Esempio n. 1
def detect_firstbeat(tailbout, direction=10, thresh=10):
    #detect the frame where the fish carry the first tail beat
    frame_list = []

    for bout in tailbout:
        frame = 0
        boutangle = tail2angles(
            direction=direction)  # extract the tailfits of the bout frames
        peaks = peakdetector.peakdetold(boutangle, 4)  ### parameters!!!

        for p in peaks[0]:
            if abs(p[1]) >= thresh:
                frame = p[0]

        for p in peaks[1]:
            if abs(p[1]) >= thresh:
                if frame > p[0]:
                    frame = p[0]


    return frame_list
def diffpeaks(tailfit):
    """Mean # of frames between peaks"""
    peaks = peakdetector.peakdetold(tail2angles(tailfit), 4)
    peaks = [p[0] for p in peaks[0] + peaks[1]]
    val = np.diff(peaks).mean()
    if not np.isnan(val) and not np.isinf(val):  #nan or inf
        return val
        return 0
Esempio n. 3
def tailfreq_mean_function(tailbout, direction='down', sampling_rate=500):
    tailfreq_mean = []

    for bout in tailbout:
        nFrames = len(bout)
        Fs = 1 / float(sampling_rate)
        boutangle = tail2angles(
            direction=direction)  # extract the tailfits of the bout frames
        peak = peakdetector.peakdetold(boutangle, 4)  ### parameters!!!
        tailfreq_mean.append((len(peak[0]) + len(peak[1])) / float(
            (2 * Fs * nFrames)))

    return tailfreq_mean
Esempio n. 4
    tailfreq_mean = []
    tailamplitude_mean = []
    tailamplitude_max = []
    boutduration = []
    tailasymmetry = []
    tailvigour = []

    # parameters calculation!
    for i, j in zip(indexer, indexer[1:]):
        ps = tail_points[i:j]

        nFrames = len(ps)
        boutangle = tail2angles(
            ps, direction='left')  # extract the tailfits of the bout frames
        velocity = np.diff(boutangle)
        peak = peakdetector.peakdetold(boutangle, 4)  ### parameters!!!

        Fs = 1 / float(500)  ### parameters!!! 500 for duncan, 300 for dt
        p = 0
        n = 0
        for angle in boutangle:
            if angle >= 0:
                p += 1
                n += 1

        if abs(max(boutangle)) <= abs(min(boutangle)):
        tailamplitude_mean.append(sum(boutangle) / float(len(boutangle)))
def extract_tail_eye_bout(eyes,vel, tailfits, Fs, bout_thresh, peakthres):

    # --------------------- READ TAILFITS -----------------------------------
    shv =
    print shv

    if shv:

        tailfit = shv[shv.keys()[0]].tailfit

        tailfit = normalizetailfit(tailfit)
        tailangle = -(tail2angles(tailfit))
        boutedges, var = extractbouts(tailangle, bout_thresh)

        # --------------------- READ EYE ANGLES -----------------------------------
        LeftEye = eyes[0]['LeftEye']
        RightEye = eyes[0]['RightEye']
        LeftVel = vel[0]['LeftVel']
        RightVel = vel[0]['RightVel']
        filename = eyes[0]['filename']
        # --------------------- EXTRACT TAIL BOUTS -----------------------------------
        bouts = []
        for bout in boutedges:
            # if boutacceptable(tailfit[bout[0]:bout[1]]):  # tag
            bouts += [{'tail': tailfit[bout[0]:bout[1]],
                       'frames': [bout[0], bout[1]]}]
        bout_angles = []
        left_eyeangles = []
        right_eyeangles = []
        tailfreq = []
        sum_eyes = map(add, LeftEye, RightEye)
        taileye = []
        if not bouts:
            taileye += [{'tail': tailangle, 'left': LeftEye, 'right': RightEye, 'sum_eyes': sum_eyes,
                         'LeftVel': LeftVel, 'RightVel': RightVel, 'filename': filename, 'no_bouts': [1]}]
        # else:
        for i in range(len(bouts)):
            nFrames = len(bouts[i]['tail'])
            # frames = bouts[i]['tail']
            # print bouts[i]['frames'][0]

            left_eyeangle = LeftEye[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            right_eyeangle = RightEye[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            left_vel = LeftVel[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            right_vel = RightVel[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]

            left_eyeangle_delay = LeftEye[(bouts[i]['frames'][0] - 50):bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            right_eyeangle_delay = RightEye[(bouts[i]['frames'][0] - 50):bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            left_vel_delay = LeftVel[(bouts[i]['frames'][0] - 50):bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            right_vel_delay = RightVel[(bouts[i]['frames'][0] - 50):bouts[i]['frames'][1]]

            sum_eyeangles = map(add, left_eyeangle, right_eyeangle)

