Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, name, role, axes, ranges=None, **kwargs):
        axes (set of string): names of the axes
        ranges (dict string -> float,float): min/max of the axis
        assert len(axes) > 0
        if ranges is None:
            ranges = {}

        axes_def = {}
        self._position = {}
        init_speed = {}
        for a in axes:
            rng = ranges.get(a, (-0.1, 0.1))
            axes_def[a] = model.Axis(unit="m", range=rng, speed=(0., 10.))
            # start at the centre
            self._position[a] = (rng[0] + rng[1]) / 2
            init_speed[a] = 1.0  # we are fast!

        model.Actuator.__init__(self, name, role, axes=axes_def, **kwargs)

        # Special file "" => will cause simulation of hardware error
        if os.path.exists(""):
            raise HwError(" file present, simulating error")

        self._executor = model.CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

        # RO, as to modify it the client must use .moveRel() or .moveAbs()
        self.position = model.VigilantAttribute({}, unit="m", readonly=True)

        self.speed = model.MultiSpeedVA(init_speed, (0., 10.), "m/s")
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self):
     # will take care of executing peak fitting asynchronously
     # Maximum one task at a time as curve_fit() is not thread-safe
     self._executor = model.CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
Esempio n. 3
import time
from concurrent.futures import CancelledError

import numpy

from odemis import model, util
from odemis.acq import stitching
from odemis.acq.stitching import REGISTER_IDENTITY
from import SEMStream
from odemis.util import TimeoutError

SINGLE_BEAM_ROTATION_DEFAULT = 0  # 0 is typically a good guess (better than multibeam rotation of ~0.0157 rad)

# The executor is a single object, independent of how many times the module ( is loaded.
_executor = model.CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

class FastEMROA(object):
    Representation of a FastEM ROA (region of acquisition).
    The region of acquisition is a megafield image, which consists of a sequence of single field images. Each single
    field image itself consists of cell images. The number of cell images is defined by the shape of the multiprobe
    and detector.
    def __init__(self, name, coordinates, roc, asm, multibeam, descanner,
        :param name: (str) Name of the region of acquisition (ROA). It is the name of the megafield (id) as stored on
                     the external storage.
        :param coordinates: (float, float, float, float) left, top, right, bottom, Bounding box
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, name, role, vas=None, axes=None, **kwargs):
        Only VA's specified in vas are created. Their type is determined based on the supplied initial value, and the
        presence of range or choices in.
        Both the presence of VA's and the presence of axes are optional.

        vas (dict (string -> dict (string -> any))): This dict maps desired VA names to a dict with VA properties. The
        VA property dict can contain the following keys:
            "value" (any): initial values of the VA
            "readonly" (bool): optional, True for read only VA, defaults to False
            "unit" (str or None): optional, the unit of the VA, defaults to None
            "range" (float, float): optional, min/max of the VA. Incompatible with "choices".
            "choices" (list, set or dict): optional, possible values available to the VA.
               Incompatible with "range".
        axes (dict (string -> dict (string -> any))): dict mapping desired axis names to dicts with axis properties. The
        axis property dict can contain the following keys:
            "unit" (str): optional, unit of the axis, defaults to "m"
            "range" (float, float): optional, min/max of the axis, defaults to (-0.1, 0.1)
            "choices" (dict): optional, alternative to ranges, these are the choices of the axis
            "speed" (float, float): optional, allowable range of speeds, defaults to (0., 10.)

        # Create desired VA's
        if vas:
            for vaname, vaprop in vas.items():
                # Guess an appropriate VA type based on the initial value and the presence of range or choices
                    value = vaprop["value"]
                except AttributeError:
                    # TODO: support "short-cut" by using a choice or range
                    raise AttributeError(
                        f"VA {vaname}, does not have a 'value' key.")

                if "choices" in vaprop:
                    if "range" in vaprop:
                        raise ValueError(
                            f"VA {vaname}, has both a range and choice, only one is possible."
                    # Always keep it simple as "VAEnumerated", it fits any type.
                    vaclass = model.VAEnumerated
                    # The "choices" argument can be either a dict or a set.
                    # However, YAML, doesn't supports set. So we accept list,
                    # and convert to a set.
                    if isinstance(vaprop["choices"], list):
                        vaprop["choices"] = set(vaprop["choices"])
                elif isinstance(value, str):
                    if "range" in vaprop:
                        raise ValueError("String doesn't support range")
                    vaclass = model.StringVA
                elif isinstance(value, bool):
                    if "range" in vaprop:
                        raise ValueError("Boolean doesn't support range")
                    vaclass = model.BooleanVA
                elif isinstance(value, float):
                    if "range" in vaprop:
                        vaclass = model.FloatContinuous
                        vaclass = model.FloatVA
                elif isinstance(value, int):
                    if "range" in vaprop:
                        vaclass = model.IntContinuous
                        vaclass = model.IntVA
                elif isinstance(value, Iterable):
                    # It's a little tricky because YAML only supports lists.
                    # So we guess a ListVA for the basic type (which is the most full-feature),
                    # and if there is a range, use TupleContinuous, as List doesn't
                    # support a range.
                    if "range" in vaprop:
                        vaclass = model.TupleContinuous
                        vaclass = model.ListVA
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"VA {vaname}, has unsupported value type {value.__class__.__name__}."

                va = vaclass(**vaprop)
                setattr(self, vaname, va)

        # Create desired axes
        axes_def = {}
        if axes:
            self._position = {}
            init_speed = {}
            for axisname, axisprop in axes.items():
                init_speed[axisname] = 1.0  # we are fast!
                if "range" not in axisprop and "choices" not in axisprop:  # if no range nor choices are defined
                    axisprop["range"] = (-0.1, 0.1)  # use the default range
                if "speed" not in axisprop:
                    axisprop["speed"] = (0., 10.)  # default speed
                axes_def[axisname] = model.Axis(**axisprop)
                if "range" in axisprop:
                    self._position[axisname] = (
                        axisprop["range"][0] +
                        axisprop["range"][1]) / 2  # start at the centre
                    self._position[axisname] = next(iter(
                        axisprop["choices"]))  # start at an arbitrary value

            self._executor = model.CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

            # RO, as to modify it the client must use .moveRel() or .moveAbs()
            self.position = model.VigilantAttribute({},

            self.speed = model.MultiSpeedVA(init_speed, (0., 10.), "m/s")

        model.Actuator.__init__(self, name, role, axes=axes_def, **kwargs)

        if hasattr(self, "position"):