Esempio n. 1
    def makeHaloMassFunction(self,catalog):

        assert catalog != None

        #Infer halo mass function from Millenium Mh,z catalogue ; we use a power-law for this.
        zeds,dz  = numpy.linspace(0,1.8,10,retstep=True)#coarse redshift bin. these things change slowly.
        self.HMF = {}
        self.HMF['catalog'] = catalog
        self.HMFzkeys,self.HMFdz = zeds-dz,dz
        if infer_from_data:
            # Load in the catalog's list of halo masses and redshift.
            # import cPickle
            # F=open(self.HMFdata,'rb')
            # inhalomass,inhaloZ = cPickle.load(F)
            # F.close()
            inhalomass,inhaloZ = pangloss.readPickle(catalog)

            for i in range(len(zeds)):
                MOD = interpolate.splrep(Massbins[:-1],hist,s=0,k=1)
                HMF = interpolate.splev(self.Mh_axis,MOD)
                self.TCM = self.Mh_axis[HMF.argmax()+1:]
                self.TCHM = HMF[HMF.argmax()+1:]
                # Fit a powerlaw to the HMF
                PLcoeff,ier = optimize.leastsq(self.getPL,[14.56,-1.])

                self.HMF[i] = PLcoeff
        # We've already fit a powerlaw to millenium: it's parameters as a function of z are 
        # included here.  
#        elif catalog='Millennium':
#            for Z in zeds:
#                z=Z+dz/2.
#                if z>0 and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
#                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
Esempio n. 2
    def makeHaloMassFunction(self, catalog):

        assert catalog != None

        # Infer halo mass function from Millenium Mh,z catalogue ; we use a power-law for this.
        zeds, dz = numpy.linspace(0, 1.8, 10, retstep=True)  # coarse redshift bin. these things change slowly.
        self.HMF = {}
        self.HMF["catalog"] = catalog
        self.HMFzkeys, self.HMFdz = zeds - dz, dz

        infer_from_data = True
        if infer_from_data:
            # Load in the catalog's list of halo masses and redshift.

            # import cPickle
            # F=open(self.HMFdata,'rb')
            # inhalomass,inhaloZ = cPickle.load(F)
            # F.close()

            inhalomass, inhaloZ = pangloss.readPickle(catalog)
            inhaloZ[inhaloZ < 0] = 0

            for i in range(len(zeds)):
                z = zeds[i] + dz / 2.0
                Masses = inhalomass[inhaloZ > z - dz / 2]
                newinZ = inhaloZ[inhaloZ > z - dz / 2]
                Mhalos = Masses[newinZ < z + dz / 2]
                Massbins = numpy.linspace(10, 20, 101)
                hist, bins = numpy.histogram(Mhalos, Massbins)
                MOD = interpolate.splrep(Massbins[:-1], hist, s=0, k=1)
                HMF = interpolate.splev(self.Mh_axis, MOD)
                self.TCM = self.Mh_axis[HMF.argmax() + 1 :]
                self.TCHM = HMF[HMF.argmax() + 1 :]

                self.TCM = self.TCM[self.TCHM > 0]
                self.TCHM = self.TCHM[self.TCHM > 0]

                # Fit a powerlaw to the HMF
                PLcoeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(self.getPL, [14.56, -1.0])

                self.HMF[i] = PLcoeff

        # We've already fit a powerlaw to millenium: it's parameters as a function of z are
        # included here.
        #        elif catalog='Millennium':
        #            for Z in zeds:
        #                z=Z+dz/2.
        #                if z>0 and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=
        #                if z> and z<:self.HMF[z]=

Esempio n. 3
    zperr = experiment.parameters['PhotozError']

    # Stellar mass observations:
    MserrP = experiment.parameters['PhotometricMstarError']
    MserrS = experiment.parameters['SpectroscopicMstarError']
    # Sampling Pr(kappah|D):
    Ns = experiment.parameters['NRealisations']

    # Reconstruct calibration lines of sight?
    DoCal = experiment.parameters['ReconstructCalibrations']

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Load in stellar mass to halo relation, or make a new one:

        shmr = pangloss.readPickle('dummy')  #SHMfile)
    except IOError:
        print "Reconstruct: generating the stellar mass to halo mass grid."
        print "Reconstruct: this may take a moment..."
        shmr = pangloss.SHMR(method=SHMrelation)
        pangloss.writePickle(shmr, SHMfile)
        print "Reconstruct: SHMR saved to " + SHMfile

