Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: srome/nflgame
    def filter(self, **kwargs):
        filters the sequence based on a set of criteria. Parameter
        names should be equivalent to the properties accessible in the items
        of the sequence. For example, where the items are instances of
        the Stats class::

            players.filter(home=True, passing_tds=1, rushing_yds=lambda x: x>0)

        Returns a sequence with only players on the home team that
        have a single passing touchdown and more than zero rushing yards.

        If a field specified does not exist for a particular item, that
        item is excluded from the result set.

        If a field is set to a value, then only items with fields that equal
        that value are returned.

        If a field is set to a function---which must be a predicate---then
        only items with field values satisfying that function will
        be returned.

        Also, special suffixes that begin with '__' may be added to the
        end of a field name to invoke built in predicates.
        For example, this::

            players.filter(receiving_rec=lambda v: v > 0)

        Is equivalent to::


        Other suffixes includes gt, le, lt, ne, ge, etc.

        (Django users should feel right at home.)
        preds = []
        for k, v in iteritems(kwargs):

            def pred(field, value, item):
                # TODO: Move pred function outside of loop
                for suffix, p in iteritems(_BUILTIN_PREDS):
                    if field.endswith(suffix):
                        f = field[:field.index(suffix)]
                        if not hasattr(item, f) or getattr(item, f) is None:
                            return False
                        return p(getattr(item, f), value)
                if not hasattr(item, field) or getattr(item, field) is None:
                    return False
                if isinstance(value, type(lambda x: x)):
                    return value(getattr(item, field))
                return getattr(item, field) == value

            preds.append(functools.partial(pred, k, v))

        gen = ifilter(lambda item: all([f(item) for f in preds]), self)
        return self.__class__(gen)
Esempio n. 2
    def filter(self, **kwargs):
        filters the sequence based on a set of criteria. Parameter
        names should be equivalent to the properties accessible in the items
        of the sequence. For example, where the items are instances of
        the Stats class::

            players.filter(home=True, passing_tds=1, rushing_yds=lambda x: x>0)

        Returns a sequence with only players on the home team that
        have a single passing touchdown and more than zero rushing yards.

        If a field specified does not exist for a particular item, that
        item is excluded from the result set.

        If a field is set to a value, then only items with fields that equal
        that value are returned.

        If a field is set to a function---which must be a predicate---then
        only items with field values satisfying that function will
        be returned.

        Also, special suffixes that begin with '__' may be added to the
        end of a field name to invoke built in predicates.
        For example, this::

            players.filter(receiving_rec=lambda v: v > 0)

        Is equivalent to::


        Other suffixes includes gt, le, lt, ne, ge, etc.

        (Django users should feel right at home.)
        preds = []
        for k, v in iteritems(kwargs):
            def pred(field, value, item):
                # TODO: Move pred function outside of loop
                for suffix, p in iteritems(_BUILTIN_PREDS):
                    if field.endswith(suffix):
                        f = field[:field.index(suffix)]
                        if not hasattr(item, f) or getattr(item, f) is None:
                            return False
                        return p(getattr(item, f), value)
                if not hasattr(item, field) or getattr(item, field) is None:
                    return False
                if isinstance(value, type(lambda x: x)):
                    return value(getattr(item, field))
                return getattr(item, field) == value
            preds.append(functools.partial(pred, k, v))

        gen = ifilter(lambda item: all([f(item) for f in preds]), self)
        return self.__class__(gen)
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: srome/nflgame
 def __filter_category(self, cat):
     return self.__class__(ifilter(lambda p: p.has_cat(cat), self))
Esempio n. 4
 def __filter_category(self, cat):
     return self.__class__(ifilter(lambda p: p.has_cat(cat), self))