Esempio n. 1
    def record_transaction(self, data):
        """Record a single transaction against this application."""

        if not self._active_session:

        if self._stats_engine.settings is None:

        # Do checks to see whether trying to record a transaction in a
        # different process to that the application was activated in.


        internal_metrics = ValueMetrics()

        with InternalTraceContext(internal_metrics):
                # We accumulate stats into a workarea and only then merge it
                # into the main one under a thread lock. Do this to ensure
                # that the process of generating the metrics into the stats
                # don't unecessarily lock out another thread.

                stats = self._stats_engine.create_workarea()

            except Exception:
                _logger.exception('The generation of transaction data has '
                        'failed. This would indicate some sort of internal '
                        'implementation issue with the agent. Please report '
                        'this problem to New Relic support for further '

            with self._stats_lock:
                    self._transaction_count += 1
                    self._last_transaction = data.end_time

                            'metric_data', stats.metric_data_count())


                    # We merge the internal statistics here as well even
                    # though have popped out of the context where we are
                    # recording. This is okay so long as don't record
                    # anything else after this point. If we do then that
                    # data will not be recorded.


                except Exception:
                    _logger.exception('The merging of transaction data has '
                            'failed. This would indicate some sort of '
                            'internal implementation issue with the agent. '
                            'Please report this problem to New Relic support '
                            'for further investigation.')
Esempio n. 2
class Transaction(object):

    _transactions = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

    def _current_thread_id(cls):
        """Returns the thread ID for the caller.

        When greenlets are present and we detect we are running in the
        greenlet then we use the greenlet ID instead of the thread ID.


        greenlet = sys.modules.get('greenlet')

        if greenlet:
            # Greenlet objects are maintained in a tree structure with
            # the 'parent' attribute pointing to that which a specific
            # instance is associated with. Only the root node has no
            # parent. This node is special and is the one which
            # corresponds to the original thread where the greenlet
            # module was imported and initialised. That root greenlet is
            # never actually running and we should always ignore it. In
            # all other cases where we can obtain a current greenlet,
            # then it should indicate we are running as a greenlet.

            current = greenlet.getcurrent()
            if current is not None and current.parent:
                return id(current)

        return thread.get_ident()

    def _current_transaction(cls):
        """Return the transaction object if one exists for the currently
        executing thread.


        return cls._transactions.get(cls._current_thread_id())

    def _lookup_transaction(cls, thread_id):
        """Returns the transaction object if one exists for the thread
        with the corresponding thread ID.

        Note that if a thread is actually running as a greenlet, using
        the thread ID from the set of current frames returned by the
        sys._current_frames() will not actually match. That is because
        that thread ID is that of the real Python thread in which the
        greenlets are running.


        return cls._transactions.get(thread_id)

    def _active_threads(cls):
        """Returns an iterator over all current stack frames for all
        active threads in the process. The result for each is a tuple
        consisting of the thread identifier, a categorisation of the
        type of thread, and the stack frame. Note that we actually treat
        any greenlets as threads as well. In that case the thread ID is
        the id() of the greenlet.

        This is in this class for convenience as needs to access the
        currently active transactions to categorise transaction threads
        as being for web transactions or background tasks.


        # First yield up those for real Python threads.

        for thread_id, frame in sys._current_frames().items():
            transaction = cls._transactions.get(thread_id)
            if transaction is not None:
                if transaction.background_task:
                    yield thread_id, 'BACKGROUND', frame
                    yield thread_id, 'REQUEST', frame
                # Note that there may not always be a thread object.
                # This is because thread could have been created direct
                # against the thread module rather than via the high
                # level threading module. Categorise anything we can't
                # obtain a name for as being 'OTHER'.

                thread = threading._active.get(thread_id)
                if thread is not None and thread.getName().startswith('NR-'):
                    yield thread_id, 'AGENT', frame
                    yield thread_id, 'OTHER', frame

        # Now yield up those corresponding to greenlets. Right now only
        # doing this for greenlets in which any active transactions are
        # running. We don't have a way of knowing what non transaction
        # threads are running.

