: " + ", ".join(atlases))
        return atlases
        cmd = 'aws s3 ls s3://{}/{}/'.format(bucket, path)
        out, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd)
        subjs = re.findall('PRE sub-(.+)/', out)
        cmd = 'aws s3 ls s3://{}/{}/sub-{}/'
        seshs = OrderedDict()
        for subj in subjs:
            out, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd.format(bucket, path, subj))
            sesh = re.findall('ses-(.+)/', out)
            seshs[subj] = sesh if sesh != [] else [None]
        print("Session IDs: " + ", ".join([
            subj + '-' + sesh if sesh is not None else subj for subj in subjs
            for sesh in seshs[subj]
        return seshs
Esempio n. 2
def group_level(inDir, outDir, dataset=None, atlas=None, minimal=False,
                log=False, hemispheres=False):
    Crawls the output directory from ndmg and computes qc metrics on the
    derivatives produced
    # Make output dir
    outDir += "/qa/graphs/"
    mgu().execute_cmd("mkdir -p " + outDir)

    inDir += '/graphs/'
    # Get list of graphs
    labels = next(os.walk(inDir))[1]

    # Run for each
    if atlas is not None:
        labels = [atlas]

    for label in labels:
        print("Parcellation: " + label)
        tmp_in = op.join(inDir, label)
        fs = [op.join(tmp_in, fl)
              for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tmp_in)
              for fl in files
              if fl.endswith(".graphml") or fl.endswith(".gpickle")]
        tmp_out = op.join(outDir, label)
        mgu().execute_cmd("mkdir -p " + tmp_out)
        compute_metrics(fs, tmp_out, label)
        outf = op.join(tmp_out, 'plot')
        make_panel_plot(tmp_out, outf, dataset=dataset, atlas=label,
                        minimal=minimal, log=log, hemispheres=hemispheres)
Esempio n. 3
def kill_jobs(jobdir, reason='"Killing job"'):
    Given a list of jobs, kills them all.
    cmd_template1 = 'aws batch cancel-job --job-id {} --reason {}'
    cmd_template2 = 'aws batch terminate-job --job-id {} --reason {}'

    print("Canelling/Terminating jobs in {}/ids/...".format(jobdir))
    jobs = os.listdir(jobdir + '/ids/')
    for job in jobs:
        with open('{}/ids/{}'.format(jobdir, job), 'r') as inf:
            submission = json.load(inf)
        jid = submission['jobId']
        name = submission['jobName']
        status = get_status(jobdir, jid)
        if status in ['SUCCEEDED', 'FAILED']:
            print("... No action needed for {}...".format(name))
        elif status in ['SUBMITTED', 'PENDING', 'RUNNABLE']:
            cmd = cmd_template1.format(jid, reason)
            print("... Cancelling job {}...".format(name))
            out, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd)
        elif status in ['STARTING', 'RUNNING']:
            cmd = cmd_template2.format(jid, reason)
            print("... Terminating job {}...".format(name))
            out, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd)
            print("... Unknown status??")
Esempio n. 4
def get_status(jobdir, jobid=None):
    Given list of jobs, returns status of each.
    cmd_template = 'aws batch describe-jobs --jobs {}'

    if jobid is None:
        print("Describing jobs in {}/ids/...".format(jobdir))
        jobs = os.listdir(jobdir + '/ids/')
        for job in jobs:
            with open('{}/ids/{}'.format(jobdir, job), 'r') as inf:
                submission = json.load(inf)
            cmd = cmd_template.format(submission['jobId'])
            print("... Checking job {}...".format(submission['jobName']))
            out, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd)
            status = re.findall('"status": "([A-Za-z]+)",', out)[0]
            print("... ... Status: {}".format(status))
        return 0
        print("Describing job id {}...".format(jobid))
        cmd = cmd_template.format(jobid)
        out, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd)
        status = re.findall('"status": "([A-Za-z]+)",', out)[0]
        print("... Status: {}".format(status))
        return status
Esempio n. 5
def multigraphs(fibers, labels, outdir):
    Creates a brain graph from fiber streamlines
    startTime =
    fiber_name = mgu().get_filename(fibers)
    base = fiber_name.split('_fibers', 1)[0]
    # Create output directories for graphs
    label_name = [mgu().get_filename(x) for x in labels]
    for label in label_name:
        p = Popen("mkdir -p " + outdir + "/graphs/" + label,

