Esempio n. 1
    def test_fmriRDM(self):

        fmri_data = np.random.rand(8, 10, 13, 23, 12)
        rdms = fmriRDM(fmri_data, sub_result=0)
        self.assertEqual(rdms.shape[0], 11)

        rdms = fmriRDM(fmri_data, sub_result=1)
        self.assertEqual(rdms.shape[0], 10)
Esempio n. 2
def eegANDfmri_corr(eeg_data, fmri_data, chl_opt=0, ksize=[3, 3, 3], strides=[1, 1, 1], sub_result=1, method="spearman", fisherz=False, rescale=False, permutation=False, iter=5000):

    Calculate the Similarities between EEG/MEG/fNIRS data and fMRI data for searchligt

    eeg_data : array
        The EEG/MEG/fNIRS data.
        The shape of EEGdata must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls, n_ts].
        n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls & n_ts represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects, the number
        of trials, the number of channels & the number of time-points, respectively.
    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, nx, ny, nz]. n_cons, nx, ny, nz represent the number of
        conditions, the number of subs & the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    chl_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM & similarities for each channel or not.
        If chl_opt=0, calculating based on all channels' data.
        If chl_opt=1, calculating based on each channel's data respectively.
    ksize : array or list [kx, ky, kz]. Default is [3, 3, 3].
        The size of the calculation unit for searchlight.
        kx, ky, kz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
    strides : array or list [sx, sy, sz]. Default is [1, 1, 1].
        The strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis.
    sub_result: int 0 or 1. Default is 1.
        Return the subject-result or average-result.
        If sub_result=0, return the average result.
        If sub_result=1, return the results of each subject.
    method : string 'spearman' or 'pearson' or 'kendall' or 'similarity' or 'distance'. Default is 'spearman'.
        The method to calculate the similarities.
        If method='spearman', calculate the Spearman Correlations. If method='pearson', calculate the Pearson
        Correlations. If methd='kendall', calculate the Kendall tau Correlations. If method='similarity', calculate the
        Cosine Similarities. If method='distance', calculate the Euclidean Distances.
    fisherz : bool True or False. Default is False.
        Do the Fisher-Z transform of the RDMs or not.
    rescale : bool True or False.
        Rescale the values in RDM or not.
        Here, the maximum-minimum method is used to rescale the values except for the values on the diagonal.
    permutation : bool True or False. Default is False.
        Use permutation test or not.
    iter : int. Default is 5000.
        The times for iteration.

    corrs : array
        The similarities between EEG/MEG/fNIRS data and fMRI data for searchlight.
        If chl_opt=1 & sub_result=1, the shape of corrs is [n_subs, n_chls, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2]. n_subs, n_x, n_y, n_z
        represent the number of subjects, the number of calculation units for searchlight along the x, y, z axis and 2
        represents a r-value and a p-value.
        If chl_opt=1 & sub_result=0, the shape of corrs is [n_chls, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2]. n_x, n_y, n_z represent the
        number of calculation units for searchlight along the x, y, z axis and 2 represents a r-value and a p-value.
        If chl_opt=0 & sub_result=1, the shape of RDMs is [n_subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2]. n_subs, n_x, n_y, n_z represent
        the number of subjects, the number of calculation units for searchlight along the x, y, z axis and 2 represents
        a r-value and a p-value.
        If chl_opt=0 & sub_result=0, the shape of corrs is [n_x, n_y, n_z, 2]. n_x, n_y, n_z represent the number of
        calculation units for searchlight along the x, y, z axis and 2 represents a r-value and a p-value.

    if len(np.shape(eeg_data)) != 5 or len(np.shape(fmri_data)) != 5:

        return "Invalid input!"