        for thread_id, transaction in cls._transactions.items():
            if transaction._greenlet is not None:
                gr = transaction._greenlet()
                if gr and gr.gr_frame is not None:
                    if transaction.background_task:
                        yield thread_id, 'BACKGROUND', gr.gr_frame
                        yield thread_id, 'REQUEST', gr.gr_frame

    def _save_transaction(cls, transaction):
        """Saves the specified transaction away under the thread ID of
        the current executing thread. Will also cache the thread ID and
        the type of concurrency mechanism being used in the transaction.


        thread_id = cls._current_thread_id()

        if thread_id in cls._transactions:
            raise RuntimeError('transaction already active')

        cls._transactions[thread_id] = transaction

        transaction._thread_id = thread_id
        transaction._concurrency_model = CONCURRENCY_THREADING

        # We judge whether we are actually running in a coroutine by
        # seeing if the current thread ID is actually listed in the set
        # of all current frames for executing threads. If we are
        # executing within a greenlet, then thread.get_ident() will
        # return the greenlet identifier. This will not be a key in
        # dictionary of all current frames because that will still be
        # the original standard thread which all greenlets are running
        # within.

        if hasattr(sys, '_current_frames'):
            if thread_id not in sys._current_frames():
                transaction._concurrency_model = CONCURRENCY_COROUTINE
                greenlet = sys.modules.get('greenlet')
                if greenlet:
                    transaction._greenlet = weakref.ref(greenlet.getcurrent())

    def _drop_transaction(cls, transaction):
        """Drops the specified transaction, validating that it is
        actually saved away under the current executing thread.


        thread_id = transaction._thread_id

        if not thread_id in cls._transactions:
            raise RuntimeError('no active transaction')

        current = cls._transactions.get(thread_id)

        if transaction != current:
            raise RuntimeError('not the current transaction')

        transaction._thread_id = None
        transaction._concurrency_model = None
        transaction._greenlet = None

        del cls._transactions[thread_id]

    def __init__(self, application, enabled=None):

        self._application = application

        self._thread_id = None
        self._concurrency_model = None
        self._greenlet = None

        self._dead = False

        self._state = STATE_PENDING
        self._settings = None

        self._priority = 0
        self._group = None
        self._name = None

        self._frozen_path = None

        self._node_stack = []

        self._request_uri = None

        self.queue_start = 0.0

        self.start_time = 0.0
        self.end_time = 0.0

        self.stopped = False

        self._errors = []
        self._slow_sql = []

        self._stack_trace_count = 0
        self._explain_plan_count = 0

        self._string_cache = {}

        self._custom_params = {}
        self._user_attrs = {}
        self._request_params = {}

        self._thread_utilization = None

        self._thread_utilization_start = None
        self._thread_utilization_end = None
        self._thread_utilization_value = None

        self._cpu_user_time_start = None
        self._cpu_user_time_end = None
        self._cpu_user_time_value = None
        self._cpu_utilization_value = None

        self._read_start = None
        self._read_end = None

        self._sent_start = None
        self._sent_end = None

        self._bytes_read = 0
        self._bytes_sent = 0

        self._calls_read = 0
        self._calls_readline = 0
        self._calls_readlines = 0

        self._calls_write = 0
        self._calls_yield = 0

        self._request_environment = {}
        self._response_properties = {}
        self._transaction_metrics = {}

        self.background_task = False

        self.enabled = False
        self.autorum_disabled = False

        self.ignore_transaction = False
        self.suppress_apdex = False
        self.suppress_transaction_trace = False

        self.capture_params = False
        self.ignored_params = []

        self.response_code = 0

        self.apdex = 0

        self.rum_token = None
        self.rum_guid = None

        self._custom_metrics = ValueMetrics()

        global_settings = newrelic.core.config.global_settings()

        if global_settings.enabled:
            if enabled or (enabled is None and application.enabled):
                self._settings = self._application.settings
                if not self._settings:

                    # We see again if the settings is now valid
                    # in case startup timeout had been specified
                    # and registration had been started and
                    # completed within the timeout.

