Esempio n. 1
def js_replace(text, reg_exp, repl):
    """Replace `text` with `repl` using Javascript style regular expression to
    find matches.

        text (str): String to evaluate.
        reg_exp (str): Javascript style regular expression.
        repl (str): Replacement string.

        str: Modified string.


        >>> js_replace('aaBBcc', '/bb/', 'X')
        >>> js_replace('aaBBcc', '/bb/i', 'X')
        >>> js_replace('aaBBccbb', '/bb/i', 'X')
        >>> js_replace('aaBBccbb', '/bb/gi', 'X')

    .. versionadded:: 2.0.0

    .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0
        Reordered arguments to make `text` first.
    text = pyd.to_string(text)
    if not pyd.is_function(repl):
        repl = pyd.to_string(repl)
    return js_to_py_re_replace(reg_exp)(text, repl)
Esempio n. 2
def js_replace(text, reg_exp, repl):
    """Replace `text` with `repl` using Javascript style regular expression to
    find matches.

        text (str): String to evaluate.
        reg_exp (str): Javascript style regular expression.
        repl (str): Replacement string.

        str: Modified string.


        >>> js_replace('aaBBcc', '/bb/', 'X')
        >>> js_replace('aaBBcc', '/bb/i', 'X')
        >>> js_replace('aaBBccbb', '/bb/i', 'X')
        >>> js_replace('aaBBccbb', '/bb/gi', 'X')

    .. versionadded:: 2.0.0

    .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0
        Reordered arguments to make `text` first.
    text = pyd.to_string(text)
    if not pyd.is_function(repl):
        repl = pyd.to_string(repl)
    return js_to_py_re_replace(reg_exp)(text, repl)
Esempio n. 3
def replace(text, pattern, repl, ignore_case=False, count=0, escape=True):
    """Replace occurrences of `pattern` with `repl` in `text`. Optionally,
    ignore case when replacing. Optionally, set `count` to limit number of

        text (str): String to replace.
        pattern (str): String pattern to find and replace.
        repl (str): String to substitute `pattern` with.
        ignore_clase (bool, optional): Whether to ignore case when replacing.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        count (int, optional): Maximum number of occurrences to replace.
            Defaults to ``0`` which replaces all.
        escape (bool, optional): Whether to escape `pattern` when searching.
            This is needed if a literal replacement is desired when `pattern`
            may contain special regular expression characters. Defaults to

        str: Replaced string.


        >>> replace('aabbcc', 'b', 'X')
        >>> replace('aabbcc', 'B', 'X', ignore_case=True)
        >>> replace('aabbcc', 'b', 'X', count=1)
        >>> replace('aabbcc', '[ab]', 'X')
        >>> replace('aabbcc', '[ab]', 'X', escape=False)

    .. versionadded:: 3.0.0
    # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    text = pyd.to_string(text)

    if pattern is None:
        return text

    pattern = pyd.to_string(pattern)

    if escape:
        pattern = re.escape(pattern)

    if not pyd.is_function(repl):
        repl = pyd.to_string(repl)

    flags = re.IGNORECASE if ignore_case else 0

    # NOTE: Can't use `flags` argument to re.sub in Python 2.6 so have to use
    # this version instead.
    return re.compile(pattern, flags=flags).sub(repl, text, count=count)
Esempio n. 4
def replace(text, pattern, repl, ignore_case=False, count=0, escape=True):
    """Replace occurrences of `pattern` with `repl` in `text`. Optionally,
    ignore case when replacing. Optionally, set `count` to limit number of

        text (str): String to replace.
        pattern (str): String pattern to find and replace.
        repl (str): String to substitute `pattern` with.
        ignore_clase (bool, optional): Whether to ignore case when replacing.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        count (int, optional): Maximum number of occurrences to replace.
            Defaults to ``0`` which replaces all.
        escape (bool, optional): Whether to escape `pattern` when searching.
            This is needed if a literal replacement is desired when `pattern`
            may contain special regular expression characters. Defaults to

        str: Replaced string.


        >>> replace('aabbcc', 'b', 'X')
        >>> replace('aabbcc', 'B', 'X', ignore_case=True)
        >>> replace('aabbcc', 'b', 'X', count=1)
        >>> replace('aabbcc', '[ab]', 'X')
        >>> replace('aabbcc', '[ab]', 'X', escape=False)

    .. versionadded:: 3.0.0
    # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    text = pyd.to_string(text)

    if pattern is None:
        return text

    pattern = pyd.to_string(pattern)

    if escape:
        pattern = re.escape(pattern)

    if not pyd.is_function(repl):
        repl = pyd.to_string(repl)

    flags = re.IGNORECASE if ignore_case else 0

    # NOTE: Can't use `flags` argument to re.sub in Python 2.6 so have to use
    # this version instead.
    return re.compile(pattern, flags=flags).sub(repl, text, count=count)
Esempio n. 5
def test_is_function(case, expected):
    assert _.is_function(case) == expected