Esempio n. 1
        def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # args   - <Tuple>      - Contains the objects that the function has been called with (positional).
            # kwargs - <Dictionary> - Contains the named objects that the function has been called with.

            is_replicated = self.kwargs['isReplicated']
            is_distributed = self.kwargs['isDistributed']
            # By default, each task is set to use one core.
            computingNodes = 1
            if 'computingNodes' in kwargs:
                # There is a @mpi decorator over task that overrides the
                # default value of computing nodes
                computingNodes = kwargs['computingNodes']
                del kwargs['computingNodes']

            # Check if this call is nested using the launch_pycompss_module
            # function from
            is_nested = False
            istack = inspect.stack()
            for i_s in istack:
                if i_s[3] == 'launch_pycompss_module':
                    is_nested = True
                if i_s[3] == 'launch_pycompss_application':
                    is_nested = True

            if not i_am_at_master() and (not is_nested):
                # Task decorator worker body code.
                newTypes, newValues = self.worker_code(f, args, kwargs)
                return newTypes, newValues
                # Task decorator master body code.
                # Returns the future object that will be used instead of the
                # actual function return.
                fo = self.master_code(f, is_replicated, is_distributed,
                                      computingNodes, args, kwargs)
                return fo
Esempio n. 2
    def __call__(self, func):
        Parse and set the mpi parameters within the task core element.
        :param func: Function to decorate
        :return: Decorated function.
        if not self.scope:
            # from pycompss.api.dummy.mpi import mpi as dummy_mpi
            # d_m = dummy_mpi(self.args, self.kwargs)
            # return d_m.__call__(func)
            raise Exception(
                "The mpi decorator only works within PyCOMPSs framework.")

        if i_am_at_master():
            # master code
            from pycompss.runtime.binding import register_ce

            mod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            self.module = mod.__name__  # not func.__module__

            if (self.module == '__main__'
                    or self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
                # The module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
                # we need to find out the real module name.

                # path=mod.__file__
                # dirs=mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
                # file_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0]

                # Get the real module name from our variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")

                dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
                file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
                mod_name = file_name

                i = len(dirs) - 1
                while i > 0:
                    new_l = len(path) - (len(dirs[i]) + 1)
                    path = path[0:new_l]
                    if "" in os.listdir(path):
                        # directory is a package
                        i -= 1
                        mod_name = dirs[i] + '.' + mod_name
                self.module = mod_name

            # Include the registering info related to @MPI

            # Retrieve the base coreElement established at @task decorator
            coreElement = func.__to_register__
            # Update the core element information with the mpi information
            binary = self.kwargs['binary']
            if 'workingDir' in self.kwargs:
                workingDir = self.kwargs['workingDir']
                workingDir = '[unassigned]'  # Empty or '[unassigned]'
            runner = self.kwargs['runner']
            implSignature = 'MPI.' + binary
            implArgs = [binary, workingDir, runner]
            func.__to_register__ = coreElement
            # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
            if func.__who_registers__ == __name__:
                if __debug__:
                        "[@MPI] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s"
                        % (func.__name__, self.module))
            # worker code

        def mpi_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # This is executed only when called.
            if __debug__:
                logger.debug("Executing mpi_f wrapper.")

            # Set the computingNodes variable in kwargs for its usage
            # in @task decorator
            kwargs['computingNodes'] = self.kwargs['computingNodes']

            if len(args) > 0:
                # The 'self' for a method function is passed as args[0]
                slf = args[0]

                # Replace and store the attributes
                saved = {}
                for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
                    if hasattr(slf, k):
                        saved[k] = getattr(slf, k)
                        setattr(slf, k, v)

            # Call the method
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)

            if len(args) > 0:
                # Put things back
                for k, v in saved.items():
                    setattr(slf, k, v)

            return ret

        mpi_f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
        return mpi_f
Esempio n. 3
    def __call__(self, func):

        if i_am_at_master():
            # master code

            mod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            self.module = mod.__name__    # not func.__module__

            if(self.module == '__main__' or
               self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
                # The module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
                # we need to find out the real module name.