                    self._settings = self._application.settings

                if self._settings:
                    self.enabled = True

    def __del__(self):
        self._dead = True
        if self._state == STATE_RUNNING:
            self.__exit__(None, None, None)

    def __enter__(self):

        assert(self._state == STATE_PENDING)

        # Bail out if the transaction is not enabled.

        if not self.enabled:
            return self

        # Mark transaction as active and update state
        # used to validate correct usage of class.

        self._state = STATE_RUNNING

        # Cache transaction in thread/coroutine local
        # storage so that it can be accessed from
        # anywhere in the context of the transaction.

            self._state = STATE_PENDING
            self.enabled = False

        # Record the start time for transaction.

        self.start_time = time.time()

        # Record initial CPU user time.

        self._cpu_user_time_start = os.times()[0]

        # Calculate initial thread utilisation factor.

        if self._concurrency_model == CONCURRENCY_THREADING:
            thread_instance = threading.currentThread()
            self._thread_utilization = self._application.thread_utilization
            if self._thread_utilization:
                self._thread_utilization_start = \

        # We need to push an object onto the top of the
        # node stack so that children can reach back and
        # add themselves as children to the parent. We
        # can't use ourself though as we then end up
        # with a reference count cycle which will cause
        # the destructor to never be called if the
        # __exit__() function is never called. We
        # instead push on to the top of the node stack a
        # dummy time trace object and when done we will
        # just grab what we need from that.


        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb):

        # Bail out if the transaction is not enabled.

        if not self.enabled:

        # Mark as stopped and drop the transaction from
        # thread/coroutine local storage.

        self._state = STATE_STOPPED

        if not self._settings:

        if not self._dead:
                _logger.exception('Unable to drop transaction.')

        # Record error if one was registered.

        if exc is not None and value is not None and tb is not None:
            self.record_exception(exc, value, tb)

        # Record the end time for transaction and then
        # calculate the duration.

        if not self.stopped:
            self.end_time = time.time()

        duration = self.end_time - self.start_time

        # Calculate overall user time.

        if not self._cpu_user_time_end:
            self._cpu_user_time_end = os.times()[0]

        self._cpu_user_time_value = (self._cpu_user_time_end -

        if duration:
            self._cpu_utilization_value = self._cpu_user_time_value / (
                    duration * newrelic.core.samplers.cpu_count())
            self._cpu_utilization_value = 0.0

        # Calculate thread utilisation factor if using.

        if self._thread_utilization:
            if self._thread_utilization_start:
                if not self._thread_utilization_end:
                    self._thread_utilization_end = (
                self._thread_utilization_value = (
                        self._thread_utilization_end -
                        self._thread_utilization_start) / duration

        # Derive generated values from the raw data. The
        # dummy root node has exclusive time of children
        # as negative number. Add our own duration to get
        # our own exclusive time.

        root = self._node_stack.pop()
        children = root.children

        exclusive = duration + root.exclusive

        # Construct final root node of transaction trace.
        # Freeze path in case not already done. This will
        # construct out path.


        if self.background_task:
            transaction_type = 'OtherTransaction'
            transaction_type = 'WebTransaction'

        group = self._group

        if group is None:
            if self.background_task:
                group = 'Python'
                group = 'Uri'

        if self.response_code != 0:
            self._response_properties['STATUS'] = str(self.response_code)

        metrics = self._transaction_metrics

        if self._bytes_read != 0:
            metrics['WSGI/Input/Bytes'] = self._bytes_read
        if self._bytes_sent != 0:
            metrics['WSGI/Output/Bytes'] = self._bytes_sent
        if self._calls_read != 0:
            metrics['WSGI/Input/Calls/read'] = self._calls_read
        if self._calls_readline != 0:
            metrics['WSGI/Input/Calls/readline'] = self._calls_readline
        if self._calls_readlines != 0:
            metrics['WSGI/Input/Calls/readlines'] = self._calls_readlines
        if self._calls_write != 0:
            metrics['WSGI/Output/Calls/write'] = self._calls_write
        if self._calls_yield != 0:
            metrics['WSGI/Output/Calls/yield'] = self._calls_yield

        if self._thread_utilization_value:
            metrics['Thread/Concurrency'] = \
                    '%.4f' % self._thread_utilization_value