    # Create names of files to be produced
    graphs = [
        outdir + "/graphs/" + x + '/' + base + "_" + x + ".graphml"
        for x in label_name
    print "Graphs of streamlines downsampled to given labels: " +\
          (", ".join([x for x in graphs]))

    # Load fibers
    print "Loading fibers..."
    fiber_npz = np.load(fibers)
    tracks = fiber_npz[fiber_npz.keys()[0]]

    # Generate graphs from streamlines for each parcellation
    for idx, label in enumerate(label_name):
        print "Generating graph for " + label + " parcellation..."
        labels_im = nb.load(labels[idx])
        g1 = mgg(len(np.unique(labels_im.get_data())) - 1, labels[idx])

    print "Execution took: " + str( - startTime)
    print "Complete!"
Esempio n. 6
def get_data(bucket, remote_path, local, subj=None, public=True):
    Given an s3 bucket, data location on the bucket, and a download location,
    crawls the bucket and recursively pulls all data.
    client = boto3.client('s3')
    if not public:
        bkts = [bk['Name'] for bk in client.list_buckets()['Buckets']]
        if bucket not in bkts:
            sys.exit("Error: could not locate bucket. Available buckets: " +
                     ", ".join(bkts))
    cmd = 'aws'
    if public:
        cmd += ' --no-sign-request --region=us-east-1'
    cmd = "".join([cmd, ' s3 cp --recursive s3://', bucket, '/',
    if subj is not None:
        cmd = "".join([cmd, '/sub-', subj])
        std, err = mgu().execute_cmd('mkdir -p ' + local + '/sub-' + subj)
        local += '/sub-' + subj

    cmd = "".join([cmd, ' ', local])
    std, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd)
Esempio n. 7
def multigraphs(fibers, labels, outdir):
    Creates a brain graph from fiber streamlines
    startTime =
    fiber_name = mgu().get_filename(fibers)
    base = fiber_name.split('_fibers', 1)[0]
    # Create output directories for graphs
    label_name = [mgu().get_filename(x) for x in labels]
    for label in label_name:
        p = Popen("mkdir -p " + outdir + "/graphs/" + label,
                  stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)

    # Create names of files to be produced
    graphs = [outdir + "/graphs/" + x + '/' + base + "_" + x + ".graphml"
              for x in label_name]
    print "Graphs of streamlines downsampled to given labels: " +\
          (", ".join([x for x in graphs]))

    # Load fibers
    print "Loading fibers..."
    fiber_npz = np.load(fibers)
    tracks = fiber_npz[fiber_npz.keys()[0]]

    # Generate graphs from streamlines for each parcellation
    for idx, label in enumerate(label_name):
        print "Generating graph for " + label + " parcellation..."
        labels_im = nb.load(labels[idx])
        g1 = mgg(len(np.unique(labels_im.get_data()))-1, labels[idx])

    print "Execution took: " + str( - startTime)
    print "Complete!"
Esempio n. 8
def submit_jobs(jobs, jobdir):
    Give list of jobs to submit, submits them to AWS Batch
    cmd_template = 'aws batch submit-job --cli-input-json file://{}'

    for job in jobs:
        cmd = cmd_template.format(job)
        print("... Submitting job {}...".format(job))
        out, err = mgu().execute_cmd(cmd)
        submission = ast.literal_eval(out)
        print("Job Name: {}, Job ID: {}".format(submission['jobName'],
        sub_file = os.path.join(jobdir, 'ids', submission['jobName'] + '.json')
        with open(sub_file, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(submission, outfile)
    return 0
Esempio n. 9
    def dti2atlas(self, dti, gtab, mprage, atlas, aligned_dti, outdir):
        Aligns two images and stores the transform between them

