Esempio n. 1
def sendLatestCloudWatchData(z, h, d):
    zabbix_server = z
    zabbix_host = h
    cloud_watch_data = d

    global start_time

    zabbix_sender = pyZabbixSender(server=zabbix_server, port=10051)
    for cwdata in cloud_watch_data:
        zabbix_key = cwdata['zabbix_key']
        results = cwdata['cloud_watch_results']
        statistics = cwdata['statistics']

        if results:
            # sort results by timestamp in descending order
            sorts = sorted(results, key=itemgetter('Timestamp'), reverse=True)
            # Get the latest data and timestamp
            zabbix_key_value = sorts[0][statistics]
            zabbix_key_timestamp = int(
            # Add data to zabbix sender
            zabbix_sender.addData(zabbix_host, zabbix_key, zabbix_key_value,
        else:  # No data found within the time window
            # Set the zabbix key value to 0
            zabbix_key_value = 0
            # Set the zabbix key timestamp as the start time for getting cloudwatch data
            zabbix_key_timestamp = int(time.mktime(start_time.timetuple()))
            # Add data to zabbix sender
            zabbix_sender.addData(zabbix_host, zabbix_key, zabbix_key_value,

    # Send data to zabbix server
def sendLatestCloudWatchData(z, h, d):
    zabbix_server = z
    zabbix_host = h
    cloud_watch_data = d

    global start_time

    zabbix_sender = pyZabbixSender(server=zabbix_server, port=10051)
    for cwdata in cloud_watch_data:
        zabbix_key = cwdata['zabbix_key']
        results = cwdata['cloud_watch_results']
        statistics = cwdata['statistics']

        if results:
            # sort results by timestamp in descending order
            sorts = sorted(results, key=itemgetter('Timestamp'), reverse=True)
            # Get the latest data and timestamp
            zabbix_key_value = sorts[0][statistics]
            zabbix_key_timestamp = int(time.mktime(utcToLocaltimestamp(sorts[0]['Timestamp']).timetuple()))
            # Add data to zabbix sender
            zabbix_sender.addData(zabbix_host, zabbix_key, zabbix_key_value, zabbix_key_timestamp)
        else:  # No data found within the time window
            # Set the zabbix key value to 0
            zabbix_key_value = 0
            # Set the zabbix key timestamp as the start time for getting cloudwatch data
            zabbix_key_timestamp = int(time.mktime(utcToLocaltimestamp(start_time).timetuple()))
            # Add data to zabbix sender
            zabbix_sender.addData(zabbix_host, zabbix_key, zabbix_key_value, zabbix_key_timestamp)

    # Send data to zabbix server
Esempio n. 3
def push_status_data_to_zabbix(data, host):
    timestamp = 0
    z = pyZabbixSender("localhost")
    for item in data:
        for attribute, value in item.iteritems():
            z.addData("monitoring_client_1", attribute, value)
    results = z.sendData()
Esempio n. 4
def send_vuln_to_zabbix(vulnerability_results, args_server, args_port, nessus_metadata, args_fake):
    z = pyZabbixSender(server=args_server, port=args_port)

    for vuln_result in vulnerability_results:
        #first we add the metadata
        z.addData(vuln_result[0],'',nessus_metadata[0]) #scanname
        z.addData(vuln_result[0],'',nessus_metadata[1]) #policyname
        z.addData(vuln_result[0],'',nessus_metadata[2]) #scan time
        #now we add the values
        z.addData(vuln_result[0], 'vulnerability.low', vuln_result[1])
        z.addData(vuln_result[0], 'vulnerability.medium', vuln_result[2])
        z.addData(vuln_result[0], 'vulnerability.high', vuln_result[3])
        z.addData(vuln_result[0], 'vulnerability.critical', vuln_result[4])

        if args_fake:
            print "Faking. This is where I send data"
            results = z.sendDataOneByOne()
            for (code,data) in results:
                if code != z.RC_OK:
                    print "Failed to send %s" % str(data)
    print "Done sending vulnerability data"
Esempio n. 5
def push_sensor_data_to_zabbix(data, host):
    timestamp = 0
    for item in data:
            timestamp = item['time']
    z = pyZabbixSender('localhost')
    for item in data:
        for attribute, value in item.iteritems():
            if attribute != 'time':
                z.addData(host, attribute, value, timestamp)

    results = z.sendData()
Esempio n. 6
def send_comp_to_zabbix(compliance_results, args_server, args_port, nessus_metadata, args_fake):
    z = pyZabbixSender(server=args_server, port=args_port)