        read_duration = 0
        if self._read_start:
            read_duration = self._read_end - self._read_start
            metrics['WSGI/Input/Time'] = '%.4f' % read_duration
        self.record_metric('Python/WSGI/Input/Time', read_duration)

        sent_duration = 0
        if self._sent_start:
            if not self._sent_end:
                self._sent_end = time.time()
            sent_duration = self._sent_end - self._sent_start
            metrics['WSGI/Output/Time'] = '%.4f' % sent_duration

        if self.queue_start:
            queue_wait = self.start_time - self.queue_start
            if queue_wait < 0:
                queue_wait = 0
            metrics['WebFrontend/QueueTime'] = '%.4f' % queue_wait




        request_params = {}
        parameter_groups = {}

        if self.capture_params:
            request_params = self._request_params

        if self._request_environment:
            parameter_groups['Request environment'] = self._request_environment
        if self._response_properties:
            parameter_groups['Response properties'] = self._response_properties

        if self._transaction_metrics:
            parameter_groups['Transaction metrics'] = self._transaction_metrics

        node = newrelic.core.transaction_node.TransactionNode(

        # Clear settings as we are all done and don't
        # need it anymore.

        self._settings = None
        self.enabled = False

        if not self.ignore_transaction:

    def state(self):
        return self._state

    def settings(self):
        return self._settings

    def application(self):
        return self._application

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def group(self):
        return self._group

    def path(self):
        if self._frozen_path:
            return self._frozen_path

        if self.background_task:
            transaction_type = 'OtherTransaction'
            transaction_type = 'WebTransaction'

        group = self._group

        if group is None:
            if self.background_task:
                group = 'Python'
                group = 'Uri'

        name = self._name

        if name is None:
            name = '<undefined>'

        # Stripping the leading slash on the request URL held by
        # name when type is 'Uri' is to keep compatibility with
        # PHP agent and also possibly other agents. Leading
        # slash it not deleted for other category groups as the
        # leading slash may be significant in that situation.

        if self._group in ['Uri', 'NormalizedUri'] and name[:1] == '/':
            path = '%s/%s%s' % (transaction_type, group, name)
            path = '%s/%s/%s' % (transaction_type, group, name)

        return path

    def _freeze_path(self):
        if self._frozen_path is None:
            self._priority = None

            if self._group == 'Uri':
                # Apply URL normalization rules. We would only have raw
                # URLs where we were not specifically naming the web
                # transactions for a specific web framework to be a code
                # handler or otherwise.

                name, ignore = self._application.normalize_name(
                        self._name, 'url')

                if self._name != name:
                    self._group = 'NormalizedUri'
                    self._name = name

                self.ignore_transaction = self.ignore_transaction or ignore
            # Apply transaction rules on the full transaction name.
            # The path is frozen at this point and cannot be further
            # changed.

            self._frozen_path, ignore = self._application.normalize_name(
                    self.path, 'transaction')

            self.ignore_transaction = self.ignore_transaction or ignore

            # Look up the apdex from the table of key transactions. If
            # current transaction is not a key transaction then use the
            # default apdex from settings. The path used at this point
            # is the frozen path.

            self.apdex = (self._settings.web_transactions_apdex.get(self.path)
                    or self._settings.apdex_t)

    def name_transaction(self, name, group=None, priority=None):

        # Always perform this operation even if the transaction
        # is not active at the time as will be called from
        # constructor. If path has been frozen do not allow
        # name/group to be overridden. New priority then must be
        # same or greater than existing priority. If no priority
        # always override the existing name/group if not frozen.

        if self._priority is None:

        if priority is not None and priority < self._priority:

        if group is None:
            group = 'Function'

        if priority is not None:
            self._priority = priority

        # The name can be a URL for the default case. URLs are
        # supposed to be ASCII but can get a URL with illegal
        # non ASCII characters. As the rule patterns and
        # replacements are Unicode then can get Unicode
        # conversion warnings or errors when URL is converted to
        # Unicode and default encoding is ASCII. Thus need to
        # convert URL to Unicode as Latin-1 explicitly to avoid
        # problems with illegal characters.

