Esempio n. 1
    if args.language == 'en':
        from nemo_text_processing.text_normalization.en.clean_eval_data import filter_loaded_data
    file_path = args.input
    normalizer = Normalizer(input_case=args.input_case, lang=args.language)

    print("Loading training data: " + file_path)
    training_data = load_files([file_path])

    if args.filter:
        training_data = filter_loaded_data(training_data)

    if args.category is None:
        print("Sentence level evaluation...")
        sentences_un_normalized, sentences_normalized, _ = training_data_to_sentences(training_data)
        print("- Data: " + str(len(sentences_normalized)) + " sentences")
        sentences_prediction = normalizer.normalize_list(sentences_un_normalized)
        print("- Normalized. Evaluating...")
        sentences_accuracy = evaluate(
            preds=sentences_prediction, labels=sentences_normalized, input=sentences_un_normalized
        print("- Accuracy: " + str(sentences_accuracy))

    print("Token level evaluation...")
    tokens_per_type = training_data_to_tokens(training_data, category=args.category)
    token_accuracy = {}
    for token_type in tokens_per_type:
        print("- Token type: " + token_type)
        tokens_un_normalized, tokens_normalized = tokens_per_type[token_type]
        print("  - Data: " + str(len(tokens_normalized)) + " tokens")
        tokens_prediction = normalizer.normalize_list(tokens_un_normalized)
        print("  - Denormalized. Evaluating...")
Esempio n. 2
    with open(file_path, 'w') as fp:
        for line in data:
            fp.write(line + '\n')

def parse_args():
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--input", help="input file path", required=True, type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--language", help="language", choices=['en'], default="en", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--output", help="output file path", required=True, type=str)
        "--input_case", help="input capitalization", choices=["lower_cased", "cased"], default="cased", type=str
    parser.add_argument("--verbose", help="print meta info for debugging", action='store_true')
    return parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = parse_args()
    file_path = args.input
    normalizer = Normalizer(input_case=args.input_case, lang=args.language)

    print("Loading data: " + file_path)
    data = load_file(file_path)

    print("- Data: " + str(len(data)) + " sentences")
    normalizer_prediction = normalizer.normalize_list(data, verbose=args.verbose)
    write_file(args.output, normalizer_prediction)
    print(f"- Normalized. Writing out to {args.output}")
Esempio n. 3
def split_text(
    in_file: str,
    out_file: str,
    vocabulary: List[str] = None,
    Breaks down the in_file roughly into sentences. Each sentence will be on a separate line.
    Written form of the numbers will be converted to its spoken equivalent, OOV punctuation will be removed.

        in_file: path to original transcript
        out_file: path to the output file
        vocabulary: ASR model vocabulary
        language: text language
        remove_brackets: Set to True if square [] and curly {} brackets should be removed from text.
            Text in square/curly brackets often contains inaudible fragments like notes or translations
        do_lower_case: flag that determines whether to apply lower case to the in_file text
        min_length: Min number of chars of the text segment for alignment. Short segments will be combined to be
            at least min_length (not recommended for multi speaker data).
        max_length: Max number of chars of the text segment for alignment
        additional_split_symbols: Additional symbols to use for sentence split if eos sentence split resulted in
            segments longer than --max_length
        use_nemo_normalization: Set to True to use NeMo normalization tool to convert numbers from written to spoken
            format. Normalization using num2words will be applied afterwards to make sure there are no numbers present
            in the text, otherwise they will be replaced with a space and that could deteriorate segmentation results.

    print(f'Splitting text in {in_file} into sentences.')
    with open(in_file, "r") as f:
        transcript =

    # remove some symbols for better split into sentences
    transcript = (transcript.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ").replace(
                       " ").replace("--",
                                    " -- ").replace(". . .",
                                                    "...").replace("‘", "’"))
    # remove extra space
    transcript = re.sub(r' +', ' ', transcript)
    transcript = re.sub(r'(\.+)', '. ', transcript)

    if remove_brackets:
        transcript = re.sub(r'(\[.*?\])', ' ', transcript)
        # remove text in curly brackets
        transcript = re.sub(r'(\{.*?\})', ' ', transcript)

    lower_case_unicode = ''
    upper_case_unicode = ''
    if language == 'ru':
        lower_case_unicode = '\u0430-\u04FF'
        upper_case_unicode = '\u0410-\u042F'
    elif language not in ['ru', 'eng']:
            f'Consider using {language} unicode letters for better sentence split.'

