Esempio n. 1
 def __eq__(self, aset):
     if aset is None:
         return False
     if isinstance(aset, SymbolicLambda):
         if not len(self.variable_list)==len(aset.variable_list):
             return False
         # may throw a DontKnowIfEqualException
         if not check_syntactically_equal(self.predicate, aset.predicate):
             return False
         # may throw a DontKnowIfEqualException
         if not check_syntactically_equal(self.expression, aset.expression):
             return False
         return True
     if isinstance(aset, SymbolicSet):
         return aset.__eq__(self) # impl. use of symbolicSet.__eq__. This is NOT this method
     if isinstance(aset, frozenset):
         if not self.explicit_set_computed:
             self.explicit_set_repr = self.enumerate_all()
             self.explicit_set_computed = True
         return aset == self.explicit_set_repr
     # FAIL!
     pp_self = pretty_print(self.node)
     pp_other = pretty_print(aset.node)
     string = "lambda compare not implemented %s = %s" % (pp_self, pp_other)
     print string
     raise DontKnowIfEqualException(string)
Esempio n. 2
def generate_json_file(sequence_number: int, input_path: str, output_path: str,
                       pretty_printed_fields: List[str]):
    Perform parsing of a single document and serialization of the resultant
    JSON, with optional pretty-printing.

    max_read = 64 * 1024 * 1024

    with open(input_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as file:
        plain_text =
        if len(plain_text) == max_read:
            raise MemoryError("File is too large")

    result = parse(plain_text)
    output = json.dumps(result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)

    if len(pretty_printed_fields) != 0:
        if sequence_number != 1:
            print(end="\n" * 2)

    pretty_printer.pretty_print(result, pretty_printed_fields)

    with open(output_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
Esempio n. 3
 def test_pp_sets4(self): #TODO: FIN(S) and FIN1(S)
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE UNION (z).(z<42|x)=INTER (z).(z<42|x)", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="UNION (z).(z<42|x)=INTER (z).(z<42|x)"
Esempio n. 4
 def test_pp_sequences2(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE s^t=r & E->s=r & s<-E=r & [E]=[E,F]", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="s^t=r & E->s=r & s<-E=r & [E]=[E,F]"    
Esempio n. 5
 def test_pp_functions2(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE %(z).(z<4|z)=f(E)", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="%(z).(z<4|z)=f(E)"
Esempio n. 6
 def test_pp_relations3(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE p><q=(p||q) & closure(r)=closure1(r) & prj1(S,T)=prj2(S,T)", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="p><q=(p||q) & closure(r)=closure1(r) & prj1(S,T)=prj2(S,T)"  
Esempio n. 7
 def test_pp_relations(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE r:S<->T & dom(r)=ran(r) & r=(p;q) & r:id(S)", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="r:S<->T & dom(r)=ran(r) & r=(p;q) & r:id(S)"    
Esempio n. 8
 def test_pp_relations2(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE S<|r=S<<|r & r|>T=r|>>T & r~=r1<+r2 & iterate(r,n)=r[S]", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="S<|r=S<<|r & r|>T=r|>>T & r~=r1<+r2 & iterate(r,n)=r[S]" 
Esempio n. 9
    def test_pp_sets(self):
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE E:S & E/:S & S<:T & S/<:T & S<<:T & S/<<:T", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out=="E:S & E/:S & S<:T & S/<:T & S<<:T & S/<<:T"
Esempio n. 10
    def test_pp_sets2(self):
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE {}<:{a} & S\/T<:S/\T & S-T<:S*T & {a,b}<:{x|x<7}", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out=="{}<:{a} & S\/T<:S/\T & S-T<:S*T & {a,b}<:{x,|x<7}"
Esempio n. 11
    def test_pp_sets3(self):
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE E|->F:POW(S) & {S}:POW1(T) & card(S)=42 & union(U)=inter(u)", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out=="E|->F:POW(S) & {S}:POW1(T) & card(S)=42 & union(U)=inter(u)"
Esempio n. 12
    def test_pp_numbers(self):
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE 1+2<3 & 4-5>6 & 7*8>=9 & 10/11<=12 & 13 mod 14=15 & 1/=-1", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out=="1+2<3 & 4-5>6 & 7*8>=9 & 10/11<=12 & 13 mod 14=15 & 1/=-1"
Esempio n. 13
 def test_pp_functions(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE S+->T=S-->T & S>+>T=S>->T & S+->>T=S-->>T & S>->>T=S>+>>T", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="S+->T=S-->T & S>+>T=S>->T & S+->>T=S-->>T & S>->>T=S>+>>T"       
Esempio n. 14
    def test_pp_miscellaneous3(self): 
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE RES=rec(Mark:14,Good_enough:TRUE) & xx=RES'Mark", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)   

