Esempio n. 1
    def test_create_or_update_type_collection(self):
        Tests the call to create a new type collection works.

        # Setup
        type_def = TypeDefinition('rpm', 'RPM', 'RPM Packages', ['name'],
                                  ['name'], [])

        # Test

        # Verify

        #   Present in types collection
        all_types = list(ContentType.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(1, len(all_types))

        found = all_types[0]
        self.assertEqual(, found['id'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.display_name, found['display_name'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.description, found['description'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.unit_key, found['unit_key'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.search_indexes, found['search_indexes'])

        #   Type collection exists
        collection_name = types_db.unit_collection_name(
            collection_name in pulp_db.database().collection_names())
Esempio n. 2
    def test_create_or_update_type_collection(self):
        Tests the call to create a new type collection works.

        # Setup
        type_def = TypeDefinition('rpm', 'RPM', 'RPM Packages', ['name'], ['name'], [])

        # Test

        # Verify

        #   Present in types collection
        all_types = list(ContentType.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(1, len(all_types))

        found = all_types[0]
        self.assertEqual(, found['id'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.display_name, found['display_name'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.description, found['description'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.unit_key, found['unit_key'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.search_indexes, found['search_indexes'])

        #   Type collection exists
        collection_name = types_db.unit_collection_name(
        self.assertTrue(collection_name in pulp_db.get_database().collection_names())
Esempio n. 3
def _create_or_update_type(type_def):
    This method creates or updates a type definition in MongoDB.

    :param type_def: the type definition to update or create. If a type definition with the same
                     as an existing type, the type is updated, otherwise it is created.
    :type  type_def: ContentType

    :return: This method will always return None
    :rtype:  None
    # Make sure a collection exists for the type
    database = connection.get_database()
    collection_name = unit_collection_name(

    if collection_name not in database.collection_names():
        connection.get_collection(collection_name, create=True)

    # Add or update an entry in the types list
    content_type_collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    content_type = ContentType(, type_def.display_name,
                               type_def.description, type_def.unit_key,
    # no longer rely on _id = id
    existing_type = content_type_collection.find_one({'id':},
    if existing_type is not None:
        content_type._id = existing_type['_id']
    # XXX this still causes a potential race condition when 2 users are updating the same type
Esempio n. 4
    def test_create_or_update_existing_type_collection(self):
        Tests calling create_or_update with a change to an existing type
        collection is successful.

        # Setup
        type_def = TypeDefinition('rpm', 'RPM', 'RPM Packages', ['name'],
                                  ['name'], [])

        # Test
        type_def.display_name = 'new-name'
        type_def.description = 'new-description'
        type_def.unit_key = 'new-key'
        type_def.search_indexes = None

        # Verify

        #   Present in types collection
        all_types = list(ContentType.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(1, len(all_types))

        found = all_types[0]
        self.assertEqual(, found['id'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.display_name, found['display_name'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.description, found['description'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.unit_key, found['unit_key'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.search_indexes, found['search_indexes'])

        #   Type collection exists
        collection_name = types_db.unit_collection_name(
            collection_name in pulp_db.database().collection_names())
Esempio n. 5
def _create_or_update_type(type_def):
    This method creates or updates a type definition in MongoDB.

    :param type_def: the type definition to update or create. If a type definition with the same
                     as an existing type, the type is updated, otherwise it is created.
    :type  type_def: ContentType

    :return: This method will always return None
    :rtype:  None
    # Make sure a collection exists for the type
    database = pulp_db.get_database()
    collection_name = unit_collection_name(

    if collection_name not in database.collection_names():
        pulp_db.get_collection(collection_name, create=True)

    # Add or update an entry in the types list
    content_type_collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    content_type = ContentType(, type_def.display_name, type_def.description, type_def.unit_key,
        type_def.search_indexes, type_def.referenced_types)
    # no longer rely on _id = id
    existing_type = content_type_collection.find_one({'id':}, fields=[])
    if existing_type is not None:
        content_type._id = existing_type['_id']
    # XXX this still causes a potential race condition when 2 users are updating the same type, safe=True)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_create_or_update_existing_type_collection(self):
        Tests calling create_or_update with a change to an existing type
        collection is successful.

        # Setup
        type_def = TypeDefinition("rpm", "RPM", "RPM Packages", ["name"], ["name"], [])

        # Test
        type_def.display_name = "new-name"
        type_def.description = "new-description"
        type_def.unit_key = "new-key"
        type_def.search_indexes = None

        # Verify

        #   Present in types collection
        all_types = list(ContentType.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(1, len(all_types))

        found = all_types[0]
        self.assertEqual(, found["id"])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.display_name, found["display_name"])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.description, found["description"])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.unit_key, found["unit_key"])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.search_indexes, found["search_indexes"])

        #   Type collection exists
        collection_name = types_db.unit_collection_name(
        self.assertTrue(collection_name in pulp_db.get_database().collection_names())
Esempio n. 7
    def test_create_or_update_existing_type_collection(self):
        Tests calling create_or_update with a change to an existing type
        collection is successful.