    # get the number of subjects
    subs = np.shape(fmri_data)[1]

    # get the size of the fMRI-img
    nx = np.shape(fmri_data)[2]
    ny = np.shape(fmri_data)[3]
    nz = np.shape(fmri_data)[4]

    # the size of the calculation units for searchlight
    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    # strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis
    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[0]

    # calculate the number of the calculation units in the x, y, z directions
    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx) + 1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy) + 1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz) + 1

    # get the number of channels
    chls = np.shape(eeg_data)[3]

    # calculate the fmri_rdms for searchlight
    fmri_rdms = fmriRDM(fmri_data, sub_result=sub_result, ksize=ksize, strides=strides)


    # calculate the eeg_rdms
    eeg_rdms = eegRDM(eeg_data, sub_opt=sub_result, chl_opt=chl_opt)

    # chl_opt=1

    if chl_opt == 1:

        # sub_result=1
        if sub_result == 1:

            # chl_opt=1 & sub_result=1

            # initialize the corrs
            corrs = np.full([subs, chls, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

            # calculate the corrs
            for sub in range(subs):
                for j in range(n_x):
                    for k in range(n_y):
                        for l in range(n_z):
                            for i in range(chls):

                                if method == "spearman":
                                    corrs[sub, i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_spearman(eeg_rdms[sub, i], fmri_rdms[sub, j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz,
                                                                                 rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                                elif method == "pearson":
                                    corrs[sub, i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_pearson(eeg_rdms[sub, i], fmri_rdms[sub, j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz,
                                                                                rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                                elif method == "kendall":
                                    corrs[sub, i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_kendall(eeg_rdms[sub, i], fmri_rdms[sub, j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz,
                                                                                rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                                elif method == "similarity":
                                    corrs[sub, i, j, k, l, 0] = rdm_similarity(eeg_rdms[sub, i], fmri_rdms[sub, j, k, l],
                                elif method == "distance":
                                    corrs[sub, i, j, k, l, 0] = rdm_distance(eeg_rdms[sub, i], fmri_rdms[sub, i, j, k],

            return np.abs(corrs)

        # sub_result=0

        # chl_opt=1 & sub_result=0

        # initialize the corrs
        corrs = np.full([chls, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

        # calculate the corrs
        for j in range(n_x):
            for k in range(n_y):
                for l in range(n_z):
                    for i in range(chls):

                        if method == "spearman":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_spearman(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                        elif method == "pearson":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_pearson(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                        elif method == "kendall":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_kendall(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                        elif method == "similarity":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l, 0] = rdm_similarity(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[j, k, l], rescale=rescale)
                        elif method == "distance":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l, 0] = rdm_distance(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale)

        return np.abs(corrs)

    # chl_opt=0

    # sub_result=1

    if sub_result == 1:

        # chl_opt=0 & sub_result=1

        # initialize the corrs
        corrs = np.full([subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

        # calculate the corrs
        for i in range(subs):
            for j in range(n_x):
                for k in range(n_y):
                    for l in range(n_z):

                        if method == "spearman":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_spearman(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz,
                                                                         rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                        elif method == "pearson":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_pearson(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz,
                                                                        rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                        elif method == "kendall":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_kendall(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[j, k, l], fisherz=fisherz,
                                                                        rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                        elif method == "similarity":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l, 0] = rdm_similarity(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[j, k, l], rescale=rescale)
                        elif method == "distance":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l, 0] = rdm_distance(eeg_rdms[i], fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale)

        return corrs

    # sub_result=0

    # chl_opt=0 & sub_result=0

    # initialize the corrs
    corrs = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

    # calculate the corrs
    for i in range(n_x):
        for j in range(n_y):
            for k in range(n_z):

                if method == "spearman":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_spearman(eeg_rdms, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                elif method == "pearson":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_pearson(eeg_rdms, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                elif method == "kendall":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_kendall(eeg_rdms, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                elif method == "similarity":
                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_similarity(eeg_rdms, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale)
                elif method == "distance":
                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_distance(eeg_rdms, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale)

    return np.abs(corrs)
Esempio n. 3
def bhvANDfmri_corr(bhv_data, fmri_data, ksize=[3, 3, 3], strides=[1, 1, 1], sub_result=1, method="spearman", fisherz=False, rescale=False, permutation=False, iter=5000):

