Esempio n. 1
 def feature_map(self, feature, imPath=None, pw=0.95):
     Given a set of feature values, produce a feature map,
     assuming that one feature corresponds to one region
     feature, array of shape (self.k) : the information to map
     imPath=None, string yielding the output image path
                  if not None
     pw=0.95: volume of the Gaussian ellipsoid associated with the ROIs
     The image object
     if np.size(feature)!=self.k:
         raise ValueError, 'Incompatible feature dimension'
     from import save, Nifti1Image          
     label = self.map_label(self.generate_coordinates(), pval=pw)
     label = np.reshape(label, self.shape)
     values = np.zeros(self.shape)
     values[label>-1] = feature[label[label>-1].astype(]
     wim = Nifti1Image(values, self.affine)
     wim.get_header()['descrip']='feature image'
     if imPath!=None:
     return wim
Esempio n. 2
    def make_image(self, path):
        write a int image where the nonzero values are the ROIs

        path: string, the desired image path
        the background values are set to -1
        the ROIs values are set as [0..self.k-1]
        if self.shape == None:
            raise ValueError, "Need self.shape to be defined"

        data = -np.ones(self.shape,
        for k in range(self.k):
            dk =[k].T
            data[dk[0], dk[1], dk[2]] = k

        wim = Nifti1Image(data, self.affine)
        header = wim.get_header()
        header["descrip"] = "Multiple ROI image"
        save(wim, path)
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: cindeem/nipy
    def make_image(self, path=None):
        write a int image where the nonzero values are the ROIs

        path: string, optional
            the desired image path

        brifti image instance
        the background values are set to -1
        the ROIs values are set as [0..self.k-1]
        if self.shape==None:
            raise ValueError, 'Need self.shape to be defined'

        data = -np.ones(self.shape,
        for k in range(self.k):
            dk =[k].T
            data[dk[0], dk[1], dk[2]] = k

        wim =  Nifti1Image(data, self.affine)
        header = wim.get_header()
        header['descrip'] = "Multiple ROI image"
        if path!=None:
            save(wim, path)
        return wim
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    # create the parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # add the arguments
    parser.add_argument("in_filenames", type=str, nargs="+", help="3D image filenames")
    parser.add_argument("--out-4d", type=str, help="4D output image name")
        help="False if you want to ignore differences "
        "in affines between the 3D images, True if you "
        "want to raise an error for significant "
        "differences (default is True)",
    # parse the command line
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # get input 3ds
    filenames = args.in_filenames
    # affine check
    check_affines = args.check_affines
    # get output name
    out_fname = args.out_4d
    if out_fname is None:
        pth, fname = os.path.split(filenames[0])
        froot, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
        if ext in (".gz", ".bz2"):
            gz = ext
            froot, ext = os.path.splitext(froot)
            gz = ""
        out_fname = pjoin(pth, froot + "_4d" + ext + gz)
    img4d = do_3d_to_4d(filenames, check_affines=check_affines), out_fname)
Esempio n. 5
def ffx( maskImages, effectImages, varianceImages, resultImage=None):
    Computation of the fixed effecst statistics

    maskImages, string or list of strings
                the paths of one or several masks
                when several masks, the half thresholding heuristic is used
    effectImages, list of strings
                the paths ofthe effect images   
    varianceImages, list of strings
                    the paths of the associated variance images
    resultImage=None, string,
                 path of the result images

    the computed values
    # fixme : check that the images have same referntial
    # fixme : check that mask_Images is a list
    if len(effectImages)!=len(varianceImages):
        raise ValueError, 'Not the correct number of images'
    tiny = 1.e-15
    nsubj = len(effectImages)
    mask = intersect_masks(maskImages, None, threshold=0.5, cc=True)
    effects = []
    variance = []
    for s in range(nsubj):
        rbeta = load(effectImages[s])
        beta = rbeta.get_data()[mask>0]
        rbeta = load(varianceImages[s])
        varbeta = rbeta.get_data()[mask>0]
    effects = np.array(effects)
    variance = np.array(variance)
    effects[np.isnan(effects)] = 0
    effects[np.isnan(variance)] = 0
    variance[np.isnan(variance)] = tiny
    variance[variance==0] = tiny    
    t = effects/np.sqrt(variance)
    t = t.mean(0)*np.sqrt(nsubj)     
    #t = np.sum(effects/variance,0)/np.sum(1.0/np.sqrt(variance),0)

    nim = load(effectImages[0])
    affine = nim.get_affine()
    tmap = np.zeros(nim.get_shape())
    tmap[mask>0] = t
    tImage = Nifti1Image(tmap, affine)
    if resultImage!=None:
       save(tImage, resultImage)

    return tmap
Esempio n. 6
def save_results(ppm, id_algo, noise): 
    savedir = os.path.join(baseres, subjects[s_idx])
    tag = id_algo
    if noise == 'laplace': 
        tag += '_laplace'
    for i in range(ntissues): 
        im = Image(ppm[:,:,:,i], affine)
        fname = id_posterior + '_' + regs[r_idx] + '_' + tag + '_' + str(i) + '.nii'
        save(Nifti1Image(im), os.path.join(savedir, fname))
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: cindeem/nipy
def intersect_masks(input_masks, output_filename=None, threshold=0.5, cc=True):
    Given a list of input mask images, generate the output image which
    is the the threshold-level intersection of the inputs 