        # Setup
        type_def = TypeDefinition('rpm', 'RPM', 'RPM Packages', ['name'], ['name'], [])

        # Test
        type_def.display_name = 'new-name'
        type_def.description = 'new-description'
        type_def.unit_key = 'new-key'
        type_def.search_indexes = None

        # Verify

        #   Present in types collection
        all_types = list(ContentType.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(1, len(all_types))

        found = all_types[0]
        self.assertEqual(, found['id'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.display_name, found['display_name'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.description, found['description'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.unit_key, found['unit_key'])
        self.assertEqual(type_def.search_indexes, found['search_indexes'])

        #   Type collection exists
        collection_name = types_db.unit_collection_name(
        self.assertTrue(collection_name in pulp_db.get_database().collection_names())
Esempio n. 8
def all_type_definitions():
    @return: list of all type definitions in the database (mongo SON objects)
    @rtype:  list of dict

    coll = ContentType.get_collection()
    types = list(coll.find())
    return types
Esempio n. 9
def all_type_definitions():
    @return: list of all type definitions in the database (mongo SON objects)
    @rtype:  list of dict

    coll = ContentType.get_collection()
    types = list(coll.find())
    return types
Esempio n. 10
def type_definition(type_id):
    Return a type definition
    @param type_id: unique type id
    @type type_id: str
    @return: corresponding type definition, None if not found
    @rtype: SON or None
    collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    type_ = collection.find_one({'id': type_id})
    return type_
Esempio n. 11
def type_definition(type_id):
    Return a type definition
    @param type_id: unique type id
    @type type_id: str
    @return: corresponding type definition, None if not found
    @rtype: SON or None
    collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    type_ = collection.find_one({'id': type_id})
    return type_
Esempio n. 12
def all_type_ids():
    @return: list of IDs for all types currently in the database; empty list
             if there are no IDs in the database
    @rtype:  list of str

    collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    type_id_son = list(collection.find(fields={'id' : 1}))
    type_ids = [t['id'] for t in type_id_son]

    return type_ids
Esempio n. 13
def all_type_ids():
    @return: list of IDs for all types currently in the database; empty list
             if there are no IDs in the database
    @rtype:  list of str

    collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    type_id_son = list(collection.find(projection={'id': 1}))
    type_ids = [t['id'] for t in type_id_son]

    return type_ids
Esempio n. 14
def all_type_collection_names():
    @return: list of collection names for all types currently in the database
    @rtype:  list of str

    collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    type_ids = list(collection.find(fields={'id' : 1}))

    type_collection_names = []
    for id in type_ids:

    return type_collection_names
Esempio n. 15
def all_type_collection_names():
    @return: list of collection names for all types currently in the database
    @rtype:  list of str

    collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    type_ids = list(collection.find(projection={'id': 1}))

    type_collection_names = []
    for id in type_ids:

    return type_collection_names
Esempio n. 16
def type_units_unit_key(type_id):
    Get the unit key for a given content type collection. If no type
    definition is found for the given ID, None is returned

    @param type_id: unique content type identifier
    @type type_id: str
    @return: list of indices that can uniquely identify a document in the
             content type collection
    @rtype: list of str or None
    collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    type_def = collection.find_one({'id': type_id})
    if type_def is None:
        return None
    return type_def['unit_key']
Esempio n. 17
def type_units_unit_key(type_id):
    Get the unit key for a given content type collection. If no type
    definition is found for the given ID, None is returned

    @param type_id: unique content type identifier
    @type type_id: str
    @return: list of indices that can uniquely identify a document in the
             content type collection
    @rtype: list of str or None
    collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    type_def = collection.find_one({'id': type_id})
    if type_def is None:
        return None
    return type_def['unit_key']
Esempio n. 18
def _create_or_update_type(type_def):

    # Make sure a collection exists for the type
    database = pulp_db.get_database()
    collection_name = unit_collection_name(

    if collection_name not in database.collection_names():
        pulp_db.get_collection(collection_name, create=True)

    # Add or update an entry in the types list
    content_type_collection = ContentType.get_collection()
    content_type = ContentType(, type_def.display_name, type_def.description,
                               type_def.unit_key, type_def.search_indexes, type_def.referenced_types)
    # no longer rely on _id = id
    existing_type = content_type_collection.find_one({'id':}, fields=[])
    if existing_type is not None:
        content_type._id = existing_type['_id']
    # XXX this still causes a potential race condition when 2 users are updating the same type, safe=True)
Esempio n. 19
def clean():
    Purges the database of all types and their associated collections. This
    isn't really meant to be run from Pulp server code but rather as a utility
    for test cases.
    """'Purging the database of all content type definitions and collections')

    # Search the database instead of just going on what's in the type listing
    # just in case they got out of sync
    database = pulp_db.get_database()
    all_collection_names = database.collection_names()
    type_collection_names = [n for n in all_collection_names if n.startswith(TYPE_COLLECTION_PREFIX)]
    for drop_me in type_collection_names:

    # Purge the types collection of all entries
    type_collection = ContentType.get_collection()
Esempio n. 20
 def define_plugins(self):
     collection = ContentType.get_collection()
     for type_id in ALL_TYPES:, unit_key=UNIT_METADATA.keys()), safe=True)
Esempio n. 21
 def define_plugins(self):
     collection = ContentType.get_collection(),
Esempio n. 22
 def define_plugins(self):
     collection = ContentType.get_collection(), unit_key=self.UNIT_KEY.keys()))
Esempio n. 23
 def define_plugins(self):
     collection = ContentType.get_collection()
     for type_id in ALL_TYPES:, unit_key=UNIT_METADATA.keys()),
Esempio n. 24
def _validate_content_type():
    objectdb = ContentType.get_collection()
    reference = ContentType('', '', '', [], [], [])
    return _validate_model(ConsumerHistoryEvent.__name__, objectdb, reference)