    Calculate the Similarities between behavioral data and fMRI data for searchlight

    bhv_data : array
        The behavioral data.
        The shape of bhv_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials].
        n_cons, n_subs & n_trials represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects & the number of trials,
    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, nx, ny, nz]. n_cons, nx, ny, nz represent the number of
        conditions, the number of subs & the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    ksize : array or list [kx, ky, kz]. Default is [3, 3, 3].
        The size of the calculation unit for searchlight.
        kx, ky, kz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
    strides : array or list [sx, sy, sz]. Default is [1, 1, 1].
        The strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis.
    sub_result: int 0 or 1. Default is 1.
        Return the subject-result or average-result.
        If sub_result=0, return the average result.
        If sub_result=1, return the results of each subject.
    method : string 'spearman' or 'pearson' or 'kendall' or 'similarity' or 'distance'. Default is 'spearman'.
        The method to calculate the similarities.
        If method='spearman', calculate the Spearman Correlations. If method='pearson', calculate the Pearson
        Correlations. If methd='kendall', calculate the Kendall tau Correlations. If method='similarity', calculate the
        Cosine Similarities. If method='distance', calculate the Euclidean Distances.
    fisherz : bool True or False. Default is False.
        Do the Fisher-Z transform of the RDMs or not.
    rescale : bool True or False.
        Rescale the values in RDM or not.
        Here, the maximum-minimum method is used to rescale the values except for the
        values on the diagonal.
    permutation : bool True or False. Default is False.
        Use permutation test or not.
    iter : int. Default is 5000.
        The times for iteration.

    corrs : array
        The similarities between behavioral data and fMRI data for searchlight.
        If sub_result=0, the shape of corrs is [n_x, n_y, n_z, 2].
        If sub_result=1, the shape of corrs is [n_subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2].
        n_x, n_y, n_z represent the number of calculation units for searchlight along the x, y, z axis and 2 represents
        a r-value and a p-value.

    if len(np.shape(bhv_data)) != 3 or len(np.shape(fmri_data)) != 5:

        return "Invalid input!"

    # calculate the bhv_rdm
    bhv_rdm = bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=0)

    print("get behavior RDM")

    # calculate the fmri_rdms for searchlight
    fmri_rdms = fmriRDM(fmri_data, ksize=ksize, strides=strides, sub_result=sub_result)

    print("get fMRI RDM")

    # get the number of subjects
    subs = np.shape(fmri_data)[1]

    # get the size of the fMRI-img
    nx = np.shape(fmri_data)[2]
    ny = np.shape(fmri_data)[3]
    nz = np.shape(fmri_data)[4]

    # the size of the calculation units for searchlight
    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    # strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis
    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[2]

    # calculate the number of the calculation units in the x, y, z directions
    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx) + 1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy) + 1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz) + 1

    # sub_result=0
    if sub_result == 0:

        # initialize the corrs
        corrs = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

        # calculate the corrs
        for i in range(n_x):
            for j in range(n_y):
                for k in range(n_z):

                    if method == "spearman":
                        corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_spearman(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                    elif method == "pearson":
                        corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_pearson(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                    elif method == "kendall":
                        corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_kendall(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                    elif method == "similarity":
                        corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_similarity(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale)
                    elif method == "distance":
                        corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_distance(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[i, j, k], rescale=rescale)

                    print(corrs[i, j, k])

        return corrs

    # sub_result=1

    # initialize the corrs
    corrs = np.full([subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

    # calculate the corrs
    for sub in range(subs):
        for i in range(n_x):
            for j in range(n_y):
                for k in range(n_z):

                    if method == "spearman":
                        corrs[sub, i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_spearman(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[sub, i, j, k], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                    elif method == "pearson":
                        corrs[sub, i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_pearson(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[sub, i, j, k], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                    elif method == "kendall":
                        corrs[sub, i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_kendall(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[sub, i, j, k], fisherz=fisherz, rescale=rescale, permutation=permutation, iter=iter)
                    elif method == "similarity":
                        corrs[sub, i, j, k, 0] = rdm_similarity(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[sub, i, j, k], rescale=rescale)
                    elif method == "distance":
                        corrs[sub, i, j, k, 0] = rdm_distance(bhv_rdm, fmri_rdms[sub, i, j, k], rescale=rescale)

                    print(corrs[sub, i, j, k])

    return corrs
Esempio n. 4
"""**********       Section 5: Calculating the RDM for ROI and Plotting        **********"""

