Esempio n. 1
 def solve(
     network: str = config["network"]
 ) -> Tuple[Wallet, str, Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]]:
     return (Wallet(network=network).from_xprivate_key(
         xprivate_key=self._xprivate_key), self._secret_key, self._path,
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,
        # Checking path and indexes
        if not path and not indexes:
            path = "m/44/153/{}/{}/{}".format(account, 1 if change else 0,

        # Initialization bytom wallet
        self.wallet = Wallet()
        # XPrivate key of recipient to sign signature
        self.xprivate_key = xprivate_key
        # Setting derivation key
        self.path, self.indexes = path, indexes
Esempio n. 3
    def solve(
        network: str = config["network"]
    ) -> Tuple[Wallet, Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]]:

        if self._path is None and not self._indexes:
            self._path = config["bip44_path"].format(
                change=(1 if self._change else 0),
        return (Wallet(network=network).from_xprivate_key(
            xprivate_key=self._xprivate_key), self._path, self._indexes)
Esempio n. 4
class ClaimSolver:
    Bytom ClaimSolver class.

    :param secret: secret key.
    :type secret: str
    :param xprivate_key: bytom sender xprivate key.
    :type xprivate_key: str
    :param account: bytom derivation account, defaults to 1.
    :type account: int
    :param change: bytom derivation change, defaults to False.
    :type change: bool
    :param address: bytom derivation address, defaults to 1.
    :type address: int
    :param path: bytom derivation path, defaults to None.
    :type path: str
    :param indexes: bytom derivation indexes, defaults to None.
    :type indexes: list
    :returns:  ClaimSolver -- bytom claim solver instance.

    >>> from shuttle.providers.bytom.solver import ClaimSolver
    >>> claim_solver = ClaimSolver("Hello Meheret!", recipient_xprivate_key)
    <shuttle.providers.bytom.solver.ClaimSolver object at 0x03FCCA60>

    # Initialization claiming on hash time lock contract (HTLC)
    def __init__(self,
        # Checking path and indexes
        if not path and not indexes:
            path = "m/44/153/{}/{}/{}".format(account, 1 if change else 0,

        # Initialization bytom wallet
        self.wallet = Wallet()
        # Secret key to unlock HTLC
        self.secret = secret.encode()
        # XPrivate key of recipient to sign signature
        self.xprivate_key = xprivate_key
        # Setting derivation key
        self.path, self.indexes = path, indexes

    # Signature solve
    def solve(self):
        return self.wallet.from_xprivate_key(xprivate_key=self.xprivate_key)
Esempio n. 5
def test_from_entropy():

    wallet: Wallet = Wallet(

    assert wallet.entropy() == _["wallet"]["entropy"]
    assert wallet.mnemonic() == _["wallet"]["mnemonic"]
    assert wallet.language() == _["wallet"]["language"]
    assert wallet.passphrase() is None
    assert wallet.seed() == _["wallet"]["seed"]
    assert wallet.xprivate_key() == _["wallet"]["xprivate_key"]
    assert wallet.xpublic_key() == _["wallet"]["xpublic_key"]
    assert wallet.expand_xprivate_key() == _["wallet"]["expand_xprivate_key"]
    assert wallet.child_xprivate_key() == _["wallet"]["child_xprivate_key"]
    assert wallet.child_xpublic_key() == _["wallet"]["child_xpublic_key"]
    assert wallet.guid() == _["wallet"]["guid"]
    assert wallet.private_key() == _["wallet"]["private_key"]
    assert wallet.public_key() == _["wallet"]["public_key"]
    assert wallet.program() == _["wallet"]["program"]
    assert wallet.indexes() == _["wallet"]["indexes"]
    assert wallet.path() == _["wallet"]["path"]
    assert wallet.address(network="mainnet", vapor=False) == _["wallet"]["address"]["mainnet"]
    assert wallet.address(network="solonet", vapor=False) == _["wallet"]["address"]["solonet"]
    assert wallet.address(network="testnet", vapor=False) == _["wallet"]["address"]["testnet"]
    assert wallet.address(network="mainnet", vapor=True) == _["wallet"]["vapor_address"]["mainnet"]
    assert wallet.address(network="solonet", vapor=True) == _["wallet"]["vapor_address"]["solonet"]
    assert wallet.address(network="testnet", vapor=True) == _["wallet"]["vapor_address"]["testnet"]

    assert wallet.dumps(guid=True) == _["wallet"]

