Esempio n. 1
import time
import itertools
from functools import partial

from powergrasp.commons import ASP_ARG_UPPERBOUND, ASP_ARG_CC
from powergrasp.commons import ASP_ARG_LOWERBOUND, ASP_ARG_STEP

from powergrasp import observers
from powergrasp import solving
from powergrasp import commons
from powergrasp import atoms
from powergrasp import utils

from powergrasp.observers import Signals  # shortcut

LOGGER = commons.logger()
# under this minimal score, the found concept is not interesting

def search_concept(input_atoms, score_min, score_max, cc, step, aspconfig):
    """Return the concept found and its score.

    if no concept found: return (None, None)
    if concept found: return (atoms, concept score)

    if score_min > score_max: return None, None
    search_clique = commons.ASP_SRC_FINDCC in aspconfig.files
    CONCEPT_NAME = ('' if search_clique else 'BI') + 'CLIQUE'
    LOGGER.debug('FIND BEST ' + CONCEPT_NAME + ' [' + str(score_min) + ';' +
Esempio n. 2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
definition of the NNF format converter.

from powergrasp.converter.output_converter import OutConverter
import powergrasp.commons as commons
import itertools

logger = commons.logger()

class OutNNF(OutConverter):
    """Convert given atoms in NNF format"""
    def _convert(self, powernodes, cliques):
        """Operate convertion on given atoms"""
        # get first item for obtain global data
        cc, k, s, node = next(atoms)
        atoms = itertools.chain(((cc, k, s, node), ), atoms)

        # generate lines
        nnf = ('{0}_{1}_{2}\t{3}'.format(*g) for g in atoms)
        return itertools.chain(
                cc, k, cc, k, 1, cc, k, 2), ),
            ('{0}_cc\t{1}_{2}'.format(cc, cc, k), ),

    def _convert_edge(self, atoms):
        """Perform the convertion and return its results"""