        **Positional Arguments:**

                    - Input impage to be aligned as a nifti image file
                    - File containing list of bvalues for each scan
                    - File containing gradient directions for each scan
                    - Intermediate image being aligned to as a nifti image file
                    - Terminal image being aligned to as a nifti image file
                    - Aligned output dti image as a nifti image file
        # Creates names for all intermediate files used
        # GK TODO: come up with smarter way to create these temp file names
        dti_name = op.splitext(op.splitext(op.basename(dti))[0])[0]
        mprage_name = op.splitext(op.splitext(op.basename(mprage))[0])[0]
        atlas_name = op.splitext(op.splitext(op.basename(atlas))[0])[0]

        dti2 = outdir + "/tmp/" + dti_name + "_t2.nii.gz"
        temp_aligned = outdir + "/tmp/" + dti_name + "_ta.nii.gz"
        b0 = outdir + "/tmp/" + dti_name + "_b0.nii.gz"
        xfm1 = outdir + "/tmp/" + dti_name + "_" + mprage_name + "_xfm.mat"
        xfm2 = outdir + "/tmp/" + mprage_name + "_" + atlas_name + "_xfm.mat"
        xfm3 = outdir + "/tmp/" + dti_name + "_" + atlas_name + "_xfm.mat"

        # Align DTI volumes to each other
        self.align_slices(dti, dti2, np.where(gtab.b0s_mask)[0])

        # Loads DTI image in as data and extracts B0 volume
        import ndmg.utils as mgu
        dti_im = nb.load(dti2)
        b0_im = mgu().get_b0(gtab, dti_im.get_data())
        # GK TODO: why doesn't top import work?

        # Wraps B0 volume in new nifti image
        b0_head = dti_im.get_header()
        b0_out = nb.Nifti1Image(b0_im, affine=dti_im.get_affine(),
        b0_out.update_header(), b0)

        # Algins B0 volume to MPRAGE, and MPRAGE to Atlas
        self.align(b0, mprage, xfm1)
        self.align(mprage, atlas, xfm2)

        # Combines transforms from previous registrations in proper order
        cmd = "convert_xfm -omat " + xfm3 + " -concat " + xfm2 + " " + xfm1
        p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)

        # Applies combined transform to dti image volume
        self.applyxfm(dti2, atlas, xfm3, temp_aligned)
        self.resample(temp_aligned, aligned_dti, atlas)

        # Clean temp files
        cmd = "rm -f " + dti2 + " " + temp_aligned + " " + b0 + " " +\
              xfm1 + " " + xfm2 + " " + xfm3
        print "Cleaning temporary registration files..."
        p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
Esempio n. 10
def participant_level(inDir, outDir, subjs, sesh=None, debug=False):
    Crawls the given BIDS organized directory for data pertaining to the given
    subject and session, and passes necessary files to ndmg_pipeline for
    # Get atlases
    ope = op.exists
    if any(not ope(l) for l in labels) or not (ope(atlas) and ope(atlas_mask)):
        print("Cannot find atlas information; downloading...")
        mgu().execute_cmd('mkdir -p ' + atlas_dir)
        cmd = " ".join(['wget -rnH --cut-dirs=3 --no-parent -P ' + atlas_dir,