            boutangle = tail2angles(bouts[i]['tail'])  # extract the tailfits of the bout frames
            boutangle = [-1*a for a in boutangle]
            peak = peakdetector.peakdetold(
                boutangle, peakthres)  # get the number of peaks which tells us about how many tail beats for the bout

            peak_new = []
            # print 'Length of peak: ', len(peak[0])
            # print 'Length of frames: ', nFrames
            # print 'Length of tail: ', len(bouts[i]['tail'])
            # print 'Length of tail: ', len(bouts[i]['tail'])
            for item in peak[0]:
                peak_new.append([boutedges[i][0] + item[0], item[1]])
            tailfreq.append(len(peak[0]) / float((Fs * nFrames)))
            # left_eyeangles = eye angles during bouts
            # left_eyeangles_delay = eye angles during bouts with delay
            # sum_eyeangles = sum of eye angles during bouts
            # sum_eyes = summation of eye angles during the whole trial
            # left_v = eye velocity during the bout
            # left_vel_delay = eye velocity during the bout with delay
            # LeftVel - eye velocity during the whole trial
            # frames = the initial and last frame of the bout
            # filename = the filename of the eye files

            taileye += [{'tail': tailangle, 'bout_angles': boutangle, 'tailfreq': len(peak[0])/(0.0033*nFrames),
                         'left_eyeangles': left_eyeangle, 'right_eyeangles': right_eyeangle,
                         'left_eyeangles_delay': left_eyeangle_delay, 'right_eyeangles_delay': right_eyeangle_delay,
                         'sum_eyeangles': sum_eyeangles, 'left': LeftEye, 'right': RightEye, 'sum_eyes': sum_eyes,
                         'left_v': left_vel, 'right_v': right_vel, 'LeftVel': LeftVel, 'RightVel': RightVel,
                         'frames': bouts[i]['frames'], 'filename': filename, 'left_vel_delay':
                             left_vel_delay, 'right_vel_delay': right_vel_delay, 'no_bouts': [0]}]

        print "Tailfit empty"
        taileye = []

    return taileye  # bout_angles,tailfreq, left_eyeangles, right_eyeangles
def extract_tail_eye_bout2(eyes,vel, tailangle, Fs, bout_thresh, peakthres, delay):

    if tailangle:

        boutedges, var = extractbouts(tailangle, bout_thresh)

        # --------------------- READ EYE ANGLES -----------------------------------
        LeftEye = eyes[0]['LeftEye']
        RightEye = eyes[0]['RightEye']
        LeftVel = vel[0]['LeftVel']
        RightVel = vel[0]['RightVel']
        filename = eyes[0]['filename']
        # --------------------- EXTRACT TAIL BOUTS -----------------------------------
        bouts = []
        for bout in boutedges:
            # if boutacceptable(tailfit[bout[0]:bout[1]]):  # tag
            bouts += [{'tail': tailangle[bout[0]:bout[1]],
                       'frames': [bout[0], bout[1]]}]

        sum_eyes = map(add, LeftEye, RightEye)
        taileye = []

        for i in range(len(bouts)):

            nFrames = len(bouts[i]['tail'])

            left_eyeangle = LeftEye[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            right_eyeangle = RightEye[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            left_vel = LeftVel[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
            right_vel = RightVel[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]

            if delay > bouts[i]['frames'][0]:
                left_eyeangle_delay = LeftEye[0:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
                right_eyeangle_delay = RightEye[0:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
                left_vel_delay = LeftVel[0:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
                right_vel_delay = RightVel[0:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
                left_eyeangle_delay = LeftEye[(bouts[i]['frames'][0] - delay):bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
                right_eyeangle_delay = RightEye[(bouts[i]['frames'][0] - delay):bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
                left_vel_delay = LeftVel[(bouts[i]['frames'][0] - delay):bouts[i]['frames'][1]]
                right_vel_delay = RightVel[(bouts[i]['frames'][0] - delay):bouts[i]['frames'][1]]

            sum_eyeangles = map(add, left_eyeangle, right_eyeangle)

            boutangle = tailangle[bouts[i]['frames'][0]:bouts[i]['frames'][1]]  # extract the tail bouts
            boutangle = [-1 * a for a in boutangle]
            peak = peakdetector.peakdetold(
                boutangle, peakthres)  # get the number of peaks which tells us about how many tail beats for the bout

            peak_new = []

            for item in peak[0]:
                peak_new.append([boutedges[i][0] + item[0], item[1]])

