Esempio n. 1
def test_pw_scf_no_forces_stress():
    fn = unpack_compressed('files/pw.scf_no_forces_stress.out.gz')
    pp = PwSCFOutputFile(fn)
    assert pp.get_forces() is None
    assert pp.get_stress() is None
    st = io.read_pw_scf(fn)
    assert st.stress is None
    assert st.forces is None
Esempio n. 2
def test_pw_scf_no_forces_stress():
    fn = unpack_compressed('files/pw.scf_no_forces_stress.out.gz')
    pp = PwSCFOutputFile(fn)
    assert pp.get_forces() is None
    assert pp.get_stress() is None
    st = io.read_pw_scf(fn)
    assert st.stress is None
    assert st.forces is None
Esempio n. 3
def test_pw_scf_one_atom():
    fn = unpack_compressed('files/pw.scf_one_atom.out.gz')
    pp = PwSCFOutputFile(fn)
    not_none = [\
    tools.assert_attrs_not_none(pp, attr_lst=not_none)
    assert pp.forces.shape == (1, 3)
    assert pp.coords.shape == (1, 3)
    assert pp.stress.shape == (3, 3)
    assert pp.cell.shape == (3, 3)
Esempio n. 4
def test_pw_scf_one_atom():
    fn = unpack_compressed('files/pw.scf_one_atom.out.gz')
    pp = PwSCFOutputFile(fn)
    not_none = [\
    tools.assert_attrs_not_none(pp, attr_lst=not_none)
    assert pp.forces.shape == (1,3)
    assert pp.coords.shape == (1,3)
    assert pp.stress.shape == (3,3)
    assert pp.cell.shape == (3,3)
Esempio n. 5
def test_pw_more_forces():    
    fac = Ry / eV / Bohr * Ang

    # MD: london=.true.
    filename = 'files/pw.md_london.out'
    common.system('gunzip %s.gz' %filename)
    natoms = 141
    nstep = 10
    # traj case
    pp = PwMDOutputFile(filename=filename)
    tr = pp.get_traj()
    assert tr.natoms == natoms
    assert tr.forces.shape == (nstep,natoms,3)
    assert tr.coords.shape == (nstep,natoms,3)
    assert pp._forces_raw.shape == (nstep+1,2*natoms,3)
    assert np.allclose(tr.forces, pp._forces_raw[1:,:natoms,:] * fac)
    # scf case, return only 1st step
    pp = PwSCFOutputFile(filename=filename)
    st = pp.get_struct()
    assert st.natoms == natoms
    assert st.forces.shape == (natoms,3)
    assert st.coords.shape == (natoms,3)
    assert pp._forces_raw.shape == (nstep+1,2*natoms,3)
    assert np.allclose(st.forces, pp._forces_raw[0,:natoms,:] * fac)
    common.system('gzip %s' %filename)
    # SCF: verbosity='high' + london=.true.

    filename = 'files/pw.scf_verbose_london.out'
    common.system('gunzip %s.gz' %filename)
    natoms = 4
    nstep = 1
    pp = PwSCFOutputFile(filename=filename)
    st = pp.get_struct()
    assert st.natoms == natoms
    assert st.forces.shape == (natoms,3)
    assert st.coords.shape == (natoms,3)
    assert pp._forces_raw.shape == (nstep, 8*natoms,3)
    assert np.allclose(st.forces, pp._forces_raw[0,:natoms,:] * fac)
    common.system('gzip %s' %filename)

    # MD: verbosity='high' + natoms=1

    filename = 'files/pw.md_one_atom.out'
    common.system('gunzip %s.gz' %filename)
    natoms = 1
    nstep = 4
    # traj case
    pp = PwMDOutputFile(filename=filename)
    tr = pp.get_traj()
    assert tr.natoms == natoms
    assert tr.forces.shape == (nstep,natoms,3)
    assert tr.coords.shape == (nstep,natoms,3)
    assert pp._forces_raw.shape == (nstep+1,7*natoms,3)
    assert np.allclose(tr.forces, pp._forces_raw[1:,:natoms,:] * fac)
    # scf case, return only 1st step
    pp = PwSCFOutputFile(filename=filename)
    st = pp.get_struct()
    assert st.natoms == natoms
    assert st.forces.shape == (natoms,3)
    assert st.coords.shape == (natoms,3)
    assert pp._forces_raw.shape == (nstep+1,7*natoms,3)
    assert np.allclose(st.forces, pp._forces_raw[0,:natoms,:] * fac)
    common.system('gzip %s' %filename)
Esempio n. 6
def test_pw_scf_out():

    # ref data for Structure, all lengths in Ang, energy in eV
    natoms = 2
    symbols = ['Si', 'Si']
    cell = np.array([[-2.71536701, 0.,
                      2.71536701], [0., 2.71536701, 2.71536701],
                     [-2.71536701, 2.71536701, 0.]])
    forces = np.array([[2.57110316, 5.14220632, 7.71330948],
                       [-2.57110316, -5.14220632, -7.71330948]])  # eV / Ang
    nspecies = {'Si': 2}
    mass = np.array([28.0855, 28.0855])  # amu
    cryst_const = np.array([3.84010885, 3.84010885, 3.84010885, 60., 60., 60.])
    symbols_unique = ['Si']
    etot = -258.58148870118305  # eV
    typat = [1, 1]
    volume = 40.041985843396688  # Ang**3
    stress = np.array([[9.825, 0., 0.], [0., 9.825, 0.], [0., 0.,
                                                          9.825]])  # GPa
    coords_frac = np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]])
    pressure = 9.825  # GPa
    coords = np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [-1.35768351, 1.35768351, 1.35768351]])
    order = {'Si': 1}
    alat = 10.2626  # Bohr

    filename = 'files/pw.scf.out'
    common.system('gunzip %s.gz' % filename)