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out=="RES=rec(Mark:14,Good_enough:TRUE) & xx=RES'Mark"       
Esempio n. 15
    def test_pp_miscellaneous2(self): 
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE rel(f)=r & func(r)=f & bool(1<2)=TRUE & succ(s)=pred(t)", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)   

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out=="rel(f)=r & func(r)=f & bool(1<2)=TRUE & succ(s)=pred(t)"  
Esempio n. 16
 def test_pp_sequences3(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE size(s)=42 & rev(s)=r & s/|\\n=s\|/n & last(s)=first(s)", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="size(s)=42 & rev(s)=r & s/|\\n=s\|/n & last(s)=first(s)"  
Esempio n. 17
 def test_pp_sequences4(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE conc(ss)=r & front(s)=tail(s)", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="conc(ss)=r & front(s)=tail(s)" 
Esempio n. 18
    def test_pp_miscellaneous1(self): 
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE MAXINT/=MIINT & TRUE:BOOL & FALSE/:STRING & x.y=5", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)   

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out=="MAXINT/=MIINT & TRUE:BOOL & FALSE/:STRING & x.y=5"
Esempio n. 19
 def test_pp_numbers2(self):
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE !(z).(z<9 => not (1=1) or 1=2) <=> #(z).(z<8 & z=5)", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out =="!(z).(z<9 => not (1=1) or 1=2) <=> #(z).(z<8 & z=5)"
Esempio n. 20
    def test_pp_numbers3(self):
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE NAT<:NAT1 & NATURAL<:NATURAL1 & INT<:INTEGER", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out =="NAT<:NAT1 & NATURAL<:NATURAL1 & INT<:INTEGER"
Esempio n. 21
 def test_pp_sequences(self): 
     # Build AST
     string_to_file("#PREDICATE <>=[] & seq(S)=seq1(S) & iseq(S)=iseq1(S) & x:perm(S)", file_name)
     ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
     root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
     # PPrint
     out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
     assert out=="[]=[] & seq(S)=seq1(S) & iseq(S)=iseq1(S) & x:perm(S)"  #[] : lose of information 
Esempio n. 22
    def test_pp_numbers4(self):
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE SIGMA(z).(z<4|z)=5 & PI(z).(z<0|z)=5", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out =="SIGMA(z).(z<4|z)=5 & PI(z).(z<0|z)=5"        
Esempio n. 23
    def test_pp_miscellaneous4(self): 
        # Build AST
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE RES:struct(Mark:NAT,Good_enough:BOOL)", file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        print ast_string
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)   

        # PPrint
        out = pretty_print(root.children[0])
        assert out=="RES:struct(Mark:NAT,Good_enough:BOOL)"            
Esempio n. 24
 def write_solution_nodes_to_env(self, root):
     for node in root.children:
         if isinstance(node, AConjunctPredicate): #loop
         elif isinstance(node, AEqualPredicate):
                 #TODO: utlb_srv_mrtk__var_e32 --> utlb_srv_mrtk.var_e32 (underscore bug)
                 if isinstance(node.children[0], AIdentifierExpression):
           [node.children[0].idName] = node.children[1]
                     #print "DEBUG: used:",node.children[0].idName ,"=" + pretty_print(node)
             except Exception:
                 if VERBOSE:
                     print "WARNING: PyB failed to use solution: " + pretty_print(node)
Esempio n. 25
def all_values_by_type_RPYTHON(atype, env, node):
        print "\033[1m\033[91mWARNING\033[00m:",pretty_print(node), "caused brute force enumeration. MIN_INT:%s MAX_INT:%s" % (env._min_int, env._max_int)
    if isinstance(atype, IntegerType):
        L = []
        for i in range(env._min_int, env._max_int+1):
        return L
    elif isinstance(atype, BoolType):
        return [W_Boolean(True), W_Boolean(False)]
    elif isinstance(atype, StringType): # FIXME:(#ISSUE 21) only some strings are returned here
        L = []
        for s in env.all_strings:
        return L
    elif isinstance(atype, SetType):
        type_name =
        #print type_name
        value = env.get_value(type_name)
        assert isinstance(value, frozenset)
        return value.to_list()
    elif isinstance(atype, PowerSetType):
        from enumeration_lazy import generate_powerset
        if PRINT_WARNINGS:
            print "\033[1m\033[91mWARNING\033[00m: (bruteforce) computing powerset of %s %s" % (iterable,name)
        val_list = all_values_by_type_RPYTHON(, env, node)
        card = len(val_list)
        powerlist = [frozenset([])] 
        i = 0     
        while i!=card:
            for lst in generate_powerset(frozenset(val_list), card=i+1, skip=0):
                assert len(lst)==i+1
            i = i+1
        #print powerlist
        return powerlist
    elif isinstance(atype, CartType):
        val_domain = all_values_by_type_RPYTHON(, env, node)
        val_image  = all_values_by_type_RPYTHON(, env, node)
        L = []
        for x in val_domain:
            for y in val_image:
        return L
    string = "Unknown Type / Not Implemented: %s" % atype
    #print string
    raise Exception(string)
Esempio n. 26
def compute_constrained_domains(predicate, env, varList):
    assert isinstance(predicate, Predicate)
    assert isinstance(varList, list)
    for idNode in varList:
        assert isinstance(idNode, AIdentifierExpression)
    # check which kind of strategy: 3 cases