    # remove space in the middle of the lower case abbreviation to avoid splitting into separate sentences
    matches = re.findall(
        r'[a-z' + lower_case_unicode + ']\.\s[a-z' + lower_case_unicode +
        ']\.', transcript)
    for match in matches:
        transcript = transcript.replace(match, match.replace('. ', '.'))

    # find phrases in quotes
    with_quotes = re.finditer(r'“[A-Za-z ?]+.*?”', transcript)
    sentences = []
    last_idx = 0
    for m in with_quotes:
        match =
        match_idx = m.start()
        if last_idx < match_idx:
        last_idx = m.end()
    sentences = [s.strip() for s in sentences if s.strip()]

    # Read and split transcript by utterance (roughly, sentences)
    split_pattern = f"(?<!\w\.\w.)(?<![A-Z{upper_case_unicode}][a-z{lower_case_unicode}]\.)(?<![A-Z{upper_case_unicode}]\.)(?<=\.|\?|\!|\.”|\?”\!”)\s"

    new_sentences = []
    for sent in sentences:
        new_sentences.extend(regex.split(split_pattern, sent))
    sentences = [s.strip() for s in new_sentences if s.strip()]

    def additional_split(sentences, split_on_symbols, max_length):
        if len(split_on_symbols) == 0:
            return sentences

        split_on_symbols = split_on_symbols.split('|')

        def _split(sentences, delimiter, max_length):
            result = []
            for s in sentences:
                if len(s) <= max_length:
                    split_sent = s.split(delimiter)
                    result.extend([s + delimiter for s in split_sent[:-1]] +
            return result

        another_sent_split = []
        for sent in sentences:
            split_sent = [sent]
            for delimiter in split_on_symbols:
                split_sent = _split(split_sent, delimiter + ' ', max_length)

        sentences = [s.strip() for s in another_sent_split if s.strip()]
        return sentences

    sentences = additional_split(sentences, additional_split_symbols,

    # check to make sure there will be no utterances for segmentation with only OOV symbols
    vocab_no_space_with_digits = set(vocabulary + [i for i in range(10)])
    vocab_no_space_with_digits.remove(' ')
    sentences = [
        s for s in sentences
        if len(vocab_no_space_with_digits.intersection(set(s))) > 0

    if min_length > 0:
        sentences_comb = []
        # combines short sentence
        for i in range(1, len(sentences)):
            if len(sentences_comb[-1]) < min_length or len(
                    sentences[i]) < min_length:
                sentences_comb[-1] += ' ' + sentences[i].strip()
        sentences = sentences_comb

    sentences = [s.strip() for s in sentences if s.strip()]

    # save split text with original punctuation and case
    out_dir, out_file_name = os.path.split(out_file)
    with open(os.path.join(out_dir, out_file_name[:-4] + '_with_punct.txt'),
              "w") as f:

    # substitute common abbreviations before applying lower case
    if language == 'ru':
        for k, v in RU_ABBREVIATIONS.items():
            sentences = [s.replace(k, v) for s in sentences]

    if language == 'ru':
        # replace Latin characters with Russian
        for k, v in LATIN_TO_RU.items():
            sentences = [s.replace(k, v) for s in sentences]

    if language == 'eng' and use_nemo_normalization:
            raise ValueError(f'NeMo normalization tool is not installed.')

        print('Using NeMo normalization tool...')
        normalizer = Normalizer(input_case='cased')
        sentences_norm = normalizer.normalize_list(sentences, verbose=False)
        if len(sentences_norm) != len(sentences):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Normalization failed, number of sentences does not match.')

    sentences = '\n'.join(sentences)

    # replace numbers with num2words
        p = re.compile("\d+")
        new_text = ''
        match_end = 0
        for i, m in enumerate(p.finditer(sentences)):
            match =
            match_start = m.start()
            if i == 0:
                new_text = sentences[:match_start]
                new_text += sentences[match_end:match_start]
            match_end = m.end()
            new_text += sentences[match_start:match_end].replace(
                match, num2words(match, lang=language))
        new_text += sentences[match_end:]
        sentences = new_text
    except NotImplementedError:
            f'{language} might be missing in "num2words" package. Add required language to the choices for the'
            f'--language argument.')

