Esempio n. 1
    def detect_path_overlap(paths):
        Check for valid POSIX paths (ie ones that aren't duplicated and don't overlap).

        Overlapping paths are where one path terminates inside another (e.g. a/b and a/b/c).

        NOTE: The logic is copied from

        This function returns the first dupe or overlap it detects. We use a trie (or
        prefix tree) to keep track of which paths we've already seen.

            paths (iterable of str): An iterable of strings each representing a relative path

            str: a path which overlaps or duplicates another

        path_trie = StringTrie(separator="/")
        for path in paths:
            if path in path_trie:
                # path duplicates a path already in the trie
                return path

            if path_trie.has_subtrie(path):
                # overlap where path is 'a/b' and trie has 'a/b/c'
                return path

            prefixes = list(path_trie.prefixes(path))
            if prefixes:
                # overlap where path is 'a/b/c' and trie has 'a/b'
                return path

            # if there are no overlaps, add it to our trie and continue
            path_trie[path] = True
Esempio n. 2
def validate_file_paths(paths):
    Check for valid POSIX paths (ie ones that aren't duplicated and don't overlap).

    Overlapping paths are where one path terminates inside another (e.g. a/b and a/b/c).

    This function will raise an exception at the first dupe or overlap it detects. We use a trie (or
    prefix tree) to keep track of which paths we've already seen.

        paths (iterable of str): An iterable of strings each representing a relative path

        ValueError: If any path overlaps another
    overlap_error = _("The path for file '{path}' overlaps: {conflicts}")

    path_trie = StringTrie(separator="/")
    dups = []
    overlaps = []
    for path in paths:
        if path in path_trie:
            # path duplicates a path already in the trie
        elif path_trie.has_subtrie(path):
            # overlap where path is 'a/b' and trie has 'a/b/c'
            conflicts = [item[0] for item in path_trie.items(prefix=path)]
                                     conflicts=", ".join(conflicts)))
            prefixes = list(path_trie.prefixes(path))
            if prefixes:
                # overlap where path is 'a/b/c' and trie has 'a/b'
                conflicts = [prefix.key for prefix in prefixes]
                                         conflicts=", ".join(conflicts)))

        # if there are no overlaps, add it to our trie and continue
        path_trie[path] = True

    if dups or overlaps:
        dups_msg = ""
        overlaps_msg = ""
        if dups:
            dups_msg = _("Paths are duplicated: {paths}").format(
        if overlaps:
            overlaps_msg = "\n".join(overlaps)

        raise ValueError(
            _("Path errors found. {dups}\n{overlaps}").format(
                dups=dups_msg, overlaps=overlaps_msg))