Esempio n. 1
def test_from_atom_frac_func():
    h2o = {10010: 2.0, 80160: 1.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(h2o)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_mol, 3.0)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[10010], 0.11191487328808077)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[80160], 0.8880851267119192)
    assert_equal(mat.mass, 18.01056468403)
    assert_equal(mat.molecular_weight(), 18.01056468403)

    h2 = Material({10010: 1.0}, atoms_per_mol=2.0)
    h2o = {'O16': 1.0, h2: 1.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(h2o)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_mol, 3.0)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[10010], 0.11191487328808077)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[80160], 0.8880851267119192)
    assert_equal(mat.molecular_weight(), 18.01056468403)

    ihm = from_atom_frac({922350: 0.5, 922380: 0.5})
    uox = {ihm: 1.0, 'O16': 2.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(uox)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_mol, 3.0)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[80160], 0.11912625316479536, 16)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[922350], 0.43763757948940346, 15)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[922380], 0.44323616734580107, 15)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.molecular_weight() / 268.53718965614, 1.0, 15)
Esempio n. 2
def test_from_atom_frac_func():
    h2o = {10010: 2.0, 80160: 1.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(h2o)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_mol, 3.0)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[10010], 0.11191487328808077)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[80160], 0.8880851267119192)
    assert_equal(mat.mass, 18.01056468403)    
    assert_equal(mat.molecular_weight(), 18.01056468403)    

    h2 = Material({10010: 1.0}, atoms_per_mol=2.0)
    h2o = {'O16': 1.0, h2: 1.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(h2o)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_mol, 3.0)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[10010], 0.11191487328808077)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[80160], 0.8880851267119192)
    assert_equal(mat.molecular_weight(), 18.01056468403)    

    ihm = from_atom_frac({922350: 0.5, 922380: 0.5})
    uox = {ihm: 1.0, 'O16': 2.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(uox)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_mol, 3.0)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[80160], 0.11912625316479536, 16)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[922350], 0.43763757948940346, 15)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[922380], 0.44323616734580107, 15)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.molecular_weight()/268.53718965614, 1.0, 15)
Esempio n. 3
def test_from_atom_frac_func():
    h2o = {10010000: 2.0, 80160000: 1.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(h2o)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_molecule, 3.0)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[10010000], 0.11191487328808077)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[80160000], 0.8880851267119192)
    assert_equal(mat.mass, 18.01056468403)    
    assert_equal(mat.molecular_mass(), 18.01056468403)    

    h2 = Material({10010000: 1.0}, atoms_per_molecule=2.0)
    h2o = {'O16': 1.0, h2: 1.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(h2o)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_molecule, 3.0)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[10010000], 0.11191487328808077)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[80160000], 0.8880851267119192)
    assert_equal(mat.molecular_mass(), 18.01056468403)    

    ihm = from_atom_frac({922350000: 0.5, 922380000: 0.5})
    uox = {ihm: 1.0, 'O16': 2.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(uox)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_molecule, 3.0)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[80160000], 0.11912625367051276, 16)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[922350000], 0.43763757904405304, 15)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[922380000], 0.44323616728543414, 15)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.molecular_mass()/268.53718851614, 1.0, 15)
Esempio n. 4
def test_from_atom_frac_func():
    h2o = {10010000: 2.0, 80160000: 1.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(h2o)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_molecule, 3.0)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[10010000], 0.11191487328808077)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[80160000], 0.8880851267119192)
    assert_equal(mat.mass, 18.01056468403)
    assert_equal(mat.molecular_mass(), 18.01056468403)

    h2 = Material({10010000: 1.0}, atoms_per_molecule=2.0)
    h2o = {'O16': 1.0, h2: 1.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(h2o)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_molecule, 3.0)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[10010000], 0.11191487328808077)
    assert_equal(mat.comp[80160000], 0.8880851267119192)
    assert_equal(mat.molecular_mass(), 18.01056468403)