    sentences = (sentences.replace("’", "'").replace("»", '"').replace(
        '"').replace("\\", "").replace("”", '"').replace("„", '"').replace(
            "´", "'").replace("-- --", "--").replace("--", " -- ").replace(
                "’", "'").replace('“', '"').replace('“', '"').replace(
                    "‘", "'").replace('—', '-').replace("- -", "--").replace(
                        "'").replace(' !', '!').replace(' ?', '?').replace(
                            ' ,', ',').replace(' .', '.').replace(
                                ' ;', ';').replace(' :', ':').replace(
                                    '!!', '!').replace('--', '-').replace(
                                        '"').replace(', , ',
                                                     ', ').replace('=', ''))

    allowed_punct = [',', '.', '?', '!', ':', ';', '-', '"', '(', ')']
    # clean up normalized text and keep only allowed_punct and ASR vocabulary (lower and upper case)
    symbols_to_remove = ''.join(
            set(vocabulary + [s.upper()
                              for s in vocabulary] + ['\n'] + allowed_punct)))
    sentences_norm = sentences.translate(''.maketrans(
        len(symbols_to_remove) * ' '))

    with open(
                         out_file_name[:-4] + '_with_punct_normalized.txt'),
            "w") as f:

    if do_lower_case:
        sentences = sentences.lower()

    # remove all OOV symbols
    symbols_to_remove = ''.join(
        set(sentences).difference(set(vocabulary + ['\n'])))
    sentences = sentences.translate(''.maketrans(symbols_to_remove,
                                                 len(symbols_to_remove) * ' '))

    # remove extra space
    sentences = re.sub(r' +', ' ', sentences)
    with open(out_file, "w") as f:
Esempio n. 4
def split_text(
    in_file: str,
    out_file: str,
    vocabulary: List[str],
    Breaks down the in_file roughly into sentences. Each sentence will be on a separate line.
    Written form of the numbers will be converted to its spoken equivalent, OOV punctuation will be removed.

        in_file: path to original transcript
        out_file: path to the output file
        vocabulary: ASR model vocabulary
        language: text language
        remove_brackets: Set to True if square [] and curly {} brackets should be removed from text.
            Text in square/curly brackets often contains inaudible fragments like notes or translations
        do_lower_case: flag that determines whether to apply lower case to the in_file text
        max_length: Max number of words of the text segment for alignment
        additional_split_symbols: Additional symbols to use for sentence split if eos sentence split resulted in
            segments longer than --max_length
        use_nemo_normalization: Set to True to use NeMo normalization tool to convert numbers from written to spoken
            format. Normalization using num2words will be applied afterwards to make sure there are no numbers present
            in the text, otherwise they will be replaced with a space and that could deteriorate segmentation results.
    print(f"Splitting text in {in_file} into sentences.")
    with open(in_file, "r") as f:
        transcript =

    # remove some symbols for better split into sentences
    transcript = (transcript.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ").replace(
        "…", "...").replace("\\", " ").replace("--",
                                               " -- ").replace(". . .", "..."))
    # remove extra space
    transcript = re.sub(r" +", " ", transcript)
    transcript = re.sub(r"(\.+)", ". ", transcript)

    if remove_brackets:
        transcript = re.sub(r'(\[.*?\])', ' ', transcript)
        # remove text in curly brackets
        transcript = re.sub(r'(\{.*?\})', ' ', transcript)

    lower_case_unicode = ''
    upper_case_unicode = ''
    if language == "ru":
        lower_case_unicode = '\u0430-\u04FF'
        upper_case_unicode = '\u0410-\u042F'
    elif language not in ["ru", "en"]:
            f"Consider using {language} unicode letters for better sentence split."

    # remove space in the middle of the lower case abbreviation to avoid splitting into separate sentences
    matches = re.findall(
        r'[a-z' + lower_case_unicode + ']\.\s[a-z' + lower_case_unicode +
        ']\.', transcript)
    for match in matches:
        transcript = transcript.replace(match, match.replace('. ', '.'))

    # find phrases in quotes
    with_quotes = re.finditer(r'“[A-Za-z ?]+.*?”', transcript)
    sentences = []
    last_idx = 0
    for m in with_quotes:
        match =
        match_idx = m.start()
        if last_idx < match_idx:
        last_idx = m.end()
    sentences = [s.strip() for s in sentences if s.strip()]