    # Make output dir
    mgu().execute_cmd("mkdir -p " + outDir + " " + outDir + "/tmp")

    # Get subjects
    if subjs is None:
        subj_dirs = glob(op.join(inDir, "sub-*"))
        subjs = [subj_dir.split("-")[-1] for subj_dir in subj_dirs]

    bvec = []
    bval = []
    anat = []
    dwi = []
    # Get all image data for each subject
    for subj in subjs:
        if sesh is not None:
            anat_t = glob(op.join(inDir, "sub-{}/ses-{}".format(subj, sesh),
                                  "anat", "*_T1w.nii*"))
            dwi_t = glob(op.join(inDir, "sub-{}/ses-{}".format(subj, sesh),
                                 "dwi", "*_dwi.nii*"))
            anat_t = glob(op.join(inDir, "sub-%s" % subj, "anat",
                                  "*_T1w.nii*")) +\
                     glob(op.join(inDir, "sub-%s" % subj, "ses-*",
                                  "anat", "*_T1w.nii*"))
            dwi_t = glob(op.join(inDir, "sub-%s" % subj, "dwi",
                                 "*_dwi.nii*")) +\
                    glob(op.join(inDir, "sub-%s" % subj, "ses-*",
                                 "dwi", "*_dwi.nii*"))
        anat = anat + anat_t
        dwi = dwi + dwi_t

    bvec_t = []
    bval_t = []
    # Look for bval, bvec files for each DWI file
    for scan in dwi:
        step = op.dirname(scan)
        while not bval_t or not bvec_t:
            bval_t = glob(op.join(step, "*dwi.bval"))
            bvec_t = glob(op.join(step, "*dwi.bvec"))
            if step is op.abspath(op.join(inDir, os.pardir)):
                sys.exit("Error: No b-values or b-vectors found..\
                    \nPlease review BIDS spec (")
            step = op.abspath(op.join(step, os.pardir))
        bvec_t = []
        bval_t = []

    assert(len(anat) == len(dwi))
    assert(len(bvec) == len(dwi))
    assert(len(bval) == len(dwi))


    # Run for each
    for i, scans in enumerate(anat):
        print("T1 file: " + anat[i])
        print("DWI file: " + dwi[i])
        print("Bval file: " + bval[i])
        print("Bvec file: " + bvec[i])

        ndmg_pipeline(dwi[i], bval[i], bvec[i], anat[i], atlas, atlas_mask,
                      labels, outDir, clean=(not debug))
Esempio n. 11
def main():
    parser = ArgumentParser(description="This is an end-to-end connectome \
                            estimation pipeline from sMRI and DTI images")

    parser.add_argument('bids_dir', help='The directory with the input dataset'
                        ' formatted according to the BIDS standard.')
    parser.add_argument('output_dir', help='The directory where the output '
                        'files should be stored. If you are running group '
                        'level analysis this folder should be prepopulated '
                        'with the results of the participant level analysis.')
    parser.add_argument('analysis_level', help='Level of the analysis that '
                        'will be performed. Multiple participant level '
                        'analyses can be run independently (in parallel) '
                        'using the same output_dir.',
                        choices=['participant', 'group'])
    parser.add_argument('--participant_label', help='The label(s) of the '
                        'participant(s) that should be analyzed. The label '
                        'corresponds to sub-<participant_label> from the BIDS '
                        'spec (so it does not include "sub-"). If this '
                        'parameter is not provided all subjects should be '
                        'analyzed. Multiple participants can be specified '
                        'with a space separated list.', nargs="+")
    parser.add_argument('--session_label', help='The label(s) of the '
                        'session that should be analyzed. The label '
                        'corresponds to ses-<participant_label> from the BIDS '
                        'spec (so it does not include "ses-"). If this '
                        'parameter is not provided all sessions should be '
                        'analyzed. Multiple sessions can be specified '
                        'with a space separated list.')
    parser.add_argument('--bucket', action='store', help='The name of '
                        'an S3 bucket which holds BIDS organized data. You '
                        'must have built your bucket with credentials to the '
                        'S3 bucket you wish to access.')
    parser.add_argument('--remote_path', action='store', help='The path to '
                        'the data on your S3 bucket. The data will be '
                        'downloaded to the provided bids_dir on your machine.')
    parser.add_argument('--push_data', action='store_true', help='flag to '
                        'push derivatives back up to S3.', default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--dataset', action='store', help='The name of '
                        'the dataset you are perfoming QC on.')
    parser.add_argument('--atlas', action='store', help='The atlas '
                        'being analyzed in QC (if you only want one).')
    parser.add_argument('--minimal', action='store_true', help='Determines '
                        'whether to show a minimal or full set of plots.',
    parser.add_argument('--hemispheres', action='store_true', help='Whether '
                        'or not to break degrees into hemispheres or not',
    parser.add_argument('--log', action='store_true', help='Determines '
                        'axis scale for plotting.', default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='flag to store '
                        'temp files along the path of processing.',
    result = parser.parse_args()