    assert isinstance(wallet.balance(vapor=False), int)
    assert isinstance(wallet.balance(vapor=True), int)
    assert isinstance(wallet.utxos(), list)

    signature: str = wallet.sign(message=MESSAGE)
    assert isinstance(signature, str)
    assert wallet.verify(message=MESSAGE, signature=signature)
Esempio n. 6
def test_from_mnemonic():

    wallet: Wallet = Wallet(network=_["network"]).from_mnemonic(

    assert wallet.entropy() == _["wallet"]["entropy"]
    assert wallet.mnemonic() == _["wallet"]["mnemonic"]
    assert wallet.language() == _["wallet"]["language"]
    assert wallet.passphrase() is None
    assert wallet.seed() == _["wallet"]["seed"]
    assert wallet.xprivate_key() == _["wallet"]["xprivate_key"]
    assert wallet.xpublic_key() == _["wallet"]["xpublic_key"]
    assert wallet.expand_xprivate_key() == _["wallet"]["expand_xprivate_key"]
    assert wallet.child_xprivate_key() == _["wallet"]["child_xprivate_key"]
    assert wallet.child_xpublic_key() == _["wallet"]["child_xpublic_key"]
    # assert wallet.guid() == _["wallet"]["guid"]
    assert wallet.private_key() == _["wallet"]["private_key"]
    assert wallet.public_key() == _["wallet"]["public_key"]
    assert wallet.program() == _["wallet"]["program"]
    assert wallet.indexes() == _["wallet"]["indexes"]
    assert wallet.path() == _["wallet"]["path"]
    assert wallet.address(network="mainnet",
                          vapor=False) == _["wallet"]["address"]["mainnet"]
    assert wallet.address(network="solonet",
                          vapor=False) == _["wallet"]["address"]["solonet"]
    assert wallet.address(network="testnet",
                          vapor=False) == _["wallet"]["address"]["testnet"]
    assert wallet.address(
        vapor=True) == _["wallet"]["vapor_address"]["mainnet"]
    assert wallet.address(
        vapor=True) == _["wallet"]["vapor_address"]["solonet"]
    assert wallet.address(
        vapor=True) == _["wallet"]["vapor_address"]["testnet"]

    assert isinstance(wallet.dumps(guid=False), dict)
Esempio n. 7
    def from_mnemonic(self, mnemonic):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from mnemonic.

        :param mnemonic: Bytom wallet mnemonic.
        :type mnemonic: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = BTMWallet()\
        self._xpublic_key = self.bytom.xpublic_key()
        self._private_key = self.bytom.private_key()
        self._public_key = self.bytom.public_key()
        self._program = self.bytom.program()
        self._address = self.bytom.address(
        return self
Esempio n. 8
    def from_entropy(self, entropy):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from entropy.

        :param entropy: Bytom wallet entropy.
        :type entropy: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_entropy("...")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = BTMWallet()\
        self._xpublic_key = self.bytom.xpublic_key()
        self._private_key = self.bytom.private_key()
        self._public_key = self.bytom.public_key()
        self._program = self.bytom.program()
        self._address = self.bytom.address(
        return self
Esempio n. 9
    def from_xprivate_key(self, xprivate_key):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from xprivate key.

        :param xprivate_key: Bytom wallet xprivate key.
        :type xprivate_key: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_xprivate_key("205b15f70e253399da90b127b074ea02904594be9d54678207872ec1ba31ee51ef4490504bd2b6f997113671892458830de09518e6bd5958d5d5dd97624cfa4b")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = BTMWallet()\
        self._xpublic_key = self.bytom.xpublic_key()
        self._private_key = self.bytom.private_key()
        self._public_key = self.bytom.public_key()
        self._program = self.bytom.program()
        self._address = self.bytom.address(
        return self
Esempio n. 10
    def from_seed(self, seed):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from seed.

        :param seed: Bytom wallet seed.
        :type seed: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_seed("baff3e1fe60e1f2a2d840d304acc98d1818140c79354a353b400fb019bfb256bc392d7aa9047adff1f14bce0342e14605c6743a6c08e02150588375eb2eb7d49")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = BTMWallet()\
        self._xpublic_key = self.bytom.xpublic_key()
        self._private_key = self.bytom.private_key()
        self._public_key = self.bytom.public_key()
        self._program = self.bytom.program()
        self._address = self.bytom.address(
        return self
Esempio n. 11
 def solve(self):
     return Wallet().from_xprivate_key(xprivate_key=self.xprivate_key)
Esempio n. 12
from pybytom.transaction import NormalTransaction
from pybytom.assets import BTM as ASSET
from pybytom.utils import amount_converter
from pybytom.rpc import submit_transaction_raw, estimate_transaction_fee

import json

# Choose network mainnet, solonet or testnet
NETWORK: str = "mainnet"  # Default is mainnet
# Bytom sidechain (Vapor protocol)
VAPOR: bool = True  # Default is False
# Wallet entropy hex string
ENTROPY: str = "72fee73846f2d1a5807dc8c953bf79f1"