        if type(name) == type(''):
            name = name.decode('Latin-1')

        self._group = group
        self._name = name

    def record_exception(self, exc, value, tb, params={}, ignore_errors=[]):

        # Bail out if the transaction is not active or
        # collection of errors not enabled.

        if not self._settings:

        settings = self._settings
        error_collector = settings.error_collector

        if not error_collector.enabled or not settings.collect_errors:

        # Has to be an error to be logged.

        if exc is None or value is None or tb is None:

        module = value.__class__.__module__
        name = value.__class__.__name__

        # We need to check for and module:name.
        # Originally we used module.class but that was
        # inconsistent with everything else which used
        # module:name. So changed to use ':' as separator, but
        # for backward compatability need to support '.' as
        # separator for time being.

        if module:
            fullname = '%s:%s' % (module, name)
            fullname = name

        if fullname in ignore_errors:

        if fullname in error_collector.ignore_errors:

        if module:
            fullname = '%s.%s' % (module, name)
            fullname = name

        if fullname in ignore_errors:

        if fullname in error_collector.ignore_errors:

        # Only remember up to limit of what can be caught for a
        # single transaction. This could be trimmed further
        # later if there are already recorded errors and would
        # go over the harvest limit.

        if len(self._errors) >= settings.agent_limits.errors_per_transaction:

        if params:
            custom_params = dict(self._custom_params)
            custom_params = self._custom_params

        exc_type = exc.__name__

            message = str(value)
        except Exception:
                # Assume JSON encoding can handle unicode.
                message = unicode(value)
            except Exception:
                message = '<unprintable %s object>' % type(value).__name__

        # Check that we have not recorded this exception
        # previously for this transaction due to multiple
        # error traces triggering. This is not going to be
        # exact but the UI hides exceptions of same type
        # anyway. Better that we under count exceptions of
        # same type and message rather than count same one
        # multiple times.

        for error in self._errors:
            if error.type == exc_type and error.message == message:

        stack_trace = traceback.format_exception(exc, value, tb)

        node = newrelic.core.error_node.ErrorNode(

        # TODO Errors are recorded in time order. If
        # there are two exceptions of same type and
        # different message, the UI displays the first
        # one. In the PHP agent it was recording the
        # errors in reverse time order and so the UI
        # displayed the last one. What is the the
        # official order in which they should be sent.


    def notice_error(self, exc, value, tb, params={}, ignore_errors=[]):
        warnings.warn('Internal API change. Use record_transaction() '
                'instead of notice_error().', DeprecationWarning,

        self.record_exception(exc, value, tb, params, ignore_errors)

    def record_metric(self, name, value):
                ValueMetric(name=name, value=value))

    def _parent_node(self):
        if self._node_stack:
            return self._node_stack[-1]

    def _intern_string(self, value):
        return self._string_cache.setdefault(value, value)

    def _push_current(self, node):

    def _pop_current(self, node):
        last = self._node_stack.pop()
        assert last == node
        parent = self._node_stack[-1]
        return parent

    def _process_node(self, node):
        if type(node) is newrelic.core.database_node.DatabaseNode:
            settings = self._settings
            if not settings.collect_traces:
            if not settings.slow_sql.enabled:
            if settings.transaction_tracer.record_sql == 'off':
            if node.duration < settings.transaction_tracer.explain_threshold:

    def stop_recording(self):
        if not self.enabled:

        if self.stopped:

        if self.end_time:

        self.end_time = time.time()
        self.stopped = True

        if self._thread_utilization:
            if self._thread_utilization_start:
                if not self._thread_utilization_end:
                    self._thread_utilization_end = (

        self._cpu_user_time_end = os.times()[0]

    def add_custom_parameter(self, name, value):
        self._custom_params[name] = value

    def add_custom_parameters(self, items):
        for name, value in items:
            self._custom_params[name] = value

    def add_user_attribute(self, name, value):
        self._user_attrs[name] = value

    def add_user_attributes(self, items):
        for name, value in items:
            self._user_attrs[name] = value

    def dump(self, file):
        """Dumps details about the transaction to the file object."""