# get mask of "mask_vt" in the dataset
mask_vt_filename = haxby_dataset.mask_face[0]
mask_vt_data = nib.load(mask_vt_filename).get_data()

# calculate the RDM for ROI
rdm_roi = fmriRDM_roi(fmri_data, mask_vt_data)

# plot the RDM
plot_rdm(rdm_roi, rescale=True, conditions=categories)
"""**********       Section 6: Calculating the RDM by Searchlight and Plotting        **********"""

# calculate the RDMs by Searchlight
fmri_RDMs = fmriRDM(fmri_data)

# plot one of the RDMs
plot_rdm(fmri_RDMs[20, 30, 30], rescale=True, conditions=categories)
"""**********       Section 7: Calculating the representational similarities       **********"""
"""**********             between a coding model and neural activities           **********"""

# Create a RDM for "animate-inanimate" coding model
# which means the representations of animate matters are highly similar
# and the representations of inanimate matters are highly similar
model_RDM = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                      [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

# plot the model RDM
Esempio n. 5
# get mask of "mask_vt" in the dataset
mask_vt_filename = haxby_dataset.mask_face[0]
mask_vt_data = nib.load(mask_vt_filename).get_fdata()

# calculate the RDM for ROI
rdm_roi = fmriRDM_roi(fmri_data, mask_vt_data)

# plot the RDM
plot_rdm(rdm_roi, rescale=True, conditions=categories)

"""**********       Section 6: Calculating the RDM by Searchlight and Plotting        **********"""

# calculate the RDMs by Searchlight
fmri_RDMs = fmriRDM(fmri_data, sub_opt=0)

# plot one of the RDMs
plot_rdm(fmri_RDMs[20, 30, 30], rescale=True, conditions=categories)

"""**********       Section 7: Calculating the representational similarities       **********"""
"""**********             between a coding model and neural activities           **********"""

# Create a RDM for "animate-inanimate" coding model
# which means the representations of animate matters are highly similar
# and the representations of inanimate matters are highly similar
model_RDM = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                      [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                      [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
Esempio n. 6
def eegANDfmri_corr(eeg_data,
                    ksize=[3, 3, 3],
                    strides=[1, 1, 1],
    Calculate the Similarities between EEG/MEG/fNIRS data and fMRI data for searchligt

    eeg_data : array
        The EEG/MEG/fNIRS data.
        The shape of EEGdata must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls, n_ts].
        n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls & n_ts represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects, the number
        of trials, the number of channels & the number of time-points, respectively.
    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_chls, nx, ny, nz].
        n_cons, n_chls, nx, ny, nz represent the number of conidtions, the number of channels &
        the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    chl_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM & similarities for each channel or not.
        If chl_opt=0, calculating based on all channels' data.
        If chl_opt=1, calculating based on each channel's data respectively.
    ksize : array or list [kx, ky, kz]. Default is [3, 3, 3].
        The size of the fMRI-img. nx, ny, nz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
    strides : array or list [sx, sy, sz]. Default is [1, 1, 1].
        The strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis.
    method : string 'spearman' or 'pearson' or 'kendall' or 'similarity' or 'distance'. Default is 'spearman'.
        The method to calculate the similarities.
        If method='spearman', calculate the Spearman Correlations. If method='pearson', calculate the Pearson
        Correlations. If methd='kendall', calculate the Kendall tau Correlations. If method='similarity', calculate the
        Cosine Similarities. If method='distance', calculate the Euclidean Distances.
    rescale : bool True or False.
        Rescale the values in RDM or not.
        Here, the maximum-minimum method is used to rescale the values except for the values on the diagonal.

    corrs : array
        The similarities between EEG/MEG/fNIRS data and fMRI data for searchlight.
        If chl_opt=1, the shape of RDMs is [n_chls, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2]. n_x, n_y, n_z represent the number of calculation
        units for searchlight along the x, y, z axis and 2 represents a r-value and a p-value.
        If chl_opt=0, the shape of RDMs is [n_x, n_y, n_z, 2]. n_x, n_y, n_z represent the number of calculation units
        for searchlight along the x, y, z axis and 2 represents a r-value and a p-value.