                # path=mod.__file__
                # dirs=mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
                # file_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0]

                # Get the real module name from our variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")

                dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
                file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
                mod_name = file_name

                i = len(dirs) - 1
                while i > 0:
                    new_l = len(path) - (len(dirs[i]) + 1)
                    path = path[0:new_l]
                    if "" in os.listdir(path):
                        # directory is a package
                        i -= 1
                        mod_name = dirs[i] + '.' + mod_name
                self.module = mod_name

            # Include the registering info related to @constraint

            # Retrieve the base coreElement established at @task decorator
            coreElement = func.__to_register__
            # Update the core element information with the constraints
            func.__to_register__ = coreElement
            # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
            if func.__who_registers__ == __name__:
                logger.debug("[@CONSTRAINT] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s" % (func.__name__, self.module))
            # worker code

        def constrained_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # This is executed only when called.
            logger.debug("Executing constrained_f wrapper.")

            if len(args) > 0:
                # The 'self' for a method function is passed as args[0]
                slf = args[0]

                # Replace and store the attributes
                saved = {}
                for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
                    if hasattr(slf, k):
                        saved[k] = getattr(slf, k)
                        setattr(slf, k, v)

            # Call the method
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)

            if len(args) > 0:
                # Put things back
                for k, v in saved.items():
                    setattr(slf, k, v)

            return ret
        constrained_f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
        return constrained_f
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        If there are decorator arguments, the function to be decorated is
        not passed to the constructor!
        logger.debug("Init @task decorator...")

        # Defaults
        self.args = args  # Not used
        self.kwargs = kwargs  # The only ones actually used: (decorators)
        self.is_instance = False

        # Pre-process decorator arguments
        from pycompss.api.parameter import Parameter
        from pycompss.api.parameter import IN
        from pycompss.api.parameter import TYPE
        from pycompss.api.parameter import DIRECTION

        # Reserved PyCOMPSs keywords and default values

        reserved_keywords = {
            'isModifier': True,
            'returns': False,
            'priority': False,
            'isReplicated': False,
            'isDistributed': False,
            'varargsType': IN

        for (reserved_keyword, default_value) in reserved_keywords.items():
            if reserved_keyword not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs[reserved_keyword] = default_value

        # Remove old args
        for old_vararg in [
                x for x in self.kwargs.keys() if x.startswith('*args')

        import copy

        if i_am_at_master():
            for arg_name in self.kwargs.keys():
                if arg_name not in [
                        'isModifier', 'returns', 'priority', 'isReplicated',
                    # Prevent p.value from being overwritten later by ensuring
                    # each Parameter is a separate object
                    p = self.kwargs[arg_name]
                    pcopy = copy.copy(p)  # shallow copy
                    self.kwargs[arg_name] = pcopy

        if self.kwargs['isModifier']:
            direction = DIRECTION.INOUT
            direction = DIRECTION.IN

        # Add callee object parameter
        self.kwargs['self'] = Parameter(p_type=TYPE.OBJECT,

        # Check the return type:
        if self.kwargs['returns']:
            # This condition is interesting, because a user can write
            # returns=list
            # However, lists have the attribute __len__ but raise an exception.
            # Since the user does not indicate the length, it will be managed
            # as a single return.
            # When the user specifies the length, it is possible to manage the
            # elements independently.
            if not hasattr(self.kwargs['returns'],
                           '__len__') or type(self.kwargs['returns']) is type:
                # Simple return
                retType = getCOMPSsType(self.kwargs['returns'])
                self.kwargs['compss_retvalue'] = Parameter(
                    p_type=retType, p_direction=DIRECTION.OUT)
                # Multi return
                i = 0
                returns = []
                for r in self.kwargs['returns']:  # This adds only one? - yep
                    retType = getCOMPSsType(r)
                        Parameter(p_type=retType, p_direction=DIRECTION.OUT))
                self.kwargs['compss_retvalue'] = tuple(returns)

        logger.debug("Init @task decorator finished.")
Esempio n. 5
    def __call__(self, f):
        If there are decorator arguments, __call__() is only called
        once, as part of the decoration process! You can only give
        it a single argument, which is the function object.
        # Assume it is an instance method if the first parameter of the
        # function is called 'self'
        # "I would rely on the convention that functions that will become
        # methods have a first argument named self, and other functions don't.
        # Fragile, but then, there's no really solid way."
        self.spec_args = inspect.getargspec(f)

        # Set default booleans
        self.is_instance = False
        self.is_classmethod = False  # not used currently in this scope, only when registering the task
        self.has_varargs = False
        self.has_keywords = False
        self.has_defaults = False
        self.has_return = False

        # Question: Will the first condition evaluate to false? spec_args will
        # always be a named tuple, so it will always return true if evaluated
        # as a bool
        # Answer: The first condition evaluates if args exists (a list) and is
        # not empty in the spec_args. The second checks if the first argument
        # in that list is 'self'. In case that the args list exists and its
        # first element is self, then the function is considered as an instance
        # function (task defined within a class).
        if self.spec_args.args and self.spec_args.args[0] == 'self':
            self.is_instance = True

