Esempio n. 1
def select(name=None, basedir=None):
    Scans the basedir (or the shared-measures directory defined in the
    settings) for directories and returns a choice based on different

     1. No directories are found; raise a RuntimeError
     2. The name is set; check if it was found and if so return it
     3. Only one directory is found; return the found directory
     4. Multiple directories are found; ask the user to pick one

    name = name.rsplit("_", 2) if name else ()

    if not basedir:
        basedir = settings.PATHS["shared-measures"][0]

    # Get all files in the directory
    paths = os.listdir(basedir)

    # Rebuild the full path name
    paths = [(os.path.join(basedir, p), p.rsplit("_", 2)) for p in paths]

    # Filter out non-directories
    paths = [p for p in paths if os.path.isdir(p[0])]

    # If no entries remained, there are no test cases which can be run
    if not paths:
        raise RuntimeError("No test cases found.")

    # Check to see if chosen value exists in the available paths
    if name:
        for path in paths:
            if path[1] == name:
                return path[0], "_".join(path[1])
            # Continue with selecting phase
            # @TODO: log
            print "The chosen path is not available."

    # There is not much to choose here
    if len(paths) == 1:
        # @TODO: log
        print "\nOnly one measure found: {0} ({1} at {2}).".format(*paths[0][1])
        path = paths[0]
        return path[0], "_".join(path[1])

    # Present a list of choices to the user (paths must now contain more than
    # one item)
    print "\nMultiple measures found:\n"

    for i, (path, name) in enumerate(paths):
        index = "[{}]".format(i)
        print "{0:>8s}: {1} ({2} at {3})".format(index, *name)

    def valid(index):
        Returns the correct entry in the paths list or asks for a correct
        value if the index is outside the boundaries.
            path = paths[int(index)]
            return path[0], "_".join(path[1])
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            raise Exception("Enter an integer between 0 " "and {0}.".format(len(paths) - 1))

    return shell.prompt("Select a measure:", validate=valid)
Esempio n. 2
def select(name=None, basedir=None):
    Scans the basedir (or the test-cases directory defined in the settings)
    for directories and returns a choice based on different criteria:

     1. No directories are found; raise a RuntimeError
     2. The name is set; check if it was found and if so return it
     3. Only one directory is found; return the found directory
     4. Multiple directories are found; ask the user to pick one
     a. If no measure case exist yet, a ``RuntimeError`` is thrown;
     b. If only one measure case is found, its path is returned;
     c. If more than one measure cases are found, then the user is asked to
        choose one between them.

     The list presented to the user when asked to choose a case will be
     something like the following::

         Multiple test cases found:

              [0]: simple
              [1]: complex

         Select a test case: _

    if not basedir:
        basedir = os.path.join(settings.ENV_BASE,

    # Get all files in the directory
    paths = os.listdir(basedir)

    # Rebuild the full path name
    paths = [(os.path.join(basedir, p), p) for p in paths]

    # Filter out non-directories
    paths = [p for p in paths if os.path.isdir(p[0])]

    # If no entries remained, there are no test cases which can be run
    if not paths:
        raise RuntimeError("No test cases found.")

    # Check to see if chosen value exists in the available paths
    if name:
        for path in paths:
            if path[1] == name:
                return path
            # Continue with selecting phase
            # @TODO: log
            print "The chosen path is not available."

    # There is not much to choose here
    if len(paths) == 1:
        # @TODO: log
        print "\nOnly one test case found: {0}.".format(paths[0][1])
        return paths[0]

    # Present a list of choices to the user (paths must now contain more than
    # one item)
    print "\nMultiple test cases found:\n"

    for i, (path, name) in enumerate(paths):
        index = '[{0}]'.format(i)
        print '{0:>8s}: {1}'.format(index, name)

    def valid(index):
        Returns the correct entry in the paths list or asks for a correct
        value if the index is outside the boundaries.
            return paths[int(index)]
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            raise Exception("Enter an integer between 0 " \
                            "and {0}.".format(len(paths)-1))

    return shell.prompt("Select a test case:", validate=valid)