            taileye += [{'tail': tailangle, 'bout_angles': boutangle, 'tailfreq': len(peak[0])/(0.0033*nFrames),
                         'left_eyeangles': left_eyeangle, 'right_eyeangles': right_eyeangle,
                         'left_eyeangles_delay': left_eyeangle_delay, 'right_eyeangles_delay': right_eyeangle_delay,
                         'sum_eyeangles': sum_eyeangles, 'left': LeftEye, 'right': RightEye, 'sum_eyes': sum_eyes,
                         'left_v': left_vel, 'right_v': right_vel, 'LeftVel': LeftVel, 'RightVel': RightVel,
                         'frames': bouts[i]['frames'], 'filename': filename, 'left_vel_delay':
                             left_vel_delay, 'right_vel_delay': right_vel_delay, 'no_bouts': [0]}]

        print("Tailfit empty")
        taileye = []

    return taileye  # bout_angles,tailfreq, left_eyeangles, right_eyeangles
Esempio n. 7
def striking_detection(data, binocular, peak_thresh=0.03, temporal_thresh=15, amplitude_thresh=0.2):
    # input data has to be an iterate, either list or tuple
    # peak_thresh is the threshold for detecting peaks in function peakdetector.peakdetold(data,0.15)
    # temporal_thresh specifies the positive peak has to be within 'temporal_thresh' frames right after negative peaks
    # amplitude_thresh specifies the value for positive peak has to be 'amplitude_thresh' bigger than the negative peaks

    peakind = peakdetector.peakdetold(data,peak_thresh)
    # get the number of peaks which tells us about how many tail beats for the bout
    # the second number is the threshold, it compares the peaks with neighbor value

    p_p = peakind[0] #positive peaks
    n_p = peakind[1] #negative peaks
    striking_frame = []

    for i, p in enumerate(n_p):
        for sub_i, sub_p in enumerate(p_p):
            if 0 < p_p[sub_i][0] - n_p[i][0] < temporal_thresh:  # temporal threshold! #the positive peak has to be within 'temporal_thresh' frames right after negative peaks
               if p_p[sub_i][1] - n_p[i][1] > amplitude_thresh:  # peak amplitude threshold! #the value for positive peak has to be 'amplitude_thresh' bigger than the negative peaks
                  mid = (p_p[sub_i][0] + n_p[i][0]) / 2
                  if binocular[mid]>30:  #to make sure the binocular eyes convergence is bigger than 30
                     striking_frame.append((mid, data[mid]))
                     break # just break the inner for loop and go back to the outer for loop

    # plotting
    # plt.plot(data)
    # plt.scatter(np.array(peakind[0])[:, 0],np.array(peakind[0])[:, 1])  # peakind[0] give you the peaks for the positive peaks
    # plt.scatter(np.array(peakind[1])[:, 0], np.array(peakind[1])[:, 1], c='r',edgecolors='face')  # peakind[1] give you the peaks for the positive peaks

    #detect the the same strike predicted as the 2 frame
    orginal_striking_frame = striking_frame #save the frame for future reference

    if len(striking_frame) > 1:
        for i in range(0, len(striking_frame) - 1):
            if i >= len(striking_frame)-1:
            if striking_frame[i + 1][0] - striking_frame[i][0] < 15:  # two strikes can not occur within an interval less than 30 frame during 300Hz sampling
                mid_x = (striking_frame[i + 1][0] + striking_frame[i][0]) / 2
                mid_y = data[mid_x]
                striking_frame[i] = (mid_x, mid_y)
                striking_frame.remove(striking_frame[i + 1])

    #just do twice to reduce extra close one...
    if len(striking_frame) > 1:
                for i in range(0, len(striking_frame) - 1):
                    if i >= len(striking_frame) - 1:
                    if striking_frame[i + 1][0] - striking_frame[i][0] < 15:  # two strikes can not occur within an interval less than 30 frame during 300Hz sampling
                        mid_x = (striking_frame[i + 1][0] + striking_frame[i][0]) / 2
                        mid_y = data[mid_x]
                        striking_frame[i] = (mid_x, mid_y)
                        striking_frame.remove(striking_frame[i + 1])

    # using the following code to give a line plotted on the corresponding striking frame
    if striking_frame != []:
        for frame in np.array(striking_frame)[:, 0]:
            y = np.arange(min(data), max(data), 0.001)
            x = []
            for i in y:
        #     plt.plot(x, y, 'r')
        # plt.tight_layout(pad=0.5, w_pad=0.5, h_pad=0.5)  # adjust the layout
        # print np.array(peakind[1][:,0])

    return striking_frame, orginal_striking_frame
Esempio n. 8
def tailbeatfreq(input_path, threshval, Fs, peakthres, shv_file = None):
    # DT added shv_file is the file name of the shv that need to be analyzed, so that the function can go through one shv for each time