        # Check if contains *args
        if self.spec_args.varargs is not None:
            self.has_varargs = True

        # Check if contains **kwargs
        if self.spec_args.keywords is not None:
            self.has_keywords = True

        # Check if has default values
        if self.spec_args.defaults is not None:
            self.has_defaults = True

        # Check if the keyword returns has been specified by the user.
        if self.kwargs['returns']:
            self.has_return = True

        # Get module (for invocation purposes in the worker)
        mod = inspect.getmodule(f)
        self.module = mod.__name__

        if (self.module == '__main__'
                or self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
            # the module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
            # we need to find out the real module name

            # Get the real module name from our app_path global variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")
            except AttributeError:
                # This exception is raised when the runtime is not running and
                # the @task decorator is used.
                    "ERROR!!! The runtime has not been started yet. The function will be ignored."
                    "Please, start the runtime before using task decorated functions in order to avoid this error."
                    "Suggestion: Use the 'runcompss' command or the 'start' function from pycompss.interactive module depending on your needs."

            # Get the file name
            file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]

            # Do any necessary preprocessing action before executing any code
            if file_name.startswith('InteractiveMode'):
                # If the file_name starts with 'InteractiveMode' means that
                # the user is using PyCOMPSs from jupyter-notebook.
                # Convention between this file and
                # In this case it is necessary to do a pre-processing step
                # that consists of putting all user code that may be executed
                # in the worker on a file.
                # This file has to be visible for all workers.
                updateTasksCodeFile(f, path)
                # work as always

            # Get the module
            self.module = getModuleName(path, file_name)

        # The registration needs to be done only in the master node
        if i_am_at_master():
            registerTask(f, self.module, self.is_instance)

        # Modified variables until now that will be used later:
        #   - self.spec_args    : Function argspect (Named tuple)
        #                         e.g. ArgSpec(args=['a', 'b', 'compss_retvalue'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
        #   - self.is_instance  : Boolean - if the function is an instance (contains self in the spec_args)
        #   - self.has_varargs  : Boolean - if the function has *args
        #   - self.has_keywords : Boolean - if the function has **kwargs
        #   - self.has_defaults : Boolean - if the function has default values
        #   - self.has_return   : Boolean - if the function has return
        #   - self.module       : module as string (e.g. test.kmeans)
        #   - is_replicated     : Boolean - if the task is replicated
        #   - is_distributed    : Boolean - if the task is distributed
        # Other variables that will be used:
        #   - f                 : Decorated function
        #   - self.args         : Decorator args tuple (usually empty)
        #   - self.kwargs       : Decorator keywords dictionary.
        #                         e.g. {'priority': True, 'isModifier': True, 'returns': <type 'dict'>,
        #                               'self': <pycompss.api.parameter.Parameter instance at 0xXXXXXXXXX>,
        #                               'compss_retvalue': <pycompss.api.parameter.Parameter instance at 0xXXXXXXXX>}

        def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # args   - <Tuple>      - Contains the objects that the function has been called with (positional).
            # kwargs - <Dictionary> - Contains the named objects that the function has been called with.

            is_replicated = self.kwargs['isReplicated']
            is_distributed = self.kwargs['isDistributed']
            computingNodes = 1
            if 'computingNodes' in kwargs:
                # There is a @mpi decorator over task that overrides the
                # default value of computing nodes
                computingNodes = kwargs['computingNodes']
                del kwargs['computingNodes']

            # Check if this call is nested using the launch_pycompss_module
            # function from
            is_nested = False
            istack = inspect.stack()
            for i_s in istack:
                if i_s[3] == 'launch_pycompss_module':
                    is_nested = True
                if i_s[3] == 'launch_pycompss_application':
                    is_nested = True

            if not i_am_at_master() and (not is_nested):
                # Task decorator worker body code.
                newTypes, newValues = workerCode(f, self.is_instance,
                                                 self.has_return, args, kwargs,
                                                 self.kwargs, self.spec_args)
                return newTypes, newValues
                # Task decorator master body code.
                # Returns the future object that will be used instead of the
                # actual function return.
                fo = masterCode(f, self.module, self.is_instance,
                                self.has_varargs, self.has_keywords,
                                self.has_defaults, self.has_return,
                                is_replicated, is_distributed, computingNodes,
                                args, self.args, kwargs, self.kwargs,
                return fo

        return wrapped_f
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        If there are decorator arguments, the function to be decorated is
        not passed to the constructor!
        from pycompss.util.location import i_am_within_scope

        # Check if under the PyCOMPSs scope
        if i_am_within_scope():
            from pycompss.util.location import i_am_at_master
            from pycompss.api.parameter import IN

            self.scope = True

            if __debug__:
                logger.debug("Init @task decorator...")

