Esempio n. 1
def gradation_make_morphophonemes(wordmap):
    '''mark up gradating stop for morphophonological handling'''
    if not wordmap['kotus_tn']:
        return wordmap
    tn = wordmap['kotus_tn']
    av = wordmap['kotus_av']
    if not wordmap['kotus_av']:
        return wordmap
    if tn in range(1, 28) or tn in range(29, 32) or tn in range(52, 66) or tn == 76 or tn in [1009, 1010]:
        # strong root stem
        if av == 'A':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'k', '{k~~}')
        elif av == 'B':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'p', '{p~~}')
        elif av == 'C':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 't', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'D':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'k', '{k~~}')
        elif av == 'E':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'p', '{p~~}')
        elif av == 'F':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 't', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'G':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'k', '{k~~}')
        elif av == 'H':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'p', '{p~~}')
        elif av == 'I':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 't', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'J':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 't', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'K':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 't', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'L':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'k', '{k~~}')
        elif av == 'M':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'k', '{k~~}')
        elif av == 'O':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'g', '{g~~}')
        elif av == 'P':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'b', '{b~~}')
        elif av == 'N':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'd', '{d~~}')
            print("unhandled gradation in", wordmap, file=stderr)
            return None
        return wordmap
    elif tn == 28:
        # gah gradation in stemparts
        return wordmap
    elif tn == 1007:
        # not gradation
        return wordmap
        # weak root stem
        if av == 'A':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'k', 'k{k~~}')
        elif av == 'B':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'p', 'p{p~~}')
        elif av == 'C' and tn in range(72, 76):
            # TVtA verbs
            wordmap['gradestem'] = wordmap['gradestem'][:wordmap['gradestem'].rfind('t')- 2 ] + 't{t~~}' + wordmap['gradestem'][wordmap['gradestem'].rfind('t')-1:]
        elif av == 'C':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 't', 't{t~~}')
        elif av == 'D':
            # danger ahead! (it appears from middle of nowhere)
            if tn == 32:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'e', '{k~~}e')
            elif tn == 33:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'i', '{k~~}i')
            elif tn == 41:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmosts(wordmap['gradestem'], ['as', 'es', 'is', '{aä}s'], ['{k~~}as', '{k~0}es', '{k~0}is', '{k~~}{aä}s'])
            elif tn == 43:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmosts(wordmap['gradestem'], ['ut', 'yt'], ['{k~~}ut', '{k~~}yt'])
            elif tn == 44:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'e', '{k~~}e')
            elif tn == 48:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'e', '{k~~}e')
            elif tn == 49:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'en', '{k~~}en')
            elif tn == 67:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'ell', '{k~~}ell')
            elif tn == 72:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmosts(wordmap['gradestem'], ['at', 'et', 'ot'], ['{k~~}at', '{k~~}et', '{k~0}ot'])
            elif tn == 73:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmosts(wordmap['gradestem'], ['ata', 'ätä'], ['{k~~}ata', '{k~0}ätä'])
            elif tn == 74:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmosts(wordmap['gradestem'], ['ota', 'eta', 'ötä', 'etä'], ['{k~~}ota', '{k~0}eta', '{k~0}ötä', '{k~0}etä'])
            elif tn == 75:
                wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmosts(wordmap['gradestem'], ['ita', 'itä'], ['{k~~}ita', '{k~0}itä'])
            elif tn == 99:
                print("Unhandled D weak", wordmap['gradestem'], tn, file=stderr)
        elif av == 'E':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'v', '{p~~}')
        elif av == 'F':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'd', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'G':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'g', '{k~~}')
        elif av == 'H':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'm', '{p~~}')
        elif av == 'I' and tn != 67:
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'l', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'I' and tn == 67:
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'lell', '{t~~}ell')
        elif av == 'J' and tn != 33:
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'n', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'J' and tn == 33:
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'nin', '{t~~}in')
        elif av == 'K':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'r', '{t~~}')
        elif av == 'L':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'j', '{k~~}')
        elif av == 'N':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'd', 'd{d~~}')
        elif av == 'O':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'g', 'g{g~~}')
        elif av == 'P':
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'b', 'b{b~~}')
        elif av == 'T' and tn == 49:
            wordmap['gradestem'] = replace_rightmost(wordmap['gradestem'], 'e', '{t~~}e')
            print("unhandled gradation in", wordmap, file=stderr)
            return None
        return wordmap
    return None
Esempio n. 2
def plurale_tantum_get_singular_stem(wordmap):
    """Guess inflectional singulars for words whose dictionary form is plural.
    if not wordmap["kotus_tn"]:
        return wordmap
    tn = int(wordmap["kotus_tn"])
    av = wordmap["kotus_av"]
    if not wordmap["plurale_tantum"] == "obligatory":
        return wordmap
    if wordmap["kotus_av"] and tn not in [27, 28, 34]:
        if tn in [7, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30]:
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "e", "i")
        # ^^ generic extra tweak
        if (tn in range(1, 7) or tn in range(8, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "A":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "k", "kk")
        elif (tn in range(1, 7) or tn in range(8, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "B":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "p", "pp")
        elif (tn in range(1, 7) or tn in range(8, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "C":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "t", "tt")
        elif tn == 1 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "D":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmosts(wordmap["stub"], ["ut", "yt", "öt", "ot"], ["ku", "ky", "kö", "ko"])
        elif tn in [5, 7] and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "D":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "it", "ki")
        elif tn in [9, 10] and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "D":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmosts(wordmap["stub"], ["at", "ät"], ["ka", "kä"])
        elif tn == 1007:
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "jet", "i")
        elif tn in [1009, 1010] and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "D":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "jat", "ika")
        elif tn == 32 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "C":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "et", ""), "tt", "t")
        elif tn == 32 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "D":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "et", ""), "k", "")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "E":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "v", "p")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "F":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "d", "t")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "G":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "g", "k")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "H":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "mm", "mp")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "I":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "ll", "lt")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "J":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "nn", "nt")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "K":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "rr", "rt")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "L":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "j", "k")
        elif (tn in range(1, 16) or tn in range(17, 22)) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "M":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "v", "k")
        elif (tn in [23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30]) and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "G":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", ""), "g", "k")
        elif tn == 16 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "H":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "pi"
        elif tn == 28 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "J":
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "nnet", "nsi")
        elif tn == 33 and wordmap["kotus_av"] in ["A", "B", "C", "D"]:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "in"
        elif tn == 33 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "E":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "vin"
        elif tn == 33 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "F":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "din"
        elif tn == 33 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "G":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "gin"
        elif tn == 33 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "H":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "min"
        elif tn == 33 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "I":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "lin"
        elif tn == 33 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "J":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "nin"
        elif tn == 33 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "K":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "rin"
        elif tn == 41 and wordmap["kotus_av"] in ["A", "B", "C", "D"]:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "as"
        elif tn == 41 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "E":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "vas"
        elif tn == 41 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "F":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "das"
        elif tn == 41 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "G":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "gas"
        elif tn == 41 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "H":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "mas"
        elif tn == 41 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "I":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "las"
        elif tn == 41 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "J":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "nas"
        elif tn == 41 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "K":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "ras"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] in ["A", "B", "C", "D"]:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "e"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "E":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "ve"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "F":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "de"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "G":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "ge"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "H":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "me"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "I":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "le"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "J":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "ne"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "K":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "re"
        elif tn == 48 and wordmap["kotus_av"] == "L":
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "je"
            print("Unhandled plt in ", wordmap, file=stderr)
            return None
        if tn in range(1, 7) or tn in range(8, 16) or tn in range(17, 22):
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "t", "")
        elif tn in [7, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30]:
            wordmap["stub"] = replace_rightmost(wordmap["stub"], "et", "i")
        elif tn == 16:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "pi"
        elif tn == 16:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-2]
        elif tn in [27, 28]:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "si"
            wordmap["kotus_av"] = False
        elif tn == 31:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "ksi"
        elif tn == 32:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-2]
        elif tn == 33:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "n"
        elif tn == 34:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "{oö}n"
        elif tn == 35:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-5] + "min"
        elif tn == 36 or tn == 37:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "n"
        elif tn == 38:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "nen"
        elif tn == 39:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-4] + "s"
        elif tn == 40:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "s"
        elif tn == 41:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-2] + "s"
        elif tn == 42:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "s"
        elif tn == 43:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-2] + "t"
        elif tn == 47:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "{uy}t"
        elif tn == 48:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3] + "e"
        elif tn == 49:
            wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"][:-3]
            print("Unhandled plurale tantum in", wordmap, file=stderr)
            return None

    if wordmap["harmony"] == "front":
        wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"].replace("{uy}", "y")
        wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"].replace("{oö}", "ö")
    elif wordmap["harmony"] == "back":
        wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"].replace("{uy}", "u")
        wordmap["stub"] = wordmap["stub"].replace("{oö}", "o")

    wordmap["gradestem"] = wordmap["stub"]
    return wordmap