    input_masks: list of strings or ndarrays
        paths of the input images nsubj set as len(input_mask_files), or
        individual masks.
    output_filename, string:
        Path of the output image, if None no file is saved.
    threshold: float within [0, 1], optional
        gives the level of the intersection.
        threshold=1 corresponds to keeping the intersection of all
        masks, whereas threshold=0 is the union of all masks.
    cc: bool, optional
        If true, extract the main connected component
    grp_mask, boolean array of shape the image shape
    grp_mask = None 

    for this_mask in input_masks:
        if isinstance(this_mask, basestring):
            # We have a filename
            this_mask = load(this_mask).get_data()
        if grp_mask is None:
            grp_mask = this_mask.copy().astype(
            grp_mask += this_mask
    grp_mask = grp_mask>(threshold*len(input_masks))
    if np.any(grp_mask>0) and cc:
        grp_mask = largest_cc(grp_mask)
    if output_filename is not None:
        if isinstance(input_masks[0], basestring):
            nim = load(input_masks[0]) 
            header = nim.get_header()
            affine = nim.get_affine()
            header = dict()
            affine = np.eye(4)
        header['descrip'] = 'mask image'
        output_image = nifti1.Nifti1Image(grp_mask.astype(np.uint8),
        save(output_image, output_filename)

    return grp_mask>0
Esempio n. 8
 def to_image(self, path=None):
     Write itself as an image, and returns it
     data = np.zeros(self.shape).astype(np.int8)
     data[self.ijk[:,0], self.ijk[:,1], self.ijk[:,2]] = 1
     nim = Nifti1Image(data, self.affine)
     nim.get_header()['descrip'] = 'mask image'
     if path is not None:
         save(nim, path)
     return nim
Esempio n. 9
def save(filename, obj):
    """ Save an nipy image object to a file.
    obj = as_volume_img(obj, copy=False)
    hdr = imageformats.Nifti1Header()
    for key, value in obj.metadata.iteritems():
        if key in hdr:
            hdr[key] = value
    img = imageformats.Nifti1Image(obj.get_data(), 
                                   header=hdr), filename)
Esempio n. 10
def threshold_z_image(iimage, oimage=None, correction=None, pval=None, smin=0, 
            nn=18, mask_image=None, method=None):
    this function takes a presumably gaussian image threshold and a
    size threshold and gives as output an image where only the
    suprathreshold component of size > smin have not been thresholded
    out This corresponds to a one-sided classical test the null
    hypothesis can be take to be the standard normal or the empiricall
    iimage, string, the path of a presumably z-variate input image
    oimage=None, string, the path of the output image
    correction=None, string  the correction for multiple comparison method
               correction can be either None or 'bon' (Bonferroni) or 'fdr'
    pval=none, float, the desired classical p-value.
               the default behaviour of pval depends on correction
               if correction==None, pval = 0.001, else pval = 0.05
    smin=0, int, the  cluster size threshold
    mask_image=None, string path of a mask image to determine 
                     where thresholding is  applies
                     if mask_image==None, the function is implied 
                     on where(image)
    method=None: model of the null distribution:
                 if method==None: standard null
                 if method=='emp': empirical null
    oimage: the output image
    #?# 1.  read the image(s)
    if mask_image==None:
        m = None
        mask = load(mask_image)
        m = mask.get_data()
    nim = load(iimage)
    x = nim.get_data()
    thx = threshold_z_array(x, m, correction, pval, smin, nn, method)
    ref_dim = nim.get_shape()
    result = np.zeros(ref_dim)
    result[m>0] = thx
    onim = Nifti1Image(result.T, nim.get_affine())	
    onim.get_header()['descrip']= "thresholded image, threshold= %f,\
                                   cluster size=%d"%(thx, smin)
    if oimage !=None:
       save(onim, oimage)	
    return onim
Esempio n. 11
def parcellation_output_with_paths(Pa, mask_images, group_path, indiv_path):
    Function that produces images that describe the spatial structure
    of the parcellation.  It mainly produces label images at the group
    and subject level
    Pa : Parcellation instance that describes the parcellation
    mask_images: list of images paths that define the mask
    coord: array of shape (nvox,3) that contains(approximated)
           MNI-coordinates of the brain mask voxels considered in the
           parcellation process
    group_path, string, path of the group-level parcellation image
    indiv_path, list of strings, paths of the individual parcellation images    
    the referential-defining information should be part of the Pa instance
    nsubj = Pa.nb_subj
    mxyz = Pa.ijk
    # write the template image
    tlabs = Pa.group_labels
    rmask = load(mask_images[0])
    ref_dim = rmask.get_shape()
    grid_size =
    affine = rmask.get_affine()
    Label = np.zeros(ref_dim)
    wim = Nifti1Image (Label, affine)
    hdr = wim.get_header()
    hdr['descrip'] = 'group_level Label image obtained from a \
                     parcellation procedure'
    save(wim, group_path)
    # write subject-related stuff
    for s in range(nsubj):
        # write the images
        labs = Pa.label[:,s]
        Label = np.zeros(ref_dim).astype(
        wim = Nifti1Image (Label, affine)
        hdr = wim.get_header()
        hdr['descrip'] = 'individual Label image obtained \
                         from a parcellation procedure'
        save(wim, indiv_path[s])
Esempio n. 12
def threshold_scalar_image(iimage, oimage=None, th=0., smin=0, nn=18, 
    this function takes a 'grey level' threshold and a size threshold
    and gives as output an image where only the suprathreshold component
    of size > smin have not been thresholded out

    iimage, string, path of a scalar input image
    oimage=None, string, path of the scalar output image
        if None the output image is not written
    th=0., float,  the chosen trheshold
    smin=0, int, cluster size threshold
    nn=18, int spatial neighboring system: 6,18 or 26
    mask_image=None: a mask image to determine where in image this applies
                     if mask_image==None, the function is implied on 
    output, image: the output image object

    Note, the 0 values of iimage are not considered so far
    # FIXME: add a header check here
    # 1. read the input image
    if mask_image==None:
        m = None
        mask = load(mask_image)
        m = mask.get_data()

    inim = load(iimage)    
    x = inim.get_data()
    thx = threshold_array(x, m, th, smin, nn=nn)
    ref_dim = inim.get_shape()
    result = np.zeros(ref_dim)
    result[m>0] = thx
    onim = Nifti1Image(result.T,inim.get_affine())	
    onim.get_header()['descrip']= "thresholded image, threshold= %f,\
                                   cluster size=%d"%(th,smin)
    if oimage !=None:
       save(onim, oimage)	
    return onim
Esempio n. 13
def main():
    # create the parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # add the arguments
    parser.add_argument('filename', type=str,
                        help='4D image filename')
    # parse the command line
    args = parser.parse_args()
    img = nii.load(args.filename)
    imgs = nii.four_to_three(img)
    froot, ext = os.path.splitext(args.filename)
    if ext in ('.gz', '.bz2'):
        froot, ext = os.path.splitext(froot)
    for i, img3d in enumerate(imgs):
        fname3d = '%s_%04d.nii' % (froot, i), fname3d)
Esempio n. 14
def test_mask_files():
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        # Make a 4D file from the anatomical example
        img = nii.load(anatfile)
        arr = img.get_data()
        a2 = np.zeros(arr.shape + (2,))
        a2[:, :, :, 0] = arr
        a2[:, :, :, 1] = arr
        img = nii.Nifti1Image(a2, np.eye(4))
        a_fname = "fourd_anat.nii", a_fname)
        # check 4D mask
        msk1 = nnm.compute_mask_files(a_fname)
        # and mask from identical list of 3D files
        msk2 = nnm.compute_mask_files([anatfile, anatfile])
        yield assert_array_equal, msk1, msk2
Esempio n. 15
    def make_image(self, image_path):
        write a binary nifty image where the nonzero values are the ROI mask

        image_path: string 
            the desired image name
        if self.shape == None:
            raise ValueError, "self.shape has to be defined"
        data = np.zeros(self.shape)
        data[self.discrete] = 1

        wim = Nifti1Image(data, self.affine)
        wim.get_header()["descrip"] = "ROI image"
        save(wim, image_path)
Esempio n. 16
def ffx_from_stat( maskImages, statImages, resultImage=None):
    Computation of the fixed effects statistics from statistic

    maskImages, string or list of strings
                the paths of one or several masks
                when several masks, the half thresholding heuristic is used
    statImages, list of strings
                the paths ofthe statitsic images   
    resultImage=None, string,
                 path of the result images

    the computed values
    # fixme : check that the images have same referntial
    # fixme : check that mask_Images is a list
    nsubj = len(statImages)
    mask = intersect_masks(maskImages, None, threshold=0.5, cc=True)
    t = []
    for s in range(nsubj):
        rbeta = load(statImages[s])
        beta = rbeta.get_data()[mask>0]            
    t = np.array(t)
    t[np.isnan(t)] = 0
    t = t.mean(0)*np.sqrt(nsubj)     

    nim = load(statImages[0])
    affine = nim.get_affine()
    tmap = np.zeros(nim.get_shape())
    tmap[mask>0] = t
    tImage = Nifti1Image(tmap, affine)
    if resultImage!=None:

    return tmap
Esempio n. 17
def mask_parcellation(mask_images, nb_parcel, output_image=None):
    Performs the parcellation of a certain mask

    mask_images: list of strings,
                 paths of the mask images that define the common space.
    nb_parcel: int,
               number of desired parcels
    output_image: string, optional
                   path of the output image
    wim: Nifti1Imagine instance,  the resulting parcellation
    from ..mask import intersect_masks

    # compute the group mask
    affine = load(mask_images[0]).get_affine()
    shape = load(mask_images[0]).get_shape()
    mask = intersect_masks(mask_images, threshold=0)>0
    ijk = np.where(mask)
    ijk = np.array(ijk).T
    nvox = ijk.shape[0]

    # Get and cluster  coordinates 
    ijk = np.hstack((ijk,np.ones((nvox,1))))
    coord =, affine.T)[:,:3]
    cent, tlabs, J = kmeans(coord, nb_parcel)
    # Write the results
    label = -np.ones(shape)
    label[mask]= tlabs
    wim = Nifti1Image(label, affine)
    wim.get_header()['descrip'] = 'Label image in %d parcels'%nb_parcel    
    if output_image is not None:
        save(wim, output_image)
    return wim
Esempio n. 18
def save_volume(shape, path, affine, mask=None, data=None, descrip=None):
    volume saving utility for masked volumes
    shape, tupe of dimensions of the data
    path, string, output image path
    affine, transformation of the grid to a coordinate system
    mask=None, binary mask used to reduce the volume size
    data=None data to be put in the volume
    descrip=None, a string descibing what the image is

    Handle the case where data is multi-dimensional
    volume = np.zeros(shape)
    if mask== None: 
       print "Could not write the image: no mask"

    if data == None:
       print "Could not write the image: no data"

    if np.size(data.shape) == 1:
        volume[mask > 0] = data
        for i in range(data.shape[0]):
            volume[i][mask[0] > 0] = data[i]

    wim = Nifti1Image(volume, affine)
    if descrip !=None:
    save(wim, path)
Esempio n. 19
def Parcellation_output(Pa, mask_images, learning_images, coord, nbru, 
                        verbose=1,swd = "/tmp"):
    Function that produces images that describe the spatial structure
    of the parcellation.  It mainly produces label images at the group
    and subject level
    Pa : Parcellation instance that describes the parcellation
    mask_images: list of images paths that define the mask
    learning_images: list of float images containing the input data
    coord: array of shape (nvox,3) that contains(approximated)
           MNI-coordinates of the brain mask voxels considered in the
           parcellation process
    nbru: list of subject ids
    verbose=1 : verbosity level
    swd = '/tmp': write directory
    Pa: the updated Parcellation instance
    nsubj = Pa.nb_subj
    # write the template image
    tlabs = Pa.group_labels
    LabelImage = os.path.join(swd,"template_parcel.nii") 
    rmask = load(mask_images[0])
    ref_dim = rmask.get_shape()
    affine = rmask.get_affine()
    Label = np.zeros(ref_dim)
    wim = Nifti1Image (Label, affine)
    hdr = wim.get_header()
    hdr['descrip'] = 'group_level Label image obtained from a \
                     parcellation procedure'
    save(wim, LabelImage)
    # write subject-related stuff
    Jac = []
    if Pa.isfield('jacobian'):
        Jac = Pa.get_feature('jacobian')
        Jac = np.reshape(Jac,(Pa.k,nsubj))
    for s in range(nsubj):
        # write the images
        labs = Pa.label[:,s]
        LabelImage = os.path.join(swd,"parcel%s.nii" % nbru[s])
        JacobImage = os.path.join(swd,"jacob%s.nii" % nbru[s])      

        Label = np.zeros(ref_dim).astype(
        wim = Nifti1Image (Label, affine)
        hdr = wim.get_header()
        hdr['descrip'] = 'individual Label image obtained \
                         from a parcellation procedure'
        save(wim, LabelImage)

        if ((verbose)&(np.size(Jac)>0)):
            Label = np.zeros(ref_dim)
            wim = Nifti1Image (Label, affine)
            hdr = wim.get_header()
            hdr['descrip'] = 'image of the jacobian of the deformation \
                              associated with the parcellation'
            save(wim, JacobImage)       

    return Pa
grp_mask = Nifti1Image(mask, load(mask_images[0]).get_affine())
ijk = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
nvox = np.sum(mask)

# output dir
b_smooth = True
if b_smooth:
    print "smoothed data"
    threshold_path = 'volume_threshold_smooth.con'
    swd = '/data/home/virgile/virgile_internship/group_analysis/smoothed_FWHM5'
    print "unsmoothed data"
    threshold_path = 'volume_threshold.con'
    swd = '/data/home/virgile/virgile_internship/group_analysis/smoothed_FWHM0'

save(grp_mask, op.join(swd,'grp_mask.nii'))

# Load the effects and variance

def load_images(con_images, var_images):
    nsubj = len(con_images)
    beta = []
    varbeta = []
    tiny = 1.e-15
    for s in range(nsubj): 
        rbeta = load(con_images[s])
        temp = (rbeta.get_data())[mask]
Esempio n. 21

# Get the FMRI data

fmri_data = surrogate_4d_dataset(shape=shape, n_scans=n_scans)[0]

# if you want to save it as an image
data_file = op.join(swd, 'fmri_data.nii')
save(fmri_data, data_file)

# Perform a GLM analysis

# GLM fit
Y = fmri_data.get_data()
model = "ar1"
method = "kalman"
glm = GLM.glm()
mp.pcolor(X), X, method=method, model=model)
#explained =,glm.beta.reshape(X.shape[1],-1)).reshape(Y.T.shape).T
#residuals = Y - explained
Esempio n. 22

paradigm = dm.EventRelatedParadigm(conditions, onsets)
X, names = dm.dmtx_light(frametimes, drift_model='Cosine', hfcut=128,
               hrf_model=hrf_model, paradigm=paradigm, add_regs=motion, add_reg_names=add_reg_names)

# Get the FMRI data

fmri_data = surrogate_4d_dataset(shape=shape, n_scans=n_scans)[0]

# if you want to save it as an image
data_file = op.join(swd,'fmri_data.nii')
save(fmri_data, data_file)

# Perform a GLM analysis

# GLM fit
Y = fmri_data.get_data()
model = "ar1"
method = "kalman"
glm = GLM.glm()
mp.pcolor(X), X, method=method, model=model)
#explained =,glm.beta.reshape(X.shape[1],-1)).reshape(Y.T.shape).T
#residuals = Y - explained 
Esempio n. 23
def make_surrogate_array(nbsubj=10, dimx=30, dimy=30, sk=1.0, 
                         noise_level=1.0, pos=pos, ampli=ampli,
                         spatial_jitter=1.0, signal_jitter=1.0,
                         width=5.0, out_text_file=None, out_image_file=None, 
                         verbose=False, seed=False):
    Create surrogate (simulated) 2D activation data with spatial noise.

    nbsubj: integer, optionnal
        The number of subjects, ie the number of different maps
    dimx: integer, optionnal
        The x size of the array returned.
    dimy: integer
        The y size of the array returned.
    sk: float, optionnal
        Amount of spatial noise smoothness.
    noise_level: float, optionnal
        Amplitude of the spatial noise.
    pos: 2D ndarray of integers, optionnal
        x, y positions of the various simulated activations.
    ampli: 1D ndarray of floats, optionnal
        Respective amplitude of each activation
    spatial_jitter: float, optionnal
        Random spatial jitter added to the position of each activation,
        in pixel.
    signal_jitter: float, optionnal
        Random amplitude fluctuation for each activation, added to the 
        amplitude specified by ampli
    width: float or ndarray, optionnal
        Width of the activations
    out_text_file: string or None, optionnal
        If not None, the resulting array is saved as a text file with the
        given file name
    out_image_file: string or None, optionnal
        If not None, the resulting is saved as a nifti file with the
        given file name.
    verbose: boolean, optionnal
        If verbose is true, the data for the last subject is plotted as
        a 2D image.
    seed=False:  int, optionnal
        If seed is not False, the random number generator is initialized
        at a certain value

    dataset: 3D ndarray
        The surrogate activation map, with dimensions (nbsubj, dimx, dimy)
    if seed:
        nr = np.random.RandomState([seed])
        import numpy.random as nr
    shape = (dimx, dimy)
    ij = np.transpose(np.where(np.ones(shape)))
    dataset = []

    for s in range(nbsubj):
        # make the signal
        data = np.zeros(shape)
        lpos = pos + spatial_jitter*nr.randn(1, 2)
        lampli = ampli + signal_jitter*nr.randn(np.size(ampli))
        for k in range(np.size(lampli)):
            data = np.maximum(data,
                              _cone(shape, ij, lpos[k], lampli[k], width))
        # make some noise
        noise = nr.randn(dimx,dimy)

        # smooth the noise
        noise = nd.gaussian_filter(noise, sk)
        noise = np.reshape(noise, (-1, 1))

        noise *= noise_level/np.std(noise)

        #make the mixture
        data += np.reshape(noise, shape)


    if verbose:
        import matplotlib.pylab as mp
        mp.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest')

    dataset = np.array(dataset)

    if out_text_file is not None: 

    if out_image_file is not None:
        from import save, Nifti1Image 
        save(Nifti1Image( dataset, np.eye(4)), out_image_file)

    return dataset
Esempio n. 24

# Make Gaussian spline transform instance
spacing = 16
slices = [slice(0,s.stop,s.step*spacing) for s in R._slices]
cp = np.mgrid[slices]
cp = np.rollaxis(cp, 0, 4)

# Start with an affine registration
A0 = Affine()
A = R.optimize(A0)
###A = Affine()

# Save affinely transformed target  
Jt = J.transform(A, reference=I)
save(asNifti1Image(Jt), 'affine_anubis_to_ammon.nii')

# Then add control points...
T0 = SplineTransform(I, cp, sigma=20., grid_coords=True, affine=A)

# Test 1
s = R.eval(T0)
sa = R.eval(T0.affine)
assert_almost_equal(s, sa)

# Test 2
T = SplineTransform(I, cp, sigma=5., grid_coords=True, affine=A)
T.param += 1.
s0 = R.eval(T0)
s = R.eval(T)
Esempio n. 25
label = -np.ones(F.V)
nroi = hroi.NROI_from_field(F, affine, shape, xyz, 0, threshold, smin)
bmap = -np.zeros(F.V)
if nroi!=None:
    idx = nroi.discrete_features['index']
    for k in range(nroi.k):
        label[idx[k]] = k

# saving the blob image,i. e. a label image 
wlabel = -2*np.ones(shape)
wlabel[data!=0] = label
blobPath = os.path.join(swd,"blob.nii")

wim = Nifti1Image(wlabel, affine)
wim.get_header()['descrip'] = 'blob image extracted from %s'%InputImage
save(wim, blobPath)

# --- 2.b take blob labelled "1" as an ROI
roi = DiscreteROI( affine=affine, shape=shape)
roi.from_labelled_image(blobPath, 1)
roiPath2 = os.path.join(swd, "roi_blob_1.nii")

# --- 2.c take the blob closest to 'position as an ROI'
roiPath3 = os.path.join(swd, "blob_closest_to_%d_%d_%d.nii")%\
           (position[0], position[1], position[2])
roi.from_position_and_image(blobPath, np.array(position))

# --- 2.d make a set of ROIs from all the blobs
mroi = MultipleROI( affine=affine, shape=shape)
Esempio n. 26
def Parcellation_based_analysis(Pa, test_images, numbeta, swd="/tmp", 
                                    DMtx=None, verbose=1, method_id=0):
    This function computes parcel averages and RFX at the parcel-level

    Pa Parcellation instance that is updated in this function
    test_images: double list of paths of functional images used 
                 as input to for inference. 
                 Normally these are contrast images.
                 double list is 
                 [number of subjects [number of contrasts]]
    numbeta: list of int of the associated ids
    swd='/tmp': write directory
    DMtx=None: array od shape (nsubj,ncon) 
               a design matrix for second-level analyses 
              (not implemented yet)
    verbose=1: verbosity level
    method_id = 0: an id of the method used.
              This is useful to compare the outcome of different 
              Parcellation+RFX  procedures

    Pa: the updated Parcellation instance
    nsubj = Pa.nb_subj
    mxyz = Pa.ijk.T
    mask = Pa.label>-1
    nbeta = len(numbeta)
    # 1. read the test data
    # fixme: Check that everybody is in the same referential
    Test = []
    for s in range(nsubj):
        beta = []
        lxyz = mxyz[:,mask[:,s]]
        lxyz = np.array(lxyz)

        for b in range(nbeta):
            # the raw contrast images   
            rbeta = load(test_images[s][b])
            temp = rbeta.get_data()
            temp = temp[lxyz[0,:],lxyz[1,:],lxyz[2,:]]
            temp = np.reshape(temp, np.size(temp))
            temp[np.isnan(temp)]=0 ##

        beta = np.array(beta)

    # 2. compute the parcel-based stuff
    # and make inference inference (RFX,...)

    prfx = np.zeros((Pa.k,nbeta))
    vinter = np.zeros(nbeta)
    for b in range(nbeta):
        unitest = [np.reshape(Test[s][:,b],(np.size(Test[s][:,b]),1)) \
                  for s in range(nsubj)]
        cname = 'contrast_%04d'%(numbeta[b])
        Pa.make_feature(unitest, cname)
        prfx[:,b] =  np.reshape(Pa.PRFX(cname,1),Pa.k)
        vinter[b] = Pa.variance_inter(cname)

    vintra = Pa.variance_intra(Test)

    if verbose:
        print 'average intra-parcel variance', vintra
        print 'average intersubject variance', vinter.mean()
    # 3. Write the stuff
    # write RFX images
    ref_dim = rbeta.get_shape()
    affine = rbeta.get_affine()
    tlabs = Pa.group_labels

    # write the prfx images
    for b in range(len(numbeta)):
        RfxImage = os.path.join(swd,"prfx_%s_%d.nii" % (numbeta[b],method_id))
        if ((verbose)&(np.size(prfx)>0)):
            rfx_map = np.zeros(ref_dim)
            rfx_map[Pa.ijk[:,0],Pa.ijk[:,1],Pa.ijk[:,2]] = prfx[tlabs,b]
            wim = Nifti1Image (rfx_map, affine)
            hdr = wim.get_header()
            hdr['descrip'] = 'parcel-based eandom effects image (in z-variate)'
            save(wim, RfxImage)     
    return Pa
Esempio n. 27
# Estimate the contrasts

print 'Computing contrasts...'
for index, contrast_id in enumerate(contrasts):
    print '  Contrast % 2i out of %i: %s' % (index+1, 
                                             len(contrasts), contrast_id)
    lcontrast = my_glm.contrast(contrasts[contrast_id])
    contrast_path = op.join(swd, '%s_z_map.nii'% contrast_id)
    write_array = mask_array.astype(np.float)
    write_array[mask_array] = lcontrast.zscore()
    contrast_image = Nifti1Image(write_array, fmri_image.get_affine() )
    save(contrast_image, contrast_path)
    affine = fmri_image.get_affine()

    vmax = max(-write_array.min(), write_array.max())
    plot_map(write_array, affine, 
    pylab.savefig(op.join(swd, '%s_z_map.png' % contrast_id))
Esempio n. 28
def one_subj_parcellation(MaskImage, betas, nbparcel, nn=6, method='ward', 
                          write_dir=None, mu=10., verbose=0, fullpath=None):
    Parcellation of a one-subject dataset
    Return: a tuple (Parcellation instance, parcellation labels)
    MaskImage: path to the mask-defining_image of the subject
    betas: list of paths to activation images from the subject
    nbparcel, int : number fo desired parcels
    nn=6: number of nearest neighbors  to define the image topology 
          (6, 18 or 26)
    method='ward': clustering method used, to be chosen among
                   'ward', 'gkm', 'ward_and-gkm'
                   'ward': Ward's clustering algorithm
                   'gkm': Geodesic k-means algorithm, random initialization
                   'gkm_and_ward': idem, initialized by Ward's clustering
    write_dir=None: write directory. If fullpath is None too, then no file output.
    mu = 10., float: the relative weight of anatomical information
    verbose=0: verbosity mode
    fullpath=None, string,
                   path of the output image
                   If write_dir and fullpath are None then no file output.
                   If only fullpath is None then it is the write dir + a name 
                   depending on the method.
    Ward's method takes time (about 6 minutes for a 60K voxels dataset)
    Geodesic k-means is 'quick and dirty'
    Ward's + GKM is expensive but quite good
    To reduce CPU time, rather use nn=6 (especially with Ward)    
    import nipy.neurospin.graph as fg
    import nipy.neurospin.graph.field as ff
    if method not in ['ward','gkm','ward_and_gkm','kmeans']:
        raise ValueError, 'unknown method'
    if nn not in [6,18,26]:
        raise ValueError, 'nn should be 6,18 or 26'
    nbeta = len(betas)
    # step 1: load the data ----------------------------
    #1.1 the mask image
    nim = load(MaskImage)
    ref_dim =  nim.get_shape()
    affine = nim.get_affine()
    mask = nim.get_data()
    xyz = np.array(np.where(mask>0)).T
    nvox = xyz.shape[0]

    if method is not 'kmeans':
        # 1.2 get the main cc of the graph 
        # to remove the small connected components
        g = fg.WeightedGraph(nvox)
        aux = np.zeros(g.V).astype('bool')
        imc = g.main_cc()
        aux[imc]= True
        if np.sum(aux)==0:
            raise ValueError, "empty mask. Cannot proceed"
        g = g.subgraph(aux)
        lmask = np.zeros(ref_dim)
        xyz = xyz[aux,:]
        nvox = xyz.shape[0]

    # 1.3 from vox to mm
    xyz2 = np.hstack((xyz,np.ones((nvox,1))))
    coord =, affine.T)[:,:3]

    # 1.4 read the functional data
    beta = []
    for b in range(nbeta):
        rbeta = load(betas[b])
        lbeta = rbeta.get_data()
        lbeta = lbeta[lmask>0]
    beta = np.array(beta).T

    #step 2: parcel the data ---------------------------
    feature = np.hstack((beta, mu*coord/np.std(coord)))
    if method is not 'kmeans':
        g = ff.Field(nvox, g.edges, g.weights, feature)

    if method=='kmeans':
        cent, u, J = kmeans(feature, nbparcel)

    if method=='ward':
        u, J0 = g.ward(nbparcel)

    if method=='gkm':
        seeds = np.argsort(np.random.rand(g.V))[:nbparcel]
        seeds, u, J1 = g.geodesic_kmeans(seeds)

    if method=='ward_and_gkm':
        w,J0 = g.ward(nbparcel)
        seeds, u, J1 = g.geodesic_kmeans(label=w)

    lpa = Parcellation(nbparcel, xyz, np.reshape(u,(nvox,1)))
    if verbose:
        pi = np.reshape(lpa.population(), nbparcel)
        vi = np.sum(lpa.var_feature_intra([beta])[0], 1)
        vf =,vi)/nvox
        va =,np.sum(lpa.var_feature_intra([coord])[0],1))/nvox
        print nbparcel, "functional variance", vf, "anatomical variance",va

    # step3:  write the resulting label image
    Label = -np.ones(ref_dim,'int16')
    Label[lmask>0] = u

    if fullpath is not None:
        LabelImage = fullpath
    elif write_dir is not None:
        if method=='kmeans':
            LabelImage = os.path.join(write_dir,"parcel_kmeans.nii")
        if method=='ward':
            LabelImage = os.path.join(write_dir,"parcel_wards.nii")
        elif method=='gkm':
            LabelImage = os.path.join(write_dir,"parcel_gkmeans.nii")
        elif method=='ward_and_gkm':
            LabelImage = os.path.join(write_dir,"parcel_wgkmeans.nii")
        LabelImage = None
    if LabelImage is not None:
        wim = Nifti1Image(Label, affine)
        hdr = wim.get_header()
        hdr['descrip'] = 'Intra-subject parcellation image'
        save(wim, LabelImage)
        print "Wrote the parcellation images as %s" %LabelImage

    return lpa, Label
Esempio n. 29
print __doc__

import numpy as np
import os
from import load, save, Nifti1Image 
from nipy.neurospin.graph.field import Field
import get_data_light
import tempfile
data_dir = get_data_light.get_it()