            # Defaults
            self.args = args  # Not used
            self.kwargs = kwargs  # The only ones actually used: (decorators)

            # Pre-process decorator arguments

            # Reserved PyCOMPSs keywords and default values
            reserved_keywords = {
                'isModifier': True,
                'returns': False,
                'priority': False,
                'isReplicated': False,
                'isDistributed': False,
                'varargsType': IN

            # Set reserved keyword default values in self.kwargs
            for (reserved_keyword, default_value) in reserved_keywords.items():
                if reserved_keyword not in self.kwargs:
                    self.kwargs[reserved_keyword] = default_value

            # Remove old args
            for old_vararg in [
                    x for x in self.kwargs.keys() if x.startswith('*args')

            if i_am_at_master():
                for arg_name in self.kwargs.keys():
                    if arg_name not in reserved_keywords.keys():
                        # Prevent p.value from being overwritten later by ensuring
                        # each Parameter is a separate object
                        p = self.kwargs[arg_name]
                        pcopy = copy.copy(p)  # shallow copy
                        self.kwargs[arg_name] = pcopy

            if __debug__:
                logger.debug("Init @task decorator finished.")
            # Not under the PyCOMPSs scope
            self.scope = False
            # Defaults
            self.args = args
            self.kwargs = kwargs
Esempio n. 7
    def __call__(self, f):
        If there are decorator arguments, __call__() is only called
        once, as part of the decoration process! You can only give
        it a single argument, which is the function object.
        # Check if under the PyCOMPSs scope
        if not self.scope:
            return self.__not_under_pycompss_scope(f)

        # Imports
        from pycompss.api.parameter import Parameter
        from pycompss.api.parameter import TYPE
        from pycompss.api.parameter import DIRECTION
        from pycompss.util.interactive_helpers import updateTasksCodeFile
        from pycompss.util.location import i_am_at_master

        if __debug__:
            logger.debug("Call in @task decorator...")

        # Assume it is an instance method if the first parameter of the
        # function is called 'self'
        # "I would rely on the convention that functions that will become
        # methods have a first argument named self, and other functions don't.
        # Fragile, but then, there's no really solid way."
        self.f_argspec = inspect.getargspec(f)

        # Set default booleans
        self.is_instance = False
        self.is_classmethod = False
        self.has_varargs = False
        self.has_keywords = False
        self.has_defaults = False
        self.has_return = False
        self.has_multireturn = False

        # Step 1.- Check if it is an instance method.
        # Question: Will the first condition evaluate to false? spec_args will
        # always be a named tuple, so it will always return true if evaluated
        # as a bool
        # Answer: The first condition evaluates if args exists (a list) and is
        # not empty in the spec_args. The second checks if the first argument
        # in that list is 'self'. In case that the args list exists and its
        # first element is self, then the function is considered as an instance
        # function (task defined within a class).
        if self.f_argspec.args and self.f_argspec.args[0] == 'self':
            self.is_instance = True
            if self.kwargs['isModifier']:
                direction = DIRECTION.INOUT
                direction = DIRECTION.IN
            # Add callee object parameter
            self.kwargs['self'] = Parameter(p_type=TYPE.OBJECT,

        # Step 2.- Check if it is a class method.
        # The check of 'cls' may be weak but it is PEP8 style agreements.
        if self.f_argspec.args and self.f_argspec.args[0] == 'cls':
            self.is_classmethod = True
            # Add class object parameter
            self.kwargs['self'] = Parameter(p_type=TYPE.OBJECT,

        # Step 3.- Check if it has varargs (contains *args?)
        # Check if contains *args
        if self.f_argspec.varargs is not None:
            self.has_varargs = True

        # Step 4.- Check if it has keyword arguments (contains **kwargs?)
        # Check if contains **kwargs
        if self.f_argspec.keywords is not None:
            self.has_keywords = True

        # Step 5.- Check if it has default values
        # Check if has default values
        if self.f_argspec.defaults is not None:
            self.has_defaults = True

        # Step 6.- Check if the keyword returns has been specified by the user.
        # Check if the keyword returns has been specified by the user.
        if self.kwargs['returns']:
            self.has_return = True
            # If no returns statement found, double check to see if the user has specified a return statement.