    #the following modification enables this function to read single shv
    if shv_file != None:
        shvs = [str(input_path+'\\'+shv_file)]
        bouts = []
        video_list = []
        ### Load shv files
        shvs = os.listdir(input_path)
        shvs = [os.path.join(input_path, shv) for shv in shvs if os.path.splitext(shv)[1] == '.shv']
        bouts = []
        video_list = []

    '''LOAD TAIL-FIT'''
    for shvname in shvs:
        # Note. Accroding to the code, shvs should be the dictionary that each value(shvlist) is a tuple of shelve
        shv =
        print 'Currently analyzing ' + str(shvname)
        # Note. shvs are opened here!

        for i in [1]:
            # Note. useless for loop, added to complete the code

            for video in shv.keys():
                # Note. shelf should contains several tailfit results for different videos
                # Note. shv[str(os.path.basename(videopath))]=result, according to the tailfit, video/key of shv should be the videopath
                # Note. the value of the shv should be tailfitresult, because IT has 'tailfit' as attribute.  result =  tailfitresult(fittedtail, str(os.path.basename(videopath)),videopath, startpoint, FPS, len(fittedtail), direction, shahash, __version__)

                if type(shv[video]) is list:
                    # Question. how could the key be a list?
                    print 'enter the 1st if, because type(shv[video]) is list'
                    tailfit = shv[video][0]
                    tailfit = shv[video].tailfit
                    # Note. in such scheme, then the shv[video] should definitely be a tailfitresult class, because it has tailfit attribute!
                    # Note. tailfit correspond to fitted_tail, which is the following:
                    # NOTE. CONFIRMED. fitted_tail is the final result of the whole program.
                    # NOTE. CONFIRMED. it is a list, storing arrays with the total number of total frame analyzed/read
                    # NOTE. CONFIRMED. each array corresponds to one frame, storing x number of points (x=tail_lengh/count)
                    # NOTE. CONFIRMED. points is the fitted result_point(mid point of tail edge), it is the coordinate in each frame
                    # NOTE. CONFIRMED. count would be the final number of total circles.

                '''NORMALIZE & PROCESS TAILFIT '''
                lens = np.array([len(i) for i in tailfit])
                ### Task. I made a big modification... maybe I should do with display as well to see if the threshold is proper

                if lens.var() < 4 and lens.mean() > 3:  # ensure tailfit quality is good
                    # Note. only do the normalization when the tailfit is good ....
                    # Note. lens.var(), Compute the variance along the specified axis.
                    # STAR-Question. count/tail_length has to be bigger than 30? resolution limit?
                    # Question. in theory, tail_length should be the same for each frame, right?

                    if all(lens > 2):
                        tailfit = normalizetailfit(tailfit)
                        # plt.plot(tailfit[0][:,0],tailfit[0][:,1],'b')
                        # plt.plot(tailfit[700][:,0],tailfit[700][:,1],'r')
                        # Question. What if not normalization. For many estimators, including the SVMs, having datasets with unit standard deviation for each feature is important to get good prediction.
                        angles = tail2angles(tailfit)
                        # Note. Calculate the tail_angle!
                        # Note. this function takes tailfit result, for each frame calculate the vector from the startpoint of fitting to the mean point of fraction of tail end
                        # Note. extract the angles of vectors and store the angle of each frame in the returned list.

                        '''PLOT AND DIVIDE THE BOUTS'''
                        boutedges, var = extractbouts(angles, threshval)  # tag
                        print 'the frame range for all the bouts are: ' + str(boutedges)
                        # Note. boutedges are the list storing tuples corresponds to edges of each bout

                        for bout in boutedges:
                            # if boutacceptable(tailfit[bout[0]:bout[1]]):  # tag
                            # task. not really sure how this boutacceptable work, delete if first...
                            bouts += [{'tail': tailfit[bout[0]:bout[1]], 'shvname': shvname, 'vidname': video,
                                       'frames': [bout[0], bout[1]]}]
                            # Note. so the bouts I got here should be ... the list contains all the bouts from all shv files...
                            # Note. the bouts edge info is the value of 'frames'
        tailfreq = []
        boutangles = []
        peaks = []
        Fs = 1 / float(Fs)
        for i in range(len(bouts)):
            nFrames = len(bouts[i]['tail'])
            boutangle = tail2angles(bouts[i]['tail'])  # extract the tailfits of the bout frames
            peak = peakdetector.peakdetold(boutangle, peakthres)  # get the number of peaks which tells us about how many tail beats for the bout
            peak_new = []
            for item in peak[0]:
            tailfreq.append(len(peak[0]) / float((Fs * nFrames)))

    return tailfreq, boutangles, peaks, boutedges, video_list
def numpeaks(tailfit):
    """Number of peaks in tail angle"""
    peaks = peakdetector.peakdetold(tail2angles(tailfit), 4)
    peaks = [p[0] for p in peaks[0] + peaks[1]]
    return len(peaks)