Esempio n. 1
def visitInterface(node):
    if node.local():
        # No POA class for local interfaces

    iname = id.mapID(node.identifier())
    environment = id.lookup(node)
    scopedName = id.Name(node.scopedName())
    impl_scopedName = scopedName.prefix("_impl_")
    scopedID = scopedName.fullyQualify()
    impl_scopedID = impl_scopedName.fullyQualify()

    POA_name = POA_prefix() + iname

    # deal with inheritance
    inherits = []
    for i in map(ast.remove_ast_typedefs, node.inherits()):
        name = id.Name(i.scopedName())
        i_POA_name = name.unambiguous(environment)

        if name.relName(environment) == None:
            # we need to fully qualify from the root
            i_POA_name = "::POA_" + name.fullyQualify(environment)

        elif name.relName(environment) == i.scopedName():
            # fully qualified (but not from root) POA name has a POA_ on the
            # front
            i_POA_name = "POA_" + i_POA_name

        inherits.append("public virtual " + i_POA_name)

    # Note that RefCountServantBase is a mixin class specified by the
    # implementor, not generated by the idl compiler.
    if node.inherits() == []:
        inherits.append("public virtual ::PortableServer::ServantBase")

    inherits_str = ",\n  ".join(inherits)

    # build the normal POA class first

    if config.state['Normal Tie']:
        # Normal tie templates, inline (so already in relevant POA_
        # module)
        poa_name = ""
        if len(scopedName.fullName()) == 1:
            poa_name = "POA_"
        poa_name = poa_name + scopedName.simple()
        tie_name = poa_name + "_tie"

        tie.write_template(tie_name, poa_name, node, stream)

Esempio n. 2
def visitInterface(node):
    if node.local():
        # No POA class for local interfaces

    iname = id.mapID(node.identifier())
    environment = id.lookup(node)
    scopedName = id.Name(node.scopedName())
    impl_scopedName = scopedName.prefix("_impl_")
    scopedID = scopedName.fullyQualify()
    impl_scopedID = impl_scopedName.fullyQualify()

    POA_name = POA_prefix() + iname

    # deal with inheritance
    inherits = []
    for i in map(ast.remove_ast_typedefs, node.inherits()):
        name = id.Name(i.scopedName())
        i_POA_name = name.unambiguous(environment)

        if name.relName(environment) == None:
            # we need to fully qualify from the root
            i_POA_name = "::POA_" + name.fullyQualify(environment)
        elif name.relName(environment) == i.scopedName():
            # fully qualified (but not from root) POA name has a POA_ on the
            # front
            i_POA_name = "POA_" + i_POA_name
        inherits.append("public virtual " + i_POA_name)

    # Note that RefCountServantBase is a mixin class specified by the
    # implementor, not generated by the idl compiler.
    if node.inherits() == []:
        inherits.append("public virtual ::PortableServer::ServantBase")

    inherits_str = ",\n  ".join(inherits)

    # build the normal POA class first
               POA_name = POA_name,
               scopedID = scopedID,
               impl_scopedID = impl_scopedID,
               inherits = inherits_str)

    if config.state['Normal Tie']:
        # Normal tie templates, inline (so already in relevant POA_
        # module)
        poa_name = ""
        if len(scopedName.fullName()) == 1:
            poa_name = "POA_"
        poa_name = poa_name + scopedName.simple()
        tie_name = poa_name + "_tie"

        tie.write_template(tie_name, poa_name, node, stream)