        print >> file, 'Application: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Time Started: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Thread Id: %r' % (
        print >> file, 'Concurrency Model: %r' % (
        print >> file, 'Current Status: %d' % (
        print >> file, 'Recording Enabled: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Ignore Transaction: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Transaction Dead: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Transaction Stopped: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Background Task: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Request URI: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Transaction Group: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Transaction Name: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Name Priority: %r' % (
        print >> file, 'Frozen Path: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'AutoRUM Disabled: %s' % (
        print >> file, 'Supress Apdex: %s' % (

        print >> file, 'Node Stack:'
        for node in self._node_stack[1:]:
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, application, enabled=None):

        self._application = application

        self._thread_id = None
        self._concurrency_model = None
        self._greenlet = None

        self._dead = False

        self._state = STATE_PENDING
        self._settings = None

        self._priority = 0
        self._group = None
        self._name = None

        self._frozen_path = None

        self._node_stack = []

        self._request_uri = None

        self.queue_start = 0.0

        self.start_time = 0.0
        self.end_time = 0.0

        self.stopped = False

        self._errors = []
        self._slow_sql = []

        self._stack_trace_count = 0
        self._explain_plan_count = 0

        self._string_cache = {}

        self._custom_params = {}
        self._user_attrs = {}
        self._request_params = {}

        self._thread_utilization = None

        self._thread_utilization_start = None
        self._thread_utilization_end = None
        self._thread_utilization_value = None

        self._cpu_user_time_start = None
        self._cpu_user_time_end = None
        self._cpu_user_time_value = None
        self._cpu_utilization_value = None

        self._read_start = None
        self._read_end = None

        self._sent_start = None
        self._sent_end = None

        self._bytes_read = 0
        self._bytes_sent = 0

        self._calls_read = 0
        self._calls_readline = 0
        self._calls_readlines = 0

        self._calls_write = 0
        self._calls_yield = 0

        self._request_environment = {}
        self._response_properties = {}
        self._transaction_metrics = {}

        self.background_task = False

        self.enabled = False
        self.autorum_disabled = False

        self.ignore_transaction = False
        self.suppress_apdex = False
        self.suppress_transaction_trace = False

        self.capture_params = False
        self.ignored_params = []

        self.response_code = 0

        self.apdex = 0

        self.rum_token = None
        self.rum_guid = None

        self._custom_metrics = ValueMetrics()

        global_settings = newrelic.core.config.global_settings()

        if global_settings.enabled:
            if enabled or (enabled is None and application.enabled):
                self._settings = self._application.settings
                if not self._settings:

                    # We see again if the settings is now valid
                    # in case startup timeout had been specified
                    # and registration had been started and
                    # completed within the timeout.

                    self._settings = self._application.settings

                if self._settings:
                    self.enabled = True
Esempio n. 4
    def harvest(self, shutdown=False):
        """Performs a harvest, reporting aggregated data for the current
        reporting period to the data collector.


        if self._agent_shutdown:

        if not self._active_session:
            _logger.debug('Cannot perform a data harvest for %r as '
                    'there is no active session.', self._app_name)


        internal_metrics = ValueMetrics()

        with InternalTraceContext(internal_metrics):
            with InternalTrace('Supportability/Harvest/Calls/harvest'):

                self._harvest_count += 1

                start = time.time()

                _logger.debug('Commencing data harvest for %r.',

                # Create a snapshot of the transaction stats and
                # application specific custom metrics stats, then merge
                # them together. The originals will be reset at the time
                # this is done so that any new metrics that come in from
                # this point onwards will be accumulated in a fresh
                # bucket.

                transaction_count = self._transaction_count

                with self._stats_lock:
                    self._transaction_count = 0
                    self._last_transaction = 0.0

                    stats = self._stats_engine.harvest_snapshot()

                with self._stats_custom_lock:
                    stats_custom = self._stats_custom_engine.harvest_snapshot()


                # Now merge in any metrics from the data samplers
                # associated with this application.
                # NOTE If a data sampler has problems then what data was
                # collected up to that point is retained. The data
                # collector itself is still retained and would be used
                # again on future harvest. If it is a persistent problem
                # with the data sampler the issue would then reoccur
                # with every harvest. If data sampler is a user provided
                # data sampler, then should perhaps deregister it if it
                # keeps having problems.

                for sampler in self._samplers:
                        for metric in sampler.value_metrics():

                    except Exception:
                        _logger.exception('The merging of value metrics from '
                                'a data sampler has failed. If this issue '
                                'persists then please report this problem to '
                                'New Relic support for further investigation.')