    # case 1: Using the PyB constraint solver
    # check if a solution-set (variable domain) is computable without a external contraint solver
            generator = _compute_using_pyB_solver(predicate, env, varList)
            for d in generator:
                yield d
            raise StopIteration()
        except SpecialCaseEnumerationFailedException:
            # print "\033[1m\033[91mDEBUG\033[00m: PyB constraint solver failed. Case not implemented"
            raise StopIteration()

    # case 2: Using a external constraint solver
    # TODO: Handle OverflowError, print Error message and go on
        if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:  # Using external constraint solver not supported by RPython yet
            raise ImportError()
        if PRINT_WARNINGS:
            print "\033[1m\033[91mWARNING\033[00m: External constraint solver called. Caused by: %s" % pretty_print(
        iterator = compute_using_external_solver(predicate, env, varList)
        # constraint solving succeed.
        for d in iterator:
            yield d
        raise StopIteration()
    # TODO: Remove this case when case 1 used brute force enum on default for unconstraint vars
    # case 3: Using brute force enumeration
    except (ConstraintNotImplementedException, ImportError):
        if PRINT_WARNINGS:
            print "\033[1m\033[91mWARNING\033[00m: Brute force enumeration caused by: %s! enumerating: %s" % (
                [v.idName for v in varList],
        # TODO: maybe case 2 was able to constrain the domain of some variables but not all
        # this computation is thrown away in this step. This makes no senese. Fix it!
        # constraint solving failed, enumerate all values (may cause a pyB fail or a timeout)
        generator = gen_all_values(env, varList)
        for d in generator:
            yield d
        raise StopIteration()
Esempio n. 27
def all_values_by_type(atype, env, node):
        print "\033[1m\033[91mWARNING\033[00m:",pretty_print(node), "caused brute force enumeration. MIN_INT:%s MAX_INT:%s" % (env._min_int, env._max_int)
    if isinstance(atype, IntegerType):
        #print env._min_int, env._max_int
        return range(env._min_int, env._max_int+1)
    elif isinstance(atype, BoolType):
        return [True, False]
    elif isinstance(atype, StringType): # FIXME:(#ISSUE 21) only some strings are returned here
        return frozenset(env.all_strings)
    elif isinstance(atype, SetType):
        type_name =
        #print type_name
        value = env.get_value(type_name)
        assert isinstance(value, frozenset)
        return value
    elif isinstance(atype, PowerSetType):
        val_list = all_values_by_type(, env, node)
        res = powerset(val_list, node.idName)
        powerlist = list(res)
        lst = [frozenset(e) for e in powerlist]
        #print lst
        return lst
    elif isinstance(atype, CartType):
        val_pi = all_values_by_type(, env, node)
        val_i = all_values_by_type(, env, node)
        # TODO: test for realtions, seams incomplete
        lst = frozenset([(x,y) for x in val_pi for y in val_i])
        return lst
    elif isinstance(atype, StructType):
        value_dict = {}
        for name in atype.dictionary:
            rec_type = atype.dictionary[name]
            values = all_values_by_type(rec_type, env, node)
        res = all_records(value_dict)
        lst = []
        for dic in res:
            rec = []
            for entry in dic:
        return frozenset(lst)
    string = "Unknown Type / Not Implemented: %s" % atype
    #print string
    raise Exception(string)
Esempio n. 28
def check_syntactically_equal(predicate0, predicate1):
    if predicate0._same_class_(predicate1):
            length = range(len(predicate0.children))
        except AttributeError:
            return True #clase check was successful and no more children to check
        for index in length:
            child0 = predicate0.children[index]
            child1 = predicate0.children[index]
            if not check_syntactically_equal(child0, child1):
                return False
        return True
        message = "ERROR: failed to check if predicates are equal: '%s' and '%s'" %(pretty_print(predicate0),pretty_print(predicate1))
        print message
        raise DontKnowIfEqualException(message)
        return False
Esempio n. 29
 def __repr__(self):
     return "@symbolic quantified union " + pretty_print(self.node)
Esempio n. 30
import pretty_printer

import sys
import lexer
import parser
#import code_generator
#import interpreter

filename = sys.argv[1]
tokens = lexer.tokenize(filename)
#print tokens
goal = parser.parse(tokens)
Esempio n. 31
 def __repr__(self):
     return "@symbolic set comprehension" + pretty_print(self.node)