    for comp_result in compliance_results:
        #first we add the metadata
        z.addData(comp_result[0],'',nessus_metadata[0]) #scanname
        z.addData(comp_result[0],'',nessus_metadata[1]) #policyname
        z.addData(comp_result[0],'',nessus_metadata[2]) #scan time
        #now we add the values
        z.addData(comp_result[0], 'cis.compliance.passed', comp_result[1])
        z.addData(comp_result[0], 'cis.compliance.warning', comp_result[2])
        z.addData(comp_result[0], 'cis.compliance.failed', comp_result[3])

        if args_fake:
            print "Faking. This is where I send data"
            results = z.sendDataOneByOne()
            for (code,data) in results:
                if code != z.RC_OK:
                    print "Failed to send %s" % str(data)
    print "Done sending compliance data"
Esempio n. 7
from pyZabbixSender import pyZabbixSender

# this import is optional. Here is used to create a timestamp to associate
# to some data points, for example/testing purposes only.
import time

# Specifying server, but using default port
z = pyZabbixSender("")

def printBanner(text):
    border_char = '#'
    border = border_char * (len(text) + 4)
    print "\n\n%s" % border
    print "%s %s %s" % (border_char, text, border_char)
    print border
def test_01():
    Simple "debugging" usage example (using "sendDataOneByOne" method)
    # Just ensuring we start without data, in case other example was
    # executed before this one

    # Adding a host/trap that exist
    z.addData("test_host", "test_trap", 21)

    # Adding a host that exist, but a trap that doesn't
Esempio n. 8
def sendAllCloudWatchData(z, h, d, l):
    zabbix_server = z
    zabbix_host = h
    cloud_watch_data = d
    cw_log = l

    global start_time

    # Open cloudwatch log file for appending
    file = open(cw_log, 'a')

    zabbix_sender = pyZabbixSender(server=zabbix_server, port=10051)
    for cwdata in cloud_watch_data:
        zabbix_key = cwdata['zabbix_key']
        results = cwdata['cloud_watch_results']
        statistics = cwdata['statistics']

        if results:
            # sort results by timestamp in descending order
            sorts = sorted(results, key=itemgetter('Timestamp'), reverse=True)
            for sort in sorts:
                zabbix_key_value = sort[statistics]
                zabbix_key_timestamp = int(
                # Get cloudwatch data in the format of: <timestamp>,<key>,<value>
                cw_data = str(zabbix_key_timestamp) + ',' + str(
                    zabbix_key) + ',' + str(zabbix_key_value)
                # Search cloudwatch log with timestamp and key, send cloudwatch data if it is not found in the log
                cw_data_search = str(zabbix_key_timestamp) + ',' + str(
                # Add escape to square brackets for regular expression search, to fix search pattern error
                cw_data_search = cw_data_search.replace("[", "\[").replace(
                    "]", "\]")
                cw_data_found = 0
                for line in open(cw_log, 'r'):
                    if, line):
                        cw_data_found = cw_data_found + 1
                # If data not found in the cloudwatch log, then add new data
                if cw_data_found == 0:
                    # Add data to zabbix sender
                    zabbix_sender.addData(zabbix_host, zabbix_key,
                    # Write cloudwatch data to the log file
                    file.write(cw_data + '\n')

        else:  # No data found within the time window
            # Set the zabbix key value to 0
            zabbix_key_value = 0
            # Set the zabbix key timestamp as the start time for getting cloudwatch data
            zabbix_key_timestamp = int(time.mktime(start_time.timetuple()))
            # Get cloudwatch data in the format of: <timestamp>,<key>,<value>
            cw_data = str(zabbix_key_timestamp) + ',' + str(
                zabbix_key) + ',' + str(zabbix_key_value)
            # Search cloudwatch log with timestamp and key, send cloudwatch data if it is not found in the log
            cw_data_search = str(zabbix_key_timestamp) + ',' + str(zabbix_key)
            # Add escape to square brackets for regular expression search, to fix search pattern error
            cw_data_search = cw_data_search.replace("[",
                                                    "\[").replace("]", "\]")
            cw_data_found = 0
            for line in open(cw_log, 'r'):
                if, line):
                    cw_data_found = cw_data_found + 1
            # If data not found in the cloudwatch log, then add new data
            if cw_data_found == 0:
                # Set zabbix trapper key value to 0 if no data found in cloudwatch
                zabbix_sender.addData(zabbix_host, zabbix_key,
                                      zabbix_key_value, zabbix_key_timestamp)
                # Write cloudwatch data to the log file
                file.write(cw_data + '\n')