                # Add a metric we can use to track how many harvest
                # periods have occurred.

                        name='Instance/Reporting', value=0))

                # Create our time stamp as to when this reporting period
                # ends and start reporting the data.

                period_end = time.time()

                # If this harvest is being forcibly triggered on process
                # shutdown, there are transactions recorded, and the
                # duration of the harvest period is less than 1 second,
                # then artificially push out the end time of the harvest
                # period. This is done so that the harvest period is not
                # less than 1 second, otherwise the data collector will
                # throw the data away. This is desirable for case where
                # trying to monitor scripts which perform a one off task
                # and then immediately exit. Also useful when running
                # test scripts.

                if shutdown and transaction_count != 0:
                    if period_end - self._period_start < 1.0:
                        _logger.debug('Stretching harvest duration for '
                                'forced harvest on shutdown.')
                        period_end = self._period_start + 1.001

                    configuration = self._active_session.configuration

                    # Send the transaction and custom metric data.

                    # Create a metric_normalizer based on normalize_name
                    # If metric rename rules are empty, set normalizer
                    # to None and the stats engine will skip steps as
                    # appropriate.

                    if self._rules_engine['metric'].rules:
                        metric_normalizer = partial(self.normalize_name,
                        metric_normalizer = None

                    # Pass the metric_normalizer to stats.metric_data to
                    # do metric renaming.

                    metric_data = stats.metric_data(metric_normalizer)

                            'metric_data', len(metric_data))

                    metric_ids = self._active_session.send_metric_data(
                      self._period_start, period_end, metric_data)

                    # Successful, so we update the stats engine with the
                    # new metric IDs and reset the reporting period
                    # start time. If an error occurs after this point,
                    # any remaining data for the period being reported
                    # on will be thrown away. We reset the count of
                    # number of merges we have done due to failures as
                    # only really want to count errors in being able to
                    # report the main transaction metrics.

                    self._merge_count = 0
                    self._period_start = period_end

                    # Send the accumulated error data.

                    if configuration.collect_errors:
                        error_data = stats.error_data()

                                'error_data', len(error_data))

                        if error_data:

                    if configuration.collect_traces:
                        slow_sql_data = stats.slow_sql_data()

                                'sql_trace_data', len(slow_sql_data))

                        if slow_sql_data:

                        slow_transaction_data = stats.transaction_trace_data()


                        if slow_transaction_data:

                    # Get agent commands from collector.

                    agent_commands = self._active_session.get_agent_commands()

                    # For each agent command received, call the
                    # appropiate agent command handler. Reply to the
                    # data collector with the acknowledgement of the
                    # agent command.

                    for command in agent_commands:
                        cmd_id = command[0]
                        cmd_name = command[1]['name']
                        cmd_args = command[1]['arguments']

                        # An agent command is mapped to a method of this
                        # class. If we don't know about a specific agent
                        # command we just ignore it.

                        cmd_handler = getattr(self, cmd_name, None)

                        if cmd_handler is None:
                            _logger.debug('Received unknown agent command '
                                    '%r from the data collector for %r.',
                                    cmd_name, self._app_name)

                        cmd_res = cmd_handler(cmd_id, **cmd_args)

                        if cmd_res:

                    # If a profiling session is already running, check
                    # if it is completed and send the accumulated
                    # profile data back to the data collector. Note that
                    # this come after we process the agent commands as
                    # we might receive an agent command to stop the
                    # profiling session, but still send the data back.
                    # Having the sending of the results last ensures we
                    # send back that data from the stopped profiling
                    # session immediately.

                    if self._profiler_started:
                        profile_data = self._thread_profiler.profile_data()

                        if profile_data and self._send_profile_data:
                            _logger.debug('Reporting thread profiling '
                                    'session data for %r.', self._app_name)


