Esempio n. 1
def pretty_print_value_dict(data):
    # values ?
    if sorted(data.keys()) == [u'unit', u'value']:
        return u"%s%s" % (pretty_print_value_scalar(data['value']), data['unit'])
    # prices
    if sorted(data.keys()) == [u'currencyCode', u'text', u'value']:
        return pretty_print_value_scalar(data['text'])
    # fallback
        return str(data)
Esempio n. 2
def pretty_print_value_list(data):
    # values ?
    if data:
        return ', '.join([pretty_print_value_scalar(x) for x in data])
    # fallback
        return '<empty list>'
Esempio n. 3
def pretty_print_value(data):
    if isinstance(data, (int, long, float)):
        return pretty_print_value_scalar(data)
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        return pretty_print_value_dict(data)
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        return pretty_print_value_list(data)
        return unicode(data)
Esempio n. 4
def do_format(client, verb, method, arguments):
    data = getattr(client, verb.lower())(method, **arguments)

    # looks a *lot* like a listing: get all elements
    if verb == 'GET'\
       and isinstance(data, list)\
       and data and isinstance(data[0], (int, long, str, unicode)):

        table = []
        for elem in data:
            line = client.get(method+'/'+urllib.quote_plus(str(elem)))
            line_data = [elem]
            for item in line.values():
        headers = ['ID']+[camel_to_human(title) for title in line.keys()]
        print pretty_print_table(table, headers=headers, max_col_width=50)
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        # xdsl plots
        if sorted(data.keys()) == [u'unit', u'values']:
            # get points
            xs = [d['timestamp'] for d in data['values']]
            ys = [d['value'] for d in data['values']]

            # get y scale
            count = len(ys)

            ymax = max(ys)
            yscale = 1.0
            unit = data['unit']

            if ymax > 1000*1000*1000:
                yscale = 1000*1000*1000
                unit = 'G'+unit
            elif ymax > 1000*1000:
                yscale = 1000*1000
                unit = 'M'+unit
            elif ymax > 1000:
                yscale = 1000
                unit = 'k'+unit

            # downscale on x too. Try to get close to 50 with only power of 2
            xscale = 2**(int(round(count/50.0))-1).bit_length()
            values = data['values']
            values += [None]*(4-count%4) # padding
            points = grouped(values, xscale)

            for point_g in points:
                # aggregate on last date
                value = 0.0
                divider = 0
                for point in point_g:
                    if point is None: break
                    value += point['value']
                    divider += 1
                    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(point['timestamp']).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')

                value = value / divider / yscale
                bar = '.'*int(value/(ymax/yscale)*80)
                print '%s %3.3f %s | %s' % (date, value, unit, bar)
            table = []
            for key, value in data.iteritems():
                key = pretty_print_value_scalar(key)
                value = pretty_print_value(value)
                table.append((key, value))
            print pretty_print_table(table, max_col_width=100)
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        for value in data:
            print pretty_print_value_scalar(data)
    elif isinstance(data, (int, long, float, unicode, str)):
        print pretty_print_value_scalar(data)
    elif not data:
      print "Success"
      # Should no be here...
      print data
Esempio n. 5
def bash_pretty_print_value_scalar(data):
	data = str(pretty_print_value_scalar(data))
	data = re.escape(data)
	return data