    inDir = result.bids_dir
    outDir = result.output_dir
    subj = result.participant_label
    sesh = result.session_label
    buck = result.bucket
    remo = result.remote_path
    push = result.push_data
    level = result.analysis_level
    minimal = result.minimal
    log = result.log
    atlas = result.atlas
    hemi = result.hemispheres

    creds = bool(os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", 0) and
                 os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", 0))

    if level == 'participant':
        if buck is not None and remo is not None:
            print("Retrieving data from S3...")
            if subj is not None:
                [bids_s3.get_data(buck, remo, inDir, s, True) for s in subj]
                bids_s3.get_data(buck, remo, inDir, public=creds)
        modif = 'ndmg_{}'.format(ndmg.version.replace('.', '-'))
        participant_level(inDir, outDir, subj, sesh, result.debug)
    elif level == 'group':
        if buck is not None and remo is not None:
            print("Retrieving data from S3...")
            if atlas is not None:
                bids_s3.get_data(buck, remo+'/graphs/'+atlas,
                                 outDir+'/graphs/'+atlas, public=creds)
                bids_s3.get_data(buck, remo+'/graphs', outDir+'/graphs',
        modif = 'qa'
        group_level(outDir, outDir, result.dataset, result.atlas, minimal,
                    log, hemi)

    if push and buck is not None and remo is not None:
        print("Pushing results to S3...")
        cmd = "".join(['aws s3 cp --exclude "tmp/*" ', outDir, ' s3://', buck,
                       '/', remo, '/', modif,
                       '/ --recursive --acl public-read-write'])
        if not creds:
            print("Note: no credentials provided, may fail to push big files")
            cmd += ' --no-sign-request'
Esempio n. 12
def ndmg_pipeline(dti,
    Creates a brain graph from MRI data
    startTime =

    # Create derivative output directories
    dti_name = mgu().get_filename(dti)
    cmd = "".join([
        "mkdir -p ", outdir, "/reg_dti ", outdir, "/tensors ", outdir,
        "/fibers ", outdir, "/graphs"

    # Graphs are different because of multiple atlases
    if isinstance(labels, list):
        label_name = [mgu().get_filename(x) for x in labels]
        for label in label_name:
            p = Popen("mkdir -p " + outdir + "/graphs/" + label,
        label_name = mgu().get_filename(labels)
        p = Popen("mkdir -p " + outdir + "/graphs/" + label_name,
    # Create derivative output file names
    aligned_dti = "".join([outdir, "/reg_dti/", dti_name, "_aligned.nii.gz"])
    tensors = "".join([outdir, "/tensors/", dti_name, "_tensors.npz"])
    fibers = "".join([outdir, "/fibers/", dti_name, "_fibers.npz"])
    print("This pipeline will produce the following derivatives...")
    print("DTI volume registered to atlas: " + aligned_dti)
    print("Diffusion tensors in atlas space: " + tensors)
    print("Fiber streamlines in atlas space: " + fibers)