                            self._profiler_started = False
                            self._send_profile_data = False

                    # If this is a final forced harvest for the process
                    # then attempt to shutdown the session.
                    # If a thread profiling session is running, we need
                    # to make sure we stop that from running as well.

                    if shutdown:
                        if self._profiler_started:
                  'Aborting thread profiling session '
                                    'for %r.', self._app_name)


                            self._thread_profiler = None
                            self._profiler_started = False
                            self._send_profile_data = False

                        except Exception:

                        self._active_session = None

                except ForceAgentRestart:
                    # The data collector has indicated that we need to
                    # perform an internal agent restart. We attempt to
                    # properly shutdown the session and then initiate a
                    # new session.
                    # If a thread profiling session is running, we need
                    # to make sure we stop that from running as well as
                    # any data will not be able to be reported later if
                    # do reconnect as will be a different agent run.

                    if self._profiler_started:
              'Aborting thread profiling session '
                                'for %r.', self._app_name)


                        self._thread_profiler = None
                        self._profiler_started = False
                        self._send_profile_data = False

                    except Exception:

                    self._agent_restart += 1
                    self._active_session = None


                except ForceAgentDisconnect:
                    # The data collector has indicated that we need to
                    # force disconnect and stop reporting. We attempt to
                    # properly shutdown the session, but don't start a
                    # new one and flag ourselves as shutdown. This
                    # notification is presumably sent when a specific
                    # application is behaving so badly that it needs to
                    # be stopped entirely. It would require a complete
                    # process start to be able to attempt to connect
                    # again and if the server side kill switch is still
                    # enabled it would be told to disconnect once more.
                    # If a thread profiling session is running, we need
                    # to make sure we stop that from running as well as
                    # the agent will no longer be reporting without a
                    # restart of the process so no point.

                    if self._profiler_started:
              'Aborting thread profiling session '
                                'for %r.', self._app_name)


                        self._thread_profiler = None
                        self._profiler_started = False
                        self._send_profile_data = False

                    except Exception:

                    self._active_session = None

                    self._agent_shutdown = True

                except RetryDataForRequest:
                    # A potentially recoverable error occurred. We merge
                    # the stats back into that for the current period
                    # and abort the current harvest if the problem
                    # occurred when initially reporting the main
                    # transaction metrics. If the problem occurred when
                    # reporting other information then that and any
                    # other non reported information is thrown away.
                    # In order to prevent memory growth will we only
                    # merge data up to a set maximum number of
                    # successive times. When this occurs we throw away
                    # all the metric data and start over. We also only
                    # merge main metric data and discard errors, slow
                    # SQL and transaction traces from older harvest
                    # period.

                    if self._period_start != period_end:

                        self._merge_count += 1

                        agent_limits = configuration.agent_limits
                        maximum = agent_limits.merge_stats_maximum

                        if self._merge_count <= maximum:

                            _logger.error('Unable to report main transaction '
                                    'metrics after %r successive attempts. '
                                    'Check the log messages and if necessary '
                                    'please report this problem to New Relic '
                                    'support for further investigation.',

                            self._discard_count += self._merge_count

                            self._merge_count = 0

                except DiscardDataForRequest:
                    # An issue must have occurred in reporting the data
                    # but if we retry with same data the same error is
                    # likely to occur again so we just throw any data
                    # not sent away for this reporting period.

                    self._discard_count += 1

                except Exception:
                    # An unexpected error, likely some sort of internal
                    # agent implementation issue.

                    _logger.exception('Unexpected exception when attempting '
                            'to harvest the metric data and send it to the '
                            'data collector. Please report this problem to '
                            'New Relic support for further investigation.')

                duration = time.time() - start

                _logger.debug('Completed harvest for %r in %.2f seconds.',
                        self._app_name, duration)

                # Force close the socket connection which has been
                # created for this harvest if session still exists.
                # New connection will be create automatically on the
                # next harvest.

                if self._active_session:

        # Merge back in statistics recorded about the last harvest
        # and communication with the data collector. This will be
        # part of the data for the next harvest period.

        with self._stats_lock: