Esempio n. 1
    def _create_lhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the left hand side or top depending on the split. """

        model = NodeTreeModel(node_manager=node_manager)
        model.root = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

        self._tree = NodeTree(parent, model=model)

        return self._tree.control
Esempio n. 2
    def _create_lhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the left hand side or top depending on the split. """

        model = NodeTreeModel(node_manager=node_manager)
        model.root = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

        self._tree = NodeTree(parent, model=model)
            match(lambda name, ctrait: True)  # listen to all traits

        return self._tree.control
Esempio n. 3
class MainWindow(SplitApplicationWindow):
    """ The main application window. """

    # 'SplitApplicationWindow' interface -----------------------------------

    # The ratio of the size of the left/top pane to the right/bottom pane.
    ratio = Float(0.3)

    # The direction in which the window is split.
    direction = Str("vertical")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Protected 'SplitApplicationWindow' interface.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _create_lhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the left hand side or top depending on the split. """

        model = NodeTreeModel(node_manager=node_manager)
        model.root = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

        self._tree = NodeTree(parent, model=model)
            match(lambda name, ctrait: True)  # listen to all traits

        return self._tree.control

    def _create_rhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the right hand side or bottom depending on the split. """

        self._python_shell = PythonShell(parent)
        self._python_shell.bind("widget", self._tree)
        self._python_shell.bind("w", self._tree)

        return self._python_shell.control

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Private interface.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Trait event handlers -------------------------------------------------

    def _on_tree_anytrait_changed(self, event):
        """ Called when any trait on the tree has changed. """

        print("trait",, "value",

Esempio n. 4
class MainWindow(SplitApplicationWindow):
    """ The main application window. """

    #### 'SplitApplicationWindow' interface ###################################

    # The ratio of the size of the left/top pane to the right/bottom pane.
    ratio = Float(0.3)

    # The direction in which the window is split.
    direction = Str('vertical')

    # Protected 'SplitApplicationWindow' interface.

    def _create_lhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the left hand side or top depending on the split. """

        model = NodeTreeModel(node_manager=node_manager)
        model.root = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

        self._tree = NodeTree(parent, model=model)

        return self._tree.control

    def _create_rhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the right hand side or bottom depending on the split. """

        self._python_shell = PythonShell(parent)
        self._python_shell.bind('widget', self._tree)
        self._python_shell.bind('w', self._tree)

        return self._python_shell.control

    # Private interface.

    #### Trait event handlers #################################################

    def _on_tree_anytrait_changed(self, tree, trait_name, old, new):
        """ Called when any trait on the tree has changed. """

        print 'trait', trait_name, 'value', new

Esempio n. 5
class MainWindow(SplitApplicationWindow):
    """ The main application window. """

    #### 'SplitApplicationWindow' interface ###################################

    # The ratio of the size of the left/top pane to the right/bottom pane.
    ratio = Float(0.3)

    # The direction in which the window is split.
    direction = Str('vertical')

    # Protected 'SplitApplicationWindow' interface.

    def _create_lhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the left hand side or top depending on the split. """

        model = NodeTreeModel(node_manager=node_manager)
        model.root = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

        self._tree = NodeTree(parent, model=model)

        return self._tree.control

    def _create_rhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the right hand side or bottom depending on the split. """

        self._python_shell = PythonShell(parent)
        self._python_shell.bind('widget', self._tree)
        self._python_shell.bind('w', self._tree)

        return self._python_shell.control

    # Private interface.

    #### Trait event handlers #################################################

    def _on_tree_anytrait_changed(self, tree, trait_name, old, new):
        """ Called when any trait on the tree has changed. """

        print 'trait', trait_name, 'value', new

Esempio n. 6
    def _create_lhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the left hand side or top depending on the split. """

        model = NodeTreeModel(node_manager=node_manager)
        model.root = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

        self._tree = NodeTree(parent, model=model)

        return self._tree.control