Esempio n. 1
    def request_workflow_status(self, status):
        # Record current workflow status.
        current_status = self.get_workflow_status()

        # Create an event for the request.
        wf_ex_event = events.WorkflowExecutionEvent(status)

        # Push the event to all the active tasks. The event may trigger status changes to the task.
        for task_state in self.workflow_state.get_tasks_by_status(statuses.ACTIVE_STATUSES):
            machines.TaskStateMachine.process_event(self.workflow_state, task_state, wf_ex_event)

        # Process the workflow status change event.
        machines.WorkflowStateMachine.process_event(self.workflow_state, wf_ex_event)

        # Get workflow status after event is processed.
        updated_status = self.get_workflow_status()

        # Ignore if workflow hasn't changed from paused to pausing.
        if (status == statuses.PAUSED and
                current_status == statuses.PAUSING and
                updated_status == statuses.PAUSING):

        # Ignore if workflow hasn't changed from canceled to canceling.
        if (status == statuses.CANCELED and
                current_status == statuses.CANCELING and
                updated_status == statuses.CANCELING):

        # Otherwise, if status has not changed as expected, then raise exception.
        if status != current_status and current_status == updated_status:
            raise exc.InvalidWorkflowStatusTransition(current_status,
Esempio n. 2
    def request_workflow_state(self, state):
        # Record current workflow state.
        current_state = self.get_workflow_state()

        # Create an event for the request.
        wf_ex_event = events.WorkflowExecutionEvent(state)

        # Push the event to all the active tasks. The event may trigger state changes to the task.
        for task in self.flow.get_tasks_by_state(states.ACTIVE_STATES):
            machines.TaskStateMachine.process_event(self, task, wf_ex_event)

        # Process the workflow state change event.
        machines.WorkflowStateMachine.process_event(self, wf_ex_event)

        # Get workflow state after event is processed.
        updated_state = self.get_workflow_state()

        # If state has not changed as expected, then raise exception.
        if state != current_state and current_state == updated_state:
            raise exc.InvalidWorkflowStateTransition(current_state,