    # Again, graphs are different
    graphs = [
        "".join([outdir, "/graphs/", x, '/', dti_name, "_", x, '.', fmt])
        for x in label_name
    print("Graphs of streamlines downsampled to given labels: " +
          (", ".join([x for x in graphs])))

    # Creates gradient table from bvalues and bvectors
    print "Generating gradient table..."
    dti1 = "".join([outdir, "/tmp/", dti_name, "_t1.nii.gz"])
    bvecs1 = "".join([outdir, "/tmp/", dti_name, "_1.bvec"])
    mgp.rescale_bvec(bvecs, bvecs1)
    gtab = mgu().load_bval_bvec_dti(bvals, bvecs1, dti, dti1)

    # Align DTI volumes to Atlas
    print("Aligning volumes...")
    mgr().dti2atlas(dti1, gtab, mprage, atlas, aligned_dti, outdir, clean)

    print("Beginning tractography...")
    # Compute tensors and track fiber streamlines
    tens, tracks = mgt().eudx_basic(aligned_dti, mask, gtab, stop_val=0.2)

    # And save them to disk
    np.savez(tensors, tens)
    np.savez(fibers, tracks)

    # Generate graphs from streamlines for each parcellation
    for idx, label in enumerate(label_name):
        print("Generating graph for " + label + "parcellation...")
        labels_im = nb.load(labels[idx])
        g1 = mgg(len(np.unique(labels_im.get_data())) - 1, labels[idx])
        g1.save_graph(graphs[idx], fmt=fmt)

    print("Execution took: " + str( - startTime))

    # Clean temp files
    if clean:
        print("Cleaning up intermediate files... ")
        cmd = "".join([
            'rm -f ', tensors, ' ', outdir, '/tmp/', dti_name, '*', ' ',
            aligned_dti, ' ', fibers

Esempio n. 13
def ndmg_pipeline(dti, bvals, bvecs, mprage, atlas, mask, labels, outdir,
                  clean=False, fmt='gpickle'):
    Creates a brain graph from MRI data
    startTime =
    print fmt

    # Create derivative output directories
    dti_name = op.splitext(op.splitext(op.basename(dti))[0])[0]
    cmd = "mkdir -p " + outdir + "/reg_dti " + outdir + "/tensors " +\
          outdir + "/fibers " + outdir + "/graphs"
    p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)

    # Graphs are different because of multiple atlases
    label_name = [op.splitext(op.splitext(op.basename(x))[0])[0]
                  for x in labels]
    for label in label_name:
        p = Popen("mkdir -p " + outdir + "/graphs/" + label,
                  stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)

    # Create derivative output file names
    aligned_dti = outdir + "/reg_dti/" + dti_name + "_aligned.nii.gz"
    tensors = outdir + "/tensors/" + dti_name + "_tensors.npz"
    fibers = outdir + "/fibers/" + dti_name + "_fibers.npz"
    print "This pipeline will produce the following derivatives..."
    print "DTI volume registered to atlas: " + aligned_dti
    print "Diffusion tensors in atlas space: " + tensors
    print "Fiber streamlines in atlas space: " + fibers

    # Again, graphs are different
    graphs = [outdir + "/graphs/" + x + '/' + dti_name + "_" + x + '.' + fmt
              for x in label_name]
    print "Graphs of streamlines downsampled to given labels: " +\
          (", ".join([x for x in graphs]))

    # Creates gradient table from bvalues and bvectors
    print "Generating gradient table..."
    dti1 = outdir + "/tmp/" + dti_name + "_t1.nii.gz"
    bvecs1 = outdir + "/tmp/" + dti_name + "_1.bvec"
    mgp.rescale_bvec(bvecs, bvecs1)
    gtab = mgu().load_bval_bvec_dti(bvals, bvecs1, dti, dti1)

    # Align DTI volumes to Atlas
    print "Aligning volumes..."
    mgr().dti2atlas(dti1, gtab, mprage, atlas, aligned_dti, outdir)

    print "Beginning tractography..."
    # Compute tensors and track fiber streamlines
    tens, tracks = mgt().eudx_basic(aligned_dti, mask, gtab, stop_val=0.2)

