Esempio n. 1
    def visit_Index(s, node):
        if isinstance( node.value.Type, rt.Array ) and \
            isinstance( node.value.Type.get_sub_type(), rt.InterfaceView ):
                nbits = node.idx._value
            except AttributeError:
                raise SVerilogTranslationError( s.blk, node,
                  'index of interface array {} must be a static constant expression!'. \
                      format( node.idx ) )
            idx = int(nbits)
            value = s.visit(node.value)
            return "{value}__{idx}".format(**locals())

            return super().visit_Index(node)
    def visit_Index(s, node):
        idx = s.visit(node.idx)
        value = s.visit(node.value)
        Type = node.value.Type

        # Unpacked index
        if isinstance(Type, rt.Array):

            subtype = Type.get_sub_type()
            # Unpacked array index must be a static constant integer!
            # if idx is None and not isinstance(subtype, (rt.Port, rt.Wire, rt.Const)):
            # raise SVerilogTranslationError( s.blk, node.ast,
            # 'index of unpacked array {} must be a constant integer expression!'. \
            # format(node.value) )

            if isinstance(subtype, (rt.Port, rt.Wire, rt.Const)):
                return '{value}[{idx}]'.format(**locals())
                return '{value}__{idx}'.format(**locals())

        # Index on a signal
        elif isinstance(Type, rt.Signal):

            # Packed index
            if Type.is_packed_indexable():
                return '{value}[{idx}]'.format(**locals())
            # Bit selection
            elif isinstance(Type.get_dtype(), rdt.Vector):
                return '{value}[{idx}]'.format(**locals())
                raise SVerilogTranslationError(
                    s.blk, node, "internal error: unrecognized index")

            raise SVerilogTranslationError(
                s.blk, node, "internal error: unrecognized index")
    def visit_SignExt(s, node):
        value = s.visit(node.value)
            target_nbits = int(node.nbits._value)
        except AttributeError:
            raise SVerilogTranslationError(
                s.blk, node,
                "new bitwidth of sign extension must be known at elaboration time!"

        current_nbits = int(node.value.Type.get_dtype().get_length())
        last_bit = current_nbits - 1
        padded_nbits = target_nbits - current_nbits

        template = "{{ {{ {padded_nbits} {{ {value}[{last_bit}] }} }}, {value} }}"
        one_bit_template = "{{ {{ {padded_nbits} {{ {_value} }} }}, {value} }}"

        # Check if the signal to be extended is a bit selection or one-bit part
        # selection.
        if isinstance(node.value, bir.Slice):
                lower = node.value.lower._value
                upper = node.value.upper._value
                if upper - lower == 1:
                    _one_bit = True
                    _one_bit = False
            except AttributeError:
                _one_bit = False

            # Manipulate the slicing string to avoid indexing on a sliced signal
            if not _one_bit:
                l, col, r = value.rfind('['), value.rfind(':'), value.rfind(
                if -1 < l < col < r:
                    _value = value[:col] + ']'
                    return one_bit_template.format(**locals())

        elif isinstance(node.value, bir.Index):
            _one_bit = True
            _one_bit = False

        if _one_bit:
            _value = value
            return one_bit_template.format(**locals())
            return template.format(**locals())
    def visit_Attribute(s, node):

        attr = node.attr
        value = s.visit(node.value)

        s.check_res(node, attr)

        if isinstance(node.value, bir.Base):
            # The base of this attribute node is the component 's'.
            # Example: s.out, s.STATE_IDLE
            # assert node.value.base is s.component
            ret = attr
            raise SVerilogTranslationError(
                s.blk, node, "sub-components are not supported at L1")

        return ret
 def visit_LoopVarDecl(s, node):
     raise SVerilogTranslationError(s.blk, node,
                                    "LoopVarDecl not supported at L1")
 def visit_TmpVar(s, node):
     raise SVerilogTranslationError(s.blk, node,
                                    "TmpVar not supported at L1")
 def visit_Compare(s, node):
     raise SVerilogTranslationError(s.blk, node,
                                    "Compare not supported at L1")
 def visit_BinOp(s, node):
     raise SVerilogTranslationError(s.blk, node,
                                    "BinOp not supported at L1")
 def visit_IfExp(s, node):
     raise SVerilogTranslationError(s.blk, node,
                                    "IfExp not supported at L1")
 def visit_StructInst(s, node):
     raise SVerilogTranslationError(s.blk, node,
                                    "StructInst not supported at L1")
 def check_res(s, node, name):
     if s.is_sverilog_reserved(name):
         raise SVerilogTranslationError(
             s.blk, node,
             "name {} is a SystemVerilog reserved keyword!".format(name))