    ihm = from_atom_frac({922350000: 0.5, 922380000: 0.5})
    uox = {ihm: 1.0, 'O16': 2.0}
    mat = from_atom_frac(uox)
    assert_equal(mat.atoms_per_molecule, 3.0)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[80160000], 0.11912625367051276, 16)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[922350000], 0.43763757904405304, 15)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.comp[922380000], 0.44323616728543414, 15)
    assert_almost_equal(mat.molecular_mass() / 268.53718851614, 1.0, 15)
Esempio n. 5
def execute_origen(xs_tape9, time, nuclide, phi, origen, decay_tape9):
    xs_tape9 = xs_tape9
    if not os.path.isabs(xs_tape9):
        xs_tape9 = os.path.join(LIBS_DIR, xs_tape9)

    parsed_xs_tape9 = parse_tape9(xs_tape9)
    parsed_decay_tape9 = parse_tape9(decay_tape9)

    merged_tape9 = merge_tape9([parsed_decay_tape9, parsed_xs_tape9])

    # Can set outfile to change directory, but the file name needs to be
    # TAPE9.INP.

    decay_nlb, xsfpy_nlb = nlbs(parsed_xs_tape9)

    # Can set outfile, but the file name should be called TAPE5.INP.
    write_tape5_irradiation("IRF", time/(60*60*24), phi,
        xsfpy_nlb=xsfpy_nlb, cut_off=0, out_table_num=[4, 5],
        out_table_nes=[True, False, False])

    M = from_atom_frac({nuclide: 1}, mass=1, atoms_per_molecule=1)


    # Make pyne use naive atomic mass numbers to match ORIGEN
    for i in[i] = float(pyne.nucname.anum(i))

    origen_time, data = time_func(run_origen, origen)"ORIGEN runtime: %s", origen_time)
    return origen_time, data
Esempio n. 6
    def transmute(self,
        """Transmutes a material into its daughters.

        x : Material or similar
            Input material for transmutation.
        t : float
            Transmutations time [sec].
        phi : float or array of floats
            Neutron flux vector [n/cm^2/sec].  Currently this must either be 
            a scalar or match the group structure of EAF.
        tol : float
            Tolerance level for chain truncation.
        log : file-like or None
            The log file object should be written. A None imples the log is 
            not desired.

        y : Material
            The output material post-transmutation.

        if not isinstance(x, Material):
            x = Material(x)
        if t is not None:
            self.t = t
        if phi is not None:
            self.phi = phi
        if log is not None:
            self.log = log
        if tol is not None:
            self.tol = tol

        x_atoms = x.to_atom_frac()
        y_atoms = {}
        for nuc, adens in x_atoms.items():
            # Find output for root of unit density and scale all output by
            # actual nuclide density and add to final output.
            partial = self._transmute_partial(nuc)
            for part_nuc, part_adens in partial.items():
                y_atoms[part_nuc] = part_adens * adens + y_atoms.get(
                    part_nuc, 0.0)
        mw_x = x.molecular_mass()
        y = from_atom_frac(y_atoms, atoms_per_molecule=x.atoms_per_molecule)
        # even though it doesn't look like it, the following line is actually
        #   mass_y = MW_y * mass_x / MW_x
        y.mass *= x.mass / mw_x
        return y
Esempio n. 7
    def transmute(self, x, t=None, phi=None, tol=None, log=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Transmutes a material into its daughters.

        x : Material or similar
            Input material for transmutation.
        t : float
            Transmutations time [sec].
        phi : float or array of floats
            Neutron flux vector [n/cm^2/sec].  Currently this must either be 
            a scalar or match the group structure of EAF.
        tol : float
            Tolerance level for chain truncation.
        log : file-like or None
            The log file object should be written. A None imples the log is 
            not desired.

        y : Material
            The output material post-transmutation.

