Esempio n. 1
def fix(x):

    Rounds towards zero.
    x_rounded = fix(x) rounds the elements of x to the nearest integers
    towards zero.
    For negative numbers is equivalent to ceil and for positive to floor.
    dim = numerix.shape(x)
    if numerix.mlab.rank(x)==2:
        y = reshape(x,(1,dim[0]*dim[1]))[0]
        y = y.tolist()
    elif numerix.mlab.rank(x)==1:
        y = x
        y = [x]
    for i in range(len(y)):
	if y[i]>0:
		y[i] = floor(y[i])
		y[i] = ceil(y[i])
    if numerix.mlab.rank(x)==2:
        x = reshape(y,dim)
    elif numerix.mlab.rank(x)==0:
        x = y[0]
    return x
Esempio n. 2
def fix(x):

    Rounds towards zero.
    x_rounded = fix(x) rounds the elements of x to the nearest integers
    towards zero.
    For negative numbers is equivalent to ceil and for positive to floor.
    dim = numerix.shape(x)
    if numerix.mlab.rank(x)==2:
        y = reshape(x,(1,dim[0]*dim[1]))[0]
        y = y.tolist()
    elif numerix.mlab.rank(x)==1:
        y = x
        y = [x]
    for i in range(len(y)):
	if y[i]>0:
		y[i] = floor(y[i])
		y[i] = ceil(y[i])
    if numerix.mlab.rank(x)==2:
        x = reshape(y,dim)
    elif numerix.mlab.rank(x)==0:
        x = y[0]
    return x
Esempio n. 3
def polyval(p,x):
    y = polyval(p,x)

    p is a vector of polynomial coeffients and y is the polynomial
    evaluated at x.

    Example code to remove a polynomial (quadratic) trend from y:

      p = polyfit(x, y, 2)
      trend = polyval(p, x)
      resid = y - trend

    See also polyfit
    x = asarray(x)+0.
    p = reshape(p, (len(p),1))
    X = vander(x,len(p))
    y =  matrixmultiply(X,p)
    return reshape(y, x.shape)
Esempio n. 4
def polyval(p, x):
    y = polyval(p,x)

    p is a vector of polynomial coeffients and y is the polynomial
    evaluated at x.

    Example code to remove a polynomial (quadratic) trend from y:

      p = polyfit(x, y, 2)
      trend = polyval(p, x)
      resid = y - trend

    See also polyfit
    x = asarray(x) + 0.
    p = reshape(p, (len(p), 1))
    X = vander(x, len(p))
    y = matrixmultiply(X, p)
    return reshape(y, x.shape)
Esempio n. 5
    def locate_label(self, linecontour, labelwidth):
        """find a good place to plot a label (relatively flat
        part of the contour) and the angle of rotation for the
        text object

        nsize= len(linecontour)
        if labelwidth > 1:
            xsize = int(ceil(nsize/labelwidth))
            xsize = 1
        if xsize == 1:
            ysize = nsize
            ysize = labelwidth

        XX = resize(array(linecontour)[:,0],(xsize, ysize))
        YY = resize(array(linecontour)[:,1],(xsize,ysize))

        yfirst = YY[:,0]
        ylast = YY[:,-1]
        xfirst = XX[:,0]
        xlast = XX[:,-1]
        s = (reshape(yfirst, (xsize,1))-YY)*(reshape(xlast,(xsize,1))-reshape(xfirst,(xsize,1)))-(reshape(xfirst,(xsize,1))-XX)*(reshape(ylast,(xsize,1))-reshape(yfirst,(xsize,1)))
        dist = add.reduce(([(abs(s)[i]/L[i]) for i in range(xsize)]),-1)
        x,y,ind = self.get_label_coords(dist, XX, YY, ysize, labelwidth)
        angle = arctan2(ylast - yfirst, xlast - xfirst)
        rotation = angle[ind]*180/pi
        if rotation > 90:
            rotation = rotation -180
        if rotation < -90:
            rotation = 180 + rotation

        dind = list(linecontour).index((x,y))

        return x,y, rotation, dind
Esempio n. 6
def polyfit(x,y,N):

    Do a best fit polynomial of order N of y to x.  Return value is a
    vector of polynomial coefficients [pk ... p1 p0].  Eg, for N=2

      p2*x0^2 +  p1*x0 + p0 = y1
      p2*x1^2 +  p1*x1 + p0 = y1
      p2*x2^2 +  p1*x2 + p0 = y2
      p2*xk^2 +  p1*xk + p0 = yk
    Method: if X is a the Vandermonde Matrix computed from x (see, then the
    polynomial least squares solution is given by the 'p' in

      X*p = y

    where X is a len(x) x N+1 matrix, p is a N+1 length vector, and y
    is a len(x) x 1 vector

    This equation can be solved as

      p = (XT*X)^-1 * XT * y

    where XT is the transpose of X and -1 denotes the inverse.

    For more info, see,
    but note that the k's and n's in the superscripts and subscripts
    on that page.  The linear algebra is correct, however.

    See also polyval


    x = asarray(x)+0.
    y = asarray(y)+0.
    y = reshape(y, (len(y),1))
    X = Matrix(vander(x, N+1))
    Xt = Matrix(transpose(X))
    c = array(linear_algebra.inverse(Xt*X)*Xt*y)  # convert back to array
    c.shape = (N+1,)
    return c
Esempio n. 7
def polyfit(x, y, N):

    Do a best fit polynomial of order N of y to x.  Return value is a
    vector of polynomial coefficients [pk ... p1 p0].  Eg, for N=2

      p2*x0^2 +  p1*x0 + p0 = y1
      p2*x1^2 +  p1*x1 + p0 = y1
      p2*x2^2 +  p1*x2 + p0 = y2
      p2*xk^2 +  p1*xk + p0 = yk
    Method: if X is a the Vandermonde Matrix computed from x (see, then the
    polynomial least squares solution is given by the 'p' in

      X*p = y

    where X is a len(x) x N+1 matrix, p is a N+1 length vector, and y
    is a len(x) x 1 vector

    This equation can be solved as

      p = (XT*X)^-1 * XT * y

    where XT is the transpose of X and -1 denotes the inverse.

    For more info, see,
    but note that the k's and n's in the superscripts and subscripts
    on that page.  The linear algebra is correct, however.

    See also polyval


    x = asarray(x) + 0.
    y = asarray(y) + 0.
    y = reshape(y, (len(y), 1))
    X = Matrix(vander(x, N + 1))
    Xt = Matrix(transpose(X))
    c = array(linear_algebra.inverse(Xt * X) * Xt * y)  # convert back to array
    c.shape = (N + 1, )
    return c