    # get the size of the fMRI-img
    nx = np.shape(fmri_data)[2]
    ny = np.shape(fmri_data)[3]
    nz = np.shape(fmri_data)[4]

    # the size of the calculation units for searchlight
    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    # strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis
    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[0]

    # calculate the number of the calculation units in the x, y, z directions
    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx) + 1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy) + 1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz) + 1

    # calculate the fmri_rdms for searchlight
    fmri_rdms = fmriRDM(fmri_data, ksize=ksize, strides=strides)

    # chl_opt=1

    if chl_opt == 1:

        # get the number of channels
        chls = np.shape(eeg_data)[3]

        # get the eeg_rdms
        eeg_rdms = eegRDM(eeg_data, sub_opt=0, chl_opt=1, time_opt=0)

        # initialize the corrs
        corrs = np.full([chls, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

        # calculate the corrs
        for j in range(n_x):
            for k in range(n_y):
                for l in range(n_z):
                    for i in range(chls):

                        if method == "spearman":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_spearman(
                                fmri_rdms[j, k, l],
                        elif method == "pearson":
                            corrs[i, j, k,
                                  l] = rdm_correlation_pearson(eeg_rdms[i],
                                                               fmri_rdms[j, k,
                        elif method == "kendall":
                            corrs[i, j, k,
                                  l] = rdm_correlation_kendall(eeg_rdms[i],
                                                               fmri_rdms[j, k,
                        elif method == "similarity":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l,
                                  0] = rdm_similarity(eeg_rdms[i],
                                                      fmri_rdms[j, k, l],
                        elif method == "distance":
                            corrs[i, j, k, l,
                                  0] = rdm_distance(eeg_rdms[i],
                                                    fmri_rdms[i, j, k],

        return np.abs(corrs)

    # chl_opt=0

    # get the eeg_rdms
    eeg_rdm = eegRDM(eeg_data, sub_opt=0, chl_opt=0, time_opt=0)

    # initialize the corrs
    corrs = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

    # calculate the corrs
    for i in range(n_x):
        for j in range(n_y):
            for k in range(n_z):

                if method == "spearman":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_spearman(eeg_rdm,
                                                              fmri_rdms[i, j,
                elif method == "pearson":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_pearson(eeg_rdm,
                                                             fmri_rdms[i, j,
                elif method == "kendall":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_kendall(eeg_rdm,
                                                             fmri_rdms[i, j,
                elif method == "similarity":
                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_similarity(eeg_rdm,
                                                       fmri_rdms[i, j, k],
                elif method == "distance":
                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_distance(eeg_rdm,
                                                     fmri_rdms[i, j, k],

    return np.abs(corrs)
Esempio n. 7
def bhvANDfmri_corr(bhv_data,
                    ksize=[3, 3, 3],
                    strides=[1, 1, 1],
    Calculate the Similarities between behavioral data and fMRI data for searchlight

    bhv_data : array
        The behavioral data.
        The shape of bhv_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials].
        n_cons, n_subs & n_trials represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects & the number of trials,
    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_chls, nx, ny, nz].
        n_cons, n_chls, nx, ny, nz represent the number of conidtions, the number of channels &
        the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    ksize : array or list [kx, ky, kz]. Default is [3, 3, 3].
        The size of the fMRI-img. nx, ny, nz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
    strides : array or list [sx, sy, sz]. Default is [1, 1, 1].
        The strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis.
    method : string 'spearman' or 'pearson' or 'kendall' or 'similarity' or 'distance'. Default is 'spearman'.
        The method to calculate the similarities.
        If method='spearman', calculate the Spearman Correlations. If method='pearson', calculate the Pearson
        Correlations. If methd='kendall', calculate the Kendall tau Correlations. If method='similarity', calculate the
        Cosine Similarities. If method='distance', calculate the Euclidean Distances.
    rescale : bool True or False.
        Rescale the values in RDM or not.
        Here, the maximum-minimum method is used to rescale the values except for the
        values on the diagonal.

    corrs : array
        The similarities between behavioral data and fMRI data for searchlight.
        The shape of RDMs is [n_x, n_y, n_z, 2]. n_x, n_y, n_z represent the number of calculation units for searchlight
        along the x, y, z axis and 2 represents a r-value and a p-value.