        # Get module (for invocation purposes in the worker)
        mod = inspect.getmodule(f)
        self.module = mod.__name__

        if self.module == '__main__' or self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch':
            # the module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
            # we need to find out the real module name

            # Get the real module name from our app_path global variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")
            except AttributeError:
                # This exception is raised when the runtime is not running and the @task decorator is used.
                # The runtime has not been started yet.
                return self.__not_under_pycompss_scope(f)

            # Get the file name
            file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]

            # Do any necessary preprocessing action before executing any code
            if file_name.startswith('InteractiveMode'):
                # If the file_name starts with 'InteractiveMode' means that
                # the user is using PyCOMPSs from jupyter-notebook.
                # Convention between this file and
                # In this case it is necessary to do a pre-processing step
                # that consists of putting all user code that may be executed
                # in the worker on a file.
                # This file has to be visible for all workers.
                updateTasksCodeFile(f, path)
                # work as always

            # Get the module
            self.module = get_module_name(path, file_name)

        # The registration needs to be done only in the master node
        if i_am_at_master():

        # Modified variables until now that will be used later:
        #   - self.f_argspec        : Function argspect (Named tuple)
        #                             e.g. ArgSpec(args=['a', 'b', 'compss_retvalue'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
        #   - self.is_instance      : Boolean - if the function is an instance (contains self in the f_argspec)
        #   - self.is_classmethod   : Boolean - if the function is a classmethod (contains cls in the f_argspec)
        #   - self.has_varargs      : Boolean - if the function has *args
        #   - self.has_keywords     : Boolean - if the function has **kwargs
        #   - self.has_defaults     : Boolean - if the function has default values
        #   - self.has_return       : Boolean - if the function has return
        #   - self.has_multireturn  : Boolean - if the function has multireturn
        #   - self.module_name      : String  - Module name (e.g. test.kmeans)
        #   - is_replicated         : Boolean - if the task is replicated
        #   - is_distributed    : Boolean - if the task is distributed
        # Other variables that will be used:
        #   - f                 : Decorated function
        #   - self.args         : Decorator args tuple (usually empty)
        #   - self.kwargs       : Decorator keywords dictionary.
        #                         e.g. {'priority': True, 'isModifier': True, 'returns': <type 'dict'>,
        #                               'self': <pycompss.api.parameter.Parameter instance at 0xXXXXXXXXX>,
        #                               'compss_retvalue': <pycompss.api.parameter.Parameter instance at 0xXXXXXXXX>}

        if __debug__:
            logger.debug("Call in @task decorator finished.")

        def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # args   - <Tuple>      - Contains the objects that the function has been called with (positional).
            # kwargs - <Dictionary> - Contains the named objects that the function has been called with.

            is_replicated = self.kwargs['isReplicated']
            is_distributed = self.kwargs['isDistributed']
            # By default, each task is set to use one core.
            computingNodes = 1
            if 'computingNodes' in kwargs:
                # There is a @mpi decorator over task that overrides the
                # default value of computing nodes
                computingNodes = kwargs['computingNodes']
                del kwargs['computingNodes']

            # Check if this call is nested using the launch_pycompss_module
            # function from
            is_nested = False
            istack = inspect.stack()
            for i_s in istack:
                if i_s[3] == 'launch_pycompss_module':
                    is_nested = True
                if i_s[3] == 'launch_pycompss_application':
                    is_nested = True

            if not i_am_at_master() and (not is_nested):
                # Task decorator worker body code.
                newTypes, newValues = self.worker_code(f, args, kwargs)
                return newTypes, newValues
                # Task decorator master body code.
                # Returns the future object that will be used instead of the
                # actual function return.
                fo = self.master_code(f, is_replicated, is_distributed,
                                      computingNodes, args, kwargs)
                return fo

        return wrapped_f
Esempio n. 8
    def __call__(self, func):
        Parse and set the implementation parameters within the task core element.
        :param func: Function to decorate
        :return: Decorated function.
        if not self.scope:
            # from pycompss.api.dummy.implement import implement as dummy_implement
            # d_i = dummy_implement(self.args, self.kwargs)
            # return d_i.__call__(func)
            raise Exception("The implement decorator only works within PyCOMPSs framework.")

        if i_am_at_master():
            # master code
            from pycompss.runtime.binding import register_ce

            mod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            self.module = mod.__name__    # not func.__module__

            if(self.module == '__main__' or
               self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
                # The module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
                # we need to find out the real module name.