    # Send data to zabbix server
    send_results = zabbix_sender.sendData()
    file.write(str(send_results) + '\n')
    # Close cloudwatch log file
def sendAllCloudWatchData(z, h, d, l):
    zabbix_server = z
    zabbix_host = h
    cloud_watch_data = d
    cw_log = l

    global start_time

    # Open cloudwatch log file for appending
    file = open(cw_log, 'a')

    zabbix_sender = pyZabbixSender(server=zabbix_server, port=10051)
    for cwdata in cloud_watch_data:
        zabbix_key = cwdata['zabbix_key']
        results = cwdata['cloud_watch_results']
        statistics = cwdata['statistics']

        if results:
            # sort results by timestamp in descending order
            sorts = sorted(results, key=itemgetter('Timestamp'), reverse=True)
            for sort in sorts:
                zabbix_key_value = sort[statistics]
                zabbix_key_timestamp = int(time.mktime(utcToLocaltimestamp(sorts[0]['Timestamp']).timetuple()))
                # Get cloudwatch data in the format of: <timestamp>,<key>,<value>
                cw_data = str(zabbix_key_timestamp) + ',' + str(zabbix_key) + ',' + str(zabbix_key_value)
                # Search cloudwatch log with timestamp and key, send cloudwatch data if it is not found in the log
                cw_data_search = str(zabbix_key_timestamp) + ',' + str(zabbix_key)
                # Add escape to square brackets for regular expression search, to fix search pattern error
                cw_data_search = cw_data_search.replace("[", "\[").replace("]", "\]")
                cw_data_found = 0
                for line in open(cw_log, 'r'):
                    if, line):
                        cw_data_found = cw_data_found + 1
                # If data not found in the cloudwatch log, then add new data
                if cw_data_found == 0:
                    # Add data to zabbix sender
                    zabbix_sender.addData(zabbix_host, zabbix_key, zabbix_key_value, zabbix_key_timestamp)
                    # Write cloudwatch data to the log file
                    file.write(cw_data + '\n')

        else:  # No data found within the time window
            # Set the zabbix key value to 0
            zabbix_key_value = 0
            # Set the zabbix key timestamp as the start time for getting cloudwatch data
            zabbix_key_timestamp = int(time.mktime(utcToLocaltimestamp(start_time).timetuple()))
            # Get cloudwatch data in the format of: <timestamp>,<key>,<value>
            cw_data = str(zabbix_key_timestamp) + ',' + str(zabbix_key) + ',' + str(zabbix_key_value)
            # Search cloudwatch log with timestamp and key, send cloudwatch data if it is not found in the log
            cw_data_search = str(zabbix_key_timestamp) + ',' + str(zabbix_key)
            # Add escape to square brackets for regular expression search, to fix search pattern error
            cw_data_search = cw_data_search.replace("[", "\[").replace("]", "\]")
            cw_data_found = 0
            for line in open(cw_log, 'r'):
                if, line):
                    cw_data_found = cw_data_found + 1
            # If data not found in the cloudwatch log, then add new data
            if cw_data_found == 0:
                # Set zabbix trapper key value to 0 if no data found in cloudwatch
                zabbix_sender.addData(zabbix_host, zabbix_key, zabbix_key_value, zabbix_key_timestamp)
                # Write cloudwatch data to the log file
                file.write(cw_data + '\n')

    # Send data to zabbix server
    send_results = zabbix_sender.sendData()
    file.write(str(send_results) + '\n')
    # Close cloudwatch log file
Esempio n. 10
from pyZabbixSender import pyZabbixSender

# this import is optional. Here is used to create a timestamp to associate
# to some data points, for example/testing purposes only.
import time

# If the server where pyZabbixSender located does not have a direct Internet
# connection you can specify proxy settings:
# z = pyZabbixSender(
# 	server="",
# 	port=10051,
# 	proxytype=5,
# 	netproxy="",
# 	proxyport=8080)
z = pyZabbixSender("")

def printBanner(text):
    border_char = '#'
    border = border_char * (len(text) + 4)
    print "\n\n%s" % border
    print "%s %s %s" % (border_char, text, border_char)
    print border

def test_01():
    Simple "debugging" usage example (using "sendDataOneByOne" method)