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Make redshift grid:

    grid = pangloss.Grid(zd, zs, nplanes=100)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 4
    zperr = experiment.parameters['PhotozError']
    # Stellar mass observations:
    MserrP = experiment.parameters['PhotometricMstarError']
    MserrS = experiment.parameters['SpectroscopicMstarError']
    # Sampling Pr(kappah|D):
    Ns = experiment.parameters['NRealisations']
    # Reconstruct calibration lines of sight?
    DoCal = experiment.parameters['ReconstructCalibrations']

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Load in stellar mass to halo relation, or make a new one:

        shmr = pangloss.readPickle('dummy')#SHMfile)
    except IOError:
        print "Reconstruct: generating the stellar mass to halo mass grid."
        print "Reconstruct: this may take a moment..."
        shmr = pangloss.SHMR(method=SHMrelation)
        print "Reconstruct: SHMR saved to "+SHMfile
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Make redshift grid:
    grid = pangloss.Grid(zd,zs,nplanes=100)
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 5
    # Reconstruct calibration lines of sight?
    DoCal = experiment.parameters['ReconstructCalibrations']

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Make redshift grid:

    grid = pangloss.Grid(zd, zs, nplanes=100)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Read in lightcones from pickles:

    calcones = []

    for i in xrange(Nc):
        if i == 0: print calpickles[i]

    if DoCal == "False":  #must be string type
        calcones = []
        calpickles = []

    allcones = calcones
    allconefiles = calpickles

    # ==============================================================
    # Find the overdensity of lightcones cut at m<22 in F125W
    # ==============================================================
    print "Magnifier: finding the distribution of lightcones with density..."

    lc_dens = []
Esempio n. 6
                pfile = x.split('.')[0].split("_lightcone")[0]+"_"+EXP_NAME+"_KappaHilbert_Kappah_"+comparatorType+".pickle"
            print "Calibrate: Unrecognised comparator "+Comparator
            print "Calibrate: If you want to use a comparator other than kappa_h, "
            print "Calibrate: you'll need to code it up!"
            print "Calibrate: (This should be easy, but you can ask [email protected] for help)."

        # Now calculate comparators:

        for i in range(Nc):
            C = calresultpickles[i]
            pdf = pangloss.readPickle(C)
            if comparator=="Kappah":

                if comparatorType=="median": 
                    # Recall that we created a special file for this 
                    # choice of comparator and comparator type, in 
                    # Reconstruct. You could also use the 
                    # comparatortype=="mean" code, swapping mean for median.
                elif comparatorType=="mean":
                    callist[i,0] = pdf.truth[0]
                    callist[i,1] = numpy.mean(pdf.samples)
Esempio n. 7
                )[0] + "_" + EXP_NAME + "_KappaHilbert_Kappah_" + comparatorType + ".pickle"
            print "Calibrate: Unrecognised comparator " + Comparator
            print "Calibrate: If you want to use a comparator other than kappa_h, "
            print "Calibrate: you'll need to code it up!"
            print "Calibrate: (This should be easy, but you can ask [email protected] for help)."

        # Now calculate comparators:
        callist = numpy.empty((Nc, 2))
        jd = pangloss.PDF(["kappa_ext", comparator + '_' + comparatorType])

        for i in range(Nc):
            C = calresultpickles[i]
            pdf = pangloss.readPickle(C)

            if comparator == "Kappah":

                if comparatorType == "median":
                    # Recall that we created a special file for this
                    # choice of comparator and comparator type, in
                    # Reconstruct. You could also use the
                    # comparatortype=="mean" code, swapping mean for median.
                    callist[i, 0] = pdf[0]
                    callist[i, 1] = pdf[1][0]

                elif comparatorType == "mean":
                    callist[i, 0] = pdf.truth[0]
                    callist[i, 1] = numpy.mean(pdf.samples)
Esempio n. 8
    # Reconstruct calibration lines of sight?
    DoCal = experiment.parameters["ReconstructCalibrations"]

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Make redshift grid:

    grid = pangloss.Grid(zd, zs, nplanes=100)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Read in lightcones from pickles:

    calcones = []

    for i in xrange(Nc):
        if i == 0:
            print calpickles[i]

    if DoCal == "False":  # must be string type
        calcones = []
        calpickles = []

    allcones = calcones
    allconefiles = calpickles

    # ==============================================================
    # Find the overdensity of lightcones cut at m<22 in F125W
    # ==============================================================
    print "Magnifier: finding the distribution of lightcones with density..."