Esempio n. 1
def function_seed(function, mod=0):
    c = function.__code__

    # get function file path relative to Nengo directory root
    nengo_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(nengo.__file__))
    path = os.path.relpath(c.co_filename, start=nengo_path)

    # take start of md5 hash of function file and name, should be unique
    hash_list = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep) + [c.co_name]
    hash_string = ensure_bytes('/'.join(hash_list))
    i = int(hashlib.md5(hash_string).hexdigest()[:15], 16)
    return (i + mod) % npext.maxint
Esempio n. 2
def function_seed(function, mod=0):
    c = function.__code__

    # get function file path relative to Nengo directory root
    nengo_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(nengo.__file__))
    path = os.path.relpath(c.co_filename, start=nengo_path)

    # take start of md5 hash of function file and name, should be unique
    hash_list = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep) + [c.co_name]
    hash_string = ensure_bytes('/'.join(hash_list))
    i = int(hashlib.md5(hash_string).hexdigest()[:15], 16)
    return (i + mod) % npext.maxint
Esempio n. 3
def function_seed(function, mod=0):
    c = function.__code__

    # get function file path relative to Nengo directory root
    nengo_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(nengo.__file__))
    path = os.path.relpath(c.co_filename, start=nengo_path)

    # take start of md5 hash of function file and name, should be unique
    hash_list = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep) + [c.co_name]
    hash_string = ensure_bytes('/'.join(hash_list))
    i = int(hashlib.md5(hash_string).hexdigest()[:15], 16)
    s = (i + mod) % npext.maxint
    int_s = int(s)  # numpy 1.8.0 bug when RandomState on long type inputs
    assert type(int_s) == int  # should not still be a long because < maxint
    return int_s
Esempio n. 4
def function_seed(function, mod=0):
    c = function.__code__

    # get function file path relative to Nengo directory root
    nengo_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(nengo.__file__))
    path = os.path.relpath(c.co_filename, start=nengo_path)

    # take start of md5 hash of function file and name, should be unique
    hash_list = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep) + [c.co_name]
    hash_string = ensure_bytes('/'.join(hash_list))
    i = int(hashlib.md5(hash_string).hexdigest()[:15], 16)
    s = (i + mod) % npext.maxint
    int_s = int(s)  # numpy 1.8.0 bug when RandomState on long type inputs
    assert type(int_s) == int  # should not still be a long because < maxint
    return int_s
def test_ensure_bytes():
    """Test that ensure_bytes is always the right bytes value."""
    assert ensure_bytes("hello") == b"hello"
Esempio n. 6
def test_ensure_bytes():
    """Test that ensure_bytes is always the right bytes value."""
    assert ensure_bytes(u"hello") == b"hello"
    assert ensure_bytes("hello") == b"hello"
Esempio n. 7
def function_seed(function, mod=0):
    # take start of md5 hash of function file and name, should be pretty random
    c = function.__code__
    to_hash = ensure_bytes(c.co_filename + c.co_name)
    i = int(hashlib.md5(to_hash).hexdigest()[:15], 16)
    return (test_seed + i + mod) % npext.maxint