Esempio n. 1
    $ python register
    Please get the PIN Code from the following URL.
    PIN Code: (Enter the PIN code you've obtained.)
    Getting Access Token...
    Registered successfully: @screen_name.
Third, Change the file shown below.
    YOUR_SCREEN_NAME() -> screen name
    YOUR_DAEMON_SCRIPT() -> filename of bot script.
    RUNPATH -> the path to make process identifier file. (optional)
And Modify PARAM as needed.
    PIDFILE: process identifier's file name.
Last, remove this instruction.
import os
from pysocialbot.twitter import management
from pysocialbot import daemontools

PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
RUNPATH = os.path.join(PATH, "var/run")

PARAM = {"screen_name": YOUR_SCREEN_NAME(),
         "SCRIPT": os.path.join(PATH, YOUR_DAEMON_SCRIPT()),
         "RUNPATH": RUNPATH,
         "PIDFILE": os.path.join(RUNPATH, "")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    management.execute_manager(PARAM, daemontools.DAEMONTOOLS_COMMAND)
Esempio n. 2
Lisabot Manager

import os
from pysocialbot.twitter import management
from pysocialbot import daemontools

PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

RUNPATH = os.path.join(PATH, "var/run")

param = {"screen_name": "Lisa_math",
         "SCRIPT": os.path.join(PATH, ""),
         "RUNPATH": RUNPATH,
         "PIDFILE": os.path.join(RUNPATH, "")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    management.execute_manager(param, daemontools.DAEMONTOOLS_COMMAND)