Esempio n. 1
def winCondition():
    Simple encoding to see if all ship coordinates are hit
    e = Encoding()
    # List to hold conjunctions
    win = []
    # Checks to see if all ship parts are hit, win_con is true if all are hit, false otherwise
    for i in range(1,size + 1):
        for j in range(1,size + 1):
            win.append((s1.position[(i,j)] & player_board.hit_board[(i,j)]))
    e.add_constraint(nnf.And(win).negate() | win_con)
    e.add_constraint(nnf.And(win) | ~win_con)
    return e
Esempio n. 2
    def compile(self, CNF=True) -> "nnf.NNF":
        """Convert constraints into a theory in
        conjunctive normal form, or if specified,
        the simpler negation-normal form.

        CNF : bool
            Default is True. Converts a theory to CNF.

        theory : NNF
            Conjunctive or Negation normal form of constraints.

        if not self.constraints and not self._custom_constraints:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Constraints in {self} are empty."
                " This can happen if no objects from"
                " decorated classes are instantiated,"
                " if no classes/methods are decorated"
                " with @constraint or no function"
                " calls of the form constraint.add_method"
        if not self.propositions.values():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Constraints in {self} are empty."
                " This can happen if no objects from"
                " decorated classes are instantiated."

        theory = []

        # custom constraints
        for constraint in self._custom_constraints:
            clause = constraint.compile()
            self.debug_constraints[constraint] = clause

        # builder constraints
        for constraint in self.constraints:
            clause =
            if CNF:
                clause = clause.to_CNF()
            if clause:
                    self.debug_constraints[constraint] = clause
                except Exception as e:
                    raise (e)
                    f"The {constraint} was not built and"
                    "will not be added to the theory."
        return nnf.And(theory)
Esempio n. 3
 def compile(self):
     if self.typ == "var":
         return self.args[0]
     elif self.typ == "and":
         return nnf.And(map(lambda x: x.compile(), self.args))
     elif self.typ == "or":
         return nnf.Or(map(lambda x: x.compile(), self.args))
     elif self.typ == "not":
         return self.args[0].compile().negate()
     elif self.typ == "imp":
         return self.args[0].compile().negate() | self.args[1].compile()
Esempio n. 4
def startingSquareHelper(ship):
    Helper function that makes sure that the specified ship may only exist on one square. Returns a list of constraints
    specific for each ship which will be added as a constraint of disjunctions in the main starting square function.
    # empty list to be populated to become list of a list of conjuncts
    conjunct_list = []
    # the returned list of list of conjuncts
    constraint_list = []
    for i in range(1,size + 1):
        for j in range(1,size + 1):
            # For each square, creates conjunction between the square and the ~squares of the rest of the grid to make
            # sure that there exists a square that the ship may reside on, and it may only reside on that one square
            for k in range(1,size + 1):
                for l in range(1,size + 1):
                    if k == i and l == j:
            conjunct_list = []
    return constraint_list
Esempio n. 5
 def And(self, children: t.Iterable[T_NNF] = ()) -> nnf.And[T_NNF]:
     ret = nnf.And(children)
     return self.stored.setdefault(ret, ret)  # type: ignore
Esempio n. 6
def test_to_model(model: dict):
    sentence = nnf.And(nnf.Var(k, v) for k, v in model.items())
    assert sentence.to_model() == model