    # Read and split transcript by utterance (roughly, sentences)
    split_pattern = f"(?<!\w\.\w.)(?<![A-Z{upper_case_unicode}][a-z{lower_case_unicode}]\.)(?<![A-Z{upper_case_unicode}]\.)(?<=\.|\?|\!|\.”|\?”\!”)\s"

    new_sentences = []
    for sent in sentences:
        new_sentences.extend(regex.split(split_pattern, sent))
    sentences = [s.strip() for s in new_sentences if s.strip()]

    def additional_split(sentences, split_on_symbols):
        if len(split_on_symbols) == 0:
            return sentences

        split_on_symbols = split_on_symbols.split("|")

        def _split(sentences, delimiter):
            result = []
            for sent in sentences:
                split_sent = sent.split(delimiter)
                # keep the delimiter
                split_sent = [(s + delimiter).strip()
                              for s in split_sent[:-1]] + [split_sent[-1]]

                if "," in delimiter:
                    # split based on comma usually results in too short utterance, combine sentences
                    # that result in a single word split. It's usually not recommended to do that for other delimiters.
                    comb = []
                    for s in split_sent:
                        MIN_LEN = 2
                        # if the previous sentence is too short, combine it with the current sentence
                        if len(comb) > 0 and (len(comb[-1].split()) <= MIN_LEN
                                              or len(s.split()) <= MIN_LEN):
                            comb[-1] = comb[-1] + " " + s
            return result

        another_sent_split = []
        for sent in sentences:
            split_sent = [sent]
            for delimiter in split_on_symbols:
                split_sent = _split(split_sent, delimiter + " ")

        sentences = [s.strip() for s in another_sent_split if s.strip()]
        return sentences

    sentences = additional_split(sentences, additional_split_symbols)

    vocabulary_symbols = []
    for x in vocabulary:
        if x != "<unk>":
            # for BPE models
                [x for x in x.replace("##", "").replace("▁", "")])
    vocabulary_symbols = list(set(vocabulary_symbols))
    vocabulary_symbols += [x.upper() for x in vocabulary_symbols]

    # check to make sure there will be no utterances for segmentation with only OOV symbols
    vocab_no_space_with_digits = set(vocabulary_symbols +
                                     [str(i) for i in range(10)])
    if " " in vocab_no_space_with_digits:
        vocab_no_space_with_digits.remove(" ")

    sentences = [
        s.strip() for s in sentences
        if len(vocab_no_space_with_digits.intersection(set(s.lower()))) > 0
        and s.strip()

    # when no punctuation marks present in the input text, split based on max_length
    if len(sentences) == 1:
        sent = sentences[0].split()
        sentences = []
        for i in range(0, len(sent), max_length):
            sentences.append(" ".join(sent[i:i + max_length]))
    sentences = [s.strip() for s in sentences if s.strip()]

    # save split text with original punctuation and case
    out_dir, out_file_name = os.path.split(out_file)
    with open(os.path.join(out_dir, out_file_name[:-4] + "_with_punct.txt"),
              "w") as f:
        f.write(re.sub(r' +', ' ', "\n".join(sentences)))

    # substitute common abbreviations before applying lower case
    if language == "ru":
        for k, v in RU_ABBREVIATIONS.items():
            sentences = [s.replace(k, v) for s in sentences]
        # replace Latin characters with Russian
        for k, v in LATIN_TO_RU.items():
            sentences = [s.replace(k, v) for s in sentences]

    if language == "en" and use_nemo_normalization:
            raise ValueError("NeMo normalization tool is not installed.")

        print("Using NeMo normalization tool...")
        normalizer = Normalizer(input_case="cased",
                                    os.path.dirname(out_file), "en_grammars"))
        sentences_norm = normalizer.normalize_list(sentences,
        if len(sentences_norm) != len(sentences):
            raise ValueError(
                "Normalization failed, number of sentences does not match.")
            sentences = sentences_norm

    sentences = '\n'.join(sentences)

    # replace numbers with num2words
        p = re.compile("\d+")
        new_text = ""
        match_end = 0
        for i, m in enumerate(p.finditer(sentences)):
            match =
            match_start = m.start()
            if i == 0:
                new_text = sentences[:match_start]
                new_text += sentences[match_end:match_start]
            match_end = m.end()
            new_text += sentences[match_start:match_end].replace(
                match, num2words(match, lang=language))
        new_text += sentences[match_end:]
        sentences = new_text
    except NotImplementedError:
            f"{language} might be missing in 'num2words' package. Add required language to the choices for the"
            f"--language argument.")

    sentences = re.sub(r' +', ' ', sentences)

    with open(
                         out_file_name[:-4] + "_with_punct_normalized.txt"),
            "w") as f:

    if do_lower_case:
        sentences = sentences.lower()

    symbols_to_remove = ''.join(
        set(sentences).difference(set(vocabulary_symbols + ["\n", " "])))
    sentences = sentences.translate(''.maketrans(symbols_to_remove,
                                                 len(symbols_to_remove) * " "))

    # remove extra space
    sentences = re.sub(r' +', ' ', sentences)
    with open(out_file, "w") as f: