Esempio n. 1
def minimize(thermodynamic_state: states.ThermodynamicState,
             sampler_state: states.SamplerState,
             max_iterations: int = 100) -> states.SamplerState:
    Minimize the given system and state, up to a maximum number of steps.
    This does not return a copy of the samplerstate; it is an update-in-place.

    thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
        The state at which the system could be minimized
    sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
        The starting state at which to minimize the system.
    max_iterations : int, optional, default 100
        The maximum number of minimization steps. Default is 100.

    sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
        The posititions and accompanying state following minimization
    if type(cache.global_context_cache) == cache.DummyContextCache:
        integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(
            1.0)  #we won't take any steps, so use a simple integrator
        context, integrator = cache.global_context_cache.get_context(
            thermodynamic_state, integrator)
        _logger.debug(f"using dummy context cache")
        _logger.debug(f"using global context cache")
        context, integrator = cache.global_context_cache.get_context(
    sampler_state.apply_to_context(context, ignore_velocities=True)
    openmm.LocalEnergyMinimizer.minimize(context, maxIterations=max_iterations)
Esempio n. 2
class Propagator(OMMBIP):
    Propagator pseudocode:
    Step 1: initialization--
        set iteration = 0, n_iterations = n_iterations, lambda  = 0 (i.e. iteration / n_iterations); work_accumulated = 0.0
        generate sample x_0 ~ e^(-p(x))
        evaluate work_incremental = 0 (i.e. u_mm(x_0) - g(x_0), but we presume that g = u_mm(.))
        work_accumulated <- work_accumulated + work_incremental
        x' = x_0
    Step 2: sampling
        for increment in range(n_iterations):
            x = x'
            ante_perturbation_potential =  (1 - lambda) * u_mm(x) + lambda * u_ani_mm_mix(x)
            set iteration <- iteration + 1.0; lambda <- iteration / n_iterations
            evaluate work_incremental = [(1 - lambda) * u_mm(x) + lambda * u_ani_mm_mix(x)] - ante_perturbation_potential
            work_accumulated <- work_accumulated + work_incremental
            create a modified force: modified_f = (1 - lambda) * f_mm + lambda * f_ani_mm_mix (where f_. = -grad(u_.) )
            x' =  V R O R (where V deterministic update is according to modified_f defined above) w.r.t x

    NOTE: in this regime, the last x' is propagated w.r.t. a propagator whose invariant distribution respects u_ani_mm_mix;
    this should _not_ be the case.  There should be an exception in the Step 2 for loop that breaks once the final work_incremental is computed and updated
    to the work_accumulated. Regardless, the distribution of accumulated works is unaffected by this 'bug'; only expectations (as a function of x) w.r.t. these
    weights may be affected.

    See: 3.1.1. of (esp. Remark 1.)

    def __init__(self,
                 write_trajectory_interval = 1,
            openmm_pdf_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
                the pdf state of the propagator
            openmm_pdf_state_subset : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
                the pdf state of the atom subset
            subset_indices_map : dict
                dict of {openmm_pdf_state atom_index : openmm_pdf_state_subset atom index}
            integrator : openmm.Integrator
                integrator of dynamics
            ani_handler : ANI1_force_and_energy
                handler for ani forces and potential energy
            context_cache : openmmtools.cache.ContextCache, optional default:None
                The ContextCache to use for Context creation. If None, the global cache
                openmmtools.cache.global_context_cache is used.
            reassign_velocities : bool, optional default:False
                If True, the velocities will be reassigned from the Maxwell-Boltzmann
                distribution at the beginning of the move.
            n_restart_attempts : int, optional default:0
                When greater than 0, if after the integration there are NaNs in energies,
                the move will restart. When the integrator has a random component, this
                may help recovering. On the last attempt, the ``Context`` is
                re-initialized in a slower process, but better than the simulation
                crashing. An IntegratorMoveError is raised after the given number of
                attempts if there are still NaNs.
            reporter : coddiwomple.openmm.reporter.OpenMMReporter, default None
                a reporter object to write trajectories
            write_trajectory_interval : int
                frequency of writing trajectory
        #create a pdf state for the subset indices (usually a vacuum system)
        self.pdf_state_subset = openmm_pdf_state_subset
        assert self.pdf_state_subset.temperature == self.pdf_state.temperature, f"the temperatures of the pdf states do not match"

        #create a dictionary for subset indices
        self._subset_indices_map = subset_indices_map

        #create an ani handler attribute that can be referenced
        self.ani_handler = ani_handler

        #create a context for the subset atoms that can be referenced
        self.context_subset, _ = cache.global_context_cache.get_context(self.pdf_state_subset)

        #create a reporter for the accumulated works
        self._state_works = {}
        self._state_works_counter = 0

        #create a reporter
        self._write_trajectory = False if reporter is None else True
        if self._write_trajectory:
            from coddiwomple.particles import Particle
            self.particle = Particle(0)
            self.particle = None

    def _initialize_state_works(self):
        initialize an empty list and add 0.0 to it (state works)
        self._current_state_works = [] #define an interim (auxiliary) list that will track the thermodynamic work of the current application
        self._current_state_works.append(0.0) #the first incremental work is always 0 since the importance function is identical to the first target distribution (i.e. fully interacting MM)

    def _initialize_iterations(self, n_iterations):
        initialize the iteration counter
        self._iteration = 0.0 #define the first iteration as 0
        self._n_iterations = n_iterations #the number of iterations in the protocol is equal to the number of steps in the application

    def _update_particle_state_substate(self, particle_state, new_state_subset=False):
        update the particle state from the context, create a particle substate and update from context
        #update the particle state and the particle state subset
        particle_state.update_from_context(self.context, ignore_velocities=True) #update the particle state from the context
        if new_state_subset:
            self.particle_state_subset = SamplerState(positions = particle_state.positions[list(self._subset_indices_map.keys())]) #create a particle state from the subset context
            self.particle_state_subset.positions = particle_state.positions[list(self._subset_indices_map.keys())] #update the particle subset positions appropriately
        self.particle_state_subset.apply_to_context(self.context_subset, ignore_velocities=True) #apply the subset particle state to its context
        self.particle_state_subset.update_from_context(self.context_subset, ignore_velocities=True) #update the subset particle state from its context to updated the potential energy

    def _update_current_state_works(self, particle_state):
        update the current state and associated works
        #get the reduced potential
        reduced_potential = self._compute_hybrid_potential(_lambda = self._iteration / self._n_iterations, particle_state = particle_state)
        perturbed_reduced_potential = self._compute_hybrid_potential(_lambda = (self._iteration + 1.0) / self._n_iterations, particle_state = particle_state)
        self._current_state_works.append(self._current_state_works[-1] + (perturbed_reduced_potential - reduced_potential))

    def _update_force(self, particle_state):
        update the force
        mm_force_matrix = self._compute_hybrid_forces(_lambda = (self._iteration + 1.0) / self._n_iterations, particle_state = particle_state).value_in_unit_system(unit.md_unit_system)
        self.integrator.setPerDofVariableByName('modified_force', mm_force_matrix)

    def _before_integration(self, *args, **kwargs):
        particle_state = args[0] #define the particle state
        n_iterations = args[1] #define the number of iterations


        #update the particle state and the particle state subset
        self._update_particle_state_substate(particle_state, new_state_subset=True)



        if self._write_trajectory: # the first state is always saved for processing purposes

    def _during_integration(self, *args, **kwargs):
        particle_state = args[0]
        self._iteration += 1.0


        #get the reduced potential
        if self._iteration < self._n_iterations:
            #we are done

        if self._write_trajectory and int(self._iteration) % self.write_trajectory_interval == 0:
            if self._iteration == self._n_iterations:
                self.reporter.record([self.particle], save_to_disk=True)
                self.reporter.record([self.particle], save_to_disk=False)

    def _after_integration(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._state_works[self._state_works_counter] = deepcopy(self._current_state_works)
        self._state_works_counter += 1

        if self._write_trajectory:

    def _compute_hybrid_potential(self,_lambda, particle_state):
        function to compute the hybrid reduced potential defined as follows:
        U(x_rec, x_lig) = u_mm,rec(x_rec) - lambda*u_mm,lig(x_lig) + lambda*u_ani,lig(x_lig)
        reduced_potential = (self.pdf_state.reduced_potential(particle_state)
                             - _lambda * self.pdf_state_subset.reduced_potential(self.particle_state_subset)
                             + _lambda * self.ani_handler.calculate_energy(self.particle_state_subset.positions) * self.pdf_state.beta)
        return reduced_potential

    def _compute_hybrid_forces(self, _lambda, particle_state):
        function to compute a hybrid force matrix of shape num_particles x 3
        in the spirit of the _compute_hybrid_potential, we compute the forces in the following way
            F(x_rec, x_lig) = F_mm(x_rec, x_lig) - lambda * F_mm(x_lig) + lambda * F_ani(x_lig)
        # get the complex mm forces
        state = self.context.getState(getForces=True)
        mm_force_matrix = state.getForces(asNumpy=True) # returns forces in kJ/(nm mol)

        # get the ligand mm forces
        subset_state = self.context_subset.getState(getForces=True)
        mm_force_matrix_subset = subset_state.getForces(asNumpy=True)

        # get the ligand ani forces
        coords = self.particle_state_subset.positions
        subset_ani_force_matrix, energie = self.ani_handler.calculate_force(coords) # returns force in kJ/(A mol)
        #print(f"ani force matrix head: ",subset_ani_force_matrix[0])

        # now combine the ligand forces
        subset_force_matrix = _lambda * (subset_ani_force_matrix - mm_force_matrix_subset) #we are adding two Quantities with different units, but they are compatible
        #print(f"mm subset force matrix head", mm_force_matrix_subset[0])

        # and append to the complex forces...
        #print(f"mm force matrix head", mm_force_matrix[0])
        mm_force_matrix[list(self._subset_indices_map.keys()), :] += subset_force_matrix #and same, here...
        #print(f"mm force matrix head (after ani modification)", mm_force_matrix[0])

        return mm_force_matrix

    def _get_context_subset_parameters(self):
        return a dictionary of the self.context_subset's parameters

            context_parameters : dict
            {parameter name <str> : parameter value value <float>}
        swig_parameters = self.context_subset.getParameters()
        context_parameters = {q: swig_parameters[q] for q in swig_parameters}
        return context_parameters

    def _log_context_parameters(self):
        log the context and context subset parameters
        context_parameters = self._get_context_parameters()
        context_subset_parameters = self._get_context_subset_parameters()
        _logger.debug(f"\tcontext_parameters during integration:")
        for key, val in context_parameters.items():
            _logger.debug(f"\t\t{key}: {val}")

        _logger.debug(f"\tcontext subset parameters during integration:")
        for key, val in context_subset_parameters:
            _logger.debug(f"\t\t{key}: {val}")

    def state_works(self):
        return self._state_works