        if not isinstance(x, Material):
            x = Material(x)
        if t is not None:
            self.t = t
        if phi is not None:
            self.phi = phi
        if log is not None:
            self.log = log
        if tol is not None:
            self.tol = tol

        x_atoms = x.to_atom_frac()
        y_atoms = {}
        for nuc, adens in x_atoms.items():
            # Find output for root of unit density and scale all output by 
            # actual nuclide density and add to final output.
            partial = self._transmute_partial(nuc)
            for part_nuc, part_adens in partial.items():
                y_atoms[part_nuc] = part_adens * adens + y_atoms.get(part_nuc, 0.0)
        mw_x = x.molecular_mass()
        y = from_atom_frac(y_atoms, atoms_per_molecule=x.atoms_per_molecule)
        # even though it doesn't look likt it, the following line is actually
        #   mass_y = MW_y * mass_x / MW_x
        y.mass *= x.mass / mw_x 
        return y
Esempio n. 8
def num_density_to_mesh(lines, time, m):
    """num_density_to_mesh(lines, time, m)
    This function reads ALARA output containing number density information and 
    creates material objects which are then added to a supplied PyNE Mesh object. 
    The volumes within ALARA are assummed to appear in the same order as the 
    idx on the Mesh object.

    lines : list or str
        ALARA output from ALARA run with 'number_density' in the 'output' block
        of the input file. Lines can either be a filename or the equivalent to
        calling readlines() on an ALARA output file. If reading in ALARA output
        from stdout, call split('\n') before passing it in as the lines parameter.
    time : str
        The decay time for which number densities are requested (e.g. '1 h',
        'shutdown', etc.)
    m : PyNE Mesh
        Mesh object for which mats will be applied to.
    if isinstance(lines, basestring):
        with open(lines) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
    elif not isinstance(lines, collections.Sequence):
        raise TypeError("Lines argument not a file or sequence.")
    # Advance file to number density portion.
    header = 'Number Density [atoms/cm3]'
    line = ""
    while line.rstrip() != header:
        line = lines.pop(0)

    # Get decay time index from next line (the column the decay time answers
    # appear in.
    line_strs = lines.pop(0).replace('\t', '  ')
    time_index = [s.strip() for s in line_strs.split('  ')
                  if s.strip()].index(time)

    # Create a dict of mats for the mesh.
    mats = {}
    count = 0
    # Read through file until enough material objects are create to fill mesh.
    while count != len(m):
        # Pop lines to the start of the next material.
        while (lines.pop(0) + " ")[0] != '=':

        # Create a new material object and add to mats dict.
        line = lines.pop(0)
        nucvec = {}
        density = 0.0
        # Read lines until '=' delimiter at the end of a material.
        while line[0] != '=':
            nuc = line.split()[0]
            n = float(line.split()[time_index])
            if n != 0.0:
                nucvec[nuc] = n
                density += n * anum(nuc) / N_A

            line = lines.pop(0)
        mat = from_atom_frac(nucvec, density=density, mass=0)
        mats[count] = mat
        count += 1

    m.mats = mats
Esempio n. 9
def test_number_density():
    ethanol = from_atom_frac({'C':2, 'H':6, 'O':1}, density=0.78900)
    obs = ethanol.number_density()
    exp = 9.2825E22
    assert_almost_equal(obs / exp, 1.0, 4)
Esempio n. 10
def test_mass_density():
    ethanol = from_atom_frac({'C':2, 'H':6, 'O':1})
    atom_density_ethanol = 9.282542841E22  # atom density not molecule density
    mass_density = ethanol.mass_density(atom_density_ethanol)
    expected_mass_density = 0.78900
    assert_almost_equal(mass_density, expected_mass_density, 4)
Esempio n. 11
def num_density_to_mesh(lines, time, m):
    """num_density_to_mesh(lines, time, m)
    This function reads ALARA output containing number density information and 
    creates material objects which are then added to a supplied PyNE Mesh object. 
    The volumes within ALARA are assummed to appear in the same order as the 
    idx on the Mesh object.

    lines : list or str
        ALARA output from ALARA run with 'number_density' in the 'output' block
        of the input file. Lines can either be a filename or the equivalent to
        calling readlines() on an ALARA output file. If reading in ALARA output
        from stdout, call split('\n') before passing it in as the lines parameter.
    time : str
        The decay time for which number densities are requested (e.g. '1 h',
        'shutdown', etc.)
    m : PyNE Mesh
        Mesh object for which mats will be applied to.
    if isinstance(lines, basestring):
        with open(lines) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
    elif not isinstance(lines, collections.Sequence):
        raise TypeError("Lines argument not a file or sequence.")
    # Advance file to number density portion.
    header = 'Number Density [atoms/cm3]'
    line = ""
    while line.rstrip() != header:
        line = lines.pop(0)