# Initialize Bytom wallet
wallet: Wallet = Wallet(network=NETWORK)
# Get Bytom wallet from mnemonic
# Derivation from default indexes

# Initialize normal transaction
unsigned_normal_transaction: NormalTransaction = NormalTransaction(
    network=NETWORK, vapor=VAPOR)

# Estimate transaction fee (returned NEU amount)
estimated_transaction_fee: int = estimate_transaction_fee(
    amount=amount_converter(0.1, "BTM2NEU"),
Esempio n. 13
class Wallet:
    Bytom Wallet class.

    :param network: Bytom network, defaults to testnet.
    :type network: str
    :param account: Bytom derivation account, defaults to 1.
    :type account: int
    :param change: Bytom derivation change, defaults to False.
    :type change: bool
    :param address: Bytom derivation address, defaults to 1.
    :type address: int
    :param path: Bytom derivation path, defaults to None.
    :type path: str
    :param indexes: Bytom derivation indexes, defaults to None.
    :type indexes: list
    :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

    .. note::
        Bytom has only three networks, ``mainnet``, ``solonet`` and ``testnet``.

    # PyShuttle Bytom (BTM) wallet init.
    def __init__(self,
        # Bytom network.
        if network not in ["mainnet", "solonet", "testnet"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid network, only takes mainnet, solonet & testnet") = network
        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = None

        # Derivation
        self._account = account
        if not isinstance(change, bool):
            raise TypeError("derivation change must be boolean format.")
        self._change = 1 if change else 0
        self.__address = address
        # Derivation path
        self._path = path
        # Derivation indexes
        self._indexes = indexes

        # Wallet info's
        self._public_key = None
        self._private_key = None
        self._xpublic_key = None
        self._program = None
        self._address = None
        # Blockcenter GUID
        self._guid = None

    # Bytom wallet from entropy
    def from_entropy(self, entropy):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from entropy.

        :param entropy: Bytom wallet entropy.
        :type entropy: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_entropy("...")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = BTMWallet()\
        self._xpublic_key = self.bytom.xpublic_key()
        self._private_key = self.bytom.private_key()
        self._public_key = self.bytom.public_key()
        self._program = self.bytom.program()
        self._address = self.bytom.address(
        return self

    # Bytom wallet from mnemonic
    def from_mnemonic(self, mnemonic):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from mnemonic.

        :param mnemonic: Bytom wallet mnemonic.
        :type mnemonic: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = BTMWallet()\
        self._xpublic_key = self.bytom.xpublic_key()
        self._private_key = self.bytom.private_key()
        self._public_key = self.bytom.public_key()
        self._program = self.bytom.program()
        self._address = self.bytom.address(
        return self

    # Bytom wallet from seed
    def from_seed(self, seed):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from seed.

        :param seed: Bytom wallet seed.
        :type seed: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_seed("baff3e1fe60e1f2a2d840d304acc98d1818140c79354a353b400fb019bfb256bc392d7aa9047adff1f14bce0342e14605c6743a6c08e02150588375eb2eb7d49")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = BTMWallet()\
        self._xpublic_key = self.bytom.xpublic_key()
        self._private_key = self.bytom.private_key()
        self._public_key = self.bytom.public_key()
        self._program = self.bytom.program()
        self._address = self.bytom.address(
        return self

    # Bytom wallet from xprivate key
    def from_xprivate_key(self, xprivate_key):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from xprivate key.

        :param xprivate_key: Bytom wallet xprivate key.
        :type xprivate_key: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_xprivate_key("205b15f70e253399da90b127b074ea02904594be9d54678207872ec1ba31ee51ef4490504bd2b6f997113671892458830de09518e6bd5958d5d5dd97624cfa4b")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        self.bytom = BTMWallet()\
        self._xpublic_key = self.bytom.xpublic_key()
        self._private_key = self.bytom.private_key()
        self._public_key = self.bytom.public_key()
        self._program = self.bytom.program()
        self._address = self.bytom.address(
        return self

    # Bytom wallet from xpublic key
    def from_xpublic_key(self, xpublic_key):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from xpublic key.