    # And save them to disk
    np.savez(tensors, tens)
    np.savez(fibers, tracks)

    # Generate graphs from streamlines for each parcellation
    for idx, label in enumerate(label_name):
        print "Generating graph for " + label + " parcellation..."
        labels_im = nb.load(labels[idx])
        g1 = mgg(len(np.unique(labels_im.get_data()))-1, labels[idx])

    print "Execution took: " + str( - startTime)

    # Clean temp files
    if clean:
        print "Cleaning up intermediate files... "
        cmd = 'rm -f ' + tensors + ' ' + dti1 + ' ' + aligned_dti + ' ' +\
        p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)

    print "Complete!"
Esempio n. 14
def create_json(bucket,
    Takes parameters to make jsons
    mgu().execute_cmd("mkdir -p {}".format(jobdir))
    mgu().execute_cmd("mkdir -p {}/jobs/".format(jobdir))
    mgu().execute_cmd("mkdir -p {}/ids/".format(jobdir))
    if group:
        template = group_templ
        atlases = threads
        template = participant_templ
        seshs = threads

    if not os.path.isfile('{}/{}'.format(jobdir, template.split('/')[-1])):
        cmd = 'wget --quiet -P {} {}'.format(jobdir, template)

    with open('{}/{}'.format(jobdir, template.split('/')[-1]), 'r') as inf:
        template = json.load(inf)
    cmd = template['containerOverrides']['command']
    env = template['containerOverrides']['environment']

    if credentials is not None:
        cred = [line for line in csv.reader(open(credentials))]
        env[0]['value'] = [
            cred[1][idx] for idx, val in enumerate(cred[0]) if "ID" in val
        ][0]  # Adds public key ID to env
        env[1]['value'] = [
            cred[1][idx] for idx, val in enumerate(cred[0]) if "Secret" in val
        ][0]  # Adds secret key to env
        env = []
    template['containerOverrides']['environment'] = env

    jobs = list()
    cmd[4] = re.sub('(<BUCKET>)', bucket, cmd[4])
    cmd[6] = re.sub('(<PATH>)', path, cmd[6])

    if group:
        if dataset is not None:
            cmd[9] = re.sub('(<DATASET>)', dataset, cmd[9])
            cmd[9] = re.sub('(<DATASET>)', '', cmd[9])

        batlas = ['slab907', 'DS03231', 'DS06481', 'DS16784', 'DS72784']
        for atlas in atlases:
            if atlas in batlas:
                print("... Skipping {} parcellation".format(atlas))
            print("... Generating job for {} parcellation".format(atlas))
            job_cmd = deepcopy(cmd)
            job_cmd[11] = re.sub('(<ATLAS>)', atlas, job_cmd[11])
            if log:
                job_cmd += ['--log']
            if atlas == 'desikan':
                job_cmd += ['--hemispheres']

            job_json = deepcopy(template)
            ver = ndmg.version.replace('.', '-')
            if dataset:
                name = 'ndmg_{}_{}_{}'.format(ver, dataset, atlas)
                name = 'ndmg_{}_{}'.format(ver, atlas)
            job_json['jobName'] = name
            job_json['containerOverrides']['command'] = job_cmd
            job = os.path.join(jobdir, 'jobs', name + '.json')
            with open(job, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(job_json, outfile)
            jobs += [job]

        for subj in seshs.keys():
            print("... Generating job for sub-{}".format(subj))
            for sesh in seshs[subj]:
                job_cmd = deepcopy(cmd)
                job_cmd[8] = re.sub('(<SUBJ>)', subj, job_cmd[8])
                if sesh is not None:
                    job_cmd += [u'--session_label']
                    job_cmd += [u'{}'.format(sesh)]
                if debug:
                    job_cmd += [u'--debug']