    # Get decay time index from next line (the column the decay time answers
    # appear in.
    line_strs = lines.pop(0).replace('\t', '  ')
    time_index = [s.strip() for s in line_strs.split('  ') 
                  if s.strip()].index(time)

    # Create a dict of mats for the mesh.
    mats = {}
    count = 0
    # Read through file until enough material objects are create to fill mesh.
    while count != len(m):
        # Pop lines to the start of the next material.
        while (lines.pop(0) + " " )[0] != '=':

        # Create a new material object and add to mats dict.
        line = lines.pop(0)
        nucvec = {}
        density = 0.0
        # Read lines until '=' delimiter at the end of a material.
        while line[0] != '=':
            nuc = line.split()[0]
            n = float(line.split()[time_index])
            if n != 0.0:
                nucvec[nuc] = n
                density += n * anum(nuc)/N_A

            line = lines.pop(0)
        mat = from_atom_frac(nucvec, density=density, mass=0)
        mats[count] = mat
        count += 1

    m.mats = mats
Esempio n. 12
    def _ensure_mats(self, rc):
        "Ensure we have a fuel material, clad material, and cooling material."

        if 'fuel_material'in rc:
            rc.fuel_material = ensure_mat(rc.fuel_material)
        elif 'fuel_chemical_form' in rc and 'initial_heavy_metal' in rc:
            ihm_mat = Material(rc.initial_heavy_metal)
            atom_frac = { v for k, v in
                         rc.fuel_chemical_form.items() if k != "IHM"}
            atom_frac[ihm_mat] = rc.fuel_chemical_form.get("IHM", 0.0)
            rc.fuel_material = from_atom_frac(atom_frac)
            raise ValueError("Please specify a fuel.")

        if 'clad_material' in rc:
            rc.clad_material = ensure_mat(rc.clad_material)
            rc.clad_material = Material({
                # Natural Zirconium
                400900: 0.98135 * 0.5145,
                400910: 0.98135 * 0.1122,
                400920: 0.98135 * 0.1715,
                400940: 0.98135 * 0.1738,
                400960: 0.98135 * 0.0280,
                # The plastic is all melted and the natural Chromium too..
                240500: 0.00100 * 0.04345,
                240520: 0.00100 * 0.83789,
                240530: 0.00100 * 0.09501,
                240540: 0.00100 * 0.02365,
                # Natural Iron
                260540: 0.00135 * 0.05845,
                260560: 0.00135 * 0.91754,
                260570: 0.00135 * 0.02119,
                260580: 0.00135 * 0.00282,
                # Natural Nickel
                280580: 0.00055 * 0.68077,
                280600: 0.00055 * 0.26223,
                280610: 0.00055 * 0.01140,
                280620: 0.00055 * 0.03634,
                280640: 0.00055 * 0.00926,
                # Natural Tin
                501120: 0.01450 * 0.0097,
                501140: 0.01450 * 0.0065,
                501150: 0.01450 * 0.0034,
                501160: 0.01450 * 0.1454,
                501170: 0.01450 * 0.0768,
                501180: 0.01450 * 0.2422,
                501190: 0.01450 * 0.0858,
                501200: 0.01450 * 0.3259,
                501220: 0.01450 * 0.0463,
                501240: 0.01450 * 0.0579,
                # We Need Oxygen!
                80160:  0.00125,