    # calculate the bhv_rdm
    bhv_rdm = bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=0)

    print("get behavior RDM")

    # calculate the fmri_rdms for searchlight
    fmri_rdms = fmriRDM(fmri_data, ksize=ksize, strides=strides)

    print("get fMRI RDM")

    # get the size of the fMRI-img
    nx = np.shape(fmri_data)[2]
    ny = np.shape(fmri_data)[3]
    nz = np.shape(fmri_data)[4]

    # the size of the calculation units for searchlight
    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    # strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis
    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[2]

    # calculate the number of the calculation units in the x, y, z directions
    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx) + 1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy) + 1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz) + 1

    # initialize the corrs
    corrs = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

    # calculate the corrs
    for i in range(n_x):
        for j in range(n_y):
            for k in range(n_z):

                if method == "spearman":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_spearman(bhv_rdm,
                                                              fmri_rdms[i, j,
                elif method == "pearson":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_pearson(bhv_rdm,
                                                             fmri_rdms[i, j,
                elif method == "kendall":
                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_kendall(bhv_rdm,
                                                             fmri_rdms[i, j,
                elif method == "similarity":
                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_similarity(bhv_rdm,
                                                       fmri_rdms[i, j, k],
                elif method == "distance":
                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_distance(bhv_rdm,
                                                     fmri_rdms[i, j, k],

                print(corrs[i, j, k])

    return corrs
Esempio n. 8
nx, ny, nz = maskdata.shape
for sub in range(len(subID)):
    speakeventbeta=glob.glob('%s/*.nii' %subname)
    fmri_data = np.full([ncon, nx, ny, nz], np.nan)
    for event in range(len(speakeventbeta)):
        fmri_data[event] = nib.load(speakeventbeta[event]).get_fdata()
    fmri_data = np.reshape(fmri_data, [ncon,1, nx, ny, nz])
    ## calculate the RDMs by Searchlight voxels=5 b=1
    print('calculate fmri_RDMs...')
    fmri_RDMs = fmriRDM(fmri_data,ksize=[5, 5, 5],strides=[1, 1, 1],sub_opt=0,method='correlation', abs=True)
    ## save fmri_RDMs
    savepath=('%s/fmriRDMs_%s.npy' %(fmriRDMsOutpath,subID[sub])),fmri_RDMs)
    print(subID[sub]+'The fmri_RDMs was saved successfully!')
    """***Calculating the representational similarities***"""
    bhvsubpath=('%s/RDM_%s.csv' %(bhvpath,subID[sub]))
    bhv_RDM = np.loadtxt(bhvsubpath,delimiter=",")
    print('calculate RSA...'+subID[sub])         
    corrs=fmrirdms_corr(bhv_RDM,fmri_RDMs,method="spearman", fisherz=False, rescale=False, permutation=False, iter=5000)
    print('calculate ZRSA...'+subID[sub]) 
    #fisherz_rdm;not permutation test
    corrsZ=fmrirdms_corr(bhv_RDM,fmri_RDMs,method="spearman", fisherz=True, rescale=False, permutation=False, iter=5000)
    """*** sav RSA result ***"""
    # get the affine info
Esempio n. 9
def eegANDfmri_corr(eeg_data,
                    ksize=[3, 3, 3],
                    strides=[1, 1, 1],
    # sub_opt=0, time_opt=0

    nx = np.shape(fmri_data)[2]
    ny = np.shape(fmri_data)[3]
    nz = np.shape(fmri_data)[4]

    cons = np.shape(eeg_data)[0]

    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[0]

    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx) + 1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy) + 1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz) + 1

    fmri_rdms = fmriRDM(fmri_data, ksize=ksize, strides=strides)

    if chl_opt == 1:

        chls = np.shape(eeg_data)[3]

        eeg_rdms = eegRDM(eeg_data, sub_opt=0, chl_opt=1, time_opt=0)

        corrs = np.full([chls, n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

        for j in range(n_x):

            for k in range(n_y):

                for l in range(n_z):
                    """index = 0

                    for m in range(cons):