# paths
swd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
input_image = os.path.join(data_dir, 'spmT_0029.nii.gz')
mask_image = os.path.join(data_dir, 'mask.nii.gz')

mask = load(mask_image).get_data()>0
ijk = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
nvox = ijk.shape[0]
data = load(input_image).get_data()[mask]
image_field = Field(nvox)
image_field.from_3d_grid(ijk, k=6)
u = image_field.ward(100)

label_image = os.path.join(swd, 'label.nii')
wdata = mask - 1
wdata[mask] = u
save(Nifti1Image(wdata, load(mask_image).get_affine()), label_image)
print "Label image written in %s"  % label_image
Esempio n. 30
### Extract blobs maps as data arrays
blobs_labels = -np.zeros(domain.size)
blobs_means = -np.zeros(domain.size)
if nroi != None:
    nroi.make_feature('activation', glm_data.ravel())
    bfm = nroi.representative_feature('activation')
    for k in range(nroi.k):
        blobs_labels[nroi.label == k] = k
        blobs_means[nroi.label == k] = bfm[k]
# saving the blobs image, i.e. a label image
label_data = np.zeros(mask_data.shape)
label_data[mask_data != 0] = (blobs_labels + 1)
label_image = Nifti1Image(label_data, mask.get_affine())
label_image.get_header()['descrip'] = 'blob image extracted from %s' \
save(label_image, os.path.join(swd,"blob.nii"))
print "Wrote the blobs label image in %s" \
      %os.path.join(swd, "blob.nii")
# saving the image of the average-signal-per-blob
avg_data = np.zeros(mask_data.shape)
avg_data[mask_data != 0] = blobs_means
avg_image = Nifti1Image(avg_data, mask.get_affine())
avg_image.get_header()['descrip'] = 'blob average signal extracted from %s' \
save(avg_image, os.path.join(swd,"bmap.nii"))
print "Wrote the blobs average signal image in %s" \
      %os.path.join(swd, "bmap.nii")

### Extract end-blobs (or leaves) maps as data arrays
leaves_labels = -np.zeros(domain.size)
Esempio n. 31
File: Progetto: cindeem/nipy
def compute_mask_files(input_filename, output_filename=None, 
                        return_mean=False, m=0.2, M=0.9, cc=1):
    Compute a mask file from fMRI nifti file(s)

    Compute and write the mask of an image based on the grey level
    This is based on an heuristic proposed by T.Nichols:
    find the least dense point of the histogram, between fractions
    m and M of the total image histogram.

    In case of failure, it is usually advisable to increase m.
    input_filename : string
        nifti filename (4D) or list of filenames (3D).
    output_filename : string or None, optional
        path to save the output nifti image (if not None).
    return_mean : boolean, optional
        if True, and output_filename is None, return the mean image also, as 
        a 3D array (2nd return argument).
    m : float, optional
        lower fraction of the histogram to be discarded.
    M: float, optional
        upper fraction of the histogram to be discarded.
    cc: boolean, optional
        if cc is True, only the largest connect component is kept.

    mask : 3D boolean array 
        The brain mask
    mean_image : 3d ndarray, optional
        The main of all the images used to estimate the mask. Only
        provided if `return_mean` is True.
    if isinstance(input_filename, basestring):
        # One single filename
        nim, vol_arr = get_unscaled_img(input_filename)
        header = nim.get_header()
        affine = nim.get_affine()
        if vol_arr.ndim == 4:
            if isinstance(vol_arr, np.memmap):
                # Get rid of memmapping: it is faster.
                mean_volume = np.array(vol_arr, copy=True).mean(axis=-1)
                mean_volume = vol_arr.mean(axis=-1)
            # Make a copy, to avoid holding a reference on the full array,
            # and thus polluting the memory.
            first_volume = vol_arr[:,:,:,0].copy()
        elif vol_arr.ndim == 3:
            mean_volume = first_volume = vol_arr
            raise ValueError('Need 4D file for mask')
        del vol_arr
        # List of filenames
        if len(input_filename) == 0:
            raise ValueError('input_filename should be a non-empty '
                'list of file names')
        # We have several images, we do mean on the fly, 
        # to avoid loading all the data in the memory
        # We do not use the unscaled data here?:
        # if the scalefactor is being used to record real
        # differences in intensity over the run this would break
        for index, filename in enumerate(input_filename):
            nim = load(filename)
            if index == 0:
                first_volume = nim.get_data().squeeze()
                mean_volume = first_volume.copy().astype(np.float32)
                header = nim.get_header()
                affine = nim.get_affine()
                mean_volume += nim.get_data().squeeze()
        mean_volume /= float(len(input_filename))
    del nim
    if np.isnan(mean_volume).any():
        tmp = mean_volume.copy()
        tmp[np.isnan(tmp)] = 0
        mean_volume = tmp
    mask = compute_mask(mean_volume, first_volume, m, M, cc)
    if output_filename is not None:
        header['descrip'] = 'mask'
        output_image = nifti1.Nifti1Image(mask.astype(np.uint8), 
        save(output_image, output_filename)
    if not return_mean:
        return mask
        return mask, mean_volume