        :param xpublic_key: Bytom wallet xpublic key.
        :type xpublic_key: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_xpublic_key("16476b7fd68ca2acd92cfc38fa353e75d6103f828276f44d587e660a6bd7a5c5ef4490504bd2b6f997113671892458830de09518e6bd5958d5d5dd97624cfa4b")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        Bytom = BTMWallet()
        self._xpublic_key = xpublic_key
        self._public_key = get_public_key(xpublic_key=self._xpublic_key,
        self._program = get_program(public_key=self._public_key)
        self._address = get_address(program=self._program,
        return self

    # Bytom wallet from public key
    def from_public_key(self, public):
        Initiate Bytom wallet from public key.

        :param public: Bytom wallet public key.
        :type public: str.
        :returns:  Wallet -- Bytom wallet instance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_public_key("91ff7f525ff40874c4f47f0cab42e46e3bf53adad59adef9558ad1b6448f22e2")
        <swap.providers.bytom.wallet.Wallet object at 0x040DA268>

        # Bytom wallet initialization.
        Bytom = BTMWallet()
        self._public_key = public
        self._program = get_program(public_key=self._public_key)
        self._address = get_address(program=self._program,
        return self

    # Bytom wallet from GUID
    def from_guid(self, guid):
        self._guid = guid
        return self

    # Path derivation
    def derivation(self):
        if self._path:
        elif self._indexes:
        return self

    # Getting path
    def path(self):
        Get Bytom wallet derivation path.

        :return: str -- Bytom derivation path.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet", change=True, address=3)
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.path()

        if self._xpublic_key is None:
            return None
        if self.bytom is not None:
            return self.bytom.path()
            if self._path:
                return self._path
            elif self._indexes:
                return indexes_to_path(indexes=self._indexes)
                return "m/44/153/%d/%d/%d" % \
                       (self._account, self._change, self.__address)

    # Getting seed
    def seed(self):
        Get Bytom wallet seed.

        :return: str -- Bytom seed.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.seed()

        if self.bytom is None:
            return None
        return self.bytom.seed()

    # Getting path derivation indexes
    def indexes(self):
        Get Bytom wallet derivation indexes.

        :return: list -- Bytom derivation indexes.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.indexes()
        ['2c000000', '99000000', '01000000', '00000000', '01000000']

        return self.bytom.indexes()

    # Getting xprivate key
    def xprivate_key(self):
        Get Bytom wallet xprivate key.

        :return: str -- Bytom xprivate key.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.xprivate_key()

        if self.bytom is None:
            return None
        return self.bytom.xprivate_key()

    # Getting xpublic key
    def xpublic_key(self):
        Get Bytom wallet xpublic key.

        :return: str -- Bytom xpublic key.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.xpublic_key()

        if self._xpublic_key is None:
            return None
        return self._xpublic_key

    # Getting expand xprivate key
    def expand_xprivate_key(self):
        Get Bytom wallet expand xprivate key.

        :return: str -- Bytom expand xprivate key.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.expand_xprivate_key()

        if self.bytom is None:
            return None
        return self.bytom.expand_xprivate_key()

    # Getting private key
    def private_key(self):
        Get Bytom wallet private key.

        :return: str -- Bytom private key.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.private_key()

        return self._private_key

    # Getting public key
    def public_key(self):
        Get Bytom wallet public key.

        :return: str -- Bytom public key.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.public_key()

        return self._public_key

    # Getting control program
    def program(self):
        Get Bytom wallet control program.

        :return: str -- Bytom control program.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.program()

        return self._program

    # Getting address
    def address(self):
        Get Bytom wallet address.

        :return: str -- Bytom address.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.address()

        return self._address

    # Getting guid from blockcenter
    def guid(self):
        Get Bytom wallet blockcenter guid.

        :return: str -- Bytom blockcenter guid.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.guid()

        if self._guid is None:
            self._guid = account_create(xpublic_key=self.xpublic_key(),
        return self._guid

    # Getting balance
    def balance(self, asset=bytom["BTM_asset"]):
        Get Bytom wallet balance.

        :param asset: Bytom asset id, defaults to BTM asset.
        :type asset: str
        :return: int -- Bytom balance.

        >>> from swap.providers.bytom.wallet import Wallet
        >>> wallet = Wallet(network="mainnet")
        >>> wallet.from_mnemonic("indicate warm sock mistake code spot acid ribbon sing over taxi toast")
        >>> wallet.balance()

        return get_balance(address=self.address(),