                # path=mod.__file__
                # dirs=mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
                # file_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0]

                # Get the real module name from our variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")

                dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
                file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
                mod_name = file_name

                i = len(dirs) - 1
                while i > 0:
                    new_l = len(path) - (len(dirs[i]) + 1)
                    path = path[0:new_l]
                    if "" in os.listdir(path):
                        # directory is a package
                        i -= 1
                        mod_name = dirs[i] + '.' + mod_name
                self.module = mod_name

            # Include the registering info related to @MPI

            # Retrieve the base coreElement established at @task decorator
            coreElement = func.__to_register__
            # Update the core element information with the mpi information
            ce_signature = coreElement.get_ce_signature()
            implSignature = ce_signature

            anotherClass = self.kwargs['source_class']
            anotherMethod = self.kwargs['method']
            ce_signature = anotherClass + '.' + anotherMethod

            # This is not needed since the arguments are already set by the
            # task decorator.
            # implArgs = [anotherClass, anotherMethod]
            # coreElement.set_implTypeArgs(implArgs)

            func.__to_register__ = coreElement
            # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
            if func.__who_registers__ == __name__:
                if __debug__:
                    logger.debug("[@IMPLEMENT] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s" % (func.__name__, self.module))
            # worker code

        def implement_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # This is executed only when called.
            if __debug__:
                logger.debug("Executing implement_f wrapper.")

            # The 'self' for a method function is passed as args[0]
            slf = args[0]

            # Replace and store the attributes
            saved = {}
            for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
                if hasattr(slf, k):
                    saved[k] = getattr(slf, k)
                    setattr(slf, k, v)

            # Call the method
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)

            # Put things back
            for k, v in saved.items():
                setattr(slf, k, v)

            return ret
        implement_f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
        return implement_f
Esempio n. 9
    def __call__(self, func):

        if i_am_at_master():
            # master code
            mod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            self.module = mod.__name__  # not func.__module__

            if (self.module == '__main__'
                    or self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
                # The module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
                # we need to find out the real module name.

                # path=mod.__file__
                # dirs=mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
                # file_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0]

                # Get the real module name from our variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")

                dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
                file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
                mod_name = file_name

                i = len(dirs) - 1
                while i > 0:
                    new_l = len(path) - (len(dirs[i]) + 1)
                    path = path[0:new_l]
                    if "" in os.listdir(path):
                        # directory is a package
                        i -= 1
                        mod_name = dirs[i] + '.' + mod_name
                self.module = mod_name

            # Include the registering info related to @MPI

            # Retrieve the base coreElement established at @task decorator
            coreElement = func.__to_register__
            # Update the core element information with the mpi information
            if 'workingDir' in self.kwargs:
                workingDir = self.kwargs['workingDir']
                workingDir = '[unassigned]'  # Empty or '[unassigned]'
            if 'mpiRunner' in self.kwargs:
                runner = self.kwargs['mpiRunner']
                runner = 'mpirun'
            dfScript = self.kwargs['dfScript']
            if 'dfExecutor' in self.kwargs:
                dfExecutor = self.kwargs['dfExecutor']
                dfExecutor = '[unassigned]'  # Empty or '[unassigned]'
            if 'dfLib' in self.kwargs:
                dfLib = self.kwargs['dfLib']
                dfLib = '[unassigned]'  # Empty or '[unassigned]'
            implSignature = 'DECAF.' + dfScript
            implArgs = [dfScript, dfExecutor, dfLib, workingDir, runner]
            func.__to_register__ = coreElement
            # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
            if func.__who_registers__ == __name__:
                    "[@DECAF] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s"
                    % (func.__name__, self.module))
            # worker code

        def decaf_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # This is executed only when called.
            logger.debug("Executing decaf_f wrapper.")

            # Set the computingNodes variable in kwargs for its usage in @task decorator
            kwargs['computingNodes'] = self.kwargs['computingNodes']

            if len(args) > 0:
                # The 'self' for a method function is passed as args[0]
                slf = args[0]

                # Replace and store the attributes
                saved = {}
                for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
                    if hasattr(slf, k):
                        saved[k] = getattr(slf, k)
                        setattr(slf, k, v)

            # Call the method
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)

            if len(args) > 0:
                # Put things back
                for k, v in saved.items():
                    setattr(slf, k, v)

            return ret

        decaf_f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
        return decaf_f