    # use_alat=False. Provide high-precision alat from outside (e.g.
    # from instead of parsing and using low-precision value from pw.out).
    # Here we use the same alat for the tests.
    pp1 = PwSCFOutputFile(
        use_alat=False,  # alat=1.0
        units={'length': alat * Bohr / Ang})
    struct1 = pp1.get_struct()  # pp1.parse() called here
    assert pp1.scf_converged is True
    assert alat == pp1.get_alat(True)
    assert 1.0 == pp1.get_alat(False)

    aaae(cryst_const, struct1.cryst_const)
    aaae(cell, struct1.cell)
    aaae(coords, struct1.coords)
    aaae(coords_frac, struct1.coords_frac)
    aaae(forces, struct1.forces)
    aaae(stress, struct1.stress)
    assert np.allclose(volume, struct1.volume)
    assert np.allclose(etot, struct1.etot)
    assert np.allclose(pressure, struct1.pressure)

    # use_alat=True, alat = 10.2626 Bohr
    pp2 = PwSCFOutputFile(filename=filename, use_alat=True)
    struct2 = pp2.get_struct()  # pp.parse() called here
    assert np.allclose(alat, pp2.alat)
    assert pp2.scf_converged is True
    assert alat == pp2.get_alat(True)  # Bohr
    assert 1.0 == pp2.get_alat(False)

    # Skip coords adn cell b/c they are modified by self.alat and
    # pp1.alat = 1.0, pp2.alat = 10.2626
    attr_lst = common.pop_from_list(pp1.attr_lst, ['coords', 'cell'])
    adae(pp1.__dict__, pp2.__dict__, keys=attr_lst)

    attr_lst = struct1.attr_lst
    adae(struct1.__dict__, struct2.__dict__, keys=attr_lst)

    pp3 = PwSCFOutputFile(filename=filename)
    assert alat == pp3.get_alat()  # self.use_alat=True default

    common.system('gzip %s' % filename)
Esempio n. 7
def test_pw_scf_out():
    # ref data for Structure, all lengths in Ang, energy in eV
    natoms = 2
    symbols = ['Si', 'Si']
    cell = np.array([[-2.71536701,  0.        ,  2.71536701],
           [ 0.        ,  2.71536701,  2.71536701],
           [-2.71536701,  2.71536701,  0.        ]])
    forces = np.array([[ 2.57110316,  5.14220632,  7.71330948],
                       [-2.57110316, -5.14220632, -7.71330948]]) # eV / Ang
    nspecies = {'Si': 2}
    mass = np.array([ 28.0855,  28.0855]) # amu
    cryst_const = np.array([  3.84010885,   3.84010885,   3.84010885,  60. ,
            60.        ,  60.        ])
    symbols_unique = ['Si']
    etot = -258.58148870118305 # eV
    typat = [1, 1]
    volume = 40.041985843396688 # Ang**3
    stress = np.array([[ 9.825,   0.  ,   0.  ],
           [  0.  ,  9.825,   0.  ],
           [  0.  ,   0.  ,  9.825]]) # GPa
    coords_frac = np.array([[ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
           [ 0.25,  0.25,  0.25]])
    pressure = 9.825 # GPa
    coords = np.array([[ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [-1.35768351,  1.35768351,  1.35768351]])
    order = {'Si': 1}
    alat = 10.2626 # Bohr

    filename = 'files/pw.scf.out'
    common.system('gunzip %s.gz' %filename)

    # use_alat=False. Provide high-precision alat from outside (e.g.
    # from instead of parsing and using low-precision value from pw.out).
    # Here we use the same alat for the tests.
    pp1 = PwSCFOutputFile(filename=filename, 
                         use_alat=False, # alat=1.0
                         units={'length': alat*Bohr/Ang})
    struct1 = pp1.get_struct() # pp1.parse() called here
    assert pp1.scf_converged is True
    assert alat == pp1.get_alat(True)
    assert 1.0 == pp1.get_alat(False)
    aaae(cryst_const, struct1.cryst_const)
    aaae(cell, struct1.cell)
    aaae(coords, struct1.coords)
    aaae(coords_frac, struct1.coords_frac)
    aaae(forces, struct1.forces)
    aaae(stress, struct1.stress)
    assert np.allclose(volume, struct1.volume)
    assert np.allclose(etot, struct1.etot)
    assert np.allclose(pressure, struct1.pressure)
    # use_alat=True, alat = 10.2626 Bohr
    pp2 = PwSCFOutputFile(filename=filename, use_alat=True)
    struct2 = pp2.get_struct() # pp.parse() called here
    assert np.allclose(alat, pp2.alat)
    assert pp2.scf_converged is True
    assert alat == pp2.get_alat(True)    # Bohr
    assert 1.0 == pp2.get_alat(False)
    # Skip coords adn cell b/c they are modified by self.alat and
    # pp1.alat = 1.0, pp2.alat = 10.2626 
    attr_lst = common.pop_from_list(pp1.attr_lst, ['coords', 'cell'])
    adae(pp1.__dict__, pp2.__dict__, keys=attr_lst)         

    attr_lst = struct1.attr_lst
    adae(struct1.__dict__, struct2.__dict__, keys=attr_lst)         
    pp3 = PwSCFOutputFile(filename=filename)
    assert alat == pp3.get_alat() # self.use_alat=True default
    common.system('gzip %s' %filename)