        if 'cool_material' in rc:
            rc.cool_material = ensure_mat(rc.cool_material)
            MW = (2 * 1.0) + (1 * 16.0) + (0.199 * 550 * 10.0**-6 * 10.0) + \
                                          (0.801 * 550 * 10.0**-6 * 11.0)
            rc.cool_material = Material({
                10010: (2 * 1.0) / MW,
                80160: (1 * 16.0) / MW,
                50100: (0.199 * 550 * 10.0**-6 * 10.0) / MW,
                50110: (0.801 * 550 * 10.0**-6 * 11.0) / MW,
Esempio n. 13
def test_number_density():
    ethanol = from_atom_frac({'C': 2, 'H': 6, 'O': 1}, density=0.78900)
    obs = ethanol.number_density()
    exp = 9.2825E22
    assert_almost_equal(obs / exp, 1.0, 4)
Esempio n. 14
def test_mass_density():
    ethanol = from_atom_frac({'C': 2, 'H': 6, 'O': 1})
    atom_density_ethanol = 9.282542841E22  # atom density not molecule density
    mass_density = ethanol.mass_density(atom_density_ethanol)
    expected_mass_density = 0.78900
    assert_almost_equal(mass_density, expected_mass_density, 4)
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self):

        ## Define the system: materials, surfaces, regions, cells.
        self.sys = definition.SystemDefinition(verbose=False)

        ## Materials.
        # Must provide a name as a keyword argument for material cards. See the
        # documentation for :py:mod:`pyne.material` for more information.
        uo2 = material.from_atom_frac({'U235': 0.05, 'U238': 0.95, 'O16' : 2.00})
        self.uo2 = cards.Material(uo2, name='UO2')

        h2o = material.from_atom_frac({'H1' : 2.0, 'O16': 1.0}, attrs={'name': 'H2O'})
        self.h2o = cards.Material(h2o)

        ## Surfaces.
        # There are two surfaces: one for the pin and one for the unit cell
        # boundary.
        radius = 0.40
        # This creates an axis-aligned and axis-centered cylinder along the z
        # axis, with radius 0.40 cm. = cards.AxisCylinder('pin', 'Z', radius)
        # The Parallelepiped is a macrobody. The surface is reflecting,
        # creating an infinte geometry. The surface is infinite in the z
        # direction.
        pitch = 1.2
        self.cellbound = cards.Parallelepiped('bound',
                -pitch / 2, pitch / 2, -pitch / 2, pitch / 2, 0, 0,

        ## Cells.
        # We combine the materials and surfaces above into cells. We use MCNP
        # cells in order to specify particle importances and volumes directly
        # on the cell card. We could alternatively use the
        # :py:class:`Importance` and :py:class:`Volume` cards.

        # fuel cell.
        # The fuel is the region of space inside the pin, pin.neg. 
        self.fuelregion =
        # The neutron importance is 1, and the user-provided volume is 1 cm^3.
        self.fuel = cards.CellMCNP('fuel', self.fuelregion, self.uo2,
                11.0, 'g/cm^3',
                importance=('neutron', 1),

        # coolant cell.
        # The region is between the pin and the unit cell boundary.
        self.coolantregion = | self.cellbound.neg
        self.coolant = cards.CellMCNP('coolant', self.coolantregion, self.h2o,
                1.0, 'g/cm^3',
                importance=('neutron', 1),

        # graveyard cell: where particles go to die.
        # The region is everything beyond the unit cell boundary.
        self.graveyardregion = self.cellbound.pos
        # This is a void cell, meaning it does not have a material.
        self.graveyard = cards.CellMCNP('graveyard', self.graveyardregion,
                importance=('neutron', 0))

        # We add the cells to the system. The order we add them is the order
        # they are printed in the input file.
        # We can add multiple cells at once.
        self.sys.add_cell(self.coolant, self.graveyard)
        ## Define the simulation: sources, tallies, misc. Don't clutter the
        # command window.
        self.sim = definition.MCNPSimulation(self.sys, verbose=False)

        # Specify a thermal scattering law for the H2O material. This is a
        # unique card per material.
        self.sim.add_misc(cards.ScatteringLaw('H2O', {'H1': 'lwtr'}))
        # Add a criticality source, use default values. This is a unique card,
        # so we do not provide a card name.
        # Add points at which to start neutrons; use default point (0, 0, 0).
        # Tally neutron flux in both the fuel and coolant cells.
        self.sim.add_tally(cards.CellFlux('flux', 'neutron', 
                ['fuel', 'coolant']))
        # The energy grid on which to tally neutrons, applied to all tallies.
        self.sim.add_misc(cards.EnergyGrid('egrid0', None,
                10**np.arange(-9.9, 1.1, 0.1)))