                job_json = deepcopy(template)
                ver = ndmg.version.replace('.', '-')
                if dataset:
                    name = 'ndmg_{}_{}_sub-{}'.format(ver, dataset, subj)
                    name = 'ndmg_{}_sub-{}'.format(ver, subj)
                if sesh is not None:
                    name = '{}_ses-{}'.format(name, sesh)
                job_json['jobName'] = name
                job_json['containerOverrides']['command'] = job_cmd
                job = os.path.join(jobdir, 'jobs', name + '.json')
                with open(job, 'w') as outfile:
                    json.dump(job_json, outfile)
                jobs += [job]
    return jobs
Esempio n. 15
def ndmg_pipeline(dti, bvals, bvecs, mprage, atlas, mask, labels, outdir,
                  clean=False, fmt='gpickle'):
    Creates a brain graph from MRI data
    startTime =

    # Create derivative output directories
    dti_name = mgu().get_filename(dti)
    cmd = "".join(["mkdir -p ", outdir, "/reg_dti ", outdir, "/tensors ",
                   outdir, "/fibers ", outdir, "/graphs"])

    # Graphs are different because of multiple atlases
    if isinstance(labels, list):
        label_name = [mgu().get_filename(x) for x in labels]
        for label in label_name:
            p = Popen("mkdir -p " + outdir + "/graphs/" + label,
                      stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
        label_name = mgu().get_filename(labels)
        p = Popen("mkdir -p " + outdir + "/graphs/" + label_name,
                  stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
    # Create derivative output file names
    aligned_dti = "".join([outdir, "/reg_dti/", dti_name, "_aligned.nii.gz"])
    tensors = "".join([outdir, "/tensors/", dti_name, "_tensors.npz"])
    fibers = "".join([outdir, "/fibers/", dti_name, "_fibers.npz"])
    print("This pipeline will produce the following derivatives...")
    print("DTI volume registered to atlas: " + aligned_dti)
    print("Diffusion tensors in atlas space: " + tensors)
    print("Fiber streamlines in atlas space: " + fibers)

    # Again, graphs are different
    graphs = ["".join([outdir, "/graphs/", x, '/', dti_name, "_", x, '.', fmt])
              for x in label_name]
    print("Graphs of streamlines downsampled to given labels: " +
          (", ".join([x for x in graphs])))

    # Creates gradient table from bvalues and bvectors
    print "Generating gradient table..."
    dti1 = "".join([outdir, "/tmp/", dti_name, "_t1.nii.gz"])
    bvecs1 = "".join([outdir, "/tmp/", dti_name, "_1.bvec"])
    mgp.rescale_bvec(bvecs, bvecs1)
    gtab = mgu().load_bval_bvec_dti(bvals, bvecs1, dti, dti1)

    # Align DTI volumes to Atlas
    print("Aligning volumes...")
    mgr().dti2atlas(dti1, gtab, mprage, atlas, aligned_dti, outdir, clean)

    print("Beginning tractography...")
    # Compute tensors and track fiber streamlines
    tens, tracks = mgt().eudx_basic(aligned_dti, mask, gtab, stop_val=0.2)

    # And save them to disk
    np.savez(tensors, tens)
    np.savez(fibers, tracks)

    # Generate graphs from streamlines for each parcellation
    for idx, label in enumerate(label_name):
        print("Generating graph for " + label + "parcellation...")
        labels_im = nb.load(labels[idx])
        g1 = mgg(len(np.unique(labels_im.get_data()))-1, labels[idx])
        g1.save_graph(graphs[idx], fmt=fmt)

    print("Execution took: " + str( - startTime))

    # Clean temp files
    if clean:
        print("Cleaning up intermediate files... ")
        cmd = "".join(['rm -f ', tensors, ' ', outdir, '/tmp/', dti_name, '*',
                       ' ', aligned_dti, ' ', fibers])