                        for n in range(cons):

                            if math.isnan(fmri_rdms[j, k, l]) == True:

                                index = index + 1"""

                    for i in range(chls):
                        """if index != 0:

                            corrs[i, j, k, l, 0] = 0
                            corrs[i, j, k, l, 1] = 1"""

                        if method == "spearman":

                            corrs[i, j, k, l] = rdm_correlation_spearman(
                                fmri_rdms[j, k, l],

                        elif method == "pearson":

                            corrs[i, j, k,
                                  l] = rdm_correlation_pearson(eeg_rdms[i],
                                                               fmri_rdms[j, k,

                        elif method == "kendall":

                            corrs[i, j, k,
                                  l] = rdm_correlation_kendall(eeg_rdms[i],
                                                               fmri_rdms[j, k,

                        elif method == "similarity":

                            corrs[i, j, k, l,
                                  0] = rdm_similarity(eeg_rdms[i],
                                                      fmri_rdms[j, k, l],

                        elif method == "distance":

                            corrs[i, j, k, l,
                                  0] = rdm_distance(eeg_rdms[i],
                                                    fmri_rdms[i, j, k],

        return np.abs(corrs)

    # if chl_opt=0

    eeg_rdm = eegRDM(eeg_data, sub_opt=0, chl_opt=0, time_opt=0)

    corrs = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

    for i in range(n_x):

        for j in range(n_y):

            for k in range(n_z):
                """index = 0

                for m in range(cons):

                    for n in range(cons):

                        if math.isnan(fmri_rdms[i, j, k]) == True:

                            index = index + 1

                if index != 0:

                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = 0
                    corrs[i, j, k, 1] = 1"""

                if method == "spearman":

                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_spearman(eeg_rdm,
                                                              fmri_rdms[i, j,

                elif method == "pearson":

                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_pearson(eeg_rdm,
                                                             fmri_rdms[i, j,

                elif method == "kendall":

                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_kendall(eeg_rdm,
                                                             fmri_rdms[i, j,

                elif method == "similarity":

                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_similarity(eeg_rdm,
                                                       fmri_rdms[i, j, k],

                elif method == "distance":

                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_distance(eeg_rdm,
                                                     fmri_rdms[i, j, k],

    return np.abs(corrs)
Esempio n. 10
def bhvANDfmri_corr(bhv_data,
                    ksize=[3, 3, 3],
                    strides=[1, 1, 1],
    # sub_opt=1

    if bhv_data_opt == 0:

        bhv_rdm = bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=0, data_opt=0)

    # if bhv_data_opt=1


        bhv_rdm = bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=0, data_opt=1)


    print("get behavior RDM")


    fmri_rdms = fmriRDM(fmri_data, ksize=ksize, strides=strides)


    print("get fMRI RDM")


    cons = np.shape(bhv_data)[0]

    nx = np.shape(fmri_data)[2]
    ny = np.shape(fmri_data)[3]
    nz = np.shape(fmri_data)[4]

    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[2]

    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx) + 1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy) + 1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz) + 1

    corrs = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, 2], np.nan)

    for i in range(n_x):

        for j in range(n_y):

            for k in range(n_z):
                """index = 0

                for m in range(cons):

                    for n in range(cons):

                         if math.isnan(fmri_rdms[i, j, k, m, n]) == True:

                             index = index + 1

                if index != 0:

                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = 0
                    corrs[i, j, k, 1] = 1"""

                if method == "spearman":

                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_spearman(bhv_rdm,
                                                              fmri_rdms[i, j,

                elif method == "pearson":

                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_pearson(bhv_rdm,
                                                             fmri_rdms[i, j,

                elif method == "kendall":

                    corrs[i, j, k] = rdm_correlation_kendall(bhv_rdm,
                                                             fmri_rdms[i, j,

                elif method == "similarity":

                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_similarity(bhv_rdm,
                                                       fmri_rdms[i, j, k],

                elif method == "distance":

                    corrs[i, j, k, 0] = rdm_distance(bhv_rdm,
                                                     fmri_rdms[i, j, k],

                print(corrs[i, j, k])

    return corrs