Esempio n. 1
    def test_aligned_stream(self):
        Test the AlignedSEMStream
        # Use fake ccd in order to have just one spot
        ccd = mock.FakeCCD(self.fake_img)

        # first try using the metadata correction
        st = stream.AlignedSEMStream("sem-md", self.sed,, self.ebeam,
                                     ccd, self.stage, self.focus, shiftebeam=stream.MTD_MD_UPD)

        # we don't really care about the SEM image, so the faster the better
        self.ebeam.dwellTime.value = self.ebeam.dwellTime.range[0]

        # start one image acquisition (so it should do the calibration)
        f = acq.acquire([st])
        received, _ = f.result()
        self.assertTrue(received, "No image received after 30 s")

        # Check the correction metadata is there
        md = self.sed.getMetadata()
        self.assertIn(model.MD_POS_COR, md)

        # Check the position of the image is correct
        pos_cor = md[model.MD_POS_COR]
        pos_dict = self.stage.position.value
        pos = (pos_dict["x"], pos_dict["y"])
        exp_pos = tuple(p - c for p, c in zip(pos, pos_cor))
        imd = received[0].metadata
        self.assertEqual(exp_pos, imd[model.MD_POS])

        # Check the calibration doesn't happen again on a second acquisition
        bad_cor = (-1, -1) # stupid impossible value
        self.sed.updateMetadata({model.MD_POS_COR: bad_cor})
        f = acq.acquire([st])
        received, _ = f.result()
        self.assertTrue(received, "No image received after 10 s")

        # if calibration has happened (=bad), it has changed the metadata
        md = self.sed.getMetadata()
        self.assertEqual(bad_cor, md[model.MD_POS_COR],
                            "metadata has been updated while it shouldn't have")

        # Check calibration happens again after a stage move
        f = self.stage.moveRel({"x": 100e-6})
        f.result() # make sure the move is over
        time.sleep(0.1) # make sure the stream had time to detect position has changed

        f = acq.acquire([st])
        received, _ = f.result()
        self.assertTrue(received, "No image received after 30 s")

        # if calibration has happened (=good), it has changed the metadata
        md = self.sed.getMetadata()
        self.assertNotEqual(bad_cor, md[model.MD_POS_COR],
                            "metadata hasn't been updated while it should have")

Esempio n. 2
 def addSEMBSD(self, **kwargs):
     Creates a new backscattered electron stream and panel in the stream bar
     returns (StreamPanel): the panel created
     if self._main_data_model.role == "delphi":
         # For the Delphi, the SEM stream needs to be more "clever" because
         # it needs to run a simple spot alignment every time the stage has
         # moved before starting to acquire.
         s = acqstream.AlignedSEMStream("Backscattered electrons",
                                        shiftebeam="Ebeam shift")
         # Select between "Metadata update" and "Stage move"
         # TODO: use shiftebeam once the phenom driver supports it
         s = acqstream.SEMStream("Backscattered electrons",
     return self._addStream(s, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_aligned_stream(self):
        Test the AlignedSEMStream
        # Use fake ccd in order to have just one spot
        ccd = self.FakeCCD(self, self.align)

        # first try using the metadata correction
        st = stream.AlignedSEMStream("sem-md", self.sed,, self.ebeam,
                                     ccd, self.stage, shiftebeam=False)

        # we don't really care about the SEM image, so the faster the better
        self.ebeam.dwellTime.value = self.ebeam.dwellTime.range[0]

        # start one image acquisition (so it should do the calibration)
        self.image_received = threading.Event()
        st.should_update.value = True
        st.is_active.value = True

        # wait until the image is acquired, which can be a bit long if the
        # calibration is difficult => 30s
        received = self.image_received.wait(30)
        st.is_active.value = False
        self.assertTrue(received, "No image received after 30 s")

        # Check the correction metadata is there
        md = self.sed.getMetadata()
        self.assertIn(model.MD_POS_COR, md)
        md = st.raw[0].metadata
        self.assertIn(model.MD_POS_COR, md)

        # Check the position of the image is correct
        pos_cor = md[model.MD_POS_COR]
        pos_dict = self.stage.position.value
        pos = (pos_dict["x"], pos_dict["y"])
        exp_pos = tuple(p - c for p, c in zip(pos, pos_cor))
        imd = st.image.value.metadata
        self.assertEqual(exp_pos, imd[model.MD_POS])

        # Check the calibration doesn't happen again on a second acquisition
        bad_cor = (-1, -1) # stupid impossible value
        self.sed.updateMetadata({model.MD_POS_COR: bad_cor})
        st.is_active.value = True

        # wait until the image is acquired
        received = self.image_received.wait(10)
        st.is_active.value = False
        self.assertTrue(received, "No image received after 10 s")

        # if calibration has happened (=bad), it has changed the metadata
        md = self.sed.getMetadata()
        self.assertEqual(bad_cor, md[model.MD_POS_COR],
                            "metadata has been updated while it shouldn't have")

        # Check calibration happens again after a stage move
        f = self.stage.moveRel({"x": 100e-6})
        f.result() # make sure the move is over

        st.is_active.value = True

        # wait until the image is acquired
        received = self.image_received.wait(30)
        st.is_active.value = False
        self.assertTrue(received, "No image received after 30 s")

        # if calibration has happened (=good), it has changed the metadata
        md = self.sed.getMetadata()
        self.assertNotEqual(bad_cor, md[model.MD_POS_COR],
                            "metadata hasn't been updated while it should have")