Esempio n. 1
def Paradigm():
    global refresh_rate
    global win
    global photosensor
    global fixation
    global triangle
    global mrkstream
    global bg_color
    # Compute sequence of stimuli
    sequence = CreateSequence(120, 30)
    # Iterate through sequence and perform:
    # 250ms  bold fixation
    # 500ms  normal fixation
    # 500ms  stimulus presentation
    # 1000ms black screen
    for i, s in enumerate(sequence):
        # 250ms Bold fixation cross
        fixation.lineWidth = 1
        fixation.lineColor = [1, 1, 1]
        SetStimulus(fixation, 'on')
        for frame in range(MsToFrames(250, refresh_rate)):
        # 500ms Normal fixation cross
        fixation.lineColor = bg_color
        for frame in range(MsToFrames(500, refresh_rate)):
        # 500ms Stimulus presentation (w/ fixation)
        RotateTriangle(triangle, 180)   # <-- Standard (S)
        mrk = pylsl.vectorstr(['0'])
        if s == 'T':
            RotateTriangle(triangle, 0) # <-- Target (T)
            mrk = pylsl.vectorstr(['1'])
        SetStimulus(photosensor, 'on')
        for frame in range(MsToFrames(500, refresh_rate)):
            # Send LSL marker on first frame
            if frame == 0:
        # 1000ms darkness
        for frame in range(MsToFrames(1000, refresh_rate)):
Esempio n. 2
import sys; sys.path.append('..')  # make sure that pylsl is found (note: in a normal program you would bundle pylsl with the program)
import pylsl

# first resolve a marker stream on the lab network
print("looking for a marker stream...")
streams = pylsl.resolve_stream('type','Markers')

# create a new inlet to read from the stream
inlet = pylsl.stream_inlet(streams[0])

sample = pylsl.vectorstr()
while True:
	# get a new sample (you can also omit the timestamp part if you're not interested in it)
	timestamp = inlet.pull_sample(sample)
	print("got ",sample[0]," at time ",timestamp)
Esempio n. 3
import sys; sys.path.append('..')  # make sure that pylsl is found (note: in a normal program you would bundle pylsl with the program)
import pylsl
import random
import time

# first create a new stream info (here we set the name to MyMarkerStream, the content-type to Markers, 1 channel, irregular sampling rate, and string-valued data)
# The last value would be the  locally unique identifier for the stream as far as available, e.g. program-scriptname-subjectnumber (you could also omit it but interrupted connections wouldn't auto-recover).
# The important part is that the content-type is set to 'Markers', because then other programs will know how to interpret the content
info = pylsl.stream_info('MyMarkerStream','Markers',1,0,pylsl.cf_string,'dgeyurtutu567sdf');

# next make an outlet
outlet = pylsl.stream_outlet(info)

print("now sending markers...")
markernames = ['Test', 'Blah', 'Marker', 'XXX', 'Testtest', 'Test-1-2-3']
while True:
	# choose a marker string randomly and store it as a pylsl.vectorstr (note that this is actually a list since there can be multiple channels in the sample, even though it is of little use for markers)
	mysample = pylsl.vectorstr([ random.choice(markernames) ])
	# now send it and wait for a bit
outlet = pylsl.stream_outlet(info)

print("looking for video frame stream...")
streams = pylsl.resolve_stream('type','VideoRaw')

# create a new inlet to read from the stream
inlet = pylsl.stream_inlet(streams[0])

print("now sending markers...")

flatFrame = pylsl.vectori()
while True:
	# choose a marker string randomly and store it as a pylsl.vectorstr (note that this is actually a list since there can be multiple channels in the sample, even though it is of little use for markers)
	mysample = pylsl.vectorstr([ 'Request Image' ])
	# now send it and wait for a bit

		print 'got frame'
		buf = struct.pack('b'*len(flatFrame), *flatFrame)
		#It is possible to load the width and height from the stream header, but not implemented here.
		img = Image.frombuffer('RGB', (640,480), buf)
		if i==0:
			#this opens your default graphics program to show the image. Not wonderful.

Esempio n. 5
import sys
)  # make sure that pylsl is found (note: in a normal program you would bundle pylsl with the program)
import pylsl
import random
import time

# first create a new stream info (here we set the name to MyMarkerStream, the content-type to Markers, 1 channel, irregular sampling rate, and string-valued data)
# The last value would be the  locally unique identifier for the stream as far as available, e.g. program-scriptname-subjectnumber (you could also omit it but interrupted connections wouldn't auto-recover).
# The important part is that the content-type is set to 'Markers', because then other programs will know how to interpret the content
info = pylsl.stream_info('MyMarkerStream', 'Markers', 1, 0, pylsl.cf_string,

# next make an outlet
outlet = pylsl.stream_outlet(info)

print("now sending markers...")
markernames = ['Test', 'Blah', 'Marker', 'XXX', 'Testtest', 'Test-1-2-3']
while True:
    # choose a marker string randomly and store it as a pylsl.vectorstr (note that this is actually a list since there can be multiple channels in the sample, even though it is of little use for markers)
    mysample = pylsl.vectorstr([random.choice(markernames)])
    # now send it and wait for a bit
    time.sleep(random.random() * 3)
Esempio n. 6
def SendStimMrk(stim):
    mrk = pylsl.vectorstr([str(stim)])
Esempio n. 7
import sys
)  # make sure that pylsl is found (note: in a normal program you would bundle pylsl with the program)
import pylsl

# first resolve a marker stream on the lab network
print("looking for a marker stream...")
streams = pylsl.resolve_stream('type', 'Markers')

# create a new inlet to read from the stream
inlet = pylsl.stream_inlet(streams[0])

sample = pylsl.vectorstr()
while True:
    # get a new sample (you can also omit the timestamp part if you're not interested in it)
    timestamp = inlet.pull_sample(sample)
    print("got ", sample[0], " at time ", timestamp)